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DC Universe Online: The First Few Days

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

DC Universe Online launched this week and has been showing good numbers and server populations.'s Bill Murphy has been busily building his first character and has some observations about server populations, Legends PvP, server names and more. Compare notes with Bill and then leave us a few comments below.

The dust is far from settled, but I’ve spend a good few hours in DCUO since it launched mid-afternoon on the 11th. I’ve struck out on the Public Enemies server, a villain as planned with Ice and Acrobatics but Staff instead of Brawling for my weapon of choice. Not a lot seems to have changed between the last days of beta and launch, though I do think that the difficulty of the earlier missions, mobs, and alerts may have been toned down a little. That or I’m just getting used to the changes from beta. I’d be interested in knowing how some other beta vets feel, and how the new folks might be taking to the PvE content. Those questions aside, let’s do a quick recount of my ups and downs for the first few days of DCUO Live.

Read more of Bill Murphy's column, DCUO: The First Few Days.




  • astoriaastoria Member UncommonPosts: 1,677

    It was a smooth launch, which sadly, is worth mentioning in the MMO world. A couple things are fixed since beta, but sme still glarring errors like combo descriptions. My hero still looks off even with the 2 added faces. ehh, hope for some patches when the live bug catchers send in their 2c.

    "Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga

  • markt50markt50 Member Posts: 132

    I've been playing for the last three nights and the game has definately grown on me, I think I went through some initial teething difficulties as follows:

    Day 1) Play game whilst thinking, wtf is up with these controls, where's my mouse cursor, why is the ingame chat worse than a poke in the eye with a hot needle. Grrrr.

    Day 2) Ok, put control and UI issues to one side, hmmm this is kinda fun.

    Day 3) I hate PvP, lets try a PvP server for a laugh. Hmmm, it's actually quite good fun :)

    For the first time in a very long time I've decided to make my main on a PvP server because it just adds so much to the game, I've still experience ganking and high level Villians picking on very low level Heroes (of course us Heroes would never do that ;) ) but the difference in this game seems to be that you have a chance against people quite a few levels above you. As a level 5 I got jumped by a level 14 and I got him down to half health and made it very difficult for him to finish me off by blocking and rolling all over the place, was great fun :) I know other games where if a level 14 attacked a level 5 it would be one shot and over.

    At the minute I would sum this game up in the following way: DCUO is a great action MMO wrapped in a layer of frustrating controls, topped with a horrible UI and chat system. It's great, but it definately needs some work doing to keep the frustrations from getting to people before too long.

  • markt50markt50 Member Posts: 132

    Just to add, sorry for the wall of text, thats the second time I've put plenty of spacing between paragraphs and it hasn't reflected in my post, sorry :(

    ** EDIT just ignore me, my orginal post was fine, it was my browser having a bad day and displaying things strangely **

  • OkhamsRazorOkhamsRazor Member Posts: 1,047

    I played DCU in the beta I was very impressed with it . Very polished and could play it full settings on my pc where as RIFT i could'nt even play well on low settings . So I think I'll most likly go for this instead . It was a lot of fun .

  • ConjureOneConjureOne Member UncommonPosts: 233


    I'm considering buying this game. But can someone answer a couple of questions first:

    1. In the other article it was stated that the gameflow resembles Prototype, is that so? To me it seemed a little bit stiff from the videos I've seen.

    2. Is there a possibility to have a glance at the game? Trial key or something? I've been sick and tired of  promising titles like WAR turning a huge disappointment after you buy the box for 50eur...

  • DalanoDalano Member Posts: 116

    Pretty much mirrors my feelings so far. At the moment it's a good game; with the right monthly content and social/ui fixes it could be great.

    Staff needs to be made spongy and water absorbent asap, however.

    Playing: FFXIV, EVE

  • Spiritof55Spiritof55 Member Posts: 405

    This isn't a deep game but its fun.  What it does it does well. 

    Fights are excellent.  I'm not a huge pvp fan but I can see this game being a blast for pvp. 

    Nearly everything is destructable.

    I have the ps3 version.

  • Valgar1Valgar1 Member UncommonPosts: 324

    Great feedback,

    Im looking to start an ice tank myself. How do you fair in the PvP with the tank class?  I dont want to start one and relize the dps class's just kite me to death from affar. Also whats a good weappon for the tanks? wanted to go just brawling but agin im on a PvP server.


    Thanks for any feedback!

  • XantheousXantheous Member Posts: 121

    This is by far the work "super hero" game to date.


  • XantheousXantheous Member Posts: 121

    Bleh ..worst.


  • SandboxGamerSandboxGamer Member Posts: 13

    No one getting their pre-order items, the screw up with pre-orders in general equals a smooth launch?  If the servers didn't crash it's because far fewer players showed up than SOE was hoping for.

    Now that we are in a new era of "honesty" for both Bill and MMORPG, I expect the pre-order SNAFU to bring his much anticipated "review" of DCUO down to 9.2 from the 9.5 it otherwise would get.

    Look, Bill, we get it.  You "like" DCUO.  Fine. Everyone has their own taste.  Hell, I am a fan of bad 1970's disaster movies, but that doesn't mean they are great movies to the general public as a whole.  I actually love the song "MacAurthur Park" by Richard Harris (the one with the "someone left the cake out in the rain" lyric...) yet it's considered to be one of the worst songs of all time. 

    Maybe someone other than YOU should be writing the review?  I don't think you are objective, you are a fan.

  • HepisodicHepisodic Member Posts: 328

    Great game, loads of fun, the PvP servers are clearly the only one's to roll on for maximum fun. Doesn't matter your lvl, you will always have a blast. I too am on Public Enemies as well XD


    Hero though...

    Veritas Vos Liberabit- The truth will set you free.

  • xaldraxiusxaldraxius Member Posts: 1,249

    I'm loving this game! Yesterday I was attacked by two villians who obviously had a strategy going. One of them tanked me while the other stayed back and kept his partner healed. It was working well, they were both at the same level as me, one was Ice and the other Sorcery, but I'm a fire tank... so after nearly being defeated by these guys a couple times, saving myself with a soda and Reignition I finally saw what they were up to, knocked the Ice guy out of the way and made a B line for the sorc.. killing him was easy peazy.. and with him down his buddy got scared and tried to run, but I gave him a stiff shot of firey justice up his backside.


    This is not a game for people who are happy with traditional MMO controls. It's very fast paced and very reliant on hand eye coordination and fast thinking. Sometimes you get into situations where you don't have a chance... 3 or 4 guys on you at once and you might, if you're really good, manage to take one of them out before you go down... but when you're level 12 and you take a level 30 down to less than half his life he's gonna remember your name!


    It's CAESAR biatch!! (Death & Glory) Ya'll better recognize!!

  • TUX426TUX426 Member Posts: 1,907

    Originally posted by xaldraxius

    This is not a game for people who are happy with traditional MMO controls.

    Oh, you mean like MMO players huh?

    I keep seeing reasons why people won't like some new "niche" thing, yet the players stating exactly WHY go on to defend it.


    APB was a "niche game" too.

  • xaldraxiusxaldraxius Member Posts: 1,249

    Originally posted by TUX426

    Originally posted by xaldraxius

    This is not a game for people who are happy with traditional MMO controls.

    Oh, you mean like MMO players huh?

    I keep seeing reasons why people won't like some new "niche" thing, yet the players stating exactly WHY go on to defend it.


    APB was a "niche game" too.


     Controls have not always been the same for MMOs. EQ set the standard that we see in most MMOs now, and many who came into the genre with WoW, which is an abundance, have only had experience with that system. Asheron's Call was much more twich based, though not quite to this extreme.

    There's nothing 'niche' about the combat in DCUO, it is very much a mainstream "Marvel Ultimate Alliance" style combat system. It's just that many people aren't used to it in an MMO setting.

    APB was a great idea with terrible execution. Loved the customization, but the gameplay was awful.

  • rca50rca50 Member Posts: 7

    Anyone know how to make a straight brute?  Fisticuffs and super strength.  No mamby pamby powers.

  • xaldraxiusxaldraxius Member Posts: 1,249

    Originally posted by rca50

    Anyone know how to make a straight brute?  Fisticuffs and super strength.  No mamby pamby powers.


     You can't right away, but if you take Brawling as your weapon skill and the whatever secondary, when you get up to level 20 you can respec with Iconic powers and get super strength, bane's venom injector, amazonian deflection.. etc and basiclly make a brute.

  • LordCaptainLordCaptain Member Posts: 178

    I am having a ton of fun with DCUO. I really hope the numbers stay strong because I can see this game going either way :S

    There is so much potential for new content in the game as well, it's amazing.

    On a side note, I am also on Public Enemies/Villain side. Look for Unstable when you are around :P

  • MMOrUSMMOrUS Member Posts: 414

    Originally posted by astoria

    It was a smooth launch, which sadly, is worth mentioning in the MMO world. A couple things are fixed since beta, but sme still glarring errors like combo descriptions. My hero still looks off even with the 2 added faces. ehh, hope for some patches when the live bug catchers send in their 2c.


    So a description error means a glarring error!! your kidding right? a glaring error would be oh I don't know falling through the game world apon entry into the game, or hitting mobs only to find they continually evade you but hit you back for damage, or even finding that every time you create a character it gets deleted next time you log back into the game.

    Those aren't in DCUO but those would be what I call problems, not a typo.

  • travamarstravamars Member CommonPosts: 417

    SOE + Item shop = Scary as hell.

  • MMOrUSMMOrUS Member Posts: 414

    Originally posted by SandboxGamer

    No one getting their pre-order items, the screw up with pre-orders in general equals a smooth launch?  If the servers didn't crash it's because far fewer players showed up than SOE was hoping for.

    Now that we are in a new era of "honesty" for both Bill and MMORPG, I expect the pre-order SNAFU to bring his much anticipated "review" of DCUO down to 9.2 from the 9.5 it otherwise would get.

    Look, Bill, we get it.  You "like" DCUO.  Fine. Everyone has their own taste.  Hell, I am a fan of bad 1970's disaster movies, but that doesn't mean they are great movies to the general public as a whole.  I actually love the song "MacAurthur Park" by Richard Harris (the one with the "someone left the cake out in the rain" lyric...) yet it's considered to be one of the worst songs of all time. 

    Maybe someone other than YOU should be writing the review?  I don't think you are objective, you are a fan.


    I remember pre-ordering AoC, I went through GAME, was promised the mammoth/ring and cloak as pre-order goodies.

    My pre-order never arrived, so I cancelled and went to the high street and bought a hard copy anyway, however this is the thing, it wasn't down to Funcom not supplying the games to my pre-order company, it was down to the blasted store that forget to ensure enough copies had been ordered in the first place.

    9 times out of 10 it's not the developer that screws up your order, it's whoever you placed the pre-order with that screwed up, and if it was through SoE they have the digital version anyway so ppl who are saying they didn't get a pre-order that way are either as thick as a short plank of wood or just plain lying for effect.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Great column Bill,  and sure enough they did tone the difficulty down a bit.

    You went with staff though?  I've said it in a few other threads and it still holds true,  I am TERRIBLE with the staff.  Absolutely terrible.  Possibly my worst weapon skill,  eventhough it has some amazing combos,  especially the hold combo with the multiple stuns,  but I'm just not very good with it.  Give me a single handed sword anyday for melee.


    To the poster who didn't receive their preorder items,  did you check under the "market" tab?  Thats where I received mine from,  it was on the market tab,  you just have to click accept.  No code needed for me as I preordered through D2D,  didn't even realize I was supposed to get anything special.




  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Great column Bill,  and sure enough they did tone the difficulty down a bit.

    You went with staff though?  I've said it in a few other threads and it still holds true,  I am TERRIBLE with the staff.  Absolutely terrible.  Possibly my worst weapon skill,  eventhough it has some amazing combos,  especially the hold combo with the multiple stuns,  but I'm just not very good with it.  Give me a single handed sword anyday for melee.

       Staff is easy, once you realize that most of the melee attacks have two ways of doing them. Try going down the melee attack column first, before grabbing anything else. Once you have done that, you can chain four or five combos together by holding the left mouse button until the combo starts, and then release the button; do that five times and you will get a very powerful chain going. Before you get to the bottom of the column, you will get a combo that is tap left mouse button x5; when you get that, hold and release the left button three times and then tap the left button twice. That should take care of most trash mobs you encounter. You can practice these by using Robin in the Legends PvP.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • EvileEvile Member Posts: 534

    DC is much better then I expected.

    It is the BEST Super Hero MMO to date.  My brother and I both are addicted.

    The PVE servers have a flagging system to flag yourself for open world PVP. Plenty of open world PVP action.  

    DC blows Champions and CoH out of the water. 


  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004

    Be interesting to see if this game is still being raved about once the subs come up for renewal... i just dont see whats good about this game, but then, i dont like button mashing games.. or.. games with.. cash shops..  and monthly sub + cash shop = avoid imo... 

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