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SO, who else quit DC universe because of sony?

OmiragOmirag Member UncommonPosts: 276

WIth this big of a security breach has anyone else quit DC universe online? I just do not see the point anymore since I am paying for something that I can not use. Seems to me they should give you a credit or something for all the time off they have had.



  • ArEfArEf Member Posts: 233

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

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  • HELLRAZEHELLRAZE Member Posts: 5

    this is the first ihave heard about the securyt breach to SOE, yet i decided to quite playing DCUO a couple of weeks ago,  the community is too small to enjoy and trying to get into multi-player content is like waiting for the second coming ( no offense attended).  SOE does alot of things right with DCUO and equelly alot of things wrong.  too bad...... i was hoping this would turn out ot be a good game.

  • AC1074AC1074 Member Posts: 274

    I am not planning on quitting. Thankfully, I don't own a PS3. I did hear some of the PC user's info may have been compromised but I will wait and see what all Sony is planning on doing to compensate for this. I don't know at this point if the hack group was trying to prove a point with Sony or is planning on ruining people's credit. A lot of what I will do depends if I get the email from SOE saying that your info was stolen.  

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    Originally posted by Ad-am

    I am not planning on quitting. Thankfully, I don't own a PS3. I did hear some of the PC user's info may have been compromised but I will wait and see what all Sony is planning on doing to compensate for this. I don't know at this point if the hack group was trying to prove a point with Sony or is planning on ruining people's credit. A lot of what I will do depends if I get the email from SOE saying that your info was stolen.  

    Being vigilant is the best defense against a threat like this. As always check your bank statements.

    As far as I know, most banks will get you a new card fairly quickly if you mention PSN or PS3. 

    For most banks, issuing new cards (debit or credit) for their customers is way easier (and better service) than deal with disputes later. 

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519

    Originally posted by Ad-am

    I am not planning on quitting. Thankfully, I don't own a PS3. I did hear some of the PC user's info may have been compromised but I will wait and see what all Sony is planning on doing to compensate for this. I don't know at this point if the hack group was trying to prove a point with Sony or is planning on ruining people's credit. A lot of what I will do depends if I get the email from SOE saying that your info was stolen.  

    Sony Corp. said Monday that hackers may have taken personal information from an additional 24.6 million user accounts after a review of the recent PlayStation Network breach found an intrusion at a division that makes multiplayer online games.

    The data breach comes on top of the 77 million PlayStation accounts it has already said were jeopardized by a malicious intrusion.

    The latest incident occurred April 16 and 17 — earlier than the PlayStation break-in, which occurred from April 17 to 19, Sony said.


    "Not sure if compensation from SOE will even come close to reparing the damage."

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

  • jessianjessian Member Posts: 277

    Going to check my DC account just now to see if i can log back in.

    To the OP i had already quit this game in disgust about the players themselves and lack of community in this game.

    Quite enjoying my break from mmo "paid"  games. mucking around with DDO. well until old republic gets released. Has this killed the PS3 market, i really do hope so.

    Lets see how many consoles dont get traded in and xboxs wiis fly off the shelves. but you will still get the sheep that will cling to it with dear life. Yet they want compensation for the breach? wtf, my DETAILS our details are priceless.


  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    Originally posted by jessian

    Going to check my DC account just now to see if i can log back in.

    To the OP i had already quit this game in disgust about the players themselves and lack of community in this game.

    Quite enjoying my break from mmo "paid"  games. mucking around with DDO. well until old republic gets released. Has this killed the PS3 market, i really do hope so.

    Lets see how many consoles dont get traded in and xboxs wiis fly off the shelves. but you will still get the sheep that will cling to it with dear life. Yet they want compensation for the breach? wtf, my DETAILS our details are priceless.


    It isn't really 'my' details or any individual's details that's the problem. It is the sheer scale of it.

    77 Million is a very large number (even if we count the duplicates) and that sort of information can be used for identity theft for any number of crimes against Nations/Governments for a very very long time.

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • AC1074AC1074 Member Posts: 274

    I agree but I will also put it to you this way. If you are on facebook, some other form of social media or shop online your information is out there. Nothing is ever 100% safe. I seem to recall facebook had a information compromise a while back. We can always do things to raise our security but the fact remains your info is floating around out there. As I said what happens with this depends a lot on the attackers intentions. It's bad either way but yea Sony is going to have to eat this one. Especially, if people start becoming victims of fraud. This very well could put them out of business. I am hoping they regroup, fix this and let us know what the full extent of the breach was.

  • BeaumanBeauman Member UncommonPosts: 142

    I'm done with SOE.

  • warmaster670warmaster670 Member Posts: 1,384

    Originally posted by ArEf

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

    Yup, and bigfoots president of the moon.


    As for the op, have fun fidning a system where something like this CANT happen.


    Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
    Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Well, due to SOEs poor patch cycle,  I left DCUO a month or two back.  HOWEVER,  if they reactivate all SOE accounts and don't require me to put in another CC number to play,  I'll come back for the free month.


    I won't be entering any CC information into anything housed by Sony anytime soon.

  • BeaumanBeauman Member UncommonPosts: 142

    Originally posted by warmaster670

    Originally posted by ArEf

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

    Yup, and bigfoots president of the moon.


    As for the op, have fun fidning a system where something like this CANT happen.


    The problem with Sony is that they were not only running outdated software with known vulnerabilities that, as far as reports go, they did not deal with; but they also failed to encrypt personal informatoin. All security measures that they should have long ago taken. Plus they kept bank account, debit account, and other old information on file dating as far back as 2007????  (As their email to me today stated).

    As a result, they have lost my business, and the business of many others.

    Whether or not they will lose any charges brought against them in court by the respective agencies; and lose any civil suits (or settle them out of court), remains to be seen.

    But, yes, I am done.

    It isn't the fact that they were hacked. It's their inexcusable cost cutting on security software, lack of encryption, and ottherwise blatant disregard for the privacy-safety of their customers that's made the decision for me.

  • AC1074AC1074 Member Posts: 274
    Originally posted by Beauman

    Originally posted by warmaster670

    Originally posted by ArEf

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

    Yup, and bigfoots president of the moon.


    As for the op, have fun fidning a system where something like this CANT happen.


    The problem with Sony is that they were not only running outdated software with known vulnerabilities that, as far as reports go, they did not deal with; but they also failed to encrypt personal informatoin. All security measures that they should have long ago taken. Plus they kept bank account, debit account, and other old information on file dating as far back as 2007????  (As their email to me today stated).

    As a result, they have lost my business, and the business of many others.

    Whether or not they will lose any charges brought against them in court by the respective agencies; and lose any civil suits (or settle them out of court), remains to be seen.

    But, yes, I am done.

    It isn't the fact that they were hacked. It's their inexcusable cost cutting on security software, lack of encryption, and ottherwise blatant disregard for the privacy-safety of their customers that's made the decision for me.


    I got the email today too. I am not surprised. I gave Sony a lot of my business and have subbed to one or more of there games for over the last 5 years.

    I agree with what you are saying but how do we actually know if other companies are doing the same and have all the security measures in place? The point is we don't really know. I honestly believe nothing is 100 % fail proof. If someone is 100% committed to hacking or stealing info they are going to get it. I have somewhat of a relief US based customers did not get their credit/debit card numbers stolen. It was personal info on our end (which can still be used for fraud) but as I said your name, date of birth, address and other personal info is plastered all over social media outlets. Again, Iam not saying Sony isn't at fault for what happened here I just think something like this can happen anytime anywhere any company. I totally respect those that are completely done dealing with Sony.
  • TheNinjaboyTheNinjaboy Member Posts: 243

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

     I won't be entering any CC information into anything housed by Sony anytime soon.


    How's that old saying go?

    As soon as you quit smoking you get hit by a cigarette truck?


    Honestly after this fix Sony might be the safest place to put your CC info. lol

    I'm moving it off of other sites instead.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by TheNinjaboy

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

     I won't be entering any CC information into anything housed by Sony anytime soon.


    How's that old saying go?

    As soon as you quit smoking you get hit by a cigarette truck?


    Honestly after this fix Sony might be the safest place to put your CC info. lol

    I'm moving it off of other sites instead.

    That does sound like a fantastic plan. Though  its not a matter of how secure people think they are,  its how poorly sony handled it this time.  It took nearly a week after the information was already out before sony even acknowledged anything was even taken.  Most companies plan for the worst and get that information out to their customers much sooner.  Sony wanted to play grabass for a few days, hoping nothing really happened.


    To each their own.  I always seem to give sony and SOE the benefit of the doubt even after all the times they screwed up.  They're going to have to show me once again that they can handle doing business.


  • konrad16660konrad16660 Member Posts: 182

    Not I.  In the world of computers breaches happen.  And much of the time the actual CC numbers aren't taken.  So, to answer your question.  This didnt effect my subscription with them at all.  I have also had to deal with computer breaches in my own life.  The good news is, is that Sony will have better security than the other companies now, and no one had their credit cards stolen.  So you can say that their security is even better now, and they didn't end up having cards taken.  I never think knee jerk reactions are a good thing.  And I won't be blaming Sony for the breach, especially if they are taking action to ensure things are even more secure.  I still feel safer having Sony having my CC # than the majority of other places that have it.

  • NethermancerNethermancer Member Posts: 520

    I am staying with SOE you are crazy if you dont think they will fort knox the place before coming back online b/c if thos ever happens again THEN i think they are out of business screwed.

    Playing: PO, EVE
    Waiting for: WoD
    Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
    Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.

  • onehunerdperonehunerdper Member Posts: 837

    Originally posted by Nethermancer

    I am staying with SOE you are crazy if you dont think they will fort knox the place before coming back online b/c if thos ever happens again THEN i think they are out of business screwed.

    LOL, if they can't do something as fundamental as protecting their customers financial records and personal information, what else do you think they're screwing up on.  Fort Knox should have already been in place and changing with the tech world. This is just a result of the poor business practices of SOE.  Good luck though.


  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    Having been a victim of identity theft on more than one occasion, I can honestly say that I'm not shaken by this news. I do all my banking with large, well-set banks and if I see a problem, i can have it taken care of in less than 24 hours.

    It really doesn't matter how safe you think you are being, identity theft happens and can happen to anyone. The simple act of writting a check can compromise your bank account. Had it happen. Using your card to buy something online can compromise your account. Had it happen. Sucks, but you get over it. You can't hide in the basement forever being afraid someone will get your monies.

    Having said all of that, I have lost a bit of trust in Sony for the way this happened and how it was handled, but life goes on.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • TeknoBugTeknoBug Member UncommonPosts: 2,156

    Originally posted by konrad16660
    Not I.  In the world of computers breaches happen.  And much of the time the actual CC numbers aren't taken.  So, to answer your question.  This didnt effect my subscription with them at all.  I have also had to deal with computer breaches in my own life.  The good news is, is that Sony will have better security than the other companies now, and no one had their credit cards stolen.  So you can say that their security is even better now, and they didn't end up having cards taken.  I never think knee jerk reactions are a good thing.  And I won't be blaming Sony for the breach, especially if they are taking action to ensure things are even more secure.  I still feel safer having Sony having my CC # than the majority of other places that have it.


    Did you not read that they called in the FBI, and they actually said "may be stolen", not "has not been stolen". I got an email from my bank today via my online bank account saying that they are making sure all their customers involving SOE are being monitored.

    Also SOE is one of the very few that doesn't use Paypal, I have not had any problems with anything that takes Paypal but SOE having a database system that's poorly encrypted with customers' information?


  • BeaumanBeauman Member UncommonPosts: 142

    Originally posted by sookster54


    Originally posted by konrad16660

    Not I.  In the world of computers breaches happen.  And much of the time the actual CC numbers aren't taken.  So, to answer your question.  This didnt effect my subscription with them at all.  I have also had to deal with computer breaches in my own life.  The good news is, is that Sony will have better security than the other companies now, and no one had their credit cards stolen.  So you can say that their security is even better now, and they didn't end up having cards taken.  I never think knee jerk reactions are a good thing.  And I won't be blaming Sony for the breach, especially if they are taking action to ensure things are even more secure.  I still feel safer having Sony having my CC # than the majority of other places that have it.



    Did you not read that they called in the FBI, and they actually said "may be stolen", not "has not been stolen". I got an email from my bank today via my online bank account saying that they are making sure all their customers involving SOE are being monitored.

    Also SOE is one of the very few that doesn't use Paypal, I have not had any problems with anything that takes Paypal but SOE having a database system that's poorly encrypted with customers' information?

    That's another thing. I don't typically play a single MMO that I can't pay for via PayPal. I broke that rule with SOE and used my CC info.

    Never again.

  • XyzedXyzed Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by konrad16660

    Not I.  In the world of computers breaches happen.  And much of the time the actual CC numbers aren't taken. 


    Yes, but not THIS time.

    CC info and for those who used banking direct to pay for things, this info was also compromised. Yes, your bank account numbers along with every single piece of info you had with them. Make sure you actually read Sony’s security breach news releases.


    I think a lot of people are simply not reading what Sony is actually saying. THIS INFO WAS STOLEN. Your name alone, is no biggy… your name, address, telephone number, birthdate, bank info, email all stolen. This is enough info to do serious harm regarding identity theft. So much so that even Sony is advising people to take precautions, cancel cards etc. They also went to say they are looking to somehow compensate those affected. The banks and CC companies are threatening to sue. Governments are actually getting involved in quite a few of the countries where users were affected demanding recourse and explanation from Sony.


    This isn’t some Gawker Media username /password leak. This is a whole lot bigger and not some normal computer breach. This now dwarfs other such type breaches that have happened in the past, not just in size, but in the sheer amount of info take per account.


    While you may seem indifferent, even though your info is out there the same as everyone elses, it may only affect you and you can have a devil may care attitude about it. However, a majority of PSN users are under 18 and are registered with their parents credentials, credit cards, bank info etc. If you think for a second if they knew the extent of what happened here, that they would go ahead and sign back up after Sony claims to have fixed everything, you’re crazy.


    Sony is f***d. If they ever recover from this it will be due sheer lack of backbone the consumer has and their need to put up with a subpar customer service.

  • TybostTybost Member UncommonPosts: 629

    Originally posted by warmaster670

    Originally posted by ArEf

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

    Yup, and bigfoots president of the moon.


    As for the op, have fun fidning a system where something like this CANT happen.


      I highly doubt the behemoth known as the Playstation 3, will simply fall over and die. Yes they are going to take a large dent in trust, but seeing as they have exclusive games such as Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Loads more Exclusive Titles. etc.~ It will still stand even after this intruision.

    I just don't see it happening, sony will be forgiven in time.



    E3 2011 will be interesting however, its almost here. =P!

  • BeaumanBeauman Member UncommonPosts: 142

    Originally posted by xer0id

    Originally posted by warmaster670

    Originally posted by ArEf

    To be honest, this breach etc probably just killed off Sony's PS3 completely.

    Yup, and bigfoots president of the moon.


    As for the op, have fun fidning a system where something like this CANT happen.


      I highly doubt the behemoth known as the Playstation 3, will simply fall over and die. Yes they are going to take a large dent in trust, but seeing as they have exclusive games such as Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Loads more Exclusive Titles. etc.~ It will still stand even after this intruision.

    I just don't see it happening, sony will be forgiven in time.



    E3 2011 will be interesting however, its almost here. =P!

    By some, yes. By some, no.

    Not only will I no longer ever subscribe to a SOE game, but my kids are no longer going to ever be using the PSN again. As a matter of fact, they traded in their PS3 and some games today toward a 2nd Xbox 360 (now they each have one).

    I could care less what exclusive games the PS3 console has, how many bows-of-apology Sony makes, or what they try to pull out of their arse.

    They. Failed. To. Secure. Data. By. Even. Basic. Methods.

    Neither my children, nor myself, will be using SOE or PSN ever again.


  • TheNinjaboyTheNinjaboy Member Posts: 243

    Don't want to startle you but the exact same issue could happen to Microsoft....

    If you want to be 100% safe don't ever use a CC or give out any personal info online.

    Otherwise understand you're ALWAYS going to have a risk of getting that information stolen if you provide it.

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