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ok, just as the title said. Whats so good about CityVille? almost all of my friends plays it and keep telling me to play with them
so I ask what so good about it that even a hard core console gamer like my friend would play it.
any reasons why?
I played cityville and I definitely like it much due to its animation and toon type town. If you played civilization you would definitly know what the gameplay is. Creating a city on your own liking and generating money from bussinesses and planting crops for stocks is what game is like. With your friends helping you every 12hours you can level your city fast.
just that? town building? like sims?
do i get to attack other players too?
Cityville is available on social networking site Facebook. In Cityville, players attempt to develop and create their own cities. Players are then able to expand their businesses and grow their city from ground up. go to this site so you would know more about cityville.
You can't attack any players on this game but you can help them level if you want to just by visiting.
its like watching a plant grow and helping others tend to their plants.
close this thread please.
is that on facebook too? or a console game? I only have PC
OMG I'm soo poor.
my mom is so addicted to this, she even tryin to recruit me playin it but am no fan with plant growin either....... :X
whahahahaha that makes 2 of us.
but PVZ is good XD
Yup its a plant growing type of a game. I've played it together with my wife and she enjoys it very much, well I do just fine in this game. She is already lvl40 in this game and im lvl35. I'm somekind of a feeder to her everyday. The graphics is good and fun to look at and it will not take much of your time. Just play it for an hour and you can go back tomorrow, its just a game past time for people who are a little bit busy.
Play this game maybe you will like it. I like it, my brother likes it and my mother likes it. The game is really relaxing and it has lots of people roaming around. Has a toon type graphics that really catching to me.
maybe because its fun..and maybe for those who are bored...
saw some people playing it, but meh, I'll pass
last time I played city of wonders was a couple of months ago, but got bored after a few weeks
still playing knights of the crystals and still waiting for civilization and dragon age legends on facebook
and why would "bored" people play such a boring game x_X
Yeah I know, I imagine it's hard to comprehend that people will find something fun, that you don't.
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!

My game channel on Youtube!
Well I like the game more because of its similarity in civilization game. The toon type of graphics gives it more playable state and it is nice to look at when your playing.
my sister plays this and so do a huge number of my friends.. facebook games lol
never played CityVille before but I did try some FB games (the aquarium and cafe type of games).
my mother loves CityVille though. After watching her play i can say that it is really pretty addicting. Kinda like a simple Sim City game.
Off Topic: hey ponchon68... cute pic!
My cousins and my mother is playing this game. I look at it and its a little kind of boring all the waiting and others. But the graphics is childish for kids.
not interested. but you can try it
I don't call any poster a shill around here, nor do I suggest that any thread is a one poster/ multi account conversation in order to promote a game, but I do sometimes suggest that other users look at the patterns in a thread (especially in the first few posts) and make their own minds up.
the best part about cityville is you can play it in prison.
step 1. wrap your smart phone in a thin plastic wrap.
step 2. stick it in your rectum (along with charger).
step 3. proceed into prison.
believe it or not, facebook games are a HIT! among prisoners these days. it's hard to play a computer game better than cityville when you're in prison.
Zynga is bad...
Haven't tried, got bored with it after I got out of military-service atleast those game run on my laptop there(military-prison)...
naaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. that game is just for gays. haha for me Pet Society will be the best. haha it's for girls
I play this game because it takes my mind of work. Its a mind numbing game if you ask me. but i still prefer mafia wars over this.