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Why every race should be able to play every class



  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094

    Its pure logic that all races are sentient, so if one race can manage to learn a task, another race will be able to learn the same task.

    Its like here on earth: it doesnt matter if you're native european, asian, african, american or australian, or any mix of these. The limit of what you can learn is only in your mental and physical capabilities.

    So not everybody can be physicist, but members of all these origins and any mixture have a chance to be intelligent enough for that task to succeed at it.

  • TheomastusTheomastus Member Posts: 35

    Originally posted by Elikal

    The answer was relatively elegantly given from ArenaNets' Community Manager Regina Buenaobra, when she was asked whether mixes like Sylvan Engeneers or such would not make a strange mix:

    "Players in general are exceptional and unusual figures, heroes who stand out among their people. Just as there are asura warriors and norn necromancers, it's not unheard of for an inquisitive, mechanically-inclined sylvari to become an engineer."

    THIS. I wish some Biblical Miracle would write that sentence in flaming script on the walls of Bioware. THIS is why there should be a Chiss Jedi or a Twilek BH or ANY mix the player can make. The PLAYER is a HERO! Isn't that what Bioware always emphasizes? And if the player is a hero, why should he not be something else that the many other stereotypical Jedi, BH or Smugglers? The player is the hero, he is per se an unusual character. And he IS an individual. Heck, there were Hutt Jedi! Not that I want to play one, but everything is possible and isn't it "your story"?


    I think it's just another sign that ANet is ahead of Bioware in innovation and design. Wish Bioware devs werent so goddamn stubborn about "their vision" of things.

    An additional factor here is COST.  

    Every piece of armour has to be modelled for every class/race combo.  Allowing players to pick any race for any class - aside from being nonsensical- would be prohibitively expensive in terms of the actual net benefit it would provide.

    “The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.”
    -Elbert Hubbard

  • GMan3GMan3 Member CommonPosts: 2,127

    Originally posted by Adamantine

    Its pure logic that all races are sentient, so if one race can manage to learn a task, another race will be able to learn the same task.

    Its like here on earth: it doesnt matter if you're native european, asian, african, american or australian, or any mix of these. The limit of what you can learn is only in your mental and physical capabilities.

    So not everybody can be physicist, but members of all these origins and any mixture have a chance to be intelligent enough for that task to succeed at it.

         The only problem I see with this argument is that you are trying to compare radically different races to minor variations within the human race.  Really bad analogy in my opinion.  Now maybe if you had compared humans to apes it would have been better analogy, but that would have also completely ruined your argument too.

        There are perfectly good reasons that some races could NOT take up some professions.  How good of a Doctor would a Miraluka make when only the color of diseased flesh will tell you what is wrong with a person?  How good would their long range targeting be if they were a sniper without binocular vision?  How would a cold blooded Trandoshan do working in a meat packing plant where the ambient temperature is about 40 degress F?

        Just two examples, but I have already thought of a bunch more that I won't bother to go into.  Simple fact is that there ARE good reasons that certain races would not be able to train as a specific class.  Playing a Science Fiction game does require a certain amount of "suspension of disbelief", as does playing a Fantasy game, but that is no reason to throw all reason to the winds.

    "If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"

  • IsaneIsane Member UncommonPosts: 2,630

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Originally posted by Ikonic

    Its an IP issue, not an innovation issue.

    Bollocks. Thinking outside the box isn't an IP issue, it's an issue of a narrow thinking.

    It's an IP issue and seeing as one of the Main copmonents in this Game is Storyline (Like it or not , if you choose not to go elsewhere theres loads of other games).

    A Favourite hater topic which has nothing to do with reality; Or the IP being developed here by Bioware/Lucas Arts.

    It may be something the OP likes the idea off but anyone understanding what Bioware are trying to acheive doesn't need to raise this issue. It plays against the IP /Costs/Development Cycle and as such is not worth discussing for the obvious reasons.

    Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel 

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