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How is FF XIV?

SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

Well to get too the point. I'm pretty much burned out on all MMOs finally after many years and i really just want to find somthing with real adventure, a BIG world. and good social events. Does FF XIV have this? Is there anything about this game that people can tell me good or bad. I would really like to know as much as possible before i buy this game. I thank everyone with any helpful information



  • Xero_ChanceXero_Chance Member Posts: 519


    Just don't.

    Trust me.

  • willo248willo248 Member Posts: 346

    i haven't played it but i got told by a clan mate it was really good.

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357

    Don't play it right now-

    Don't rule it out in the future.

    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,141

    I think the game is more guild oriented as I do see people of the same guild doing things but hardly anyone is ever speaking in any of the chat channels. Though I'm not clear on "world chat". just in general the game world is very quiet.

    I think it's a neat game, espeicaly for crafters.

    I'd love to put in a plug for Vanguard as well as it has a huge world and there is a die hard community.

    Still on topic, if you are the type of person to find a good guild, FF 14 could be a nice alternative.

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    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Don't play it right now-

    Don't rule it out in the future.

    whats wrong with it right now? If there are a few problems but it looks promising i can stick it through

  • rabalaisrabalais Member Posts: 19

    Make sure you have better than their recommeded "minimum requirements".  This game moves SLOW on an above average PC.  Its still free so thats a plus.  If you hate it, then after the $40.00 for the game, thats is all you lose

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,141

    Originally posted by JthX

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Don't play it right now-

    Don't rule it out in the future.

    whats wrong with it right now? If there are a few problems but it looks promising i can stick it through

    The game has a non-standard interface, some of the things you might want to do are not intuitive, there isn't a huge amount of in game info though there is more there than when the game launched.

    Some might say there is no content. I think that depends on what type of game you are used to.  If you are used to a wow type game and are expecting more of the same, this isn't your game.

    It's very much its own "monster" in that you have to do some searching for crafting recipes (online) not sure if that has changed since last I looked.

    Quests are done in a rather unique way in that you currently can take a certain amount of quests or "leaves" which are "kill x" quests and then once you have done those for the day you need to wait until you can do more. they are changing how some of this is done so I'm not clear on what changes have made it in game.

    The main quests for each area are done pretty well and the cut scenes are not rivaled in most games.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • k11keeperk11keeper Member UncommonPosts: 1,048

    My semester is up in a few weeks and I haven't given this game a shot since beta. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and start playing it after finals. Hopefully I can play this and still manage to keep up with classes during summer semester. I'm well aware of this games flaws and lack of content etc. I just have one question, will there be plenty do playing this game for 2-4 hours about 3-4 times a week? Or does even playing that casually have one run out of thing to do quickly?

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357

    Originally posted by JthX

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Don't play it right now-

    Don't rule it out in the future.

    whats wrong with it right now? If there are a few problems but it looks promising i can stick it through

    There are a lot of problems.

    To put it in perspective, the developers are aiming to change pretty much everything about the game one way or the other.

    While I admit this is entertaining to follow, as I doubt no other game will go through such sweeping changes, they are not changing the game drastically for show. They are doing it because the features need to be changed.

    UI, class system, economy, combat, latency, transportation, content, areas... Everything is going to go through changes, larger or smaller. Mostly larger.

    If you like seeing the game change as you play, I think you may find it entertaining. But as a game, it doesn't really hold it's weight before the changes are live at least.

    Right now it's hard to say for sure, since the first part of the rehaul process is around the corner. And since things are changing drastically, we don't know what the end result ends up being. The game you play now and the game you play in 4 months may be two completely different entities.

    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Originally posted by JthX

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Don't play it right now-

    Don't rule it out in the future.

    whats wrong with it right now? If there are a few problems but it looks promising i can stick it through

    There are a lot of problems.

    To put it in perspective, the developers are aiming to change pretty much everything about the game one way or the other.

    While I admit this is entertaining to follow, as I doubt no other game will go through such sweeping changes, they are not changing the game drastically for show. They are doing it because the features need to be changed.

    UI, class system, economy, combat, latency, transportation, content, areas... Everything is going to go through changes, larger or smaller. Mostly larger.

    If you like seeing the game change as you play, I think you may find it entertaining. But as a game, it doesn't really hold it's weight before the changes are live at least.

    Right now it's hard to say for sure, since the first part of the rehaul process is around the corner. And since things are changing drastically, we don't know what the end result ends up being. The game you play now and the game you play in 4 months may be two completely different entities.

    do you think those changes are going to be for the worst? Like changes aimed more at a WoW kind of game? If it is going into that direction i will pass. I don't hate all WoW features, but most of them i do

  • nomssnomss Member UncommonPosts: 1,468

    Isn't it FFXIV and NOT FF XIV?

    You should try the game. What exactly are you looking for in an MMO?

  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    Originally posted by nomss

    Isn't it FFXIV and NOT FF XIV?

    You should try the game. What exactly are you looking for in an MMO?

    FFXIV i suppose. Sorry for the space..

    Well, i am really just looking for a game with a large, beautiful world. One with lots of traveling and exploring. Social traveling and social events really. A good RP feel. Gameplay is sort of important but not as much as what i just mentioned.

  • DragonantisDragonantis Member UncommonPosts: 974

    FFXIV has a beautiful world, and SE is working very hard to bring the game up to spec, i recommend you try it though.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,141

    Originally posted by JthX

    Originally posted by nomss

    Isn't it FFXIV and NOT FF XIV?

    You should try the game. What exactly are you looking for in an MMO?

    FFXIV i suppose. Sorry for the space..

    Well, i am really just looking for a game with a large, beautiful world. One with lots of traveling and exploring. Social traveling and social events really. A good RP feel. Gameplay is sort of important but not as much as what i just mentioned.

    Any game can have social events if you are part of a good guild.

    Unless you mean something where the entire world is doing things. Currently Rift has that but to be honest it's not for everyone. It has its strengths and weaknesses. And of course not everyone is going to view those as being the same things.

    Again, if you have the mind to try this then find a good guild. Unless you are a die hard soloer (which I am sort of one of these) you will really need a guild behind you. As I mentioned earlier there really isn't a lot of communication in chat in this world.

    I think someone healed me once or buffed me, something like that. I said thanks and they said "no prob".

    That is the extent of my social interaction in this game. But as I said, I see people with the same guild names running around all the time so someone is enjoying themselves.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    I;ve been watching videos of it. Looks like a great experience if you can make friends to play with. Maybe i'll buy it on Friday. Thanks for the feedback guys :)

  • LucienReneLucienRene Member UncommonPosts: 77

    Also, there is currently no subscription fee.

  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    Originally posted by zobb

    Also, there is currently no subscription fee.

    why? is there no one playing anymore?

  • HyanmenHyanmen Member UncommonPosts: 5,357

    Originally posted by JthX

    do you think those changes are going to be for the worst? Like changes aimed more at a WoW kind of game? If it is going into that direction i will pass. I don't hate all WoW features, but most of them i do

    That depends. What features of WoW do you hate?

    Personally it's hard to say whether the changes will be for the best or for the worst, as they have been quite tight-lipped about them so far. However, the fact is that the game needs change, so I am glad it is coming.

    The current playerbase is around 30k people, while the game is in a b2p state, so you can see that they are not making these changes for no reason.

    I'd say that regardless of what happens, the game can stand on it's own and won't be very similar to WoW even after the changes.

    They are currently hyping the first rehaul patch through the lore, you can read about it here if you want to:

    The game's lore is quite rich and interesting, although not very well presented in it's current state. But it is by no means an afterthought. There are a lot of secrets to unfold in the future. If that's what you like, you may be looking in the right direction.

    Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
  • SirAoSSirAoS Member Posts: 203

    Originally posted by Hyanmen

    Originally posted by JthX

    do you think those changes are going to be for the worst? Like changes aimed more at a WoW kind of game? If it is going into that direction i will pass. I don't hate all WoW features, but most of them i do

    That depends. What features of WoW do you hate?

    Personally it's hard to say whether the changes will be for the best or for the worst, as they have been quite tight-lipped about them so far. However, the fact is that the game needs change, so I am glad it is coming.

    The current playerbase is around 30k people, while the game is in a b2p state, so you can see that they are not making these changes for no reason.

    I'd say that regardless of what happens, the game can stand on it's own and won't be very similar to WoW even after the changes.

    They are currently hyping the first rehaul patch through the lore, you can read about it here if you want to:

    The game's lore is quite rich and interesting, although not very well presented in it's current state. But it is by no means an afterthought. There are a lot of secrets to unfold in the future. If that's what you like, you may be looking in the right direction.

    Well the features i really hate about WoW is for one, the world feels useless now. Also that it is now nothing more than people city around queing for instanced grinds with random people from different servers. Thats just not my flavor. I mean, it is cool for people with busy lives i guess. I have a busy life myself but i still cant bring myself to like something like that. Even if it is convieniet. I've been playing mmos since it was text based. Seeing i am 24, thats been about my hole life and i just cant change with the times. Even if i am busy nowadays. Id rather play for 2 hours a night and maybe get as far as travling to a camp or a town, than spend 2 hours a night que poping instanced grinds and earn "Epic" gear in a few weeks. I still feel in a real mmo you should have great adventures and experiences and actually earn your epics for you to actually feel epic. Anywho, ive been watching vids on youtube and what not and it seems like what ive been looking for. even if it is "not so great" atm, id rather support a game with potentiel like i know it has. From the looks of it, it looks like what ive been looking for, for sure. Big, beautiful world , where you will actually travel and have those experience like we had in our older mmos. Though i wont really know if it is really like that till i play it, im going to try it. And if it somewhat meets that and i see potential in it, it most likely is my new home. Ty you and everyone else for the insight. i appreciate it.

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337

    Originally posted by JthX

    Originally posted by zobb

    Also, there is currently no subscription fee.

    why? is there no one playing anymore?


    Its free because it was so bad, that they first made it a "free month" after launch...and then extended it indeffinitly. 


    I played the Alpha stages, and the Beta stages, and open Beta. And i'll tell you the game is a peice of work. I loved FFXI, so i'm deffinitly not a SE hater/troll.


    But when I left here were SOME of the major issues.


    XP was given random: They set it up so when you killed creatures you got random amounts of XP, so say you kill a level 9 rat you might get 25xp, and then you kill another level 9 rat you get 250xp.. Which was really freaking annoying.


    Crafting and selling UI: It was freaking SLLOOOWWW and had like 9 sub menues, so just to sell a peice of hide to a NPC vendor, it took 5-15 seconds...per item.


    Classes, or lack there of: They set up all of the classes kinda like RIFT, so you could mix and match diffrent classes, which they set up poorly and was just not fun, it made it so no one had a "good" class. and no one could set up parties because there wasn't a holy trinity. It was just a mess.



    They punished you for playing: they had it set up (and I may not have the hours EXACTLY right, but i'm close) They had it set up so if you played for 8 hours you would earn 100%XP, then decreesing by 20% for another 5 hours untill you earned 0%XP from a kill, and then if you waited it would slowly recharge back up so you would earn 100%XP again. So if you had a weekend off. and played for 10 hours straight, at the end of the 10 hours you would only be earning 80%XP per kill.. It was really lame.


    Graphics: the graphics are amazing, but the zones SUCK. it has to be one of the most copied/pasta'd landscapes i've ever seen. *huh, oh man...I've seen this hill 4 times before*



    Anyways, those are just a few of the problems probably around 10-15% of them. SE (Square Enix) has said that they are redoing...just about everything.....which is good. I am keeping my eye on the game because someday I want to play it (if it gets good), but right now....its probably not even worth your time installing it.


    anyways good luck!

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  • konrad16660konrad16660 Member Posts: 182

    Don't do it.  The game is terrible on a very large scale.  There are games that are not certain people's preference.  Then there are games that have over 90 percent of their population vanish within the first month or so regardless of if its free or now.  This is one of those games.

  • ZigZagsZigZags Member UncommonPosts: 381

    This game is free because it would be a life sentence criminal charge to make people pay for it. It is terrible. They would need to overhaul just about every aspect of the game to make it worth while. I suggest waiting a year or two from today before spending the money on the title. It is god awful and I put myself through 40 levels of it. Biggest waste of my life ever.

    Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online

  • MisterSrMisterSr Member UncommonPosts: 928

    I would rather play this than Rift, which is probablly a positive thing for this game, a sad statement about the mmo genre though.... looking at this from a typical gamers point of view, this is a very bland game, as are ALL mmos; we play them cause of the community not for their particular interest or gaming moments, because there are few besides the moment when you accomplish something big, but as far as MMOs go this lacks a lot of content but the content it does have has a really unique feel to it, unfortunately all the landscapes repeat over and over again and you start to have a sense of deja vu (especially in La Noscea), the crafting is fun but repetetive and extremely tedious after a while, the combat is slow and rather uninteresting even if it is somewhat tactical, the graphics are breathtaking, very good thing going for it. What SE missed on this game was FFXI's magic, which the game utterly lacks for some reason. Of course FFXI started off in a poor state too, so there is probably light in the horizon, but at this point in time the game is a lot of pretty graphics with a unique approach that feels unfinished at best, but definitely a positive step for the genre. Even if the game in the end flunks it will have left an impression on the industry, the crafting system is a step above the rest and leaves a lot to be desired in other games, the combat is the most boring part of the game and unfortunately the primary part of mmos nowadays. FFXI's combat is far worse I must say, but with FFXI I found the most unique aspect to be the VERY strong community, I really felt like I was in a true other world because I knew almost everyone, where as in WoW, Rift, AoC, Warhammer, and FFXIV i feel like an unintentional misanthrope, although I have friends I'm not too close with any of the ones I have, although at the beginning of FFXIV I was in an LS that made the experience so much better. Me and the leader had a few heated words which resulted in me leaving, but in retrospect the best guild/ls I've EVER been in, big mistake leaving them because now the game's true colors shine. The general community feels split between LSes, if you're not in a solid LS you will have NO ONE to play the game with, people only commune within their LSes and the lone wolfs are truly loners, they don't typically want to group unless it's for the hourly behest. But again, even though there's a bunch of negative I like it a lot more than the most popular MMO on the list... kind of sad. Really wishing i hadn't bothered to buy Rift.... 

  • MisterSrMisterSr Member UncommonPosts: 928

    Originally posted by ZigZags

    This game is free because it would be a life sentence criminal charge to make people pay for it. It is terrible. They would need to overhaul just about every aspect of the game to make it worth while. I suggest waiting a year or two from today before spending the money on the title. It is god awful and I put myself through 40 levels of it. Biggest waste of my life ever.

    Let me help you rephrase this, haha, "MMOs are god awful".... "Biggest waste of my life ever."

  • COORSCOORS Member UncommonPosts: 353

    Originally posted by MisterSr

    I would rather play this than Rift, which is probablly a positive thing for this game, a sad statement about the mmo genre though.... looking at this from a typical gamers point of view, this is a very bland game, as are ALL mmos; we play them cause of the community not for their particular interest or gaming moments, because there are few besides the moment when you accomplish something big, but as far as MMOs go this lacks a lot of content but the content it does have has a really unique feel to it, unfortunately all the landscapes repeat over and over again and you start to have a sense of deja vu (especially in La Noscea), the crafting is fun but repetetive and extremely tedious after a while, the combat is slow and rather uninteresting even if it is somewhat tactical, the graphics are breathtaking, very good thing going for it. What SE missed on this game was FFXI's magic, which the game utterly lacks for some reason. Of course FFXI started off in a poor state too, so there is probably light in the horizon, but at this point in time the game is a lot of pretty graphics with a unique approach that feels unfinished at best, but definitely a positive step for the genre. Even if the game in the end flunks it will have left an impression on the industry, the crafting system is a step above the rest and leaves a lot to be desired in other games, the combat is the most boring part of the game and unfortunately the primary part of mmos nowadays. FFXI's combat is far worse I must say, but with FFXI I found the most unique aspect to be the VERY strong community, I really felt like I was in a true other world because I knew almost everyone, where as in WoW, Rift, AoC, Warhammer, and FFXIV i feel like an unintentional misanthrope, although I have friends I'm not too close with any of the ones I have, although at the beginning of FFXIV I was in an LS that made the experience so much better. Me and the leader had a few heated words which resulted in me leaving, but in retrospect the best guild/ls I've EVER been in, big mistake leaving them because now the game's true colors shine. The general community feels split between LSes, if you're not in a solid LS you will have NO ONE to play the game with, people only commune within their LSes and the lone wolfs are truly loners, they don't typically want to group unless it's for the hourly behest. But again, even though there's a bunch of negative I like it a lot more than the most popular MMO on the list... kind of sad. Really wishing i hadn't bothered to buy Rift.... 


    Hmmm.... Unreadable.... Have you ever heard of a paragraph?

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