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Stocks; Bonds; Mutual Funds, Oh My!

killerTwinkiekillerTwinkie Member CommonPosts: 1,694

Investing; To put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.

High dividend? High yield? Fees which ruin the investment value of a particular fund? Though I am devouring everything I can in hopes to understand stocks, these concepts seem foreign.

Thus far: You invest in 1 stock, for 10.00; this stock has a dividend of 10%, this equates to a 1.00 per quarter (4x each year) return.

I'm learning, but i'm sinking in all this information. I cannot find classes, other than Scottrade. The issue with Scottrade is their classes are tailored to their software.

Tips? Articles? Advice? Anything that helped you get a heads up on this information will be helpful, and my thanks to you in advance....

KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.


  • zereelistzereelist Member Posts: 373

    I don't know much about stocks and the stock market, but as far as long term investing goes, I would say don't bother, since stocks can make you money much faster.  Because of inflation, the money you invest now will be worth much less in 30 years.  For example if you put $5000 into something long term, that $5000 will collect interest but not as fast as the economy inflates.  Say the $5000 accumulated into $8000 in 30 years, but in 30 years $8000 is peanuts compared to the $5000 you orginally put in which would be the equivelant of say, $10000. 

    Or if say, in the 70's when things like cigarettes were 25 cents a pack and you put like $5 a month in a fund, sure today it would be more than nothing but it still would seem like peanuts compared to the prices of everything now.

    Correct me if i'm wrong, that is just what I thought up while I was baked the other day, and it seemed to make sense.

  • killerTwinkiekillerTwinkie Member CommonPosts: 1,694

    Originally posted by zereelist

    I don't know much about stocks and the stock market, but as far as long term investing goes, I would say don't bother, since stocks can make you money much faster.  

    Or if say, in the 70's when things like cigarettes were 25 cents a pack and you put like $5 a month in a fund, sure today it would be more than nothing but it still would seem like peanuts compared to the prices of everything now.

    Your post is sound. Investing in an inflated market is like throwing money out the window.

    Though we are in the United States, and our dollar is losing value every day, we can still use this currency to purchase stock in other countries. For Example: When exchanging ONE U.S. dollar for one Canandian dollar, you will receive 00.95c; this means the Canadian dollar is 5c stronger than the U.S. dollar.

    So investing in foreign markets right now is the wisest thing. I do not foresee the U.S. dollar climbing anytime soon. Especially with inevitable debt ceiling increase; foreign investors raising their rates, tax increases on our money and taxes on the yeilds from investing

    KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    My dividend payments more than compensate me for inflation.

    Bank intrest rates on the otherhand are currently things of  high comedy.


    Currency speculation is a very fast moving game.

  • BushMonkeyBushMonkey Member Posts: 1,406

    Gold or silver...

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Oil and tobacco is working best for me currently. (High dividends).

  • CleffyCleffy Member RarePosts: 6,414

    Don't get treasuries.  Its like throwing away money.  It will never earn you money.

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