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DC Universe Online: DC Universe Online Update 2

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

With the DC Universe Online Update 2 firmly installed on their hard drives,'s Drew Wood and Bill Murphy have some thoughts about the new content. See what columnist Drew Wood discovered about the Bat Cave, Two-Face, The Penguin and more. Leave your thoughts in the comments when you're finished.

Be careful what you wish for, am I right? Last month's update saw a Catwoman arc that was too easy for my liking. I breezed through it without dying once in about twenty minutes and I had words to say about it. The newest content update, I can't even say this month's because even though it dropped in April, it was supposed to be March's update, brings us another solo instanced scenario, this one pitting Two-Face against the Penguin. I would love to be able to tell you what fighting the Penguin's all about. Just one problem: I couldn't make it that far.

Read more of Drew Wood's DCUO: Update 2.



  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791

    Penquin is a chump compared to penqbot.

    As a fire tank I found the best way to beat penqbot was to not get near him.  I stayed at range when he would do his spin attacks, took out all his little penqbots, and would jump in to use a power and then jump back out again to avoid his spin attack.  I simply could not go toe to toe with this guy.

    Update 2 introduced two new solo missions.

    As well as the Penquin, single instance mission, there is a multi-instanced mission involving the crime bible.

    A lot of the PvP glitches have been resolved. 

    The first part of the UI upgrade is pretty good.

    Proximity chat works nicely.

    I play on the PS3.  I don't work anymore; so I play at all times of the day, and the Blood will Run server has people on constantly.  Queues can be a problem at lower levels, but at 30 I never have to wait.

  • findaratofindarato Member Posts: 74

    I play on the PC and am in a guild that raids.  The content is good, but like the article said there really needs to be server merges. The PC has almost 0 people.  Main reason I still play, is because of the guild.  It it ever left I would be gone in a second.

  • Scott_JeslisScott_Jeslis Member RarePosts: 639

    Drew I concur with you completely (being a PC player myself as well). Being a casual gamer I've only have one tune at level 19 ATM but can't do the Lantern Ring War PvP battle even since no one else is around to help me LOL.

    I LOVE the DC Universe and IP and keeping holding onto ny subscription for that reason and to hold onto my "founder's price" (@ $9.99 a month) but unless they merge I feel like I'm in a solo on-line game... maybe things get better when I reach level 30? I have a lot of alert, PvP quests that I can't complete :-(

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    You might be having trouble with the new instance, because part of the combat system was broken with the "fix" to the exploits they will not mention. 

    You can read about it on the forums. 

  • TUX426TUX426 Member Posts: 1,907

    So...the obvious question here...why don't you and Bill team up for Duos?

  • SpytedSpyted Member Posts: 108

    I agree with all your comments Drew, I love the game but ironically hate the endgame so come up short for challenges like this....tbh if the content additions are just new duo/raids/alerts I have problems, the wonderful immersive gameworld and DC IP are my main attractors and the endgame seems to be just that same generic pap lifeless fantasy mmo's offer - it actually excludes you from the things it does best..... if they don't inject some imagination in the design team, much as I love the body of the game, I will just have played everything that interests me to death. The hidden gem in the update was the intergang mission, almost worth delevelling to get the proper feel - the penguion mission was a great map but needed a proper arc to get there imo.

    Open world challenges and content next please.

  • JediConsularJediConsular Member Posts: 51

    Okay, this is for all of those developers out there that may need help seeing the writing on the wall. I know this formula may get complicated for some of you, but here goes:


    Final Fantasy XIV = port from PS3 = absolute disaster = dead servers = epic fail

    DC Universe Online = port from PS3 = absolute disaster = dead servers = epic fail


    Anyone see a common occurrence here? Coincidence, I think not!


    Now I'm sure there will still be another company willing to try their luck at another MMO console port, but you've been warned! Don't be surprised when it fails.

    My text is green because my posts are created with Willpower!
  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    yeah but...


    Final Fantasy 11 = port from PS2 = huge success = lots of money = epic win.


    Alot of my friends I've met over the years I played FFXI still want me to come back to it.  Everyone went to FFXIV for a couple of months then right back to FFXI lol.

  • erictlewiserictlewis Member UncommonPosts: 3,022

    Well I could see the writing on the wall,  trying to make a pc game and a console game while using the same ui, a very bad idea.

    Oh and why else do you think they canceled the agency.

    I just don't see how this game is going to bounce back, especially after the lay offs at soe.

  • odinsrathodinsrath Member UncommonPosts: 814

    the only thing i hate is that i bought 2 copys for me and my son..we maxed out like 2 / 3 char on both accounts.. the first month and it seemed it was the best thing i had ever bought on ps3...boy was i wrong..we both grew tired of it very quick..was hella easy and we both saw it wasnt ever going to get harder or any better than it already was..sure the pvp was hella fun..but it just got stale..and im stuck with 2 copys of DC that i cant even trade in for credit..the shops say they wont take it cuz its a sub-fee to play...i was like wtf!..but you have to buy the game to play?right?he was like umm ya but we sell the game..i just shook my head and sigh'd...never again will i let soe fack me ..never again..btw i sold my ps3 and not buying console games anymore and sticking to my guns untill a good / real title is released...wether its pc / console..nothing out there is good nowa least not long enuff to keep people infront of a pc / console..its become a month 2 month type thing or every 3 months..nothing out there is good...nothing


    remember tha good ol'days when there were sandboxes!

  • vonhellus666vonhellus666 Member Posts: 1
    I play dcuo on ps3, the killing joke and by far so much stuff to me I have seen been fixed the only thing was getting a loading screen in a pvp game which I was in combat. I did the two face mission but only have gone all the way one time, its really hard but I only have 3 pve T1 gear and that was still no a walk in the park.
  • ArcAngel3ArcAngel3 Member Posts: 2,931

    Your highlighting a fundemental flaw in the game makes a lot of sense to me.  I think really that it's just the latest in a list of fundamental flaws people have been trying to highlight (e.g. chat system, pvp exploits).

    If the endgame content is really difficult, and the option to grind for gear isn't there, and cash shops pop up to sell you the gear, that will smell like a money pit.  Not a pretty picture.

  • Black0rchidBlack0rchid Member Posts: 3

    {mod edit} 

     The development team has done a lot of things right in DCUO, but no game is a fit for everyone.  There is a gear grind, its a progression gate. But here's what the writer is missing, Gear is not the only progression path.  You can upgrade a character with skill points as an alternative to upgrading with gear.  Still something of a grind but players have more options for taking responsibility for their own advancement.  Characters don't stop leveling at 30,  DCUO just stops holding a player's hand at that point. 

    Before Murphy has any business trying to tell SOE what they need to do he first has to demonstrate some insight in what they've accomplished. All he's demonstrated is a closed mind and a personal bias for ezmode.

  • barezzbarezz Member UncommonPosts: 147

    Articles like this are the reason that I am so glad that I didn't get swept up in the "OMG Hype" machine for this game and waited to see how it was doing once the newness wore off.  DC has a ton of shiny features...Jim Lee art, awesome voice actors, OMG it's Gotham city, etc.  However once I seperated my excitement for the cool factors I had some concerns in beta.  There just wasn't a lot of depth that I saw.  There also was some major issues like the chat problems.  Seriously, in 2011, no one expects to not have workable chat in a MMO.  There seems to be a lot of issues at having a PS3 and PC version, and it's taking more time than it should to iron out the PC issues.  These things should have been done at launch, plain and simple.

    It's sad really, because there is no reason at all that DC couldn't have come out and just blown CoX and especially CO away.  And while they have been making improvements, how many people are going to be around when they get them all in?  It's NOT a good sign at all that people are asking for server merges already.  Call up Funcom and ask them how AoC has been doing since they had a horrible launch.  Sure the game is much improved than it was, but it also has a mere fraction of the population than it had.

    Maybe eventually game designers will wake up and see that they can't keep pushing crap out with a lot of issues, and that it is no longer acceptable to follow the EQ "people will just keep paying while we fix stuff because we are the only game out there".

  • anothernameanothername Member UncommonPosts: 200

    I doubt that fixing bugs would fix DCUOs problems. Its much more a lack of deepth and more meat to the bone thing IMO. And not the "just another mission in which you do the same as before with different looking enemies" type of meat.

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