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Disturbing, controversial, amazing Dead Island trailer...



  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872

    The trailer was very good in several ways, this is how it's done!

    As for the zombie-theme: Give me a zombie-survival openworld sandbox mmo and i will cancel all plans to ever get up from my pc for the rest of my life.

    Though i couldn't tell a company able to pull it off...nowadays they all fail left and right - or get cuffed and strangled by investors before the first line is coded.

  • itbewillyitbewilly Member UncommonPosts: 351

    This trailer was no more contreversial then the undead baby being born in Dawn of the Dead. I personally loved the trailer. The first thing i thought when i seen it was "Nice..A zombie game trailer that doesnt show the hero running around with a shotgun killing thousands of flesh eaters".. I can see where people would get offended over a little girl zobie being tossed out a window but then again if it isnt something you like there are games like Little Big Planet 2 out there.Too many people try to regulate and restrict others from what they might find entertaining.I dont like Glee but i damn sure dont boycott it.I hope this game can breath new life into the whole zombie genre for me.Im tired of the same old "People face certain death then suddently know how to operate guns,build various weapons,and go on to kill thousands and save the day!

  • sketchy_sketchy_ Member UncommonPosts: 137

    Nice trailer indeed. But seriosuly getting emotional over a little girl made in 3d that dies...


    Guess the ones who feel offended or whatever over it haven't seen alot of movies or played many games :P

    "If I had a d*ck, I'd go get laid. But we can do that next best thing... Let's kill people."

  • dzikundzikun Member Posts: 150

    I' not into zombie games but this was  nice trailer.

    I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.

    I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.

    I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.

    I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.

    RIP George Carlin.

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821

    Very nice trailer but my overall reaction was, "Meh... yet another Zombie game."




  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    Not many trailers actually capture such emotions, thought the trailer actually was pretty brilliant where the music composed also played a hugh role in this trailer.

    Have to wait and see how the actuall game will turn out.

    Bren: You have some actuall gameplay info to make a statement like "Meh... yet another Zombie game."??

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821

    Originally posted by Reklaw

    Not many trailers actually capture such emotions, thought the trailer actually was pretty brilliant where the music composed also played a hugh role in this trailer.

    Have to wait and see how the actuall game will turn out.

    Bren: You have some actuall gameplay info to make a statement like "Meh... yet another Zombie game."??

    Doesn't matter... once you've killed your zillionth Zombie every Zombie game is 'Yet another Zombie game'. The Zombie genre has been beaten to death, resurected and beaten to death again about a dozen times already. Enough with the damn Zombie games... they aren't the scariest or most unique of the horror genre bad guys to begin with and the fact that almost all of the horror genre games to come out in the last 10 years have used them to death I'm getting a little sick of seeing them. Come up with something new already.




  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402

    That trailer disturbed the fuck out of me...


    First sign for me that it might actually be worth playing.

    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190

    I have never actually ever played a zombie game closest was in Hellgate the part with Typhoon Mary was it has zombies in it. I am not into shooters so much have nevera ctually played any but Half Life but soon gave up have those FPS headaches cannot do much else after 20 mins but hold my head and vomit.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    Bits about gameplay>

    Some ingame screenshots from 2006?

    Pc Preview>

    Got about 400+ games, either boxed, Steam/D2D games and some official downloads from gamecompany's but only a handfull involve zombies like the CoD series, I aint got nor played a full zombie themed game here, so this is actually the first zombie themed game that looks intrested to me.

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