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Playing: Single player games |
Awaiting: Wild Star |Blade & Soul | The Repopulation | The Elder Scrolls online | ArcheAge | Firefall | Survarium | Bless | Black Desert |
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For 850 bucks I have a Toshiba Satellite with
2.27 GHz Intel Core i5 (Yours is a Core Duo)
4.00 GB RAM (Yours has only 2 GB)
500 GB Hard Drive (Yours has 250GB)
16 inch screen (Yours is 13.3)
Blue-Ray capability
and unfortunately, a GeForce 310M (Yours is 320M, slightly better)
Runs Rift on lowest settings at ~55 fps
In other words, don't get Mac for gaming.
Yes, it will run Rift (and most other games) just fine. But you have to use Bootcamp. I also highly recommend bumping it up to 4G of RAM.
I really like those Macbooks, they are just the right size, and are hard to beat for the price.
Not sure, but I ran rift beta via bootcamp on the latest 15" MBP hardware from late 2010. I was able to run on high settings in all places with a decent framerate except during rifts which dropped my fps (and do so for everyone not just lower spec systems). So I dropped my settings to medium and turned bloom back on and everything was swell.
I wasn't getting 60fps but for a high end game like this on a normal laptop (not a gameing laptop which gets so heavy it might as well be a desktop imho) an avg fps of 22 was fine for me during rifts and big battles. If you plan to crank everything up yer gonna want a gaming rig or gaming laptop which means a bulkier rig.
Arioc Murkwood
Environment Artist
Sad but true.
apple product is about x2 more expensive for = product on w7 ,we re not even speaking of linux product yet!
SO i should't get a mac any other suggestions on labtops
Playing: Single player games |
Awaiting: Wild Star |Blade & Soul | The Repopulation | The Elder Scrolls online | ArcheAge | Firefall | Survarium | Bless | Black Desert |
Played: Guild Wars | Diablo 3 |The War Z | Runescape |World of Warcraft |Combat Arms |Perfect World | Rift | Fiesta | DC universe online | Aion | Age of Conan |Allods | Vindictus | The Secret World | Forge | Battle of the Immortals | Global Agenda| Cabal Online | Tera |
You defintely don't want the standard Macbook for gaming. It has an integrated graphics card and will not perform very well at all. You would have to go with the 15" models to get a discrete card, and to be honest for that amount of money you could get a far better laptop for gaming at half the price.
What do you want to use the laptop for? And why do you need a laptop and not a desktop?
If you plan on using the laptop for gaming more than just casually, a Mac is not a good choice. You'll need bootcamp, or a similar program... plus you'll need a copy of Windows too. Not unreasonable, but with the price of Macbooks, there's just better options.
As another poster pointed out, for the price you'd pay on that Macbook, you could buy a Windows 7 laptop that's 2-3 times more powerful.
Macs are great machines... don't get me wrong. I loved my Macbook Pro (2006 model) that I drove hard for nearly 5 years before it took a dump. I've never had a laptop last that long... but I was using it mostly for graphic design and photo editing, not games.
For gaming... look at ASUS laptops. They give you A LOT of machine for the money.
Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Yeah I pretty much agree with the other posters. If you use a Macbook for schoolwork and just want to occasionally game, that'll work but cutting edge games won't run great on it, passable, but not great. Most cases you'll have to turn down settings to get a good frame rate.
However if you're buying a computer for gaming, there's no reason to have a laptop at all. Desktops are far better since you can swap out video cards or add better components. Laptops are limited to upgrading ram or swapping out a hard drive.
If you MUST have a laptop, AND you plan to game allot. Then you'll want a gaming laptop, which often is expensive but has pretty high end stuff in it. Down side, is those laptops are heavy.
Arioc Murkwood
Environment Artist
Sad but true.