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So I hear healing classes in Aion are pretty fun. My favorite healing games are WoW and FFXI and I'm looking for something comparable to either one. Note that I have nothing against WoW or FFXI, I have just played them to death. I don't mind a small grind and I'd prefer to level in groups as opposed to solo. That being said, would I enjoy this game? How is the end game?
I played a chanter in aion and found it entertaining. More of a melee/support type but it can main heal groups and dungeons as long as the tank isn't horrible. I played a white mage in ffxi for almost 3 years and a cleric in aion fits more closely to that. Both chanter and cleric can solo real easy since both do good damage and can self heal. A lot of the leveling is solo but there are dungeons and group areas spread out that people like to run. Mostly the dungeons since they are farmed for gear. Never made it to endgame, topped out in the low 40's but according to my legion mates endgame is all about running instances to get better gear, and siege pvp. It's still grindy, but not as bad as it used to be, and not nearly as bad as ffxi was when I played ( around chains of promethia and treasures of art urghan).
the struggle to free myself from restraints becomes my very shackles
There is only one healing class really and that's the cleric. Chanter is buffer/support. When in a team with one I don't rely on him at all for heals. Nor do they heal in raids, their heals are just too small, plus they don't have group heals.
Interesting. It's too bad there is no free trial. I might have to check it out, thanks for the input!
Do you know for certain?