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Take Anonymity away



  • Lille7Lille7 Member Posts: 301

    You don't need to use real names to remove some of the anonymity that exists in games today. If you made it impossible to switch servers/change names, and made it alot harder to reroll a character most people would be nicer. If you act like a retard people will start to recognize you and will stop playing with you, and you would have to rely on others who are acting as retarded as you.

    Things like cross realm battlegrounds and dungeon finders make this even worse. Because you can be an ass all you want, and chances of you seeing that person ever again is very low.

  • aleosaleos Member UncommonPosts: 1,943

    I'ts funny that the main reason for this "Remove Anonymity" BS, is simply trash talking. LOL seriously. Develop some tougher skin.

  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592

    Anonymity is a must. Any female gamer can tell you why linking game profiles to RL profiles is a Bad Idea.


  • KilorTheMeekKilorTheMeek Member Posts: 260

    Originally posted by Deathofsage


    Also, I do wish more games would make friend/ignores account wide both ways.

    BobMage adds FredWarrior to his friend list.

    BobDruid, BobScholar, and all of Bob's alts can see FredWarrior, FredMage, FredPaladin on any of his alts.

    The same is true for ignore.

    I'd love to see this kind of system implemented for ignore lists... I got harassed by one ass hat who kept making alts and bugging me during my WoW days.  Wasn't a big deal... just kept on reporting him and ignoring each new toon... eventually it stopped.  I keep hoping it was bcuz Blizz banned him, but it was more likely he just got bored, but life woulda been way sweeter if I could've just ignored his entire account.

    Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
  • Miles-ProwerMiles-Prower Member Posts: 1,106

    Back in the original days of WoW, there were no LFG tools or server transfers. If you were bad, everyone knew it. If you stole something, word would spread through trade chat. Talking to a guild about a person misbehaving had weight. Most people couldn't afford to be booted from guilds and many people kept it pretty civil.

    ...Or at least that's what I like to say. Truth is, people were every bit as mean and vicious as they were back then as they are today.


    ~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!

    Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143

    As much as I'd like people to own up to their bad behavior there are just too many weirdos out there.

    I remember a woman who was doing online dating and she indicated that she had been contacted by a guy who seemed nice. However, when they started corresponding and after she (against better judgmet no doubt) let him know her real name and that she lived in a certain town, he came back with a quip about where she lived and whether or not something next to her was a pain in the neck.

    It seems he went to google maps, found her house and was commenting on what was around her house.

    She had never been more creeped out. Even if he just made a bad social mistake the point is that someone can find you with very little information.

    And there are people out there who probably wouldn't think otherwise than to show up at your doorstep because they are driven by some weird inner demons.

    so as much as I'd like all of us to be noted for who we actually are I think it's a bad idea.

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    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • XzenXzen Member UncommonPosts: 2,607

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    As much as I'd like people to own up to their bad behavior there are just too many weirdos out there.

    I remember a woman who was doing online dating and she indicated that she had been contacted by a guy who seemed nice. However, when they started corresponding and after she (against better judgmet no doubt) let him know her real name and that she lived in a certain town, he came back with a quip about where she lived and whether or not something next to her was a pain in the neck.

    It seems he went to google maps, found her house and was commenting on what was around her house.

    She had never been more creeped out. Even if he just made a bad social mistake the point is that someone can find you with very little information.

    And there are people out there who probably wouldn't think otherwise than to show up at your doorstep because they are driven by some weird inner demons.

    so as much as I'd like all of us to be noted for who we actually are I think it's a bad idea.

    Well what about removing the layer that lets people do things in the online community with out consequence. Just make it so everyone can see what characters you have on your account. On the comapny side they can make it so you can't have multiple accounts or if you do they are connected to eachother.

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    Originally posted by tyrannis

    Exactly Palebane. Everytime your or I step outside we are vulnerable. They don't know your name or where you live they just want to make you pay and because of that they will get the information they need.

    In the end there is no protection from that other than changing the way that people leaen to interact with one another.

    The only way to do that is to actually change it. :)

    Crazzy will still be crazzy. Nothing we can do about that. Not unless you want to live in a sci-fi movie.

    I'm sorry, but I don't make a habit of constantly killing people at the grocery store.

    ... yet I do that in video games.  People get REALLY worked up about video games.  Perhaps you never use any method of communication, but... yeah.  It's crazy town out there.  If they have to internalize it, and replace the chance to yell at me with whatever they can figure out using my real name... I don't think that's a good trade.

    Also, and this is a fun trick... nobody at the grocery store knows my name.  The vast majority of people I meet in person will NEVER know my name.  A name is a lot of power (Especially if you have an uncommon name).  If I don't have to wear a giant 'Hey, my name is *insert name here*, if you think I'm being a dick, look me up on the internet!' shirt in RL, why should I have to wear it online?

    I guess you're against competitive games, or anything where anybody might get unreasonably riled.

    This is the same reason I drive very carefully and not competitively where I work, a place that has won 'murder capital of the US' more than a few years.  Because crazy ass person might just ram me off the side of the road, or shoot me.  In a video game though, I'm supposed to not be competitive?  :T  I'm not saying 'being an ass', but you know what?  Some people REALLY dont' like being killed in video games (No idea why they play games!).  I've had people send me large angry rants because I kicked their ass in one game or another.

    ... I don't want those people realizing suddenly they have my name and can make it personal. :T

    Yes, crazy people can be crazy, but why should I make it RIDICULOUSLY easy for them?

    When I was a lot younger, I saw somebody's name in a magazine in a letter column, that shared an opinion that I did.  I also saw they lived in the same vague geographical region as I do.  So I called them up.

    ... because I am probably a little crazy.  (We made really good friends, but that doesn't mean it wasn't crazy behavior on my part. :D )  I don't WANT people knowing my name so easily.

    I had somebody who just knew 1.  My job  2.  The largest city I lived next to  3. That I had long hair...

    ... who called me up at work.  That freaked me the hell out.  He was doing it just to show 'Hey, I could be a detective if I wanted', and it took a lot of work, but I don't want crazier people having to work less hard to do the same sort of crap only crazier.

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    And there are people out there who probably wouldn't think otherwise than to show up at your doorstep because they are driven by some weird inner demons.

    so as much as I'd like all of us to be noted for who we actually are I think it's a bad idea.

    You know, I'm a little surprised the 'I'm willing to let a few women be raped so I don't have to cry when 12 year olds call me names' position is as popular as it is, actually. :/  It seems embarassing, like those people are willing to sacrifice other people's personal security just so their feelings won't be hurt.

  • Yoottos'HorgYoottos'Horg Member UncommonPosts: 297

    Part of the reason I even PLAY on-line games is because I can be a completely different person than I have to be in real life. I want the ability to be imature, to redicule people for no reason other than because they killed me. I want to type the most inappropriate thing I can possibly think of to another human being, or to a chat channel at large, because I can't do anything even remotely like that in real life. On-line video games provide an outlet to the PC, image strangled career I have chosen for myself and my family.


    If video game companies forced us to play as ourselves, well, the on-line world would be filled with the same politically correct crap we have in real life...and we all know how much real life can suck. No need to subject the on-line world to that.image

  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    Is it considered irony that a person advocating a lack of anonymity in games is posting anonymously on a game forum?

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143

    Originally posted by Xzen

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    As much as I'd like people to own up to their bad behavior there are just too many weirdos out there.

    I remember a woman who was doing online dating and she indicated that she had been contacted by a guy who seemed nice. However, when they started corresponding and after she (against better judgmet no doubt) let him know her real name and that she lived in a certain town, he came back with a quip about where she lived and whether or not something next to her was a pain in the neck.

    It seems he went to google maps, found her house and was commenting on what was around her house.

    She had never been more creeped out. Even if he just made a bad social mistake the point is that someone can find you with very little information.

    And there are people out there who probably wouldn't think otherwise than to show up at your doorstep because they are driven by some weird inner demons.

    so as much as I'd like all of us to be noted for who we actually are I think it's a bad idea.

    Well what about removing the layer that lets people do things in the online community with out consequence. Just make it so everyone can see what characters you have on your account. On the comapny side they can make it so you can't have multiple accounts or if you do they are connected to eachother.

    I've actually thought about that before. I have no problems with someone being able to look up your character in game and seeing all the other characters  on that account.

    I know that for more pvp oriented games some might say that then removes the ability to have "spies" but truth be told, if one is going to make it so spies can be implemented then there must also be a viable way to uncover those spies. It's beyond easy to have a player inserted into an enemy guild and never once reveal anything about himself/herself indicating that they are there to give away crucial information and cause havoc.

    Having said that, for the player who wants to have a public face "image" and a private face "image" there is nothign stopping them from having two accounts and then you end up exactly where you were.

    The only way I can see them limiting account to a person is to tie it into their social security number (or regional equivalent) which I wouldn't trust to any game company or to somehow make it so that they can easily trace any credit card you use to the actual user.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • nickster29nickster29 Member Posts: 486

    Anonymity, while it does allow some people like jerks, protects us from the psychos that surely exist out there that are on the internet.


    Strip away that anonymity and you are going to open a whole new can of worms.

  • Miles-ProwerMiles-Prower Member Posts: 1,106

    Originally posted by WhiteLantern

    Is it considered irony that a person advocating a lack of anonymity in games is posting anonymously on a game forum?

    I don't think you even read his post.. Re-read it and you won't find it as ironic as you think.

    EDIT: Seems there's quite a few people who didn't even bother to read the OP's topic and just read the title =P.


    ~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!

    Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    Originally posted by Miles-Prower

    Originally posted by WhiteLantern

    Is it considered irony that a person advocating a lack of anonymity in games is posting anonymously on a game forum?

    I don't think you even read his post.. Re-read it and you won't find it as ironic as you think.

    EDIT: Seems there's quite a few people who didn't even bother to read the OP's topic and just read the title =P.


    ~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!

    Nope, I read it. I think I even understood the point. Mostly I took it as sarcasm and posted in-kind. Must be too thick today.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    I chose the last option, because it was there.  Anonymity isn't the problem so much as the wrong types of people have access to the internet.  I've always said there needs to be two seperate versions of the internet for seperate groups of people: one for people who have proven their age, intellect, and maturity level, and one for all the other insects of society that destroy everything they touch.  There isn't a game I've come across yet that didn't make me want to just stop playing after dealing with one of these "people." Be it the kid who, just yesterday, found out that girls make their no-no tingle, the mouth-breather who does something so bewildering that I start to wonder how they dress themselves in the morning, or the guy who is pushing 30 and is still stuck in the competitive jock itch "hardcore" phase.

    Bury them all.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    Don't think OP has truly thought about his idea else this topic wouldn't be created.

    Face it, it's a terrible idea, just look at facebook, hyves and other social media, while there might be a tiny percentage of people using it guinely, we all know it's already abused, if this happens to games then what we see today would become even worse then being anonymous.

  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Originally posted by twodayslate

    I chose the last option, because it was there.  Anonymity isn't the problem so much as the wrong types of people have access to the internet.  I've always said there needs to be two seperate versions of the internet for seperate groups of people: one for people who have proven their age, intellect, and maturity level, and one for all the other insects of society that destroy everything they touch.  There isn't a game I've come across yet that didn't make me want to just stop playing after dealing with one of these "people." Be it the kid who, just yesterday, found out that girls make their no-no tingle, the mouth-breather who does something so bewildering that I start to wonder how they dress themselves in the morning, or the guy who is pushing 30 and is still stuck in the competitive jock itch "hardcore" phase.

    Bury them all.

    Awesome post made me laugh really hard ...

  • DragimDragim Member UncommonPosts: 867

    Originally posted by WhiteLantern

    Is it considered irony that a person advocating a lack of anonymity in games is posting anonymously on a game forum?

     Well, partly anonymous...(just discussing, not trying to flame/troll)

    If you click people's names, it generally tells their age, and where they live at.  Do a search of their town, find out how many people are in the city, maybe do a search of how many people in the town/city are the age in which is identified in said profile and you could almost narrow it down to who is posting. (Granted if they are from New York that might be a lot harder than it seems, hah).  Not sure if you can look at the age demograph of a town and specific names or not, but I am just randomly thinking.

    Personally?  I "changed" my actual city, you can know my state, but I prefer not to know my exact location.  So in a sense I am more anon than the original poster is!

    And as far as anonymity in forums versus online, I believe that online you are more anonymous than in forums.

    Here you have 1 name (granted you can make new names, but with post count, people can sometimes tell when new accounts are made for specific statements/posts), and generally a profile attached, like on this website.  This profile gives further information on your (sex)(age)(location, almost exact if people leave in their city).

    Also in certain games as I have said, like WoW, you can change everything about your character, even location, in order to remain fully and truly anonymous.

    I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.

  • DeathofsageDeathofsage Member UncommonPosts: 1,102

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    Originally posted by Dragim

    Bully-ing in school is a huge issue right now in america, and I think bully-ing in general is a huge issue.  Whether at school, the workplace, the bar, or online, it needs to stop.  People putting others down to self-empower/satisfy themselves is pathetic.

    Bullying is nothing new, its happened for ages... difference between now and the past is...


    1. Bullying leads to suicide, extremely high amount of emotionally frial people out there

    2. Bullying leads to violence with weapons rather than a old school fist fight.


    that old sticks and stones line, isn't really said anymore


    more like "sticks and stones may break my bones, words may cause me to kill myself"


    sad really, that people are so weak

    It's also that the Internet and political correctness are distorting the solution.

    I was bullied as a kid, so what? If you've ever known a kid or a person in general, you know they'll do what they want if the excitement, in their opinion, outweighs the repercussions.

    Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
    12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.

  • XzenXzen Member UncommonPosts: 2,607

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Xzen

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    As much as I'd like people to own up to their bad behavior there are just too many weirdos out there.

    I remember a woman who was doing online dating and she indicated that she had been contacted by a guy who seemed nice. However, when they started corresponding and after she (against better judgmet no doubt) let him know her real name and that she lived in a certain town, he came back with a quip about where she lived and whether or not something next to her was a pain in the neck.

    It seems he went to google maps, found her house and was commenting on what was around her house.

    She had never been more creeped out. Even if he just made a bad social mistake the point is that someone can find you with very little information.

    And there are people out there who probably wouldn't think otherwise than to show up at your doorstep because they are driven by some weird inner demons.

    so as much as I'd like all of us to be noted for who we actually are I think it's a bad idea.

    Well what about removing the layer that lets people do things in the online community with out consequence. Just make it so everyone can see what characters you have on your account. On the comapny side they can make it so you can't have multiple accounts or if you do they are connected to eachother.

    I've actually thought about that before. I have no problems with someone being able to look up your character in game and seeing all the other characters  on that account.

    I know that for more pvp oriented games some might say that then removes the ability to have "spies" but truth be told, if one is going to make it so spies can be implemented then there must also be a viable way to uncover those spies. It's beyond easy to have a player inserted into an enemy guild and never once reveal anything about himself/herself indicating that they are there to give away crucial information and cause havoc.

    Having said that, for the player who wants to have a public face "image" and a private face "image" there is nothign stopping them from having two accounts and then you end up exactly where you were.

    The only way I can see them limiting account to a person is to tie it into their social security number (or regional equivalent) which I wouldn't trust to any game company or to somehow make it so that they can easily trace any credit card you use to the actual user.

    They could tie accounts together by CC#, address, name, and IP. If any of those 2 match force them to link the account. If you link it as the same user it forces you to enter your first accounts password. If you're related or room mates you check mark the option and create your new account that's still tied to the first one and everyone can see the two are linked but not necessarily the same person.

  • twodayslatetwodayslate Member Posts: 724

    Originally posted by Deathofsage

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    Originally posted by Dragim

    Bully-ing in school is a huge issue right now in america, and I think bully-ing in general is a huge issue.  Whether at school, the workplace, the bar, or online, it needs to stop.  People putting others down to self-empower/satisfy themselves is pathetic.

    Bullying is nothing new, its happened for ages... difference between now and the past is...


    1. Bullying leads to suicide, extremely high amount of emotionally frial people out there

    2. Bullying leads to violence with weapons rather than a old school fist fight.


    that old sticks and stones line, isn't really said anymore


    more like "sticks and stones may break my bones, words may cause me to kill myself"


    sad really, that people are so weak

    It's also that the Internet and political correctness are distorting the solution.

    I was bullied as a kid, so what? If you've ever known a kid or a person in general, you know they'll do what they want if the excitement, in their opinion, outweighs the repercussions.

    That is the problem, there are no repercussions anymore.  Some kids deserve to have their arm broken, and some adults deserve to get stabbed in the throat and watch their own life force pour out of them, but society has mutilated the concept of justice so badly that giving someone what they have coming will only end with some legal bullshit that somehow relieves the victim of any blame.  The frailty of the modern human can't be cited as a fault of that human when they have no other alternative other than to endure it, and there is no real way to make someone pay for their transgressions.

  • XzenXzen Member UncommonPosts: 2,607

    Meh. Bullies don't need to be told what they are doing is wrong. If they haven't figured out by now that there are dangerous people in the world and if they act that way they can get what they ask for when the kid being bullied ends them. The bullies that meet there end that way deserve a Darwin Award.

  • SpandexDroidSpandexDroid Member Posts: 277

    Ain't gonna happen. MMOs have ways to report trolls. You can report and ignore them, or just quit the game.I have been threatened while playing an MMO, probably some kids that I beat in a PvP mini-game. I reported them and never heard of them again. However, I still want to be anonymous. You never know if some wacko happens to live in your neighborhood. This world is so fked up, you know that right?

  • CeridithCeridith Member UncommonPosts: 2,980

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    Originally posted by Deathofsage

    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    Originally posted by Dragim

    Bully-ing in school is a huge issue right now in america, and I think bully-ing in general is a huge issue.  Whether at school, the workplace, the bar, or online, it needs to stop.  People putting others down to self-empower/satisfy themselves is pathetic.

    Bullying is nothing new, its happened for ages... difference between now and the past is...


    1. Bullying leads to suicide, extremely high amount of emotionally frial people out there

    2. Bullying leads to violence with weapons rather than a old school fist fight.


    that old sticks and stones line, isn't really said anymore


    more like "sticks and stones may break my bones, words may cause me to kill myself"


    sad really, that people are so weak

    It's also that the Internet and political correctness are distorting the solution.

    I was bullied as a kid, so what? If you've ever known a kid or a person in general, you know they'll do what they want if the excitement, in their opinion, outweighs the repercussions.


    I was bullied too, I delt with it

    they wanna make kids who pick on other kids into criminals, its too much.. people need to grow some stones

    now in instances like an adult parent fucking with a kid, thats a bit much...but that woman that did that and the girl killed herself is hardly at fault for the girls suicide.

    I was bullied as a kid as well, but it's a lot different today than it used to be.

    For me, at least when I left school, any bullying that happened was left there.

    These days, kid's social lives are highly integrated with the Internet. Bullying that happens at school, gets carried over onto the Internet. Bullies harassing others over Facebook, IMs, Email, etc, to the point where some kids feel like they're being bullied every waking moment, and 'nowhere' is safe from harassment.

    Bullying is never an okay thing to happen. It wasn't ten years ago, and it still isn't today. It's far worse today because bullies can take things to a much more intense level of harassment.

  • Ralphie2449Ralphie2449 Member UncommonPosts: 577

    Originally posted by twodayslate

    That is the problem, there are no repercussions anymore.  Some kids deserve to have their arm broken, and some adults deserve to get stabbed in the throat and watch their own life force pour out of them, but society has mutilated the concept of justice so badly that giving someone what they have coming will only end with some legal bullshit that somehow relieves the victim of any blame.  The frailty of the modern human can't be cited as a fault of that human when they have no other alternative other than to endure it, and there is no real way to make someone pay for their transgressions.

    Well in school yes this is quite true even though you can always try to manipulate stupid ppl so they wont care about you


    Online you can

    Ignore them(if u you are busy or stupid and just get annoyed by ppl who are obviously trying to annoy you)[I only personally ignore gold sellers, i like to watch trolls, they are cute and funny)

    Play with them aka troll with them and have lulz since his bullying wont work xD

    Play with them psychologically but this isnt possible since most ppl are epicly stupid and there arent 99999 successful zygnas around

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