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From the title you'd think there was a lot of negative news going around but Jake Song was called out on a Korean forum board; 'Some player has said this on the Korean forums:
Why does XLGames keep on saying "It's a next generation game", while many people anticipate, that ArcheAge has made yet only little changes from other existing games? Why find compromises, that look like making the game more casual? Aren't you ashamed to put the words "Online game of the next generation"?'
Jake Song admitted he was ashamed to be calling Archeage Next Generation and follows with 'We will work very hard.'
The full translation was taken from the link below @
Key things to take from the article;
1.) CBT3 isn't a beta of the full game the new content introduced includes 'adventures'*, 'battle fields' and 'instanced dungeons' with previous animations, hit effects and questing improved.
*Adventures; 'Adventure contents work by a system of hints: the player can randomly find a clue or a hint how to find a special place. If you collect enough hints to find it, you will see a special item or monster. These can't be found in normal ways, only through the adventure contents, so it is not related to leveling up, it is some kind of a fun thing. The reward won't give you a better item than you can recieve through quests, but a toy item or an uncommon ornament. It's just for fun.'
2.) World physics will only be partially implemented this Beta
3.) There is no level limit that you can reach in this Beta
4.) The jail system is working however the trial system is limited to a cut scene at the moment
5.) CBT3 will provide us with the small battlegrounds 10v10 in a dummy siege environment. Requires level 15
6.) Instanced Dungeon requiring level 20, nothing special is noted about this dungeon. XLGames claim you won't need a tank as no one should be able to tank a big monster
7.) Killing friendly players several times declares you at Pirate! You can freely kill or be killed and will be restricted to certain pirate places
Now for the big stuff!
Houses are built in housing regions, you are taxed by the land owner, if you ignore the tax eventually your house will be destroyed however houses are not destructable by players. They're considering letting players build walls around settlements and only the player who plants the crops may collect them on their land.
This works differently on the Northern Continent. Players own pieces of land, set the taxes for the area, if sieged people may steal your crops ect but not destroy your house. There will be designated times for siege wars.
- They're pushing for the open beta this year, it seems they've got a lot to do.
Thanks for info!
I really like those two things i quoted - especially "no one should be able to tank a big monster". Waited long to hear that kind of thing from a MMORPG dev.
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
I have to agree!
Although I'm clearly (considering other posts i've made on the subject) not a fan of instanced battlegrounds/arenas being in mmorpg's that are supposed to deliver an emersive experience, I am happy to hear a dev finally say "no one should be able to tank a big monster" .... The holy trinity (tank, healer, dps) has gotten so unbelievably stale. Games are advancing in technology and premise. There's millions of new people in the genre. I think it's time to step back and rework that whole system. A new approach to party dynamics is definitely due!!
Kudos ArchAge
This is not a troll, flame, or anything else worth banning me over. It is simply my pure opinion, and I have a right to share it.
Honestly, I don't think that developers have to compromise on whether their game is casual or hardcore. Elements for both types of players should be easily accessible. And I believe ArcheAge is taking a step in the proper direction.
The third continent should be the pinnacle of the game, and I hope it is. The instances for pvp and pve are probably going to be limited to the southern continents. Because when it comes to guild vs guild warfare (as the third continent looks to be intended), instances have no place. And from everything I've read, this appears to be the case.
The only PvE content that exists on the third continent should be open world. If they do in fact put instances or dungeons up there, it should only be accessible to the people who control the land it is on. Or, there should at least be no teleporting (as the devs had said) to said dungeon and they should have to fight around the players who control the entrance.
imo, of course.
MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift
Willing to try anything new
Guy comes up with so many new ideas to refresh the stale MMORPG market, and already they're giving him a hard time...
Reminds me of the saying - PEARLS BEFORE SWINE...
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
Lol, exactly.
Yup I just think people expecting too much out of the 1st and 2nd beta tests, probably expecting a fully built up game with lots of new innovative features!!!
Instead they got a realistic beta which featured a small amount of content they wanted feedback on.
This beta again players will expect it to merely be a showcase to advertise the game, that will be Open Beta. This beta is just introducing a few more features and a more polished experience.
"Why find compromises, that look like making the game more casual? Aren't you ashamed to put the words "Online game of the next generation"?'
I don't get what that poster meant with this comment: is it a bad translation, or did he mean that Jake Song shouldn't implement some features in AA?
Also, if an MMO manages to successfully integrate solid themepark gameplay design with sandbox gameplay design and add their own twists to it, then I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to call it 'next gen'.
Regarding the 'bosses can't be tanked so there won't be tanks', I'm half sceptic, half curious. I suspect he means no 'trinity tank', where the tank is aggro taunting the boss mob to keep it on him.
Because I doubt that he means that there won't be a difference in armour between players and that players with higher armor in groups will seek to intervene to prevent their weaker-armored group members to get killed too quickly.
So, it's easily said, but I'd like to know how they actually tend to implement combat mechanics that make tanks in boss encounter become redundant, that's the really interesting part. Will it be a departure from what we know of current MMO combat mechanics, or will it be a mixing up of known combat mechanics but done in such a way that traditional combat gameplay has become redundant?
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
this game's devs are taking a bigger bite than they can chew. i dont think these mechanics will work, and i dont think they have the server technology to support all these calculations. looks good on paper, but theyre doing too many things. i feel many features wont work properly and some will be dropped once they realize how much lag they will have. we'll just have to wait and see.
They may very well be taking on more than they can handle,it might also not work out in the end.However what impresses me the most is that they do at least deserve a lot of hype and are attempting to pull off great ideas.The past 10 years i have seen very little deserving of any hype,an idea here or there but nothing to write home about.
No matter how AA turns out,imo it the very first game to deserve some hype,msot other games have had me running for the exit with pitiful game development.I am also skeptical of the end result of this game,but i hope for the best,we need a developer like this.If they can turn a decent profit it migth hold well for future developement both in AA and other games.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Wanted to say something like that myself, but now there's no need
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
This feels abit like when I was following the run-up to Vanguard release. Brad had his Vision, and I suppose Jake has his (well quite clearly he has..). The features they want in the game are INSANE, pretty much like Vanguard. Will it meet the same fate as Vg? Well it's not certain.
Personally, I like the fact that they are trying to mix sandbox and themepark, since with instanced dungeons the servers can handle nextgen stuff like physics, breakable objects etc. Sounds pretty neat to me.
Sounds like such a great game, once you remove the PvP.
Same for me. Sounds like something I would be interested in sans the PvP.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
But that's what people do. Give people a big fantasy world, they will want to kill each other. Hell, lets give humans a big world, called say... Earth. Wonder what they will do on it for hundreds and hundreds of years. I bet it's along the lines of kill each other, control each other and accumulate wealth and power at the expense of others.
Just hundreds LOL
I suppose forever is more accurate. However, time can be broken into chunks of hundreds and the statement is still valid. It's a matter of semantics and doesn't change the point. You can say thousands of years if you want, but we can measure our detailed recording of history in the hundreds of years. The rest we can only surmise from "puzzle pieces" we find -- but yes, that we've been killing each other for thousands of years can pretty much be ascertained.
In theory, a Landlord couse suddenly raise taxes to unpayable amount and destroy everyones houses (since the house is destroyed if you dont pay taxes) if he or she feels like it.
It would ruin the landlords profits though since without players living in your land you cant profit from it.
still interesting.
"I will Turn your name into a synonym for weakness"
LOL, just making a joke, no need to get all intellified on me
I'm actually still confused about this post. Is he ashamed of the game because it isn't going to be revolutionary or different or something. Can someone explain what the OP was showing?
Poor mister Jake Song feeling bad about himself for such a trivial thing.
Us Westerners could learn something from Asian humility.
Now I can only hope that ArchAge will become a resounding success because if it won't mister Jake Song will have to embarrass himself in public.
p.s. Made me think of Japanese appologetic culture.
My brand new bloggity blog.
PvP is the only reason to play mmos. FFA pvp is what sucks. Seperation of pvp and pve is what is needed, but no pvp, or instanced pvp is so boring and stale, bleh.
I think he's ashamed that he hasn't been able to add more innovative features so far into the game. Their culture is much less forgiving than ours, I get the feeling XLGames have other cool features coming up but by not having them in at this stage he's embarrassed to be calling it next gen?
Next Gen to westerners means shiny graphics. To them it probably means a new depth of gameplay.
Bah battlefields... I hate instance pvp does anyone know if they will pvp loot? Like crappy themepark games have.
Why can't I find an MMO with pvp that isn't a gear grind or a FFA gank fest...
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
lol. Remove something most want? A more organic, balanced community-centric and involved, while including pve, environment where it transcends the simpletons idea of PvP being limited to only meaningless combat in a shoebox arena of capture the flag for $15/month?
heh, I think not, just thinking out-loud. Most dont have such a myopic and shallow view of the over-arching and broad topic that PvP is, if ones' impression of PvP in a mmorpg is ever marginalized to such a mundane, dull developmental element.
Anyway, sounds like Jake Song might have far less to be ashamed about than most other mmorpgs currently available, particularly themeparks.
I doubt they have developed so many open world pvp features and a whole continent dedicated to it just to be ruined by battlegrounds. I guess it is something which is targeted more to the casual players or simply pvp you can do on-the-go.
The battlegrounds we've heard of so far aren't just random arenas, they're supposed to train players/groups how to perform and win a siege.
The first 10v10 won't feel like a real siege but when the larger higher level battlegrounds are released it'd be just like mock sieges for Clans to perform against real enemies. Although I wouldn't mind a handful of battlegrounds because being able to control territory and probably earn some form of reputation for killing world enemies, world-based PvP will always be king.