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I had bought it when it first came out, but sadly i couldn't play it because my computer wasen't good enough. Over the past year or so, i've heard alot of rumors and player predictions about it. Like, Rift was going to be the nail in the coffen for it. Thier is no one left playing. ect. I finally went and got myself a good computer. And since i can play alot of newer titles now, i figured i will try Warhammer again. I knew one thing for sure. It had been built to be casual friendly. Which i need in my busy life. So anyways i tried it. I am so glad i did. This game is unbeleavably awesome and fun. Its been exactly what i've been looking for, for quite a while now. It seems nothing like other players rumor it to be. It has a great size active community. The RVR, Scenarios, Public Quest were very populated. I had no trouble finding groups, even from level 2. The World is beautifully designed. Altdorf City is amazing. Actually makes you feel like you are in the mideval times. And since ive seen it last. They've added Armor for the higher ranks, and it is the best looking gear ive ever seen in any game. Which is sad that a company like Blizzard can't even make a helm that looks good to save thier own life. But a less funded company like Mythic WAR can make amazing looking armor. This game also. If you are a gamer looking for a MMO with a great Roleplay feel. This is the game! Everywhere you are is a good place for it. Now i can go on all day about the great things i've discovered about WAR. I'll leave you with this.
Apart from WAR. I've learned that player rumors are utter garbage and are not aqurate about any game. WAR is living proof.
Try a game for yourself and don't listen to what other people say about it. I think most of the people out there that spread rumors about titles are just passing word of mouth and have probably never even tried the title.
Oh. and right now i am playing Order on Gorfang. Is there anyone else who may play WAR and play order? I am LF an active guild. I down for PVE and PVP. Let me know
Thnx for reading my wall of text
WAR has had a rough go of it from launch. Mythic really screwed alot of very major items up. That being said, when WAR is fun, it's AWESOME! Most of the community is the diehards so in that respect its pretty stable right now. Feel free to hit me up on Gorfang if you'd like, Malephactour.
Warhammer fanatic since '85.
give about 45 days, level out of the 1-10 bracket, then you will get it.
also there is no pve in this game, its all pvp
fun for a while, but gets boring fast
And here I was thinking part of the suckyness was that you HAD to pve to get the right pocket items and silly crap like that to be competitive in what should be an awesome RvR game.
The problem isn't that people listen to other people that say bad things about it...
The problem is that it's a bad game made by a company who couldn't keep their mouth shut... or in other words lie and lie and lie..
The PvP points fiasco and the fact that they said that they thought of the achievements idea was the nail in the coffin for me... though the game being as shallow as it is didn't help.
There is pve in this game. Quite a bit of it. I can't say it's my favorite as there are some silly things such as pulling a npc who is talking to another npc,having that npc attack you but the first npc still talking to the air. Still, there IS pve.
As far as "gets boring fast" well one's mileage may vary. I've had some of the most fun in pvp in warhammer. The only things that I just don't like are the world and the constant flipping of castles. Well, at least that was what was happening when I played.
I can easily see people playing this game as their main game. Just depends on personal tastes.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
What they really needed was a method of having an inbalanced balance.
I know that sounds odd -- but what it means is a method for both sides to be able to conquer sometimes.
The way I would have done it is with a lunar mechanic.
As it is order and chaos, I would have this affect the chaos side.
During the full moon chaos would enjoy a 20% improvement.
During the new moon chaos would have a 20% penalty.
At the midpoint 0%.
It would be say an 18 day cycle....
+20 +15 +10 +5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 +5 +10 +15 +20
This would put one side on the defensive sometimes and on the offense other times.
It would also mean if one side were say 10% stronger than the other side in numbers, there would still be a time where the weaker side could rally and actually take the other side. Even a 20% disparity could be overcome for a short time every 18 day period.
Without some mechanic like that -- one side just steamrollers the other if the disparity gets too large and then people from the weaker side stop playing making it even worse until altdorf is raided 4 times per day.
~95% of WAR's PVE mobs either have no ability (very dull), a DOT (dull), or a stun (irritating.)
So I don't think he was saying there was zero PVE, so much as pointing out WAR's severe shortcomings in PVE. I think there's only one MMORPG on the market that I feel has worse PVE.
The game's PVE, class/combat, and CC design were all pretty abysmal failings. The latter two being nails in the coffin, considering the game's PVP focus. A PVP-focused game with poor combat and CC is terrible.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
axehilt- yep thats what I was getting at, yes there is pve, you can grind rats or do quests, but as the sense of a PVE aspect of the game in reality there is none, its just zone control over and over.
I wouldnt disagree there were shortcomings. I even made an example of exactly what you are talking about. But his comment was taht "there is no pve".
That will actually have meaning to someone who wants to do pve because they are going to construe that there "is no pve".
There is a difference between "there is no pve" and "the pve in this game has its flaws".
I mean look at his sentence. it's extremely misleading.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
and sure in the 1-10 you can find public quest groups, but after about 12 I never found a single group to do a PQ until I hit 35 and was bored of the RVR grind
there are some fun aspects of the game, to me it ended when I actually purchased a subscription, I had far more fun doing the F2P part of WAR
Well i think that is all a matter of your personal opionian. Ive made it past that and didn't get boring the least bit.
The pve content may not be as focused as WoW. Maybe not as technical as some great PVE titles. Who knows. But all i know is with the set of the world itself. If that means more to you then it will be better than a game like WoW. My opionian.
War gives me a sence of RP. That trumps all to me. Even if the other things weren't as great. And that is not the case.
Also it being alot more casual friendly. Makes a great game for people like me. I can pop on whenever i can and instantly enjoy anything i want.
Playing: WAR
Past Games: FFXI, WoW, EQ2, D&D, Darkfall, Aion
Waiting for: SW:TOR