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What's your dream mmo?



  • EvasiaEvasia Member Posts: 2,827

    Open zoneless world ala Morrowind!

    Total freedom to play as i wanne play.

    No instance no lvls no xp no numbers anymore.

    No classes but skill based but not simple skill points to some end number becouse thats in a way same as lvls.

    Get rid of the damn kill 10x wolfs/boars/goblins boring stupid quests specially the kill 400x quest(hey Aventurine, just a hint)

    Dynamic mob spawn dynamic weather system dynamic nodes for mats realistic drops a bear drops an pelt or his claw tooth not a weapon or some armor.

    Build your own house in some forest or secret place or build with friends some small village/town.

    Open free for all pvp full loot(if devs make every effort to prefend cheating)

    Intelligent AI for npcs and mobs.

    Realistic day and night cycle.

    Unpredictable events.

    No hold hands.

    Exploration in a dangerous world where you realy need to becarefull to survive and many secrets treasures to be found mysterious dungeons ruines or towns to explore and discover.

    Go anywhere no invisble barriers.

    When i step into world i must have feeling right away im gonne have great adventure but have to learn the world myself.

    One thing thats very importend is NO CHEATING so developers should make ever efford to prefend this monotoring and police for exploiters hackers macroers cheaters of any kind becouse i HATE CHEATERS.

    Fantasy mmo in realistic graphics best for me would ne in DX11 high end pc and scale back for those with lesser hardware but i should play it in best posible graphics:)

    Bring back fun in games for me thats sandbox where you are realy free.

    Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
    In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,019

    Originally posted by Evasia

    Open zoneless world ala Morrowind!

    Total freedom to play as i wanne play.

    No instance no lvls no xp no numbers anymore.

    No classes but skill based but not simple skill points to some end number becouse thats in a way same as lvls.

    Get rid of the damn kill 10x wolfs/boars/goblins boring stupid quests specially the kill 400x quest(hey Aventurine, just a hint)

    Dynamic mob spawn dynamic weather system dynamic nodes for mats realistic drops a bear drops an pelt or his claw tooth not a weapon or some armor.

    Intelligent AI for npcs and mobs.

    Realistic day and night cycle.

    Unpredictable events.

    No hold hands.

    Exploration in a dangerous world where you realy need to becarefull to survive and many secrets treasures to be found mysterious dungeons ruines or towns to explore and discover.

    Go anywhere no invisble barriers.

    When i step into world i must have feeling right away im gonne have great adventure but have to learn the world myself.

    One thing thats very importend is NO CHEATING so developers should make ever efford to prefend this monotoring and police for exploiters hackers macroers cheaters of any kind becouse i HATE CHEATERS.

    Fantasy mmo in realistic graphics best for me would ne in DX11 high end pc and scale back for those with lesser hardware but i should play it in best posible graphics:)

    Bring back fun in games for me thats sandbox where you are realy free.

    I've got to say that's pretty much my game. Right down to a la Morrowind as I fully expected that mmo's were like morrowind but in 3rd person like neverwinter nights.

    tee hee boy was I wrong.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • EvasiaEvasia Member Posts: 2,827

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Evasia

    Open zoneless world ala Morrowind!

    Total freedom to play as i wanne play.

    No instance no lvls no xp no numbers anymore.

    No classes but skill based but not simple skill points to some end number becouse thats in a way same as lvls.

    Get rid of the damn kill 10x wolfs/boars/goblins boring stupid quests specially the kill 400x quest(hey Aventurine, just a hint)

    Dynamic mob spawn dynamic weather system dynamic nodes for mats realistic drops a bear drops an pelt or his claw tooth not a weapon or some armor.

    Intelligent AI for npcs and mobs.

    Realistic day and night cycle.

    Unpredictable events.

    No hold hands.

    Exploration in a dangerous world where you realy need to becarefull to survive and many secrets treasures to be found mysterious dungeons ruines or towns to explore and discover.

    Go anywhere no invisble barriers.

    When i step into world i must have feeling right away im gonne have great adventure but have to learn the world myself.

    One thing thats very importend is NO CHEATING so developers should make ever efford to prefend this monotoring and police for exploiters hackers macroers cheaters of any kind becouse i HATE CHEATERS.

    Fantasy mmo in realistic graphics best for me would ne in DX11 high end pc and scale back for those with lesser hardware but i should play it in best posible graphics:)

    Bring back fun in games for me thats sandbox where you are realy free.

    I've got to say that's pretty much my game. Right down to a la Morrowind as I fully expected that mmo's were like morrowind but in 3rd person like neverwinter nights.

    tee hee boy was I wrong.

    I loved Morrowind when it was released, only now i also wanne get rid of numbers in games im bit sick of always build to some end game number, even Darkfall have those numbers with cap im starting to hate that.

    Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
    In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,019

    Originally posted by Deleted User


    I loved Morrowind when it was released, only now i also wanne get rid of numbers in games im bit sick of always build to some end game number, even Darkfall have those numbers with cap im starting to hate that.

    you know, you don't have to build to numbers. I'm, always asounded to hear that there are players in morrowind/oblvion who were figuring out the best way to maximize their characters.

    that has nothing to do with these games, it has more to do with them.

    I'll admit to a few times casting a lot of fireballs in morrowind in order to raise it enough so that I wasn't failing but in the context of the way I did it it felt more like a role play moment.

    Otherwise one can finish those games very successfully and never once plot out the best way to level or have your character run against a wall. Just play them the way they were meant to be played. In morrowind, the first run through I got to the last big baddie and pretty much whacked him out of existence in only a  few hits. I had to go into the construction set and make him harder because it was ridiculous how easy he was. And never once did I even guide my numbers so that I would be "very powerful". I just played and when I felt that I was powerful enough I went for it.

    as far as these mmo's are concerend, unless pvp is involved the same applies. Oh sure I personally enjoy rasiing my character and making him more powerful. But in no way, shape or form do i plan, plot or do anything to achieve that in any way I would not enjoy.

    In LOTRO I do NOT grind out areas so I can collect legendary items in order to get the best relics. I do NOT grind out favor in every instance it is offered. I think I have low favor in most areas of lotror with the exception of Moria where taking quests from just about anyone raised your favor and Lothlorien where I really wanted that white mount and pushed myself to get the necessary favor.

    but that is one instance for one thing I wanted. I sure has hell have stagnated on the mirkwood favor.

    Character building has been a part of pen and paper since "pen and paper had characters". As movie Bob says "Dungeons and Dragons had a lot of numbers and nerds loved numbers" (paraphrase)

    But you know what? you didn't have to play those games that way. As Gary Gygax very wisely said "these rules are guildines, throw thigns out, add things do what you need to do" (also paraphrase).

    Do you think every D&D session that I created I stuck to all those silly charts every time someone needed to belch? It was ridiculous.

    The only time one hever has to obsess about numbers is in the competitive part of the genre. Hard Core raiding and pvp at the higher levels.

    But that's understandable in any competitive field. And the people who do it tend to be wired that way or driven towards it because of their own inner demons.

    so, those kids who feel they need to get the best stuff (post above) so they can 'march up and down the square" and look good doing it? That's about something else. I wouldn't blame these games for that just like I don't blame alcohol for someone's alcoholism.

    So next time you feel like you need to build to some end game number, just let that go and then see where it takes you. You will probably be a lot happier and still be able to play the game to a decent degree.

    erm, whoever you are masked/deleted stranger.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • BenediktBenedikt Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    Originally posted by EQ2Thanos

    First of all I want lots of races and classes and all races have thier own starting point and home in the world,also lots  of custimization which includes height and weight and more than the bog standard 6 hairstyles.I mean come on how hard can this actually be?I hate everyone looking the same.My first impression when i logged into Aion was 'is Prince a secret designer in this game?everyone is pink and purple'

    So thats my unique looking toon sorted now we want an open world with lots of different paths you can take to level.Lots of quests you can do and also group dungeons,some instanced and others not where the mobs are tougher and not soloable so in turn they drop better loot.Also slow leveling and I don't want any of the crap where you have 1 hotbar and have to pick spells/abilities to put on before I go into the world.I find this dumb and annoying.Classes should be an artform not  a 7 button mash.

    Also lets have lots of abilities/spells per class and to make yourself stand out lets get away from everyone having the same ability.For example if you get fireball at level 1 lets have tiers in it like the eq2 system.This way if you have master spells you stand apart from others of your class.

    This brings me onto UI,no mmo has  had a better UI than eq2,its 100% customizable which should be the case for all mmo's.

    I also want a worldwide broker system and collections are fun to.

    Now onto crafting,please oh please stop doing these pointless crafting in games where you gather 100 tin click on a forge and go make a cup of tea while you turn that 100 tin into 50 tin bars then come back and turn those into 25 tin boots! I can't stand it,this isn't crafting!Crafting should be hard and take time so that the people that can be  bothered to do it reap the rewards when they get high level.Also the gear a crafter makes should be equal to hard mob dropped gear but lesser than raid gear.And rare recipies can also be dropped from mobs which in turn creates an econemy for recipies.And maybe crafters need to work together for example a tailor  makes bits that an armorer  needs.

    Now those things will be a nice starting point:) Lastly I would like a leaderboards system that shows where your toons are on the ladder in different aspects of the game.I don't think these things are to much to ask for and i know there are 10's of thousands of MMORPG players that are  just waiting for that harder game to be released!

    oh and I forgot to add I am only really into the sword and sorcery type mmo,the space/horror havn't quite got it for me.

     so basicly - Vanguard :)

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641

    EQ2 with all the features it has only with a better game engine and all new worlds to explore.



    possibly TSW and/or GW2 if they turn out the way I think they will, but add player housing, carpentry, and lumberjacking to both so I can build my own furnishings for my home.

    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • braingame007braingame007 Member UncommonPosts: 98

    My dream MMO is Everquest 3/EQ Next for the PS3, which seems likely to happen!!! My favorite MMO of all time was EQOA for the ps2 and if we got another game even remotely on the same scale of EPIC as that I would be one happy dude.

  • tazarconantazarconan Member Posts: 1,013

    It has been discussed so many times as a topic but what the heck

    1.Oblivion or m&b warband combat system improved or non improved

    2.Random generated dungeons / Raids  upon entering,with random generated loot

    3.Huge open world with the  detail  lvl and quality of  wow (means beatifull surroundings/wilds )

    4.Continual improvement for  the characters non-stop, and not only via better gear ,very hard after a certain lvl ofc

    5.Huge variety and differences on classes  and races

    6.Loads of things for a character to do upon entering like adventuring, hunting ,proffs, long term things to achieved claim acres of lands ,able to build castles or take over keeps via reputaion on a deep political agenda system ,claim titles like duke baron ,raise taxes a whole hierarchy in a few words in a supposed medieval fantasy world with claims rights ,titles etc etc

    7.pvp challenges via campaigns, tournaments aka colossieum stadium every weekend in major cities with unique rewards, arenas, battlegrounds ,also meaningfull open pvp beetween hostie races,guilds etc etc,ability to hold sieges on enemy clans fortresses etc etc ,in a few words everything a mmorpg gamer could ask.

    8.Jobs available for players,want to raise rank in military for example? Guard posts in various city or village gates for 1 hour,duties ,or take contracts for killing various enemies of opposing factions as a mercenary, escort caravans to secure their safety during travels,etc etc intresting things though that add to the game's atmosphere.

  • tazarconantazarconan Member Posts: 1,013

    Originally posted by jasimon

    1. A fantasy world.  By world I mean it's a place that you inhabit, and things happen with or without you.  NPCs go about their lives. Mobs move around. Factions go to war and then sign a shaky peace treaty.  I want NPC factions to be strong and powerful and matter just as much as players.  

    2. You're not the "chosen one".  This mentality doesn't really work in a MMO.  If everyone is the hero, then no one is.  We're all just people going about our lives, doing our thing in the greater context on the world.  Individuals may do heroic things, but there isn't a "chosen one" who happens to be every single player.  But PCs are still "special", mostly because they can't die.  

    3.  Mostly player-driven, political. PvP combat.  Build cities, conquer territories.  Think Shadowbane here.  But I think maybe have things on an even grander scale.  Building a real city is a huge effort, not a single-guild thing.  Encourage the creation not just of guilds but of alliances and full-on nations.  

    4. Still have an overarching world story and events.  I like how Asheron's Call did this.  For the most part you just lived in the world and went about your daily business, but every month a larger, overarching world story progressed.  Allow the actions of players to steer the direction of this.  A player finds the ancient gateway that holds back the demonic horde.  Do they tell anyone?  Do they open it?  Defend it?  In this way a single player or a group of players can still be heroic and affect the entire world.

    5. I'd like a hybrid skill system.  Some skills require study over time (like EVE).  Learn a language, study botany, or whatever.  You can progress in real time by reading or training up to a certain level.  Or you can gain XP by killing things and invest that into skills like in Asheron's Call.

    6. As a skill-based system, I want a HUGE number of skills.  People really need to get in and specialize.  You start out just training in general melee combat or with a sword.  You then go deeper into specializing with Sword (Sword Specialization or Mastery Skill).  Then you pick a specific sword you want to focus on, and a specific combat style, and even a specific technique that is your trademark.  Allow for both a huge breadth and depth of skill.  You can go as wide as you want, or as deep as you want.  

    7. Still limit people, so they have to make choices.  I like the way Asheron's Call did this by tying a level system to a skill system.  As you leveled you could open up more skills.  With a huge skill system this would be modified a bit, maybe more like a skill tree system.  So as you level you both gain XP to progress your skills and points to unlock more skills along the trees.  By limiting people you also encourage grouping and team play.  

    8. Even still, people with the exact same skills shouldn't necessarily be exactly the same.  One idea is a trait or enhancement system at certain skill benchmarks.  So every 10 or 25 or whatever ranks in a skill, you can choose between certain enhancements to a skill or power to better fit your playstyle.

    9. A more engaging combat system.  There's a lot of good discussion going on in the developers corner right now, both about ranged and melee combat.  I want all the different types of combat to be more engaging, and to feel unique.  It should not feel the same to play an archer and a swordsman.  

    10.  A few different magic systems, each with their own mechanics.  Necromacy and Sorcery and Psionics are not all the same, and once again, they should not play the same way.

    11.  Lower health, more focus on avoidance than absorbtion.  Melee fights have dodges, blocks, and parries.  You just move out of the way or use a shield to block arrow attacks.  Dodge a magic missile or counterspell.  Speed up the combat a bit and make every hit count, instead of spending ten minutes whiddling away at each other's 10k HP.  

    12.  A decent variety of races that actually have a difference in playstyle.  I don't care about one race being a better archer than another.  They're just better suited to it.  But who knows, maybe the other race has some trait that can complement their archery and actually give them a leg up in certain situations.  I like the idea of racial skills that can be progressed.  All minotaur have horns, but how many actually train to use them effectively in combat.

    13.  I want languages for each race.  This is mostly a fun RP thing, but it can actually also have use in combat/strategy.  If you're spying an enemy, you better know their language.  All of these would be skills that others could learn, if physiologically possible.  

    14. Quests are dev-created events or hidden storylines, not "!" over some villager's head.  Those are tasks.  Have a "Task Board" in the town were NPCs and players can post requests and rewards for certain things if they need them.  

    15. Player-driven economy.  Tons of resources in the world, of varied type and of quality, to encourage trade.  Craft "recipies" can be improved by crafters so not all Broadswords are the same.  Let crafters make a name for themselves by specializing in certain things.  Items are not tied to certain skill levels.  For example, you don't have to move from using a short sword to a broadsword simple because you went from 20 to 30 skill.  You just get a better short sword to match your skill.  This allows for variety of equipment.  

    16.  Limited inventory, non-universal banking.  Maybe allow for universal gold banking, but not items.  Also characters can't carry 50 swords or 120 units of stone.  Require trade caravans or shipping to move those things.  Encourages conflict by attacking/defending these convoys.  

    17. Social interactions and games.  Let players get drunk and play cards or dice in the tavern.  Put in a real music system to encourage concerts and plays and all that sort of fun RP, community-building stuff.  Give titles based on achievements, skills, faction membership/rank.  

    18.  You don't know someone's name unless they introduce themselves, someone tells you who they are, or you have some sort of warrant/description that you can use to identify them.  

    19.  Have NPC class guilds or factions that can give players direction/purpose for their skills.  Assassin's Guild, Thieve's Guild, Mercenary Guild, Bard's Guild, etc.  

    20.  One really important one for me is an in-depth pet/taming system.  Taming of any creature, training it, breeding it, etc.  I want it where people can say "Oh, don't buy your horse from X.  Sure, they're big and make great warhorses.  But Y over there, his horses are the fastest."

    21.  Drop all items/equipment on death, except for a limited soul-bind system for a few items.  Also have equipment damage, to keep crafters working.  Limited fast travel system based on the soul-bind.  Can spend gold/XP to bind yourself to different towns, but to travel you drop all your non-bound equipment like you died.  Travel should usually be a big comittment.  


    That's just a small sampling of everything I would want in my dream game.

    Agreed to all but the gear.Loot is a major factor of ethism of every role playing game. I settle if doesnt play much deciding role and skill counts more for battles results.

  • myheartspitsmyheartspits Member Posts: 7

    Originally posted by MumboJumbo

    Jeez, ppl have almost built GDD's on this topic, no wonder devs have a nightmare designing mmos: What to add and what to leave out, I guess it's someone else's problem... I'd like a game world that could be completely destroyed if players are ingenious/powerful enough or not stopped by other players... and the world is worth saving.

    I really like this idea. Of course, your idea of what would make the world worth saving could be completely different than mine.

  • Member UncommonPosts: 962

    1. The obvious: interesting classes and races

    2. Very VERY big world but yet not empty. This is very important to me, A player should be lost and sucked into the world and meet several npc's/events on the way. Some variety is needed the npc's/events/quests too.

    3. Related to previous point: Somewhat related to the previous point. Some variety in zones are a must too. Each zone with some story of it's own. Diffirent settings, diffirent colors... I wouldn't like to be dragged trough the same lookalike zones the whole game.

    4. Also related to point 2: When advancing through the game I like to have choices where to spend the next few hours.

    5. Time consuiming. Slow down the pace. I don't want a xp vs time race, I don't want to be pushed that way either.

    6. RP: I'm not an RP freak but it should not be all around action. I want to feel my character and play him, not just command him what to do. So put the character in some important spot. In the other hand, I hate turn based games. So action may remain fast paced.

    7. Sounds: Very important to me. A lot of resources should be spend on sounds.

    8. The settings are less important to me, that's not the thing that would keep me playing. It could be futuristic scifi, middle earth with dragons ..

    9. There should be some faction conflict. This should be the drive of the whole story and game in general.


    I'll add a few bullets when something comes up.

    These are the most important right now.

  • psyclumpsyclum Member Posts: 792

    conceptually, my dream MMO would be something like this

    :D   too bad it would never be made:p

  • lethyslethys Member UncommonPosts: 585

    Wild West: The MMO (Sandbox with Lots of PvP and PvE)


    Okay, so what we have is a game taking place back when the US didn't really have control over all the lands they occupied on the frontier.  Basically, for those who don't know much about much, everything was completely out of control and the cowboys made laws.  Like in the HBO show Deadwood.  We have cowboys.  They can set up towns, fight for control of towns.  There would be one central, main town built and run by NPCs.  This would be where people started from the beginning.  Here you can get basic quests to kill Native Americans and run essentially Group Quests involving killing Native Americans.  Also there are animals.


    Your weapon is a gun.  Multiple types of varying quality can be crafted, lots of different types some have higher power some have faster reload, some are pistols good for all ranges, rifles best for long range and shotgun best for close range.  The materials, iron and wood, could be mined and chopped down, creating an economy.  The guns would deteriorate.  Would be consensual full loot.  What I mean is that full loot in PvP would require someone to be challenged to a duel.  If they turn the duel down, there is some sort of humiliation this person has and also a debuff.  You could only challenge people to a duel you were at odds with in your guild.  Otherwise, PvP gets you something like maybe money, but havent determined what yet.


    Guilds would be split into gangs and Agents.  Gangs are obviously bad guys, agentss are good guys.  Your rank as a gang or agency would result from collective karma system, the karma system stemming from things like murders of people you aren't at war with.  So there would be agent controlled and run towns as well as gang run hideouts.  Alliances between agencies or alliances between gangs possible, no cross alliances though.  It is possible to go from bad to good and vice versa though it would take a lot of work, especially at guild level.


    Towns built by guilds would specialize in stuff.  Some would breed the best horses, some make the best guns, some have the biggest casino, biggest bank, lowest taxes on items sold by the NPC merchants.  Limited number of things you can build so this prevents massive towns, also limited number of spaces.  Towns can be taken over by rivals through formal declarations that they are going to attack through some in-game system, five minutes pass before the attackers can start.  During this attack, buildings can be destroyed.  If at least one member of the rival gang is not in the town during the time of attack then the attack is off, and the rivals are said to have run.  Likewise, it takes a certain meter of time ticking down without the owners being present for the rivals to control the town.  Resources could be spent on defense.


    PvP incentive would be gold mines.  Gold mines because of the gold rush: would be controllable property.  Hired NPC guards would delay attacks, allowing defenders to get there.  There would be only a few of them.  Gold mines would create tons of cash for the people controlling it, because gold gets bought by NPC's in the main town who bring it back to the other parts of America.  Cash is vital for buying new guns and clothing because the stuff breaks, and also ammunition for guns is required.  Towns could be taken over as well, only a limited number of spaces to set up towns in, but still gold mines get a lot more money for a guild.


    Guild banks in main town but also banks can be set up in each new town.  Those banks would offer interest to players who put in money based on what the guild sets the rate for.  Banks can be robbed other than the main one, but the interest the guild banks would offer would be much higher than the interest the main bank would offer.  Guild storage doesn't get interest.  Items in storage don't deteriorate at nearly the rate that guns in use do.Bounty system where a player can set a bounty on another they don't like, a set number can be set per month to avoid exploiting the system.  EVE-like jobs system basically where jobs can be taken in the main town.  Deliver stuff from one place to another, etc.


    Main town is neutral area no fighting in it except the full loot duels.  Only the winner of the duel could loot the dead body of the other guy and take the items he had on him as well as a small amount of his total money.  Mini-games such as poker, liar's dice, blackjack, horse shoes, rodeos, horse racing, dice poker, drinking contest, fist fights, arm wrestling, craps, slots etc. can be played for money in the main town.  Some are players vs. players, others like slots and craps would be money sinks that the house gets money if you lose.


    Levels have small impact on combat, affect things like accuracy on mounts, how fast you reload, accuracy in general, but anyone can kill anyone.  Crafting IS level'd though.

  • ArcheminosArcheminos Member Posts: 283

    DAoC 2, with Vanguards crafting.

  • RianRian Member Posts: 17

    Take EVE. Remove Player versus Player, but keep Corp versus Corp and add a special type of corp for pirates. Make Wardecs a lot less easy to declare unless you're in a pirate corp. Pirate Corps can't form alliances or be invited into them.

    Add a mechanism by which players, either through corporation, personal involvement or resource donations can fight in the name of the NPC Factions. These emboldened factions could then field enough ships to turn null and lowsec systems into high sec.

    I'd change PI so resource extraction is the least important part of a colonization/terraforming system that would allow players to support their own colonies. These colonies would be associated with the game factions and provide tax income to both the player and the faction.

    Lastly, there would be a system for  "Mega Projects" where everyone could funnel resources into specific game changing events, such as new gates or ship classes. There could be public and hidden projects which could be co-op or competitive efforts anywhere from the personal scale to the galactic scale.


  • genkidashitegenkidashite Member Posts: 41

    Archeage with EVE-like complex econmic systems.

    Must include functional trading and crafting.

  • djmtottdjmtott Member Posts: 177

    I'd make a pre-CU SWG clone, and substitute the Star Wars stuff with medieval stuff (assuming I can't use the Star Wars IP).

    I'd have no magic, except for healing magic. Mobs would be realistic critters and some bosses from lore and legend. No player orcs, trolls, etc. Different races of humans from different geographies, complete with different societal styles (European, Middle-Eastern, Oriental, etc).

    Balance the combat professions. No levels. Pre-CU SWG style skill trees.

    Hire a slew of artists to make a ton of different items and locations. I'd focus more on the sights and feel of the game than over-complexing the combat. The living world and community dynamic would be more of a highlight than combat.

    Sandbox, sandbox, sandbox! Player driven economy and item decay.

    I'd have player housing like SWG has, but I'd also have a robust storage system to avoid 'storage houses' littering the landscape.


    Just off the top of my head...

  • fiontarfiontar Member UncommonPosts: 3,682

    1. Top notch graphics, appealing characters and armor/clothing. Plenty of character creation options, on par with Aion.

    2. Huge game world. At least as big as vanilla WoW, with at least as many zones, racial starting areas and alternate leveling paths, but with out the cartoon style graphics.

    3. Creative class system that breaks from the boring, same old cookie cutters and somehow finds a way to balance many options. (Too many talent tree skill boosts in most MMOs seem to use completely arbitrary numbers, so no wonder balance is usually an issue).

    4. Tons of quests. Tons of places to explore. Tons of monsters to fight (placed in the world in logical ways, not theme park bundles).

    5. In addition to larger instances, each zone has many smaller, non-instanced lairs and mini dungeons. (Why don't more games take advantage of this to cram more content into each world zone)?

    6. Solid crafting and harvesting options. Player driven economy.

    7. Fun mini-games through out the world, to make it seem more like a living place. (Cards, dice, brawls, races, etc...)

    8. Extended leveling curve and 100 initial levels. Screw the "rush to endgame" mentality. MMOs should take months to hit the cap, not weeks.

    9. Includes the many little features that have evolved in the genre and players expect: AH, Add-ons, UI customization, Housing, Guild housing and banks, dyable armor and items, costume tabs or the ability to transfer weapon/armor skins, etc...

    10. Developed by a company that realizes the importance of content creation efficiency, builds very efficient tools, hires very efficient and creative people and has the ability to roll out a full expansion every year that expands the land mass by 50% of the size of the original game world.

    11. Finds a way to make dynamic content actually work.

    12. Supports instanced battlegrounds and contested world PvP zones that offer fun PvP options, but do NOT impact players as they tackle world PvE content outside of a few specific combat zones.

    13. Has three factions and a system to balance weaker factions based on power split, adjusted weekly.

    14. Offers worthwhile achievments, tasks and rep grinds for those who want them.

    15. World content that can be affected by the actions of players.

    16. Is only launched when it's actually ready and feature complete.

    Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

  • ForumfallForumfall Member Posts: 570

    A sandbox themepark mix.

    open world with mountains/forests/deserts/jungles/swamps
    day/night and weather/seasons rotation
    enviromental effect on gameplay and npc behavior
    classless or minimum of 24 classes
    skill leveling instead of character leveling
    player housing
    realistic gathering and crafting
    territorial/castle wars (politics)

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by Vidir

    I wish for a new Asherons Call game.

    This would be cool if it had Tummies  :)

  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380

    Spore character creator MMO with a guild wars type skill system.

  • Binary^.nlBinary^.nl Member Posts: 44

    Only a few requirements which have been invented ages ago ...

    1. Sandbox (with some themepark content, like SWG)

    2. Skillbased (No levels, just free mixture between different skills)

    3. Extended Crafting and Loot (again like SWG)

    4. Player Server Politics (No Factions, Just like EVE)

    5. Player housing and City's (City's will decay over time if no maintance is paid)

  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061

    I'd like to see a mix of Blade & Soul and Firefall. =p

    Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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  • drazzahdrazzah Member UncommonPosts: 437

    Blizzard's Money + Rift's Graphics & Soul System + Dark Age of Camelots RvR System = Win


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