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Rift: My day trying to craft a boot

Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

yeah so i logged in to rift beta with the intention of crafting some boots for a quest.

I log into my little Champion around 10am and run to the city area.

i needed to craft five pairs of plate boots.

On my fourth boot a Life elemental invasion  lands right in the middle of the city and i get killed.

I swear they bum rushed me right on top of the trainer!!!!

I join a group and we fight back the invasion.

Then we notice a similar invasion moved to another part of the city.

We go there, then a rift opens up and along with about 100 other people we clear that.

Then i get an invite to the Fae dungeon.

After the run i head back to the city to craft a boot but stopped  when i notice more invasions...

They needed to die.

After i cleared those  we found another rift...

Then i noticed i had 3 quests in that area so i did those. 

Then i helped some dude with his quest and tried to head back to the city to craft that god damn boot...

ON the way i noticed someone talking about the Warfronts so i decided to give that a try... we lost.

Finally i get to the city after another rift and four more invasions and some mining...

I crafted my final boot at 6pm...

I swear to god 8 hours went by in 30 minutes...

But hey i sure as hell crafted those boots didnt I? LOL




Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP



  • TazlorTazlor Member UncommonPosts: 864

    that sounded fun.  seriously.

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150

    Haha. . see that is why I play games. . Great stuff.  Almost makes me want to try it out again.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • EmhsterEmhster Member UncommonPosts: 913

    I don't play betas because I don't want to be a tester, and I don't consider betas to be a trial version of a game... But damn Rift is putting it to a test with all the good stuff I hear about it.

  • dzikundzikun Member Posts: 150

    This seriously peeks my interest. I mean you tell it like there is always something going on at radom around you which is just epic. I miss that in almost all MMOs i played- some kind of surprise. 


    i might give this one a try.

    I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.

    I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.

    I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.

    I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.

    RIP George Carlin.

  • wildtalentwildtalent Member UncommonPosts: 380

    Hearing a story like this makes me seriously want to pick up this game when it comes out.

  • scythe99scythe99 Member Posts: 326

    Originally posted by wildtalent
    Hearing a story like this makes me seriously want to pick up this game when it comes out.

    Same once I get my new pc. my current pc doesn't run it very well even on low.

    "An MMORPG could be completely diffirent from WoW. Just look at games like Dofus, Wizard101 or EVE. But as it is, most of the Western MMOs are trying to succeed by out-WoWing WoW. It's like an army of 10 sports games made about same sports, and barely none about other sports. WoW clone is an accurate description of those games, it manages to convey much information with only two words."
    -Poster on

    Rift: World of Warcraft clone #9321 Nothing special to see here move along.

  • HedeonHedeon Member UncommonPosts: 997

    do like they  beefed up the invasions for this beta round but people are already complaining about it - wanting to be able to solo the planarbound things...and imo it is sad they have all those solo quests and instanced instances blocking the will of people to actually play the game.

    they even made the footholds themself alittle bit more intresting now....or might just be my perception since had fewer people around to do them.

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    Originally posted by wildtalent

    Hearing a story like this makes me seriously want to pick up this game when it comes out.

    Dude i was just hanging near a quest npc in some far off area when i noticed these giant boar type demon things rushing down the side of a cliff.

    The feeling of 20-30 elites rushing straight at you and then suddenly being surrounded by damn near the entire zone fighting them off for rewards is a crazy experience.

    I mean one minute im just reading some quest text and the next im fighting with 50+ people and collecting rewards and a ton of XP...


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 860

    Great story and I have had several experiences like that trying to finish one particular quest or task or craft something. It's absurd in a fun, always busy sense; I have stopped in the middle of quests to recall back to town to join inthe big battles agaisnt invasions and rifts. I love getting sidetracked in this game.

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751

    I think there is a HUGE appeal in logging out to a city and logging in to the middle of a warzone.  My only worry is that the Rifts will be spawning too often during the lesser played hours (say 1am EST - 1pm EST Monday-Friday).  Unfortunately, I think only time will tell on that one though.

  • ShadowzanonShadowzanon Member UncommonPosts: 350

    Reminds me alot of tabula rasa

  • ViaddViadd Member UncommonPosts: 27

    That sounds very similar to my in game experience as well, this is easily the most fun and well polished Beta I have ever taken part in, I can’t wait for its release in March.

  • RequiamerRequiamer Member Posts: 2,034

    Originally posted by dzikun

    This seriously peeks my interest. I mean you tell it like there is always something going on at radom around you which is just epic. I miss that in almost all MMOs i played- some kind of surprise. 


    i might give this one a try.

    I missed the last beta since i had other plans, but thats exactly how it feel especially at the begining, you just have to be part of this invasion or rift, you just can't miss it. Later on you are cooler and you know it won't be the end of the world if you miss it, so you just go straight to your activity if need to. But sometime the mob do take some part of town the npc are in and they get killed, so you really need to clean the place to get access to those npc again. It really is a lot nicer that the usual static mmos we are used to because of this. Also they organize major invasion quiet often during the betas for testing, but i'm not sure how it will be in release, and how often they plan to put those, but your really  need some massive people and coordination to stop them, people isn't a problem during beta, but the coordination is clearly lacking. 

  • DarbiiRueDarbiiRue Member UncommonPosts: 832
    I mean, this in itself is the exact reason why I am so interested in this game. If it can always be this sporadic and interesting, I will enjoy it for quite a while.

    I do wish that their crafting system was a bit more in-depth, but sometimes you just have to deal...

  • ZippyZippy Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,412

    Very nice story and it seems to really capture the chaos of the beta events and the potential for future events very  well.

  • heartlessheartless Member UncommonPosts: 4,993

    It is a nice story and it happened to me a few times as well. The major invasion events are especially fun.

    The only problem is, and I found that I've been having this feeling more and more is: "I just want to craft some effin boots, damn it!"

    Sometimes you log in and really have your mind set on something and that's when the constant invasions become annoying.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138

    A similiar thing happened to me.

    I was looking for one of those planar vendors when city was attacked. Then I thought, heck, maybe in the main city. I get there, can't find it, run out the main entrance and an attack. lots of fighting, they are running up the main bridge to the city but we hold them up.

    I realize i'm low on funds so I decide to run back but I catch a rift. As i'm fighitng I notice i'm getting heals. we then have an invasion on top of that rift so we fight them all off and find another rift over the hillside. I also notice I'm getting heals and eventually I get an invite because "it was easier to heal you".

    So me and this group just start follwoing invasions and rifts and do a loop of the map.

    never found the planar vendor. And I'm really broke from soul healing. image

    But had a great time.

    I was thinking that is what the hook to the game is. So far it's very alive, very dynamic and has a lot of energy. For some like myself this is great. For those who just want to quest and turn those quests in it might get trying.

    I kept seeing over chat' "will someoen please kil <insert some sort of name here> so I can finish my quest, it's killing all the quest mobs".

    I'm sure he wasn't having a great time.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138

    Originally posted by heartless

    It is a nice story and it happened to me a few times as well. The major invasion events are especially fun.

    The only problem is, and I found that I've been having this feeling more and more is: "I just want to craft some effin boots, damn it!"

    Sometimes you log in and really have your mind set on something and that's when the constant invasions become annoying.

    I suppose it's sort of like being on a pvp server. Except it's "pve".

    Though I imagine the rifts and invasions are turned up a bit for the beta test.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    I kept seeing over chat' "will someoen please kil so I can finish my quest, it's killing all the quest mobs".

    I'm sure he wasn't having a great time.

    See thats where the devs went into a slight wrong approach IMO. They should have made the Rifts the centerpiece, maybe even have the quests all about the rifts (maybe they do, I haven't played). Even make the rifts sort of like what it is in Oblivion (ie stop the tide of creatures coming forth, then enter the rift to close it).

  • ThornrageThornrage Member UncommonPosts: 659

    I know I have been in some epic fights in this game. I am only lvl 13 but in those 13 levels I had more fun than I ever had in WoW in 13 levels.

    DO NOT GO AFK unless you want to die.  LOL

    "I don't give a sh*t what other people say. I play what I like and I'll pay to do it too!" - SerialMMOist

  • IronfungusIronfungus Member Posts: 519

    LOL,  yeah...I never get anything done in Rift because of happenings like these. But it sure is a lot of fun.

  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 860

    To the best of my knowledge the nonstop rifts and invasions have been stepped up and increased for the beta and testing them and server load and such. I believe the rifts and invasions will be different in release and scale up or down based on the amount of people in a given zone or area.

  • MaGicBushMaGicBush Member UncommonPosts: 689

    Same, out of the recent MMO's I have been a part of this is the most appealing because of the random encounters/distractions you run into a lot. I always got annoyed playing and having a PvP player come and gank me. But this is different, considering it is a load of mobs and so far most of the time I get a huge group just showing up to help take them down and I become distracted and help them as well lol. Great game, just hope they add a PvP zone with objectives then I will pre-order.


    -Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138

    Originally posted by arenasb

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    I kept seeing over chat' "will someoen please kil so I can finish my quest, it's killing all the quest mobs".

    I'm sure he wasn't having a great time.

    See thats where the devs went into a slight wrong approach IMO. They should have made the Rifts the centerpiece, maybe even have the quests all about the rifts (maybe they do, I haven't played). Even make the rifts sort of like what it is in Oblivion (ie stop the tide of creatures coming forth, then enter the rift to close it).

    In some ways it actually does feel like Oblviion, especially closing the fire portals.

    Still, I'm not sure it's slightly the wrong way. The way I look at it, the rifts, the invasions cause an actual impact. It really is in the players' best interest to take part and stop them.

    In this way, that is the game. Just like playign an ffa pvp game means players have to deal with the rules of the game, these are the rules of the game. Which of  course makes it interesting to some and not so interesting to others.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • DignaDigna Member UncommonPosts: 1,994

    I popped out of a WarFront to see folks from my side backing (and running) away from me...quickly. Then I looked at the HUD and realized 2 big red Xs (map icons for incoming elites) where fast approaching. When I turned, a wall of  'things' were pasted all over the screen. Had fun legging it back to a group of folks on my side of the fence to fight the invasion off.


    Another interesting occurrence was after a (perhaps THE) major invasions by Aelfwar, the server sent a server-wide message. One word in yellow font.


    HAHA. Everything got quiet for a minute. I  was one of the first to comment in the general channel with 'uh-oh'. Then the chat started. You could tell the players were taken aback and we all had  a good chat about...'Doom'. Regretfully, I had to log out to take care of a prior engagement so I never found out what 'Doom' was. :(

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