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Why WoW was a revolution and why it won't die

LienhartLienhart Member UncommonPosts: 662

I wonder when companies will realize this.

RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought  a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us have jobs, some of us have other stuff, but most importantly, we have lots of free time. Guess what game we all decided to go back to? World of Warcraft.


#1. The server I am on houses more than a dozen friends I know irl, going back I know I will always find someone to play with. Plus, with Blizzard's system, there's ALWAYS someone from my Facebook on. MANY players I know use Facebook, and prior to World of Warcraft MMORPG players consisted of paranoid individuals who made fun of others for having x amount of friends on myspace. Thank you World of Warcraft for making gaming accessible and not something to be ashamed of.

#2. You know why RIFT ultimately failed? They were trying to take a piece of the pie. I've been trying to find an MMO to replace WoW for a while now and RIFT almost took it....and then I realized, why not just go play WOW? RIFT is the biggest World of Warcraft clone I have seen in my life, it even goes down to some of the skills! World of Warcraft has been out for 6 years now, unless a game has been in development for 10 years and has millions of gamers to give them feedback, WoW ain't going down.

#3. World of Warcraft has the absolute best community in any MMORPG I have played. Why? I communicate with only people I know in real life. I HATE communication with randoms because in every game there are ass holes. I started gaming with Counter-Strike 1.1, it doesn't get more ass-holey than that. Aion was full of assholes too, and RIFT's community was the final hammer (especially the forum community) for the reason why my guild and I left.

You know what might hurt World of Warcraft?

TERA and Guild Wars 2. You know what won't touch World of Warcraft? Star Wars. Why?

Star Wars is a WoW clone, I have seen the gameplay, it is 123812731234 spam just like WoW. I'm going to play it, because I'm like that, and I am damn sure I will leave for WoW within a month to half a year.

TERA and GW2 on the other hand....I don't know much about GW2, but it's free! However, TERA's combat system is different <----This is what separates a game from another game, it's combat system. It's also what made every Final Fantasy different from one another. You can have 2387234 theme park MMOs, and if all of them had a different combat system, they are no longer clones.

And, to finish off this informative post while I wait for my dinner being cooked by my girl:

I know what would kill World of Warcraft in East, and what would make me quit World of Warcraft, make a WoW clone with Lineage 2 style graphics. And no, Aion was not it, Aion was crap. Make it accessible, easy, and above all, A GAME. Not a second life. And if you shove this with half naked prostitute looking elves, I am 100% sure WoW will get killed in the East and I'd leave WoW for it.

I live to go faster...or die trying.


  • Xero_ChanceXero_Chance Member Posts: 519

    Saying that WoW won't die is short-sighted.

    It's true that it won't be killed by anything, or ruined by it's own devs, or just suffer instant death syndrome. It will slowly fade away more and more as time goes on until it's nothing more than a memory, even if it takes 10 more years for it to happen. New games will keep getting better and better until WoW just looks archaic in comparison. Not many people still play Pac-Man, Space Invaders, or Pong as much as they used to and almost nobody would pay a sub fee to do it.

  • KhorraxKhorrax Member UncommonPosts: 53

    Personal feelings don't count as facts or arguments in establishing why game A is superior to game B. And even if we did take your 3 points as valid ones, where's the revolution you mention in the thread title?

  • Miles-ProwerMiles-Prower Member Posts: 1,106

    Originally posted by Lienhart

    I wonder when companies will realize this.

    RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought  a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us have jobs, some of us have other stuff, but most importantly, we have lots of free time. Guess what game we all decided to go back to? World of Warcraft.


    #1. The server I am on houses more than a dozen friends I know irl, going back I know I will always find someone to play with. Plus, with Blizzard's system, there's ALWAYS someone from my Facebook on. MANY players I know use Facebook, and prior to World of Warcraft MMORPG players consisted of paranoid individuals who made fun of others for having x amount of friends on myspace. Thank you World of Warcraft for making gaming accessible and not something to be ashamed of.

    No surprise. WoW has been out significantly longer than Rift. Why be surprised more of your facebook friends play WoW?

    #2. You know why RIFT ultimately failed? They were trying to take a piece of the pie. I've been trying to find an MMO to replace WoW for a while now and RIFT almost took it....and then I realized, why not just go play WOW? RIFT is the biggest World of Warcraft clone I have seen in my life, it even goes down to some of the skills! World of Warcraft has been out for 6 years now, unless a game has been in development for 10 years and has millions of gamers to give them feedback, WoW ain't going down.

    I'm sorry. I wasn't aware Rift failed at anything. As far as I know, Rift is doing excellent, and it's getting ready to release it's second patch. A very big patch.

    #3. World of Warcraft has the absolute best community in any MMORPG I have played. Why? I communicate with only people I know in real life. I HATE communication with randoms because in every game there are ass holes. I started gaming with Counter-Strike 1.1, it doesn't get more ass-holey than that. Aion was full of assholes too, and RIFT's community was the final hammer (especially the forum community) for the reason why my guild and I left.

    World of Warcraft has *a* "community" but it's debateable if it's the "best" =P. Rift and WoW both have very vocal and helpful communities. I don't know if you knew this or not, but a HUGE security flaw nearly shut Rift down not long ago. It allowed anyone to log into your account whether they had your password or not. Guess who discovered it? It was a community member. With the help of the community, the hole was plugged and that community member was awarded free Rift for life.

    You know what might hurt World of Warcraft?

    TERA and Guild Wars 2. You know what won't touch World of Warcraft? Star Wars. Why?

    Star Wars is a WoW clone, I have seen the gameplay, it is 123812731234 spam just like WoW. I'm going to play it, because I'm like that, and I am damn sure I will leave for WoW within a month to half a year.

    TERA and GW2 on the other hand....I don't know much about GW2, but it's free! However, TERA's combat system is different <----This is what separates a game from another game, it's combat system. It's also what made every Final Fantasy different from one another. You can have 2387234 theme park MMOs, and if all of them had a different combat system, they are no longer clones.

    And, to finish off this informative post while I wait for my dinner being cooked by my girl:

    I know what would kill World of Warcraft in East, and what would make me quit World of Warcraft, make a WoW clone with Lineage 2 style graphics. And no, Aion was not it, Aion was crap. Make it accessible, easy, and above all, A GAME. Not a second life. And if you shove this with half naked prostitute looking elves, I am 100% sure WoW will get killed in the East and I'd leave WoW for it.

    Taking pride in ones game isn't exclusive to WoW or Rift. Helpful and friendly players are spread all over. Even in some of the more hardcore games like Darkfall, and the aforementioned Aion. Your biggest problem is you entered these games with an already closed mind, so your ability to be flexible has made you biased. If you truly want to enjoy a MMORPG, it's best to not look at MMORPGs as a single thing, but an evolving separate entity in their own right. Ask yourself "What's fun about this?" Not "Why is this game so much like xxx"?

    Some of this almost seems like sarcasm, but I'll respond regardless. Good luck and enjoy dinner.


    ~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!

    Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
  • BluestreamBluestream Member Posts: 5

    Right. WoW was a revolution and it won't die because a lot of your real life friends play it, and the community is awesome (yet you hate talking to randoms). Oh and also because RIFT failed.

    I find it funny how you say Rift failed because it was a WoW clone and SW: TOR will fail because it was a WoW clone, yet what would kill WoW is a WoW clone that has Lineage 2 style graphics.

    Also, WoW was probably a revolution and it was clear it wouldn't die (short-term) long before Facebook or Rift or its current community that you mentioned, or TERA and SW: TOR for that matter. Read your post and just think about what you're writing before making yourself look stupid next time.

  • KhinRuniteKhinRunite Member Posts: 879

    I'm curious as to what drove you to post something like this. To a troll this looks like a huuuge flamebait. Anyway I ain't a troll. ;)


    2.) I wouldn't say that Rift "Failed". If you're talking about its goal of putting a dent in WoW subs I think it's still a bit early to say. So far they're doing great IMO.

    3.)Your 2nd and 1st sentences kinda aren't complimentary. If you keep your "community" around your personal friends you really couldn't say anything bad about it. You can't describe WoW community and count only your personal friends. I could just as easily say that my community over here at XXX Online is the best because I only talk to the people I know.

    I agree with you about the combat system. It's also been the filter for me to see which game I will stick around with and which I won't.

  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Everything goes out of fashion sooner or later , you saying something won´t die .

    Is same as the million people playing runescape , dying has nothing to do what you think .

    Dying has to do with what the market want , if market want newer fresher product .

    Then the older product is the measurement the newer product has to surpass .

    Maybe it sounds silly but record of 65 million account farmville hasn´t been surpassed by anyone.

    So what is 12 million accounts compared to that kind of margin .


    Both numbers are measured with the same measurement . in the end it is the profit in % that counts .

    Why do people want to play newer product is cause they have beter hardware .

    And wow reverting the 99% network improvement already showed they care more about the money cash cow.

    Then improving the stability of the product .

  • FutureMMOFutureMMO Member Posts: 47

    To OP,

    Your post is nothing more but own opinion. If you call a game that has been out for two months an ultimate failure, then you are not reasonable. I think Rift is doing great and there has been a lot of players that switched from WoW, claiming they will never go back. I can tell you for a fact there is a good amount of people that will switch over to Rift and other new MMOs as soon as they will be able to afford a new PC.

    Also, you mentioned that World of Warcraft was a revolution but you never said why?

    Is it because I get to run a War Cow and kill Wild Pigs in the forests? This is quite of a revolution in the gaming industry!

    I was fair and tried WoW as well... took me a little less than an hour to uninstall the game. Then it blew my mind as I realized everyone was going so crazy about it having 10 million plus registered accounts.

    As a game, WoW is a failure. As money making machine it is a great success.

    It is of course nothing more than my honest opinion.

    [email protected], 12GB@1600Mhz, GTx580 SLi, 1920x1080@120Hz, 7.1 Creative Gigaworks S750
    162 Original PC Game collection. Surprisingly not a virgin.

  • FlawSGIFlawSGI Member UncommonPosts: 1,379

     Man I wasn't gonna post because the OP is entitled to his opinion...... trying to hold of on being a jerk......nah  I won't smudge my name by flaming you to bad. Lets say your opinion is yours and you lost me when you tried to prove one single point.

     The game is crap and it's devs aren't gonna bring anything new to the table

     Rift is alive and doing well enough.

      The wow community is the worst community I have ever had to deal with and the integration of cross server instancing made a shitty community even worse. Now nobody has to answer for being an idiot.

      And did anyoen else find it awkward he had to pretend he was having his dinner made for him by his girl? Just seemed out of place and forced. Who are you trying to convince or impress?

     Opinion noted...   My opinion is that people go back only because there isn't much choice out there. Gw2 AND SW will fix that I hope..

    RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964

    to the OP and <imo>

    Blizzard KILLED the MMO market. All MMO's today are nothing but (grind faction, gear and do achievements that mean squat>

    I can get the same feeling playing a FPS game called TF2.

    Thanks to Blizzard, we got nothing but WoW crud now in every MMO we play.

    Innovation does'nt exit is MMO's anymore, you might as well just throw them on Xbox 360 and PS3 and call it the day.

  • Whaaaaaaaaaaa?


    WoW has the best community because you don't intereact with anyone you don't know?


    Is this bizarro logic?

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by Lienhart

    I wonder when companies will realize this.

    RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought  a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us have jobs, some of us have other stuff, but most importantly, we have lots of free time. Guess what game we all decided to go back to? World of Warcraft.

    . . .

    blah blah blah accessibility and facebook friends and pan-gaming community nonsense

    . . .

    And, to finish off this informative post while I wait for my dinner being cooked by my girl:

    Why in the hell would anyone buy multiple copies of an MMO?  If you really dislike the game as you say, then why go out of your way to help the developer out?  That just tells their marketing statistics people that you planned on opening up multiple accounts.  Sounds like your "guild" (if you only game with people you know in real life, why keep referring to yourselves as a guild?  Sounds LARPy and sad) takes you for a fool and has you pay all their expenses.  I'd check up on that if I were you.

    Not only does that have nothing to do with your post, let alone the game, but being in a relationship doesn't make you cool.  Unless maybe you are in high school, or associate with the "omg wow, he got to touch boobies" types of people.

  • Originally posted by HiGHPLAiNS

    to the OP and

    Blizzard KILLED the MMO market. All MMO's today are nothing but (grind faction, gear and do achievements that mean squat>

    I can get the same feeling playing a FPS game called TF2.

    Thanks to Blizzard, we got nothing but WoW crud now in every MMO we play.

    Innovation does'nt exit is MMO's anymore, you might as well just throw them on Xbox 360 and PS3 and call it the day.

    Bah Blizzard produced a successful game.  Don't blame them for other people's incompetence.


    CCP is quite successful not doing a WoW clone.  Its certainly possible.  Many companies are just greedy hacks with no imagination, don't blame Blizzard for that.

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    If.. a WOW fanboy hates Rift, then, by extenson, don't they also hate WOW?

  • superdfcsuperdfc Member Posts: 56

    Agreed, Rift is definately one of the biggest WoW clones out there.SWToR? The combat looks very WoW like, but there are plenty of other features so I can't call it a WoW clone. Tera? Like most Korean MMOs I've experienced you don't actually do anything fun until you're either a high level or just really damn geared and decked out in cash shop equips. I expect that the only good part about this game will be the combat, but I can see the rest of it being one huge grind. 

    Guild Wars 2 is something special. They're really changing it up, they say they change things and implement them and we actually have proof! That in itself is something revolutionary. An MMO dev team that delivers what they promise. You say that Tera is really changing combat up, but GW2 is doing it further. The entire game is about positioning, mobility and self sufficiency. There are no healers and no tanks, but all players have the option to play more of a support, damage or control role without respeccing/changing talents. It's a real gem of an MMO. 

    I hate when people say the WoW community is garbage. It isn't. The internet community is simply full of ass hats because no one can regulate what they say and do. 

    WoW was a revolution, plain and simple. 

  • AxehiltAxehilt Member RarePosts: 10,504

    OP's post is a bit long for something which is essentially summed up as 'My friends play WOW, so I like it.'

    Certainly it's worth pointing out that WOW's true friend system is a powerfully significant feature at keeping friends in touch, and that it keeps players glued to WOW when they might instead shift to another game.  Not sure if any other mainstream MMORPG connects players in quite the same capacity (though this might be a self-fullfilling statement simply due to the playerbase's size.)

    "What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver

  • caremuchlesscaremuchless Member Posts: 603


    RIFT hasn't failed.


  • caremuchlesscaremuchless Member Posts: 603

    Originally posted by Axehilt

    OP's post is a bit long for something which is essentially summed up as 'My friends play WOW, so I like it.'

    This ^^


  • jpnolejpnole Member UncommonPosts: 1,698

    Originally posted by Lienhart

    I wonder when companies will realize this.

    RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought  a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us have jobs, some of us have other stuff, but most importantly, we have lots of free time. Guess what game we all decided to go back to? World of Warcraft.


    #1. The server I am on houses more than a dozen friends I know irl, going back I know I will always find someone to play with. Plus, with Blizzard's system, there's ALWAYS someone from my Facebook on. MANY players I know use Facebook, and prior to World of Warcraft MMORPG players consisted of paranoid individuals who made fun of others for having x amount of friends on myspace. Thank you World of Warcraft for making gaming accessible and not something to be ashamed of.

    #2. You know why RIFT ultimately failed? They were trying to take a piece of the pie. I've been trying to find an MMO to replace WoW for a while now and RIFT almost took it....and then I realized, why not just go play WOW? RIFT is the biggest World of Warcraft clone I have seen in my life, it even goes down to some of the skills! World of Warcraft has been out for 6 years now, unless a game has been in development for 10 years and has millions of gamers to give them feedback, WoW ain't going down.

    What do you mean Rift failed? Are you a time traveller from the future?

    #3. World of Warcraft has the absolute best community in any MMORPG I have played. Why? I communicate with only people I know in real life. I HATE communication with randoms because in every game there are ass holes. I started gaming with Counter-Strike 1.1, it doesn't get more ass-holey than that. Aion was full of assholes too, and RIFT's community was the final hammer (especially the forum community) for the reason why my guild and I left.

    You know what might hurt World of Warcraft?

    TERA and Guild Wars 2. You know what won't touch World of Warcraft? Star Wars. Why?

    Star Wars is a WoW clone, I have seen the gameplay, it is 123812731234 spam just like WoW. I'm going to play it, because I'm like that, and I am damn sure I will leave for WoW within a month to half a year.

    TERA and GW2 on the other hand....I don't know much about GW2, but it's free! However, TERA's combat system is different <----This is what separates a game from another game, it's combat system. It's also what made every Final Fantasy different from one another. You can have 2387234 theme park MMOs, and if all of them had a different combat system, they are no longer clones.

    And, to finish off this informative post while I wait for my dinner being cooked by my girl:

    I know what would kill World of Warcraft in East, and what would make me quit World of Warcraft, make a WoW clone with Lineage 2 style graphics. And no, Aion was not it, Aion was crap. Make it accessible, easy, and above all, A GAME. Not a second life. And if you shove this with half naked prostitute looking elves, I am 100% sure WoW will get killed in the East and I'd leave WoW for it.

    Your post, as opinionated as it is, belongs in the Rift vs WoW/Warhammer/etc. etc. thread. It's obvious you wanted to put it in the Rift thread for trolling purposes but since you knew it would get relocated, you put it here so it would blend in with the rest of the Pub posts.

  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Originally posted by Sukiyaki

    OK so am I the only one who missed the point where the OP actually explained or mentioned "WHY that game was a revolution" and "WHY it wont die?"

    No, you're not the only one. The OP never does say why or how WoW was a revolution.

  • evianwaterevianwater Member UncommonPosts: 308

    Originally posted by Lienhart

    I wonder when companies will realize this.

    RIFT was quite sparkly, in fact, so sparkly that I bought  a bunch of copies and my guild went to play it. 5 days in we quit due to exams. Now it's break time, some of us have jobs, some of us have other stuff, but most importantly, we have lots of free time. Guess what game we all decided to go back to? World of Warcraft.



    #1. The server I am on houses more than a dozen friends I know irl, going back I know I will always find someone to play with. Plus, with Blizzard's system, there's ALWAYS someone from my Facebook on. MANY players I know use Facebook, and prior to World of Warcraft MMORPG players consisted of paranoid individuals who made fun of others for having x amount of friends on myspace. Thank you World of Warcraft for making gaming accessible and not something to be ashamed of.

    This is more about the entire gaming sphere, including FPS games and the rise of the's hardly WoW that made gaming more acceptable to the mainstream, WoW players are still seen by the masses as knuckle dragging fat kids. Don't delude yourself into thinking its the "cool" thing now because Blizzard is so awesomesauce.

    #2. You know why RIFT ultimately failed? They were trying to take a piece of the pie. I've been trying to find an MMO to replace WoW for a while now and RIFT almost took it....and then I realized, why not just go play WOW? RIFT is the biggest World of Warcraft clone I have seen in my life, it even goes down to some of the skills! World of Warcraft has been out for 6 years now, unless a game has been in development for 10 years and has millions of gamers to give them feedback, WoW ain't going down.

    Wait RIFT failed !? SHIT! I need to cancel my account then, and tell everyone else playing right now to stop..because it already failed! RIFT is actually thriving, maintaining good numbers and good sales..It will never have 11 million subs, but that doesn't mean it's failed, it's the most succesful recent MMO, certainly over the last two years. Is it a clone ? NO a clone would mean it copies every single aspect, it's the same reason why us older mmo gamers don't call WoW a clone of EQ or EQ of UO...there are differences, is it very similar ? Yes, but it's closer to WAR then WoW by far.

    #3. World of Warcraft has the absolute best community in any MMORPG I have played. Why? I communicate with only people I know in real life. I HATE communication with randoms because in every game there are ass holes. I started gaming with Counter-Strike 1.1, it doesn't get more ass-holey than that. Aion was full of assholes too, and RIFT's community was the final hammer (especially the forum community) for the reason why my guild and I left.

    This statement is just too stupid for words...your group of friends does not equal WoW's community...and if you can say there's really anything good about WoW's community, it must be your first game.

    You know what might hurt World of Warcraft?

    TERA and Guild Wars 2. You know what won't touch World of Warcraft? Star Wars. Why?

    Star Wars is a WoW clone, I have seen the gameplay, it is 123812731234 spam just like WoW. I'm going to play it, because I'm like that, and I am damn sure I will leave for WoW within a month to half a year.

    TERA and GW2 on the other hand....I don't know much about GW2, but it's free! However, TERA's combat system is different <----This is what separates a game from another game, it's combat system. It's also what made every Final Fantasy different from one another. You can have 2387234 theme park MMOs, and if all of them had a different combat system, they are no longer clones.

    Button spamming was around way before WoW, sorry buddy, ever hear of Bard song twisting ? It's how the genre is played, you can only innovate so much, GW2 or TERA, or Vindictus, or AoC..they have slightly differing combat systems, but its the same general dodging doesn't = a new combat system..

    And, to finish off this informative post while I wait for my dinner being cooked by my girl:

    I know what would kill World of Warcraft in East, and what would make me quit World of Warcraft, make a WoW clone with Lineage 2 style graphics. And no, Aion was not it, Aion was crap. Make it accessible, easy, and above all, A GAME. Not a second life. And if you shove this with half naked prostitute looking elves, I am 100% sure WoW will get killed in the East and I'd leave WoW for it.

    External sources do not kill MMO's. Look at UO and EQ, both much older then WoW and still going strong, only time kills a game or developers eager to move to a different project.

  • jinxxed0jinxxed0 Member UncommonPosts: 841

    Originally posted by Khorrax

    Personal feelings don't count as facts or arguments in establishing why game A is superior to game B. And even if we did take your 3 points as valid ones, where's the revolution you mention in the thread title?



    Its funny and annoying at the same time that people who know nothing about bussiness and marketing think that "good games" sell while "bad games" dont. WoW advertises on television. Thats it. They could afford it and were willing to take the risk. Thats all there is to it. Advertising on TV = more people see your product. The only games that normally advertise on TV are single player games. Never MMOs (except social networks and browser games like neopets). 


    Just recently the CEO of Marapets talked about how profits multiplied (multiplied) in ONE month after they ran an ad spot on television for a while. He later got in trouble (with investors or something, im not sure) because he "said too much".


    How is this not common knowledge among publishers? Surely SquareEnix, Atari and other MMO publishers have the money to run ads on TV in the USA. Companies run them all the time in korea and a lot of korean MMOs have way more users than WoW could ever hope for. Everyone needs to get their nose out of blizzard's butt. 

  • AkaroniaAkaronia Member Posts: 138

        Well lol I have to say if you are trolling I think it worked.   I have a few things to say I will try not to tear WoW down because I know a lot of people are still in love with it.

        As for me it died when Cata came out with no high level questing content that lasted more than 3 weeks to get loremaster.  3 months to get exhalted with every faction and then all that was left unless you actually had it in you to go level an alt through the new quests after leveling all of your maxed characters to 85 was to farm, dungeon, and raid.

       After one month none of the blue gear that the crafters could make mattered anymore and once Cata came out the greens were better than the gear everyone ground so hard for in Wotlk that it was replaced in the first zone you quested in or the first dungeons.  They might as well have shot the crafters in the foot.

       As for the friends I left behind well that is their choice to stay there and they did not have as much time to sink into it so they are not burnt of it yet and they may not get burnt due to the fact that they only play on weekends.  I will honestly say no it probably won't die due to the hardcore raiders that play it but as far as the social community, I don't think that will last much longer once everyone has leveled their alts through the new content they will grow weary.  My understanding is that they have already lost quite a large number of accounts and it is still dropping. 

         My opinion on this subject is that WoW doesn't have to die because Blizzard already killed it. But that is only an opinion may or may not be true.

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964

    Originally posted by gestalt11

    Originally posted by HiGHPLAiNS

    to the OP and

    Blizzard KILLED the MMO market. All MMO's today are nothing but (grind faction, gear and do achievements that mean squat>

    I can get the same feeling playing a FPS game called TF2.

    Thanks to Blizzard, we got nothing but WoW crud now in every MMO we play.

    Innovation does'nt exit is MMO's anymore, you might as well just throw them on Xbox 360 and PS3 and call it the day.

    Bah Blizzard produced a successful game.  Don't blame them for other people's incompetence.


    CCP is quite successful not doing a WoW clone.  Its certainly possible.  Many companies are just greedy hacks with no imagination, don't blame Blizzard for that.

    Gonna stick with what I said..

    Blizzard was a trendsetter to all this single player fantasy garbage mmo's we got now.

    Now I am not hacking on Blizzard for their game, they made a anomaly for the masses, but not all mmo players

    like WoW and there still is a diverse crowd of players  that crave something different from the same ole same ole.

    So as they say in many old school mmorpgs... WoW happened.

  • Nomis278Nomis278 Member UncommonPosts: 126

    WOW a 'revolution'? Seriously?

  • AzzatakyAzzataky Member UncommonPosts: 208

    Originally posted by jinxxed0

    Originally posted by Khorrax

    Personal feelings don't count as facts or arguments in establishing why game A is superior to game B. And even if we did take your 3 points as valid ones, where's the revolution you mention in the thread title?



    Its funny and annoying at the same time that people who know nothing about bussiness and marketing think that "good games" sell while "bad games" dont. WoW advertises on television. Thats it. They could afford it and were willing to take the risk. Thats all there is to it. Advertising on TV = more people see your product. The only games that normally advertise on TV are single player games. Never MMOs (except social networks and browser games like neopets). 


    Just recently the CEO of Marapets talked about how profits multiplied (multiplied) in ONE month after they ran an ad spot on television for a while. He later got in trouble (with investors or something, im not sure) because he "said too much".


    How is this not common knowledge among publishers? Surely SquareEnix, Atari and other MMO publishers have the money to run ads on TV in the USA. Companies run them all the time in korea and a lot of korean MMOs have way more users than WoW could ever hope for. Everyone needs to get their nose out of blizzard's butt. 

    As many times WoW fans said, this is not about marketing. Thats theirs opinion, since I studied marketing, I know you are right. But I think if they would realize that theirs game is "most played" only because of marketing, they would colapse. :D


    For topic maker guy:

    WoW is certainly revolutionary at one thing, making people blind in MMO industry, also making players blind. As many people said, WoW players go to other game and compare it to WoW, I dont, maybe later, but I try to enjoy it its own way, not others games way. And with that "best community" cause your friends play that, go to hell. In every MMO are nice ppl, they just dont trust each other much, you know why? Because of WoW... That game has horrible community if you look around. There are nice ppl ofc, but these days most ppl are .... nuts? And WoW has so many players that it has most nuts ppl in MMO industry. :D And btw, you should try Age of Conan - beats WoW in dungeons, pve and pvp. But ofc, there is not so much numbers as in WoW, so you wont. I get if you play it cause of your friends - still doesnt make it best game.


    Gl hf in WoW for you man but stop thinking its a best game, because its not till you try all the other games by theirs way of play and with your friends, or you can try to find some new. ;)

    Played: Lineage 2,Guild Wars 1 and 2, Age of Conan, Ragnarok Online, LOTRO, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EvE online
    Tried: KAL Online, Face of Mankind, ROSE online
    Playing: CS:GO

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