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I will say first that i played this game in beta, and at launch. i bought the collectors edition, got to level 28, didnt make it out of the first month because of the grind.
I resubbed with a buddy of mine recently, and man have things changed. Im almost level 26, ive had to grind maybe a max of 6 bubbles of xp, which isnt much, and ive only had to do that because i was grouped with my friend when he was a higher level.. which gave me less xp for doing quests at the time.
Ive really been enjoying the game again, ive been questing with my friend, we're equal in level, and we're not behind the curve at all. we havent had to grind at all, and its just refreshing to have the grind in this game so far, gone.
honestly im about as newb as it comes to the game again, i know nothing, which is a great thing. i hope i can enjoy this game until gw2, torchlight 2, and/or diablo 3 come out!
Why not try Rift?
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe
you know.. i dunno. something about rift is just NOT fun. im not in the mood for copycat MMO's (not trying to insult rift at all), with slow combat. i want things to be a little more exciting. rift just feels like your not moving at all, and things are incredibly slow.
ive had a rift VIP key since just after halloween, was very excited for the game, im just not sure i can have faith in it. rifts were more of an annoyance than something cool, and they got really old by level 30 tbh.
rift just wasnt for me is all
If you've played a MMO in the past 6 years, you've already played it.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
which ive played a lot, including rift
please dont turn this thread into one about rift.. enough of those.
back to aion!
Hello, I subbed Aion about 2 weeks ago (EU server perento) and I must say that I was never forced to grind (never run out of quests although I haven't done all off them). This is my first time with Aion. I have sm lvl 31 and chanter lvl 15. I enjoy playing this game, never had problem with group quests or low lvl raids. I have participated in Rift beta but just have more fun with Aion than Rift
I canceled my Aion sub a couple weeks ago. Started launch day in Sept 2009. I only have a few regrets as Aion is a well polished game and I had loads of fun overall. It was a good MMO experience and a great beginner MMO for new peeps diving in.
The biggest drawbacks really start becoming evident as you get closer to end game. Lev 1 to say 30 is nearly flawless and kudos to the dev team for making it very smooth to this point. But post 40 and especially 50, things really start going south. The economy and top level crafting system (especially with rare components) is out of whack and is littered with hyperinflation, the experience grind really starts kicking into gear to the point where you feel 'forced' to do missions you don't want to do just for the experience because grinding alone will take forever to level. To give you perspective to those playing right now, the experience you need from lev 50 to 55 is about 1 billion (sorry to burst your bubble!). When I hit 55, I just really started getting bored. The fort battles in abyss got too redundant to the point where barely anyone was showing up (or it was same 2-3 superlegions that get credit for anything), too many people were afk, dungeon cooldown times became a hassle, especially when trying to form groups with friends, etc.
I know they are looking at things like housing, more pvp battleground choices, higher level caps, etc, but feel it is quite a long way away. Dev team does listen to player suggestions so that is a plus. May come back down the road, but I'm hitting Rift and like SWTOR after that and see what happens if those fizzle.
Its definitly gotten a lot better and I'm glad. Its brought alot of players back lately. I hope this trend continue with pathes and 2.5 coming soon!