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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Imperial Agent Interview

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

During a recent visit to EA's Redwood Shores studio for Star Wars: The Old Republic "Immersion Day", Community Manager Mike Bitton had the opportunity to sit down with Lead Writer Daniel Erickson to chat about the Imperial Agent. It's a great interview that delves into the "meat and potatoes" of the Imperial Agent. Be sure to leave us a comment or two. Without too many spoilers, can you give us a basic overview of what the Imperial Agent’s story is about?

Daniel Erickson: The Imperial Agent really plays a sort of combination of CIA/KGB role. Spends a lot of time undercover, spends a lot of time trying to hunt down internal enemies and external enemies. Really is the jack-of-all-trades, goes where the job brings him. The Imperial Agent is probably the person who learns the most truth throughout the game story about what’s actually happening in the galaxy, what the Sith are actually trying to do, what the conflicts are about, etc. And ends up very often having to choose between the will of the government and what he thinks might be the best thing for The Empire or its people.

Read more of Mike Bitton's Star Wars: The Old Republic Imperial Agent Interview.




  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    I like the way the Agent is shaping up. Covert style, sniper, espionage. Sounds fun. An agent will very likely be my first alt.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

    Oooh, didn't know that. Thanks gaou. That is a redeeming tidbit.

  • Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

    Oooh, didn't know that. Thanks gaou. That is a redeeming tidbit.

    your welcome.  and to just add a bit, they have also made some abilities to prevent you from being knocked out of cover and abilities to prevent peeople from being able to get to you(i.e. an ability that sets up land mines in front of you).

    I also think it will be a tricky balancing act to get it right but we will just have to wait and see what they do. I do think though if they can get it right, it could be an awesome and fun class in pvp

  • goblagobla Member UncommonPosts: 1,412

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    I can imagine their sniper spec being the one nobody notices until they open the scoreboard and see that he's got top kills.

    If he's alone you'll have an easier time with him and start thinking of him as weak. So when it comes to team battles he's ignored a lot. I mean he doesn't appear to be doing great damage and he's behind cover. So ranged attacks are less effective, you can't charge him and moving to him meaning you move to the middle of all his allies, not smart.

    In the meantime you've got a Sith Marauder in your face, an inquisitor is healing everyone and a bounty hunter is laying down some pretty heavy missile AoE. So you ignore the agent and focus on the immediate threats.

    Suddenly a little robot starts floating around you, your movement gets slowed with a poison dart and after a big bang you find yourself dead even though you had nearly 50% hp left.

    Spike really is relative to other damage done. If healers can safely leave people at 50% because most classes take atleast 10 seconds to take that 50% down then they'll likely do so and focus on other team mates or doing damage. That leaves the door wide open for a sniper who can, every now and then, take out bigger chunks of HP. He can't spike someone from 100 to 0. But can take spot oppertunities where the enemy get just low enough for them to finish.

    I think he'll play a lot diffirent then your usual rogue who works best in 1v1 and is actually not all that good in 10v10. This rogue requires team mates to set up his kills. Team makes sure the agent stays alive and in good cover. Agent makes sure that anyone the team takes to 50% really does die and doesn't get healed back up again.

    At least that's the impression I'm getting from the article. Not a solo pwn machine but a strategical finisher. He'll be the guy healers are worried about even though he doesn't have the most raw power.

    We are the bunny.
    Resistance is futile.
    ( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)

  • TardcoreTardcore Member Posts: 2,325

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

    Oooh, didn't know that. Thanks gaou. That is a redeeming tidbit.

    your welcome.  and to just add a bit, they have also made some abilities to prevent you from being knocked out of cover and abilities to prevent peeople from being able to get to you(i.e. an ability that sets up land mines in front of you).

    I also think it will be a tricky balancing act to get it right but we will just have to wait and see what they do. I do think though if they can get it right, it could be an awesome and fun class in pvp

    So PVP combat may end up like this >clicky<


    "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "

  • Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

    Oooh, didn't know that. Thanks gaou. That is a redeeming tidbit.

    your welcome.  and to just add a bit, they have also made some abilities to prevent you from being knocked out of cover and abilities to prevent peeople from being able to get to you(i.e. an ability that sets up land mines in front of you).

    I also think it will be a tricky balancing act to get it right but we will just have to wait and see what they do. I do think though if they can get it right, it could be an awesome and fun class in pvp

    So PVP combat may end up like this >clicky<

    yes exactly like that.  the cover classes will be the ultimate tanks. ;)

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    So PVP combat may end up like this >clicky<

    yes exactly like that.  the cover classes will be the ultimate tanks. ;)

    Awesome clip that. Amazing times ...

    But yeah, hoping Agent pvp will turn out like gaou and gobla describe in practice. Postioning, timing and battlefield awareness are key I guess. Still, its gutsy to try an implement a class that really has to sit still in pvp now and then, that alone offers a lot of challenges for the devs I suppose.

  • LokathLokath Member Posts: 33

    Exactly. The Jedi classes will NOT be able to Force Leap up to you if you're in cover. It would pretty much completely negate the point. Now, if you have a friend with you, just standing there...

  • DrakiisDrakiis Member Posts: 47

    Two words:

    Spec groups

    Your team setup might include cover support types such as having a medium to short range burst damage of the operative covering and supporting your sniper while in stealth.

    So players might locate the snipers position and tey and attack him only to have a operative come out of stealth and engage the threat.

    The other tactic important is the ability to displace, no sniper should continuously rail off shot after shot from the same place as eventually you'll be found and killed
  • eric_w66eric_w66 Member UncommonPosts: 1,006


    More than two words:

    Your worry is why PvP should never be used as a "balancing tool" for the game, and why open PvP systems can kill otherwise good PvE MMORPG's. PvP either should be a game's sole focus, or it should be relegated to diversionary activities at most (battlegrounds etc) that are not mandatory to participate in, etc. Its when a game tries to make PvP a viable "end game" instead of having enough PvE content that things go south. Balancing PvP means making PvE changes most of the time, and that is bad. Very bad.

  • apollobsg75apollobsg75 Member Posts: 66

    This is why it will be important to play ST TOR when you pvp in this game instead of playing WoW. If you have a bounty hunter or sith warrior protecting you then you would be in good shape. if your team is playing WoW running around in circles trying to get HKs for their own personal gain and not caring about winning then not so much.

  • MumboJumboMumboJumbo Member UncommonPosts: 3,219

    Out of all the classes announced, this is the one that interests me the most. This sounds promising:

    "My favorite build for PvP combat is absolutely the Sniper because that’s kind of the thing I’m most likely to play in an action game anyway, and what the Agent brings there is patience. You really can actually play a sniper with the Sniper class." ~ Daniel Erickson

    Not overly excited by the other classes atm tho.

    edit: format

  • Delerious1Delerious1 Member Posts: 72

    I really wouldn't suggest formulating opinions on the pvp just yet beyond how relative it is to the level tested.

    The level cap is 50.  If you are level 12 or 20 doing pvp you are not even close to your maximum damage, are not fully specialized and do not have all of your abilities or top gear yet.

    I have the feeling the game will not be as bursty as WoW, but I still think at end game their will be some burst.

    As it stands they are saying a sith inquisitor is doing similar damage and getting similar kills as a pure dps sith marauder, yet also healing themselves and others while having access to lots of cc's at level 12 or 20(can't remember which).

    This will have to change as character reach full maturity otherwise classes like the sith inquisitor become full on battlemages and overpowered being able to do the same damage as a pure dps, while also cc'ing like a mofo AND healing.

    I have to believe these guys are smart enough to realize that won't work well.

    Now I can see a level 50 inquisitor having spec'd into a ranged dps build having solid cc and ok heals while doing good-to great damage. 

    Compare that to a sith marauder who has only a few cc, very limited heals(specifically in combat heals), but does super damage.  Perhaps it's 25% more total damage than the inquisitor or perhaps it's only 10% more, but it comes out in much more dangerous bursts?

    We just don't know yet.  We do know that they want each class to be effective and fun to play so it's pretty easy to assume all classes will have some amount of cc, heals(even if only out of combat), buffs/debuffs, and ranged/melee options.

    Whichever class you play and build you specialize into will determine just how effective you are in any of those areas.

    I think this is reasonable to assume.

  • Jimmy562Jimmy562 Member UncommonPosts: 1,158

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Originally posted by gaou

    Originally posted by DarkPony

    The story bit sounds really interesting but I am not so convinced of the Agent's viability in pvp yet.

    You might set up shop on a sneaky ledge somewhere to lay down your ranged dps but jedi knights can just force leap right in your face. Also health pools are pretty large (again: according to most hands-on previews) which theoretically makes glass cannon classes less effective.

    Next to that, in order to make use of a sniper's strongest abilities you need to be behind cover: in a static position. This brings its own disadvantages to the table as movement in pvp is a huge factor; other classes will be leaping and running about but you have to be a sitting duck to be most effective.

    Curious how the balancing act will have played out in later reviews. If you read some of the hands-ons it seems there are some challenges to overcome still.

    they can only use force leap on them if they arent in cover so they would either need to leap before they get in cover or have someone knock them out of it first.

    Oooh, didn't know that. Thanks gaou. That is a redeeming tidbit.

    your welcome.  and to just add a bit, they have also made some abilities to prevent you from being knocked out of cover and abilities to prevent peeople from being able to get to you(i.e. an ability that sets up land mines in front of you).

    I also think it will be a tricky balancing act to get it right but we will just have to wait and see what they do. I do think though if they can get it right, it could be an awesome and fun class in pvp

    So PVP combat may end up like this >clicky<

    Newspaper's are OP.

  • TheCrow2kTheCrow2k Member Posts: 953

    Is anyone really that excited for this class ? it just doesnt stand out that much to me, nor does smuggler.

  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    Normally i'm a tank type or DPS but i'm really interested in this cover class for some reason.  I like the duck and cover (laughs) style of gameplay in this game looks good.

    So i'm actually really excited and plan this to be my main...oddly enough.

    Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.

    Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.


  • TardcoreTardcore Member Posts: 2,325

    Originally posted by TheCrow2k

    Is anyone really that excited for this class ? it just doesnt stand out that much to me, nor does smuggler.

    It really depends on what kind of game play they have in mind for each class. If the agent and smuggler get the same smash and bash quests as the rest of the TOR gang they certaintly won't feel very agenty or smuggly. Hopefuly they will get a more rounded roll than just being the other classes weak sister who has to run and hide every time a firefight goes down.


    "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by TheCrow2k

    Is anyone really that excited for this class ? it just doesnt stand out that much to me, nor does smuggler.

    It really depends on what kind of game play they have in mind for each class. If the agent and smuggler get the same smash and bash quests as the rest of the TOR gang they certaintly won't feel very agenty or smuggly. Hopefuly they will get a more rounded roll than just being the other classes weak sister who has to run and hide every time a firefight goes down.

    What're you worryin about? SWTOR won't come out and is vaporware anyway image

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • TardcoreTardcore Member Posts: 2,325

    Originally posted by MMO.Maverick

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by TheCrow2k

    Is anyone really that excited for this class ? it just doesnt stand out that much to me, nor does smuggler.

    It really depends on what kind of game play they have in mind for each class. If the agent and smuggler get the same smash and bash quests as the rest of the TOR gang they certaintly won't feel very agenty or smuggly. Hopefuly they will get a more rounded roll than just being the other classes weak sister who has to run and hide every time a firefight goes down.

    What're you worryin about? SWTOR won't come out and is vaporware anyway image

    Until the day it gets officiallly canned, and it will be, all conversation about its progress is fair game. Much in the way many of we old FPS players still wax nostalgic over Duke Nukem Forever.

    Honestly, Bioware trying to create a SW game based in neither of the film series eras, after the SOE SWG debacles, in this current angst ridden MMO climate, means this game has less of a chance of survival than an innocent young woman who is about to marry into a rich ranching family with the surname of Cartwright.


    "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "

  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    This article made me decide to roll a Smuggler. The Imperial Agent sounds like a sneaky bastard, while Smuggler is pure rock'n roll.

    I can already see it. While fighting off some guys that want to kill you because of a smuggle deal that went wrong, you are on the phone with your local girl, trying to make an excuse why you had to stood her up last night. At the same time trying to convince those bad guys to fight a little quieter because you have this splitting headache from a party last night where you accidently told the host about the girl you were seeing. The host who happens to be that girls husband and the chief of local authorities. You kicked him in the nutts when trying to flee his house and really really dont want to meet him again.

  • rheinpfalzerrheinpfalzer Member UncommonPosts: 30

    i think we will be quite adequate especially in larger pvp. remember warzones are 8v8 not 4v4 so IA unless right in the enemies face will probably lower on the totem poll for the need to kill list. with 4 force classes 2 types of BH the opposing teams has many up in your face spec'd opponents to fend off.

  • TardcoreTardcore Member Posts: 2,325

    Originally posted by rheinpfalzer

    i think we will be quite adequate especially in larger pvp. remember warzones are 8v8 not 4v4 so IA unless right in the enemies face will probably lower on the totem poll for the need to kill list. with 4 force classes 2 types of BH the opposing teams has many up in your face spec'd opponents to fend off.

    Possibly, but don't forget that once in cover, your in your face specs can't touch them until they use an ability to push them out of cover, which agents and smugglers have resist abilties to counter.



    "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "

  • TheomastusTheomastus Member Posts: 35

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by rheinpfalzer

    i think we will be quite adequate especially in larger pvp. remember warzones are 8v8 not 4v4 so IA unless right in the enemies face will probably lower on the totem poll for the need to kill list. with 4 force classes 2 types of BH the opposing teams has many up in your face spec'd opponents to fend off.

    Possibly, but don't forget that once in cover, your in your face specs can't touch them until they use an ability to push them out of cover, which agents and smugglers have resist abilties to counter.



    We just can't know how OP or underpowered cover is going to prove at level 50.  Between level 1 and level 49 it's likely it will be both, depending on the counter abilities available to other classes at the time.

    Clearly, if your Sniper is PvE specced they will likely get stomped pretty hard in PvP because you will have no way to resist being stunned out of cover.  But that's an artifact of an inappropriate spec, not a class weakness.

    “The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.”
    -Elbert Hubbard

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