DA:O was also padded to an extreme amount. The Deep Roads being a prime example as well Ozammaar.
DA2 gets to the development/progressing of plot a lot quicker while still presenting a reasonable amount of enemies that makes sense.
I agree with DA:O's comment, to an extent. Many areas like the Dalish quest weren't that padded, but the Deep Roads were definitely an example, as you said.
But the DA2 comment... are you kidding us, or do you honestly believe that? I think you kill about 1000 random bandits and thugs that leap from the buildings in a convenient and never changing formula of 3 waves just trying to walk the streets. Not to even mention the sheer number of no name mercenaries throwing countless bodies at you for absolutely no worthwhile reason. Not even counting that the vast majority of the fights are compromised of: "Another wave!", of which there's usually three that spawn right on top of you out of thin air.
And progressing the plot quicker? I think a very common complaint of this game are people who can't figure out what the hell the main plot even is until late into the game just due to the sheer amount of mindless side quests the game forces you to do - of which only a small handful show themselves to have any relevance to the main story at all (Act 1 is the worst offender of this).
If you walk at night you'll have random encounters in DA2. That's the same in DA:O when you were attacked while travelling. Worst in DA:O since the blood animation + loading times were horrendous (esp on the consoles).
The speed of plot complaint is a point of view actually.
DA:O is your classic 'bad thing is coming and YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE that can stop it' video game hero plot.
DA2 is 'normal people in a city that's going to hell in a handbasket' kind of plot. It is a lot more subtle and a lot deeper (thematically at least. execution wasn't the best; repeated areas being the key issue).
If you look at the plot/codex, both sides (Mages vs Templars) actually wants to avoid getting to that boiling point in Act3. But the human flaws gets them there. Its actually a lot more interesting from a char point of view than the generic 'hero' plot but it is a lot more subtle.
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
I would not be surprised if BW will charge money for every SWTOR patch.
There won't be called patches, they will be called mini expansions, every month. They will be mandatory, of course, to be able to progress with everyone else.
i do hope thats a joke... although the scary part is.. it might not be.. this thing with DLC does seem to be getting out of hand
If you walk at night you'll have random encounters in DA2. That's the same in DA:O when you were attacked while travelling. Worst in DA:O since the blood animation + loading times were horrendous (esp on the consoles).
The speed of plot complaint is a point of view actually.
DA:O is your classic 'bad thing is coming and YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE that can stop it' video game hero plot.
DA2 is 'normal people in a city that's going to hell in a handbasket' kind of plot. It is a lot more subtle and a lot deeper (thematically at least. execution wasn't the best; repeated areas being the key issue).
If you look at the plot/codex, both sides (Mages vs Templars) actually wants to avoid getting to that boiling point in Act3. But the human flaws gets them there. Its actually a lot more interesting from a char point of view than the generic 'hero' plot but it is a lot more subtle.
I can see the comparison, and I definitely found some of the random encounters in DA:O annoying at times. As for loading, I don't really know, as my loading times were fairly quick. So if it was an issue with consoles, again, I wouldn't know anything about that. But i'd believe it as ME and ME2 have issues with that as well.
But I'd say DA2's "random encounters" were far worse for me. There were times in the city that I couldn't even tturn a corner without dealing with yet another bloodblath from all the random bandits and thugs.
I have issues with the "random guy" plot as well, as you end up killing a lot of people, including a lot of Templars. I thought there was going to be hell to pay at Anders' recruitment quest, but that's never referenced again. You somehow never really face any repurcussions outside of one random quest where one of them finally seeks revenge.
I also wouldn't say the Knight-Commander's actions are due to human flaws. I think it became pretty clear to the player what had happened to her when they revealed it at the end.
I can appreciate and respect what they attempted plot wise, but a lot of the execution fails badly. The moments where I could finally have any form of emotional reactions are cut short with a giant loading screen, and the dialogue that follows doesn't let me pursue that reaction at all (losing that person near the end of Act 2 was sad, but immediately after the only dialogue options you get basically point to: "Oh well, time to get back to business").
The cut corners and fast dev time shows, and I think that's why it's received the reception it's gotten.
I can see the comparison, and I definitely found some of the random encounters in DA:O annoying at times. As for loading, I don't really know, as my loading times were fairly quick. So if it was an issue with consoles, again, I wouldn't know anything about that. But i'd believe it as ME and ME2 have issues with that as well.
But I'd say DA2's "random encounters" were far worse for me. There were times in the city that I couldn't even tturn a corner without dealing with yet another bloodblath from all the random bandits and thugs.
I have issues with the "random guy" plot as well, as you end up killing a lot of people, including a lot of Templars. I thought there was going to be hell to pay at Anders' recruitment quest, but that's never referenced again. You somehow never really face any repurcussions outside of one random quest where one of them finally seeks revenge.
I also wouldn't say the Knight-Commander's actions are due to human flaws. I think it became pretty clear to the player what had happened to her when they revealed it at the end.
I can appreciate and respect what they attempted plot wise, but a lot of the execution fails badly. The moments where I could finally have any form of emotional reactions are cut short with a giant loading screen, and the dialogue that follows doesn't let me pursue that reaction at all (losing that person near the end of Act 2 was sad, but immediately after the only dialogue options you get basically point to: "Oh well, time to get back to business").
The cut corners and fast dev time shows, and I think that's why it's received the reception it's gotten.
ME was really bad, ME2 was kinda okay since you didn't see the load screen often.
If you deal with the random encounters enough, they actually go away for the remainder of the game. Nice touch that makes sense.
Agree that execution wasn't the best but there are some better stuff in DA2 (and vice versa). Character being more than 2D cookie cutter. Despite what happens, Anders is fairly interesting (until THAT point) as a character. Bethany was really well done (if you are an older brother you'll know what I mean) etc.
Fun Fact
That end of Act2 had two version during development. One we got and one where it didn't happen. Trouble was that every tester played/reloaded until they got the version where it didn't happen. Thus BW decided to axe that version since it didn't fit into the story thematically. (this is David Gaider we are talking about. -.-)
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
ME was really bad, ME2 was kinda okay since you didn't see the load screen often.
If you deal with the random encounters enough, they actually go away for the remainder of the game. Nice touch that makes sense.
Agree that execution wasn't the best but there are some better stuff in DA2 (and vice versa). Character being more than 2D cookie cutter. Despite what happens, Anders is fairly interesting (until THAT point) as a character. Bethany was really well done (if you are an older brother you'll know what I mean) etc.
Fun Fact
That end of Act2 had two version during development. One we got and one where it didn't happen. Trouble was that every tester played/reloaded until they got the version where it didn't happen. Thus BW decided to axe that version since it didn't fit into the story thematically. (this is David Gaider we are talking about. -.-)
Yeah they go away, after you butcher them enough, but only for that Act. The following Act has two new bands to butcher some more, and so forth.
And I think we agree. I can see why people would like DA2 more, because as I see it, they definitely put some great effort into things. But they just didn't have enough time to properly flesh everything out, which is a damn shame.
Bethany was actually becoming my favorite virtual sibling. Certain side quests and main quests in Act 3 frustrated me greatly, however, because despite having the time to talk to her, they refused to allow it and instead just made her vanish. BAH.
And that fun fact is lame if true Wouldn't surprise me though.
Hmm, I remember this same type of clamour of voices when Mass Effect 2 released. Everyone said it was so short, at about 25 hours. I'm currently playing ME2 getting closer to the end, all side quests done I think(if not I'll do em), and I'm sitting at about 34 hours. Compared to a game like ME or Morrowind this seems weak as hell but it's not terrible. All 30 hours I've played were full of depth in story and very fun to play; despite my love for slightly older games with bottomless pit like depth e.g. Morrowind. If DA:2's story is crap then I understand fully. I don't see 25 hours as completely crap, just a little bit lacking, unless it's chock full of awesomeness. I get the impression it's not.
Also, first day release DLC's can go to hell. That is a direct attack on peoples wallet. I don't care if you have a lot of money, you could've spent tha 10 or 15 bucks over tipping a waiter/ess somewhere and made their day; or on a million other things. Instead people throw it at 5-10 hours of content that is supposed to round out the story/ending. Sometimes a DLC is even less then that. A rounded out story is something every game should have anyways. If they DLCs are any good and I want to play then I tell you what, I'm waiting like all the other slightly more sensible people. Feel free to splurge though, this is just my opinion.
<p>If Bioware was able to release DLC for DA2 every fortnight they would make the game into a real cash cow as a lot of players want more content in thegame and don't mind paying.
My game time was 32 hours, doing all the side quests that I could access. I didn't do a lot of just wandering around to find tradeskill items, but I did do all the side quests I could access or find.
All in all, I found it lacking. I wouldn't complain nearly as loudly had it been a $20 title, rather than a $60 title. Too many recycled maps, being stuck in the same city all the time, and big huge gaps in the story line between acts. It felt very disconnected, very rushed, and not very polished. I didn't even think the graphics were all that great.
It was an ok game, I did enjoy it for the most part, I just didn't find $60 worth of enjoyment out of it. Sucker me for paying for it on release, but I was bored and figured I'd give it a chance.
Bioware is part of Activision now, like it or not.
Umm since when? i tought Bioware was part of EA now. EA is greedy too but far from as greedy as Activision, atleast the Battlefield games get free Map packs etc compared too CoD, and they dont throw out the same Battlefield game once a year. like Activision has been doing with CoD.
Originally posted by setonex
Bioware dont have so much money to make all DLCs in 1 day, so they making this kind of system and this dates making us closer to the DA3. I so hope that the my Grey warden and Hawk will play in 1 party and kick some Templars asses xDD
Bioware dont make much money?!?! They have tons of money im sure, been making quality games for years now and selling millions of copies. They are just becoming greedy fucks now putting out DLC's the first day.. Its like Rift would release an expansion pack within the first week of launch. Just greedy, stupid and pointless.
Sorry off-topic!
It's not greedy and it's not pointless.
First Day DLC is to try and get some money from second-hand sales - games shops have come up with this cunning wheeze whereby they can sell the same thing over and over without the developers and publishers seeing a bean.
If you buy a second hand DA game, you miss some content unless you throw some cash at the people who actually deserve it - the people who spent all that time and effort making it - perfectly fair in my book.
Fair indeed.
What it means is that they want to charge you full price for a partial game, then charge you again for the parts they intentionally left out. 25 hours should be considered unacceptable. It was clearly unacceptable for the original, which took me a good 70+ hours to complete. That's a reasonable amount of game play for the money. 25 hours is not.
So it looks like my fears about Bioware's new business methods are not unfounded. It's all about pursuing profits now. The value for money they offer to their customer is of tertiary importance. But they are smart. They do realize that no matter how hard they stick it their fans, most will meekly reply, thank you sir, may I have another?
Whatever magic these guys had that was responsibe for classics like Baldur's Gate, Planescape or even DA:O (which was practically yesterday ffs), they've traded in for the need for greed. Or maybe it's just the financial pressures of making SWTOR starting to show.
Now, I wont spoil anything story wise, but only 25 hours and Im done? At the end of the game, I was thinking that I was still going to go on, and it could ave perfectly continued from there. I dont get it. Would Bioware really rather make an expansion of what should be the last half of DA2 ? I took me 74 hours to beat DA:O. Really 1/3 of the gameplay? Its really upsetting.
so in this perspective, I'm dissapoint.
Overall I did enjoy the game(as you can tell since I want MOAR!)
My experience was much different:
DA:O (includes about 9hrs of DLC "Warden's Keep", "The Stone Prisoner", "Return to Ostagar" and "The Golems of Amgarrak") - 58hrs
DA2 (includes at most 1hr of DLC "The Exiled Prince") - 42hrs
So if we look at just the games minus the DLC:
DA:O - 49hrs
DA2 - 42hrs
Now I didn’t include other DLC like Awakening and Witch Hunt because they create new character save folder separate from the main character save folder. And let’s be honest here DA2 will get just as many hours if not more in DLC before DA3 releases.
I will say that he story in DA2 is clicks by at a good pace while DA:O really seemed to drag on. This is mostly because in DA:O I took my time while in DA2 I rushed it. My next play though of DA2 I take my time and I am sure it will end up even closer to DA:O,
One thing I have to admit is that DA2 has me replaying DA:O to create different profiles to upload just to see what changes in DA2. lol
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Now, I wont spoil anything story wise, but only 25 hours and Im done? At the end of the game, I was thinking that I was still going to go on, and it could ave perfectly continued from there. I dont get it. Would Bioware really rather make an expansion of what should be the last half of DA2 ? I took me 74 hours to beat DA:O. Really 1/3 of the gameplay? Its really upsetting.
so in this perspective, I'm dissapoint.
Overall I did enjoy the game(as you can tell since I want MOAR!)
My experience was much different:
DA:O (includes about 9hrs of DLC "Warden's Keep", "The Stone Prisoner", "Return to Ostagar" and "The Golems of Amgarrak") - 58hrs
DA2 (includes at most 1hr of DLC "The Exiled Prince") - 42hrs
So if we look at just the games minus the DLC:
DA:O - 49hrs
DA2 - 42hrs
Now I didn’t include other DLC like Awakening and Witch Hunt because they create new character save folder separate from the main character save folder. And let’s be honest here DA2 will get just as many hours if not more in DLC before DA3 releases.
I will say that he story in DA2 is clicks by at a good pace while DA:O really seemed to drag on. This is mostly because in DA:O I took my time while in DA2 I rushed it. My next play though of DA2 I take my time and I am sure it will end up even closer to DA:O,
One thing I have to admit is that DA2 has me replaying DA:O to create different profiles to upload just to see what changes in DA2. lol
Think some of the flags doesn't work when you import DA1 saves.
DA1 was 'take my time' since there was no urgency at all, while DA2 was 'omg, i want to see how it ends! rush rush rush!'.
now i'm taking my time on my 2nd playthrough. Noticing a lot more subtle stuff.
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
it actually took me around 54 hours to finish DA 2. I did it twice already. I took my time to see every corner of the game though.
True, that DA:O is longer but i presume they will make allot of DLC for the second one like Mass effect 2. That kind of sucks imho as i don't intend on buying any DLCs.
I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.
I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.
I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.
I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.
Bioware is part of Activision now, like it or not.
Umm since when? i tought Bioware was part of EA now. EA is greedy too but far from as greedy as Activision, atleast the Battlefield games get free Map packs etc compared too CoD, and they dont throw out the same Battlefield game once a year. like Activision has been doing with CoD.
Originally posted by setonex
Bioware dont have so much money to make all DLCs in 1 day, so they making this kind of system and this dates making us closer to the DA3. I so hope that the my Grey warden and Hawk will play in 1 party and kick some Templars asses xDD
Bioware dont make much money?!?! They have tons of money im sure, been making quality games for years now and selling millions of copies. They are just becoming greedy fucks now putting out DLC's the first day.. Its like Rift would release an expansion pack within the first week of launch. Just greedy, stupid and pointless.
Sorry off-topic!
It's not greedy and it's not pointless.
First Day DLC is to try and get some money from second-hand sales - games shops have come up with this cunning wheeze whereby they can sell the same thing over and over without the developers and publishers seeing a bean.
If you buy a second hand DA game, you miss some content unless you throw some cash at the people who actually deserve it - the people who spent all that time and effort making it - perfectly fair in my book.
Thats a pretty lame reason for DLC. Tell me something, do you think video game developers and publishers give GM, Honda, BMW or Mercedes a cut when they sell their cars? I mean, those car companies spent just as much time and effort in making those cars as video game devs do making their games.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
DA2 should be renamed to Templar Age or something, since it got nothing to do with dragons (other than on the sidequest). Ran through one time and i think they purposely leave things out for future DLC.
The game is pretty disappointing so far. Mainly the characters. Varric is funny, but the others just plain suck. Namely Mrs. Horse-jaw. Why in the hell did they design her so horrible looking? I'm pretty much going solo at this point. Could really care less about anyone else besides for Bethany n' Varric.
I paid $30 for my copy. Any more than that and it's a rip off. WAY too rushed compared to the first one. Needless to say, I'll be holding my money on Bioware's next release until I'm convinced they put some real effort into it.
Now, I wont spoil anything story wise, but only 25 hours and Im done? At the end of the game, I was thinking that I was still going to go on, and it could ave perfectly continued from there. I dont get it. Would Bioware really rather make an expansion of what should be the last half of DA2 ? I took me 74 hours to beat DA:O. Really 1/3 of the gameplay? Its really upsetting.
so in this perspective, I'm dissapoint.
Overall I did enjoy the game(as you can tell since I want MOAR!)
Well...I just completed the first batch of companion quests you get AFTER the Deep Roads expedition and I'm at 17 hours. So you're telling me it'll only take me 8 hours to complete the rest of the main quests after the Deep Roads expedition and the side quests and any other companion quests I may get? I just think this is likely.
Did you complete all the quests and take your time to explore the areas, or did you just rush through the main content?
Now, I wont spoil anything story wise, but only 25 hours and Im done? At the end of the game, I was thinking that I was still going to go on, and it could ave perfectly continued from there. I dont get it. Would Bioware really rather make an expansion of what should be the last half of DA2 ? I took me 74 hours to beat DA:O. Really 1/3 of the gameplay? Its really upsetting.
so in this perspective, I'm dissapoint.
Overall I did enjoy the game(as you can tell since I want MOAR!)
Well...I just completed the first batch of companion quests you get AFTER the Deep Roads expedition and I'm at 17 hours. So you're telling me it'll only take me 8 hours to complete the rest of the main quests after the Deep Roads expedition and the side quests and any other companion quests I may get? I just think this is likely.
Did you complete all the quests and take your time to explore the areas, or did you just rush through the main content?
That's about it, Act 2 and 3 contains less sidequest/companion quest than Act 1
What difficulty did you play at and did you do sidequests?
I finished the game yesterday evening on nightmare and counted 55 hours played ingame.
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
If you walk at night you'll have random encounters in DA2. That's the same in DA:O when you were attacked while travelling. Worst in DA:O since the blood animation + loading times were horrendous (esp on the consoles).
The speed of plot complaint is a point of view actually.
DA:O is your classic 'bad thing is coming and YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE that can stop it' video game hero plot.
DA2 is 'normal people in a city that's going to hell in a handbasket' kind of plot. It is a lot more subtle and a lot deeper (thematically at least. execution wasn't the best; repeated areas being the key issue).
If you look at the plot/codex, both sides (Mages vs Templars) actually wants to avoid getting to that boiling point in Act3. But the human flaws gets them there. Its actually a lot more interesting from a char point of view than the generic 'hero' plot but it is a lot more subtle.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
i do hope thats a joke... although the scary part is.. it might not be.. this thing with DLC does seem to be getting out of hand
I can see the comparison, and I definitely found some of the random encounters in DA:O annoying at times. As for loading, I don't really know, as my loading times were fairly quick. So if it was an issue with consoles, again, I wouldn't know anything about that. But i'd believe it as ME and ME2 have issues with that as well.
But I'd say DA2's "random encounters" were far worse for me. There were times in the city that I couldn't even tturn a corner without dealing with yet another bloodblath from all the random bandits and thugs.
I have issues with the "random guy" plot as well, as you end up killing a lot of people, including a lot of Templars. I thought there was going to be hell to pay at Anders' recruitment quest, but that's never referenced again. You somehow never really face any repurcussions outside of one random quest where one of them finally seeks revenge.
I also wouldn't say the Knight-Commander's actions are due to human flaws. I think it became pretty clear to the player what had happened to her when they revealed it at the end.
I can appreciate and respect what they attempted plot wise, but a lot of the execution fails badly. The moments where I could finally have any form of emotional reactions are cut short with a giant loading screen, and the dialogue that follows doesn't let me pursue that reaction at all (losing that person near the end of Act 2 was sad, but immediately after the only dialogue options you get basically point to: "Oh well, time to get back to business").
The cut corners and fast dev time shows, and I think that's why it's received the reception it's gotten.
ME was really bad, ME2 was kinda okay since you didn't see the load screen often.
If you deal with the random encounters enough, they actually go away for the remainder of the game. Nice touch that makes sense.
Agree that execution wasn't the best but there are some better stuff in DA2 (and vice versa). Character being more than 2D cookie cutter. Despite what happens, Anders is fairly interesting (until THAT point) as a character. Bethany was really well done (if you are an older brother you'll know what I mean) etc.
Fun Fact
That end of Act2 had two version during development. One we got and one where it didn't happen. Trouble was that every tester played/reloaded until they got the version where it didn't happen. Thus BW decided to axe that version since it didn't fit into the story thematically. (this is David Gaider we are talking about. -.-)
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Yeah they go away, after you butcher them enough, but only for that Act. The following Act has two new bands to butcher some more, and so forth.
And I think we agree. I can see why people would like DA2 more, because as I see it, they definitely put some great effort into things. But they just didn't have enough time to properly flesh everything out, which is a damn shame.
Bethany was actually becoming my favorite virtual sibling. Certain side quests and main quests in Act 3 frustrated me greatly, however, because despite having the time to talk to her, they refused to allow it and instead just made her vanish. BAH.
And that fun fact is lame if true
Wouldn't surprise me though.
Few years down the road Bioware games will be like you buy the game make your toon do the first quest then the rest of the game is payed DLCs.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Hmm, I remember this same type of clamour of voices when Mass Effect 2 released. Everyone said it was so short, at about 25 hours. I'm currently playing ME2 getting closer to the end, all side quests done I think(if not I'll do em), and I'm sitting at about 34 hours. Compared to a game like ME or Morrowind this seems weak as hell but it's not terrible. All 30 hours I've played were full of depth in story and very fun to play; despite my love for slightly older games with bottomless pit like depth e.g. Morrowind. If DA:2's story is crap then I understand fully. I don't see 25 hours as completely crap, just a little bit lacking, unless it's chock full of awesomeness. I get the impression it's not.
Also, first day release DLC's can go to hell. That is a direct attack on peoples wallet. I don't care if you have a lot of money, you could've spent tha 10 or 15 bucks over tipping a waiter/ess somewhere and made their day; or on a million other things. Instead people throw it at 5-10 hours of content that is supposed to round out the story/ending. Sometimes a DLC is even less then that. A rounded out story is something every game should have anyways. If they DLCs are any good and I want to play then I tell you what, I'm waiting like all the other slightly more sensible people. Feel free to splurge though, this is just my opinion.
<p>If Bioware was able to release DLC for DA2 every fortnight they would make the game into a real cash cow as a lot of players want more content in thegame and don't mind paying.
My game time was 32 hours, doing all the side quests that I could access. I didn't do a lot of just wandering around to find tradeskill items, but I did do all the side quests I could access or find.
All in all, I found it lacking. I wouldn't complain nearly as loudly had it been a $20 title, rather than a $60 title. Too many recycled maps, being stuck in the same city all the time, and big huge gaps in the story line between acts. It felt very disconnected, very rushed, and not very polished. I didn't even think the graphics were all that great.
It was an ok game, I did enjoy it for the most part, I just didn't find $60 worth of enjoyment out of it. Sucker me for paying for it on release, but I was bored and figured I'd give it a chance.
Fair indeed.
What it means is that they want to charge you full price for a partial game, then charge you again for the parts they intentionally left out. 25 hours should be considered unacceptable. It was clearly unacceptable for the original, which took me a good 70+ hours to complete. That's a reasonable amount of game play for the money. 25 hours is not.
So it looks like my fears about Bioware's new business methods are not unfounded. It's all about pursuing profits now. The value for money they offer to their customer is of tertiary importance. But they are smart. They do realize that no matter how hard they stick it their fans, most will meekly reply, thank you sir, may I have another?
Whatever magic these guys had that was responsibe for classics like Baldur's Gate, Planescape or even DA:O (which was practically yesterday ffs), they've traded in for the need for greed. Or maybe it's just the financial pressures of making SWTOR starting to show.
My experience was much different:
DA:O (includes about 9hrs of DLC "Warden's Keep", "The Stone Prisoner", "Return to Ostagar" and "The Golems of Amgarrak") - 58hrs
DA2 (includes at most 1hr of DLC "The Exiled Prince") - 42hrs
So if we look at just the games minus the DLC:
DA:O - 49hrs
DA2 - 42hrs
Now I didn’t include other DLC like Awakening and Witch Hunt because they create new character save folder separate from the main character save folder. And let’s be honest here DA2 will get just as many hours if not more in DLC before DA3 releases.
I will say that he story in DA2 is clicks by at a good pace while DA:O really seemed to drag on. This is mostly because in DA:O I took my time while in DA2 I rushed it. My next play though of DA2 I take my time and I am sure it will end up even closer to DA:O,
One thing I have to admit is that DA2 has me replaying DA:O to create different profiles to upload just to see what changes in DA2. lol
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Think some of the flags doesn't work when you import DA1 saves.
DA1 was 'take my time' since there was no urgency at all, while DA2 was 'omg, i want to see how it ends! rush rush rush!'.
now i'm taking my time on my 2nd playthrough. Noticing a lot more subtle stuff.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
it actually took me around 54 hours to finish DA 2. I did it twice already. I took my time to see every corner of the game though.
True, that DA:O is longer but i presume they will make allot of DLC for the second one like Mass effect 2. That kind of sucks imho as i don't intend on buying any DLCs.
I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.
I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.
I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.
I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.
RIP George Carlin.
Thats a pretty lame reason for DLC. Tell me something, do you think video game developers and publishers give GM, Honda, BMW or Mercedes a cut when they sell their cars? I mean, those car companies spent just as much time and effort in making those cars as video game devs do making their games.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
DA2 should be renamed to Templar Age or something, since it got nothing to do with dragons (other than on the sidequest). Ran through one time and i think they purposely leave things out for future DLC.
$50 for 25 hours of entertainment? That's like $2 an hour! How Dare They!
Look at the entertainment competition : Movie ticket prices, DVDs, Concerts, Sports Tickets and even books !
How much would 25 hours of those entertainments cost you ? Nowhere near $50 !!!
Clearly the game companies' pricing structures are completely out of whack !
The game is pretty disappointing so far. Mainly the characters. Varric is funny, but the others just plain suck. Namely Mrs. Horse-jaw. Why in the hell did they design her so horrible looking? I'm pretty much going solo at this point. Could really care less about anyone else besides for Bethany n' Varric.
I paid $30 for my copy. Any more than that and it's a rip off. WAY too rushed compared to the first one. Needless to say, I'll be holding my money on Bioware's next release until I'm convinced they put some real effort into it.
Go play homefront and see if 25 hours is that bad :P. I played many short games, but this was the first time I was like "Wait, what just happend".
Well...I just completed the first batch of companion quests you get AFTER the Deep Roads expedition and I'm at 17 hours. So you're telling me it'll only take me 8 hours to complete the rest of the main quests after the Deep Roads expedition and the side quests and any other companion quests I may get? I just think this is likely.
Did you complete all the quests and take your time to explore the areas, or did you just rush through the main content?
That's about it, Act 2 and 3 contains less sidequest/companion quest than Act 1