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I am not a collector, yet modern MMO's are almost totally focused on it.

KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

Yep, it's true, I don't enjoy stamp collecting.  Or collecting anything else for that matter.  Just not how I' m wired, all seems like worthless junk to me. 

Problem is, modern MMO's are being built where the bulk of the gameplay involves collecting things, and I'll use Rift as my example.

First there's the gear grind, especially at end game.  It is all laid out for the player.  First you run the dungeons on normal mode, and "collect" the gear you need to progress to T1.  After you collect that set of gear you're ready for T2.  After that you collect stuff for raiding, or PVP.  Useless.

How about I just buy/build/kill stuff for my "set" of gear and I use that same gear for all of the content in the game?  That's how it used to work.  Sure, we did dungeons for new gear, but pretty much, once I got to max level, (in a game like DAOC) my gear was good for everything.  We only got new drops to make subtle refinements in our build, overall what everyone wore was sufficent for all activities (yeah, we had PvP sets vs PvE, but that was about it).

But to continue, other "game-play" Rift offers (and I use this term loosely)

Artifact collecting, where you gather virtually meaningless objects and create sets which you turn in for pretty much meaningless rewards.  Amazingly I can sell some of this junk to folks for 20 plat, and it turns out to be the most profitable activity in game for me. Go figure.

Wait, there's more, you can collect "achievements" for basically, er, playing the game.  Yes, you get a nice 'certificate' for exploring the whole zone, or killing a certain boss, etc.  Annoys me to see the notification come up in guild chat and almost want to retch if someone actually congratulates them for it. Sure, in some rare cases, like downing the final boss of a particularly difficult boss it might be noteworthy, but Rift takes meaningless notification to a whole new level.  In the end, none of them are worth a hill of beans.

Oh yes, speaking of notifications and gear, how about all the annoying "server first" messages that come across the screen for being the first on the server to obtain/craft a particular item.  I recall one guild crafter making an object and after seeing the item/notification we all noted it was pretty much a craptastic item.  His reply was, "I just wanted the server first designation".  Gaaahh, how did they program MMORPG players to be so shallow?  Or maybe its the other way around, they are merely catering to the shallow nature the players brought with them to the game world.   Yeah, that's more likely.

I play MMORPG's for entirely different reasons than all of the above.  I don't care to preeen around in my "gear" showing off to the world what I'm wearing, or have recently gotten as a drop. (it's purple, ooooh, ahh, special, lol, not)

I enjoy fighting epic battles where the outcome is the defense of my home or the destruction of someone elses. Holding of territory should impart benefits to my guild, alliance or faction, including buffed up stats, and access to areas in the game that others can't reach (see Darkness Falls, DAOC). 

I want a rare drop (or crafted item) in a dungeon to be truely rare, better not be more than a handful of people anywhere with it.  (and I'm rarely the person who ever has this stuff btw, but I like items to be special)

And I don't want to raid dungeons over and over and over just to get the next set of gear so I can raid the same dungeons again on "expert" mode over and over and over.

Let's raid dungeons because what's down there is really difficult, where the chance of success if slim (remember how rare it was to down a dragon in DAOC, was truely an achievement if your guild managed to hang a dragons head on the guild house wall.  (usually took the combined effort of several guilds or the server to pull it off btw)

Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game, right now everything is designed to improve players abilities to collect things faster and faster, let's step off that merry-go-round and talk to each other a bit more.

Now while I used Rift in my example, you can pretty much substitute LOTRO, WOW, AOC or most other modern MMO's in there.

I'm hoping that going forward there will be some titles with game play elements less focused on collecting (perhaps GW2 or Tera?) and more on combat and territorial control.

To finish this post off, how about a poll, let's see how much people on these forums really enjoy "collecting" things in MMO's vs other gameplay elements.





"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon


  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247

    It sounds like you are lumping all completion and collection content into one group. They actually apeal to several different archetypes of players. Achievements, trophy items, collection and gear sets are just as much 'collection' content as getting to max level when you put them all in one general group like that. :)

    It looks like most of what you list is optional and offers no reward that affects your gameplay, so I don't see why they should bother you as you do not have to do them.

    As for the globals about world firsts, a lot of people like that. Not only is it rewarding for the person that triggered it, but it is an incentive for certain other players to seek out firsts. There's also the chat voyeur that likes to see those messages go by as well.


    "Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game."

    What socialization was taken out?

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    I always thought the 'You're a special snowflake' type messages like achievements and such were built to appeal to two kinds of players.

    Those who want to feel that they're special and unique...

    ... and those who want to be reminded that they're not.

    See, if you're willing to just go along with things, and take it purely as a game, you can go 'Oh yay, I did this totally awesome thing!'

    If you're jaded and disillusioned and willing to accept that no matter WHAT you do in an MMORPG, you're really just playing a game and nobody will remember anything you did a few years from now, the game lovingly bludgeons you with notifications that only help emphasize the futility of your actions.

    I think the problem with the OP is that you're jaded and disillusioned, but unwilling to accept that you can't actually REALLY be special.  You don't realize yet that being rewarded with an achievement for 'Oh look, you managed to figure out how to walk backwards!  500 points!' is, when you really think about it, the same as saving your video game country from people in the other video game country faction.

    In order to enjoy achievements, since you're already jaded and disillusioned, you must learn that ALL content in MMORPGs is truly meaningless, and BATHE in the nonsense of it all!  You must soak, absorb, and glory in the meaningless that is your online life!

    Then you too can enjoy yourself.  You're just in the awkward middle stage between being bright eyed and optimistic, and being TRULY filled with the knowledge of the meaningless nature of existence.

    (edit:  When you level up enough, you can realize that this applies to real life as well, but watch out!  That's a dangerous path, and you might just spiral into depression instead.)

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    It sounds like you are lumping all completion and collection content into one group. They actually apeal to several different archetypes of players. Achievements, trophy items, collection and gear sets are just as much 'collection' content as getting to max level when you put them all in one general group like that. :)

    You're right, I did lump them all together, they are all similar in my book and I feel the appeal is more universal than you say.  And all equally pointless. (to me of course)

    It looks like most of what you list is optional and offers no reward that affects your gameplay, so I don't see why they should bother you as you do not have to do them.

    Bingo.  They are optional, offer no reward that affects your gameplay, (so why do them?) and more importantly, they too frequently are being offered as gameplay instead of features that I favor in my MMORPG's.  Leave them out I say.

    As for the globals about world firsts, a lot of people like that. Not only is it rewarding for the person that triggered it, but it is an incentive for certain other players to seek out firsts. There's also the chat voyeur that likes to see those messages go by as well.

    LOL, I agree, a lot of people like this, I'm saying its shallow and unrewarding (again, to me)

     "Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game."

    What socialization was taken out? - It wasn't, however the time to socialize was removed in favor of increasing players ability to rapidly collect things.

    We don't really want to go there in this thread, been done before but the short list includes timers, cooldowns, travel times, "encouraged grouping" etc.  But thtat's a topic for a different day.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

    Originally posted by Meowhead.

    I think the problem with the OP is that you're jaded and disillusioned, but unwilling to accept that you can't actually REALLY be special.  You don't realize yet that being rewarded with an achievement for 'Oh look, you managed to figure out how to walk backwards!  500 points!' is, when you really think about it, the same as saving your video game country from people in the other video game country faction.

    Oh, as anyone can tell from reading my posts, I am most definitely jaded and disillusioned, no question about that.  But I never wanted to be "special" in a game, nor understand why other players feel the need to be.  (same is true in real life BTW)

    I find satisfaction in different gameplay elements, and my OP is more about the fact that MMO's seem to have evolved (devolved) into nothing more than collection activities (which apparently everyone else enjoys) but I personally don't.

    I don't read People magazine because I really don't care about what other people (famous or otherwise) are doing, but I realize I'm wired a bit differently than the average person.  So same thing in game, rare is the moment I care about what someone else does, and it does grate me to have the game (or its players) constantly "showing off" their stuff.  I just don't care.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • 0tter0tter Member UncommonPosts: 226

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    It sounds like you are lumping all completion and collection content into one group. They actually apeal to several different archetypes of players. Achievements, trophy items, collection and gear sets are just as much 'collection' content as getting to max level when you put them all in one general group like that. :)

    You're right, I did lump them all together, they are all similar in my book and I feel the appeal is more universal than you say.  And all equally pointless. (to me of course)

    It looks like most of what you list is optional and offers no reward that affects your gameplay, so I don't see why they should bother you as you do not have to do them.

    Bingo.  They are optional, offer no reward that affects your gameplay, (so why do them?) and more importantly, they too frequently are being offered as gameplay instead of features that I favor in my MMORPG's.  Leave them out I say.

    As for the globals about world firsts, a lot of people like that. Not only is it rewarding for the person that triggered it, but it is an incentive for certain other players to seek out firsts. There's also the chat voyeur that likes to see those messages go by as well.

    LOL, I agree, a lot of people like this, I'm saying its shallow and unrewarding (again, to me)

     "Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game."

    What socialization was taken out? - It wasn't, however the time to socialize was removed in favor of increasing players ability to rapidly collect things.

    We don't really want to go there in this thread, been done before but the short list includes timers, cooldowns, travel times, "encouraged grouping" etc.  But thtat's a topic for a different day.

     But hasn't this been one of the big complaints old schoolers have had with current mmos, that gamers only do things when theres a reward, the carrot on the stick?  Here you have a game feature, collections, that offers nothing but the satisfaction of doing it, yet this is a bad thing because it's meaningless without a reward?  Im confused.  I always saw collections as just one of hopefully many things to do in an mmo when you get bored with questing, pvp, dailies, exploring, etc.

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Oh, as anyone can tell from reading my posts, I am most definitely jaded and disillusioned, no question about that.  But I never wanted to be "special" in a game, nor understand why other players feel the need to be.  (same is true in real life BTW)

    I suppose I actually misspoke slightly, I should have emphasized 'meaningful' over 'special'.  I mean, all your examples talked about well... activities that on the outside, seem meaningful.  Except they're not, not really.  You must realize that and embrace the futility of all action!

    Go DEEPER into being cynical!  More jaded!  I want people to look at an Imperial China exhibit at the museum and say '... it's okay... but it's not as jaded as Kyleran'.

    ... I'm just trying to help you enjoy how pointless collection activities are, by realizing that they are no more or less pointless than anything else you could possibly be doing in an MMORPG!  <3

  • SenadinaSenadina Member UncommonPosts: 896

    It's not just MMOs. For some unknown reason gaming in general has become one big meaningless achievement grind. Gamerscores on XBox, trophies on PS3, collecting thermoses for no discernible reason in a survival horror game etc....

    At least the shinies in Rift result in a tangible if purely flair item (mostly pets). But most 'achievements" are completely useless and I don't get it either.

  • RudderRudder Member UncommonPosts: 80

    I liked my new baby dragon from the original EQ2's Collectors edition; The second  EQ2's Collectors Edition cost more, and included a tiny Ral Partha like figurine of an in-game mount that wasn't as good a mount as most.

    Yes - I screwed up and bought Aion's Collectors Edition.

    No more Collector's Editions for me.

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    It sounds like you are lumping all completion and collection content into one group. They actually apeal to several different archetypes of players. Achievements, trophy items, collection and gear sets are just as much 'collection' content as getting to max level when you put them all in one general group like that. :)

    You're right, I did lump them all together, they are all similar in my book and I feel the appeal is more universal than you say.  And all equally pointless. (to me of course)

    It looks like most of what you list is optional and offers no reward that affects your gameplay, so I don't see why they should bother you as you do not have to do them.

    Bingo.  They are optional, offer no reward that affects your gameplay, (so why do them?) and more importantly, they too frequently are being offered as gameplay instead of features that I favor in my MMORPG's.  Leave them out I say.

    As for the globals about world firsts, a lot of people like that. Not only is it rewarding for the person that triggered it, but it is an incentive for certain other players to seek out firsts. There's also the chat voyeur that likes to see those messages go by as well.

    LOL, I agree, a lot of people like this, I'm saying its shallow and unrewarding (again, to me)

     "Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game."

    What socialization was taken out? - It wasn't, however the time to socialize was removed in favor of increasing players ability to rapidly collect things.

    We don't really want to go there in this thread, been done before but the short list includes timers, cooldowns, travel times, "encouraged grouping" etc.  But thtat's a topic for a different day.


    You're right, I did lump them all together, they are all similar in my book and I feel the appeal is more universal than you say. 

    Quite the opposite. Although there is a certain amount of overlap (keep in mind, content that appeals to multiple groups is a good thing), each feature you mentioned appeals to different types of players.

    • Collections offer content to the gatherer and the explorer. They are the two types that find it fun to find and harvest items throughout the game world, especially when they are not static as the randomness makes it more of a gift and game than a set task.


    • Achievements are usually created not to get players to do things but based on what players are already doing. They are basically acknowledgements and rewards for the activities that players already set out to do. It adds another level to it. For example, in WOW, there were already many people who would make a personal game/goal of uncovering every section of each map. There is a certain statisfaction in exploring every area of the map. Thus the achievements were created to support that gameplay, granting a small fanfare and some points when each section was completed. LOTRO took it one step further and added bonuses to the rewards that correlate to the type of achievement- titles for explorer type stuff and stats for hack-n-slash type stuff, for example.


    • Gear sets in MMOs often appeal to the numbers people more than the cosmetic or completionist player. Although I have my full Merciless and Ornate sets in WOW that I slap on my Level 60 when I resub and go hit Azshara for a while, that's not the norm for set collectors. They are the ones looking to stack bonuses and display said power on their shoulders.Gear sets are designed for those interested in advancement and numeric progression. It is also designed as a goal for those who have a ceiling below major raid epics, You'll notice high level armor in many MMos will have at least one relatively easy to obtain blue set if not multiple green/blue sets and the purples are a hodge podge of cool sounding names but consisting of few sets that the gear set people will even try to go after.


    Again, there's a certain amount of overlap, but that's a good thing. You want most of your content to appeal to multiple groups at once. Not every type of content is going to appeal to everyone, though. For the most part, it's a matter of finding MMOs that offer most of what you are looking for.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • CactusJackCactusJack Member UncommonPosts: 393


    I agree with most of what you said, and by my vote...I maybe be more jaded than you. I find it amusing that someone suggests you realize that all of the achievements/accolades in games are nonsense. I want to agree with this, but there has to be a little something for everyone. I completely agree that it seems games focus on meaningless trophies/acknowledgements now. All of this stems from incorporating singleplayer game mentality into MMO's.

    Imagine for a moment where the very best sword in the entire server was a +3 to damage. If you had a +1 or +2 sword..would you be happy with that? I would..b/c I want to be competitive, not l33t. We are a dying breed, Kyleran. Hopefully some of the new releases, TSW, WoD can bring back some of the atmosphere of an actual gaming experience and not a levelfest.

    I would like to add a disclaimer about EvE's epic matter how good it is, it only ever gives you a slight advantage..I guess this is why I am still playing.

    Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die
    Hiatus: EvE
    Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh)
    Interested in: better games in general

  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Wonderfull thread as always Kyleran.


    But problem is times have changed , when in the past I played MMO just as extra Social Outlet .

    Nowadays like previous poster said we became jaded .

    Socialising is not funny , when you have a bunch of people not able to properly communicate back .

    Also the industry plays on the most important issue that gamers love , feeling of toon improvement .

    It is not like old times , when once we hit the max cap , we just sit around chat , create activity and entertainment for one and other .


    You need to see differently infact the rerollers and endgamers won with this system .

    Both can live with one and other , while in the past the rerollers and boredom of endgame when socialising is no longer a option , simply cannot maintain subscribers .

    I do not have need to improve my toons anymore , especially when I see the Hamster wheel spinning already .

    The problem is that nothing else but hamster wheel is getting me tired lately .

    The achievements bothers me to no end either , but yes kids love it >.< it is showing up in any new released game.

    While playing City of Heroes collecting badges was good fun , it also cured my achievement hunting .

    It is now instead of a endorsement , getting to be a pain the achievements thrown around .

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    It sounds like you are lumping all completion and collection content into one group. They actually apeal to several different archetypes of players. Achievements, trophy items, collection and gear sets are just as much 'collection' content as getting to max level when you put them all in one general group like that. :)

    You're right, I did lump them all together, they are all similar in my book and I feel the appeal is more universal than you say.  And all equally pointless. (to me of course)

    It looks like most of what you list is optional and offers no reward that affects your gameplay, so I don't see why they should bother you as you do not have to do them.

    Bingo.  They are optional, offer no reward that affects your gameplay, (so why do them?) and more importantly, they too frequently are being offered as gameplay instead of features that I favor in my MMORPG's.  Leave them out I say.

    As for the globals about world firsts, a lot of people like that. Not only is it rewarding for the person that triggered it, but it is an incentive for certain other players to seek out firsts. There's also the chat voyeur that likes to see those messages go by as well.

    LOL, I agree, a lot of people like this, I'm saying its shallow and unrewarding (again, to me)

     "Oh yeah, and lets put more socialization mechanics back in the game."

    What socialization was taken out? - It wasn't, however the time to socialize was removed in favor of increasing players ability to rapidly collect things.

    We don't really want to go there in this thread, been done before but the short list includes timers, cooldowns, travel times, "encouraged grouping" etc.  But thtat's a topic for a different day.

     Vote with you wallet by never playing any game which has those features you dont' want.  Teach them what you want with your money.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • EvasiaEvasia Member Posts: 2,827

    This sentence plus below that sentence your topic FAILED:P


    "I want a rare drop (or crafted item) in a dungeon to be truely rare, better not be more than a handful of people anywhere with it.  (and I'm rarely the person who ever has this stuff btw, but I like items to be special)"

    And you still keep playing these games lol GW2 and TERA will be COLLECTOR themeparks NO DOUB about that hehe.

    If you play these games just have fun instead of complain on forums about gameplay featers you like but try explain that you hate them hahaha.

    Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
    In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195

               I love these collections and awards. I look forward to the day when technologies in mmos can notify everyone when I've gone to take a dump.........

                        Seriously, I don't mind them. Just something else to more meaningless or meaningful than any of the other virtual crap you get in an MMO. Just a fun way to relax and an entertaining waste of time.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

    Otter3370 wrote:

    But hasn't this been one of the big complaints old schoolers have had with current mmos, that gamers only do things when theres a reward, the carrot on the stick?  Here you have a game feature, collections, that offers nothing but the satisfaction of doing it, yet this is a bad thing because it's meaningless without a reward?  Im confused.  I always saw collections as just one of hopefully many things to do in an mmo when you get bored with questing, pvp, dailies, exploring, etc.

    I always believe MMO's are about rewards, just not ones so trite and useless as the ones people seem so focused on today. I've got no problem with MMO's offering "collecting" as a game mechanic, and sure, I could (and largly do) ignore it.  Just seems with a game like Rift, there's really nothing else to do but collect stuff now that I'm 50.

    Meowhead wrote:

    Go DEEPER into being cynical!  More jaded!  I want people to look at an Imperial China exhibit at the museum and say '... it's okay... but it's not as jaded as Kyleran'.

    ... I'm just trying to help you enjoy how pointless collection activities are, by realizing that they are no more or less pointless than anything else you could possibly be doing in an MMORPG! 

    Well sure, all we are is Dust in the Wind and all that.  But for me, collecting things is pretty much useless, controlling territory/resources (among other things) adds some semblence of psuedo meaning and enjoyment to MMORPG and I'm saying  most games these days have little else to do but collect things (from my perspective) and its just not what I want.

    Loktofeit wrote:

    Again, there's a certain amount of overlap, but that's a good thing. You want most of your content to appeal to multiple groups at once. Not every type of content is going to appeal to everyone, though. For the most part, it's a matter of finding MMOs that offer most of what you are looking for.

    I won't disagree, I'm all for widespread appeal, my point is that lately games have too much collection content vs the type of gameplay elements that I favor.  (Might be heading back to EVE I suppose)

    CactusJack wrote:

    Imagine for a moment where the very best sword in the entire server was a +3 to damage. If you had a +1 or +2 sword..would you be happy with that? I would..b/c I want to be competitive, not l33t. We are a dying breed, Kyleran. Hopefully some of the new releases, TSW, WoD can bring back some of the atmosphere of an actual gaming experience and not a levelfest.

    I would like to add a disclaimer about EvE's epic matter how good it is, it only ever gives you a slight advantage..I guess this is why I am still playing.

    This I agree with, epic items should be only a degree better than the rest, and improvements to gear should not invalidate all the hard work you've done to date.  You are right, EVE does it right, DAOC used to before TOA, and I recall even liking GW's approach to it though it went a bit too far the other way.

    drake_hound wrote:

    The problem is that nothing else but hamster wheel is getting me tired lately .

    Exactly what I'm saying, these collecting activities might have been fun the first 2 or so times, but I'm done with them.

    waynejr2 wrote:

    Vote with you wallet by never playing any game which has those features you dont' want.  Teach them what you want with your money

    About that, guess what idiot signed up for a six month Rift sub and forgot to change it until it was one day too late? Youi're correct though, going forward if these games are going to be more of the same, I'm going to have to re-think playing them.  Just not for me.

    Evasia wrote:

    This sentence plus below that sentence your topic FAILED:P

    "I want a rare drop (or crafted item) in a dungeon to be truely rare, better not be more than a handful of people anywhere with it.  (and I'm rarely the person who ever has this stuff btw, but I like items to be special)"

    And you still keep playing these games lol GW2 and TERA will be COLLECTOR themeparks NO DOUB about that hehe.

    If you play these games just have fun instead of complain on forums about gameplay featers you like but try explain that you hate them hahaha.

    I'm never quite sure what you're saying to me, so I just make stuff up in response on whatever I want to say.  I certainly don't enjoy collecting things, and I do want games to contain rare drops even if few people (even me) ever get them.  What I don't want is everyone chasing them endlessly.  But you could well be right, GW2 and TERA might be collector theme parks in a big way and I'm going to have to steer clear I guess.  Shame really.

    But in summary, I started the OP in realization of why Rift is starting to bore me, (as do most other games), they are all mostly about collecting things which I can certainly leave.  I'm not saying others don't enjoy them, apparently once again I live in the niche minority (it always surprises me how out of touch I really am, but hey, I don't get reality TV or Facebook either) that will remain underserved in the short term.


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  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Kyleran if you want , I think Rift backbone is not so harsh to not refund you , your money .

    If you want to cancel , Infact it would be a interesting option to test .

    So if you really want to cancel then go trough the channel and see if they can refund you minus 1 month .

    If a good backbone , they wouldn´t really have trouble doing that .


    I also paid for 6 months , but I hardly play it same story .

    I am not feeling guilty over the money .

    But would be a interesting notion to test out how good Rift backbone really is .

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142

    I voted that it is "useless content".

    I'm not a collector either. hate it. Despise it.

    I hate collecting little bits to make other bits so I can make some bits.

    I can understand that if one is a crafter that one might have to get some materials. But I hate it when those materials are comprised of so many smaller materials.

    I also hate things like titles and the like. Don't care and never do them unless I accidentally stumble on them during the course of regular play.

    edit: I probably should have put that they should be there for those who want them, just not make them a focus.

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