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I feel that Cata will be a major let down for me and others



  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

    Yeah same was said about Mythic and Funcom. Get ready to eat your sock next year.


    Bite Me

  • ParadoxyParadoxy Member Posts: 786

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

    [Mod Edit]

     WOW has an established player base over the years and is not competing or fighting for subs anymore. But why WOW has to die everytime a new MMO releases?  there are enough players in world to keep all three alive and kicking.

    Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?

    Originally posted by Arcken

    To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
    Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible

  • abyss610abyss610 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,131

    Originally posted by Teala

    I will agree with the OP about the lore stuff and add some things that I dislike. 

    The fact that they are making Sylvanas into somone players will hate.  Look waht she is doing to Silverpine and Southshore.  She has become Arthas.  She is purposely killing and then reanimating.   No different than Arthas.   Sure Arthas did not give them a choice and just ressed them - turnign them into mindless fodder for his conquest...but it really is no different for Sylvanas.  She is killing and ressing and we're to believe that the people she brings back cheerfully join the Forsaken after being killed by them?  Seriously?  That is not how Sylvanas felt...she hated Arthas for doing it to her...and now she is doing the exact same thing?  Please Blizzard....get a new writer.

    There are some other lore things I have serious issues with and those will go into my blog. 

    What is with all the new flight paths?  Really...Stonetalon needs not one but like 4 new flight masters!

    And what is with the level 85 (ELITE) guards in the lowbee areas?   They are not just level 85 guards...but "Elite" guards.  So Blizzard is catering to the PvE's who play on PvP servers....why?   PvP is meant for PvP...I do not care what level you are - if you are my enemy I will kill you if I see you - if I have a notion to do so.    PvP servers are losing their world PvP aspects and they are becoming nothing more than PVE servers with PvP BG's.   Hell the Elite gaurds aggro on you from many meters away as well.   That is just screwed up.

    They also are making it easier than ever in some things for players...they added tabards to the cities that will allow you to gain rep now?  Instead of doing quest to gain rep as we had to, now just grab a tabard!

    Duel speccing cost 100g when it use to cost 1000g!  WTF?   We players that spent the 1000 gold on countless toons to duel spec them - are we re-imbursed?  Nope.  We have to eat the 900g.

    Still no appearance tab.  Instead we will have to endure looking at our toons in that gawd awful new teir 11 crap they call armor.   OMG...all the armor has shoulder pauldarons that are the size of huge pumpkins?   Why?   They are so very fugly.   Does anyone really like the new looks of the new armor?   If you do...get your eyes checked.

     dual spec is only like 10g now , i remember doing it on my druid years ago and it was like 1000g. when i returned  just a month or 2 ago it was only 100g and now like i said its only 10g.

    i do agree with you on the need for an apearance slot.tho the ones most against it are, as usual, the crybaby pvpers. that don't want it because they prefer knowing what gear the other player has on, because they'd rather go for an easy mark that will pose less of a threat.

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Originally posted by Elidien

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

    I can agree with you to an extent. I would say Bioware and ArenaNet will not knowingly fail. By that I mean, they will not release too early, they will not release a broekn game, etc.... However, as we have seen, that does not mean they will do well, For example, TOR could have issues with the dialogue and cutscenes. A LOT of people hate those and we have yet to see how they will work in an MMO. It could go badly for Bioware (personally I think its a non-issue, just using it as an example).

    GW2 will not affect WOW at all because its a buy-to-play game and can easily be played along with WOW just like GW1 was.

     Business models isn't the issue with players. It is more about competing for players free time. If a player has  2 hours of free time they will need to decide which game they want to play for those 2 hours. I think alot of people miss that point. I'm not saying WoW will totally sink because they will still have China that supports them but the other regions like NA/EU will definitely be hurt by Bioware and ArenaNet. Seems WoW's only saving grace will be China unless Chinese players take a liking to TOR or GW2 which I am not convinced that will happen.

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

    Yeah same was said about Mythic and Funcom. Get ready to eat your sock next year.

     You can pick the sock out yourself if Bioware or ArenaNet fail. :)

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Originally posted by Nikkita

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Sorry but Bioware and ArenaNet do not fail like the others have. WoW will be having another Cataclysm in 2011.

    Yeah same was said about Mythic and Funcom. Get ready to eat your sock next year.

     You can pick the sock out yourself if Bioware or ArenaNet fail. :)

    Who said anything about Bioware and Anet failing? iam talking about these two game having any impact on WOW population. So yeah get ready to eat that sock.


    Bite Me

  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Bioware and ANet won't have to do anything to make the wow population go down. Blizzard can do that on its own.

    I enjoyed the questing and the new areas (bugs aside) but now that I'm at the endgame I feel nothing but disappointment with the game. It is exactly the same as it has been, a neverending gear grind. I'm done with it after my months sub is up.

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Tell me when TOR and GW2 muster up over 10 mill players between the 2 games where are they all coming from. Do you actually believe they are all existing and new players ? Seriously, it is very ignorant to think these games will not have any effect at all.

  • ParadoxyParadoxy Member Posts: 786

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Tell me when TOR and GW2 muster up over 10 mill players between the 2 games where are they all coming from. Do you actually believe they are all existing and new players ? Seriously, it is very ignorant to think these games will not have any effect at all.

    yeah all MMO players come from WOW only right? the only thing i find ignorant is that people have learned nothing from past. As much as i am excited about GW2 and SWTOR, they are not going to put a dent on WOW's population.

    Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?

    Originally posted by Arcken

    To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
    Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible

  • BlackWatchBlackWatch Member UncommonPosts: 972

    I was addicted to WoW during WotLK. 

    I really enjoyed the game... wholeheartedly.  I played an FPS from time to time... but WoW had me.

    Cataclysm launched.  I bought the CE... and copies for my other accounts. 

    I played to 85... started getting my other 80's to 85... and lost all interest and drive.

    I log in for about 10-15 minutes a day now.  I don't feel like doing 'daily' quests and I don't honestly feel like hanging in queue for a BG or dungeon for the entire time... but I do, then i get bored of waiting... and log. 

    I would say that I hang around for the social aspect... but that's not true.  The same trash still spams tradechat.  Guildchat is damn-near ghostly quiet... people just joined guilds to avoid pugging.  But guilds filled up to 'level' and 'guild heroic' runs may as well be pugs.  Most guilds recruited without any damned standards at all. So... the old school 'closeness' that guilds used to provide is now dead... the 'family feel' of the old guild system has officially been whored out even more then when people just used guilds to run raids.

    The game just finally helped me out... cured me of my addiction.

    I'll likely drop 15lbs, add 10 back in muscle, and enrich my life in other areas... going back to more travel and recreation. 


  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

    Originally posted by BlackWatch

    I was addicted to WoW during WotLK. 

    I really enjoyed the game... wholeheartedly.  I played an FPS from time to time... but WoW had me.

    Cataclysm launched.  I bought the CE... and copies for my other accounts. 

    I played to 85... started getting my other 80[object Window]s to 85... and lost all interest and drive.

    I log in for about 10-15 minutes a day now.  I don[object Window]t feel like doing [object Window]daily[object Window] quests and I don[object Window]t honestly feel like hanging in queue for a BG or dungeon for the entire time... but I do, then i get bored of waiting... and log. 

    I would say that I hang around for the social aspect... but that[object Window]s not true.  The same trash still spams tradechat.  Guildchat is damn-near ghostly quiet... people just joined guilds to avoid pugging.  But guilds filled up to [object Window]level[object Window] and [object Window]guild heroic[object Window] runs may as well be pugs.  Most guilds recruited without any damned standards at all. So... the old school [object Window]closeness[object Window] that guilds used to provide is now dead... the [object Window]family feel[object Window] of the old guild system has officially been whored out even more then when people just used guilds to run raids.

    The game just finally helped me out... cured me of my addiction.

    I[object Window]ll likely drop 15lbs, add 10 back in muscle, and enrich my life in other areas... going back to more travel and recreation. 

    mm!bg lineup?you must be horde cause i never saw a bg lineup lol!ok in wg i did but in cata ?hasnt happened to me yet !

  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Tell me when TOR and GW2 muster up over 10 mill players between the 2 games where are they all coming from. Do you actually believe they are all existing and new players ? Seriously, it is very ignorant to think these games will not have any effect at all.

    Tell me... why this all ruckus for ArenaNet?

    No, I understand Bioware, but ArenaNet ALREADY published a game while WoW was even in its infancy and it did not affect WoW a yota. And Guild Wars 1 was not such a bad game either, so I do not see GW2 being such a revolution that it would make much of a difference from the 1st one.

    Bioware, that yes I can believe it might affect WoW, especially as SW:TOR and Cataclysm use a similar system of Questing, but TOR get two advantages here 1) CHOICES and 2) complete voice overs.

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

  • HoplitesHoplites Member CommonPosts: 463

    Originally posted by Volkmar

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Tell me when TOR and GW2 muster up over 10 mill players between the 2 games where are they all coming from. Do you actually believe they are all existing and new players ? Seriously, it is very ignorant to think these games will not have any effect at all.

    Tell me... why this all ruckus for ArenaNet?

    No, I understand Bioware, but ArenaNet ALREADY published a game while WoW was even in its infancy and it did not affect WoW a yota. And Guild Wars 1 was not such a bad game either, so I do not see GW2 being such a revolution that it would make much of a difference from the 1st one.

    Bioware, that yes I can believe it might affect WoW, especially as SW:TOR and Cataclysm use a similar system of Questing, but TOR get two advantages here 1) CHOICES and 2) complete voice overs.

    GW2 is a F2P model which promises significant content compared to GW, so it will be interesting to watch moving forward as it will force P2P models to provide more free content.. As for TOR, I don't think they are trying to target the WoW audience.

  • konrad16660konrad16660 Member Posts: 182

    Lol!  The new expansion is great.  Not only is there more for high levels to do.  But since the world has been re-created the experience of leveling up a new character is very different now and very fun.  I have a levle 85 rogue and when I feel like mixing it up I will play my new goblin priest I made.  Not only that, but I had some characters that were sitting at level 55 and level 70, and now they have some new content to explore, so it wont be the same as it was leveling my rogue up.  There is no other game that takes this much care with managing their game and providing awesome content.  WoW remains for me in a class of its own even though I do choose to play around with other MMOs for fun.  There is just no comparing WoW with others.  The fact that they have such interactive quests where you get to ride on dragons, run around in siege engines and wrangles drakes out of the sky, there is no comparison.  That along with great cut scenes and interesting storylines, its a win win.  I think sometimes people expect Blizzard to completely fullfill their life.  Where Blizzard fails is actually when you should shut the computer off and go outside.  They cant complete us as human beings, lol.  But they can deliver us the most industry defining game in history.  Enjoy Cata!  I know I do.

  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440

    Originally posted by konrad16660

    Lol!  The new expansion is great.  Not only is there more for high levels to do.  But since the world has been re-created the experience of leveling up a new character is very different now and very fun.  I have a levle 85 rogue and when I feel like mixing it up I will play my new goblin priest I made.  Not only that, but I had some characters that were sitting at level 55 and level 70, and now they have some new content to explore, so it wont be the same as it was leveling my rogue up.  There is no other game that takes this much care with managing their game and providing awesome content.  WoW remains for me in a class of its own even though I do choose to play around with other MMOs for fun.  There is just no comparing WoW with others.  The fact that they have such interactive quests where you get to ride on dragons, run around in siege engines and wrangles drakes out of the sky, there is no comparison.  That along with great cut scenes and interesting storylines, its a win win.  I think sometimes people expect Blizzard to completely fullfill their life.  Where Blizzard fails is actually when you should shut the computer off and go outside.  They cant complete us as human beings, lol.  But they can deliver us the most industry defining game in history.  Enjoy Cata!  I know I do.

    I'm glad for you.

    After Cata I wish more than ever I could have my Vanilla WoW back. Sure there was things to develop but instead of going to the right (where they should have gone) they chose the left route, and now we have this 'thing' called WoW: Cataclysm.

    It may only be me but I very deeply despise everything Blizzard has done to WoW in patch 2.3 and ever since. I've already trashed my WoW game boxes and I can assure I will never, ever buy any game Blizzard designs, produces, etc..

    I know I won't be missed and yes you can haz my stuff, but I also know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. So, have fun in WoW if you like it but don't be terribly surprised if there are people who don't share your passion.

  • Lovely_LalyLovely_Laly Member UncommonPosts: 734

    Got Cata at 7th & by now I'm bored to death...

    What I did: got main to lvl 85, changed all gear (only 2 trinkets ilvl333 as it never drops, rest is much better) and sadly found that pvp gear fits better & more powerful then pve (how wrong); maxed 1 crafting skill, got 2nd to lvl 520, maxed cooking, almost fishing & 1st aid, bored of new skill to be mad.

    All new quests lvl 80-85 are done, 2 rep exalted, only 1 HC missing (stonecore & I hate it for real), all new zones visited & explored, new BG done & won (more then once).


    Now what else?

    No portals mean restriction to change continents to me (I can be noob, can be lazy or both but I m not an idiot and hate spent extra annoying 10 min on travels, as well as bothering & paying mage every 30 min, time I zoned with portals), I have enough time wasted on travels for "great" new skill. You can tell I don't need to solo farm TBC dungeons, that right but it was part of fun, as well as some quests there & reputation fast grind.

    No easy & short dungeons means no dungeons at all ( I can't spend hours on wait or try to get guild group, or even on step by step cleaning hard instance, as it just boring, beside I've rarely seen same group starting & finishing instance, all have better to do then spend 3 hours per day doing daily run). I started to guess I don't even need gear as I don't feel like raiding. If it takes more time then ICC (tell me why & how it was easy to do?), I would prefer to do better stuff.

    So looks like a dead point. Never WoW was so boring for me.

    Looking forward to find new game with fresh (not reanimated content), something exciting to do.

    GW was way better game then WoW for me , shame it became repetitive & boring, so my best hope is GW 2 coming soon.

    Rift looks very attractive as well.

    May be not my game style, but sure will try SW:TOR as it looks new & fun.

    Not sure if Vanilla players loves Cata that much and will enjoy it & bring enought subs, but spoiled lazy noobs are just bored & starting to quite (as per many feed backs).

    Cata is game without content (all done in 1 week for high level, 2 - 3 weeks if you are occasional player), very boring & without any balance between starting, leveling difficulty ( all quests from start to the end and all dungeons, except Cata, are easy or medium hard) and last level dungeons (long & hard as asking for some mastery, which people can't get from allover eased game), beside WoW has nothing to offer for bored lvl 85 refusing to waste time at dungeons.

    try before buy, even if it's a game to avoid bad surprises.
    Worst surprises for me: Aion, GW2

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    Originally posted by Lovely_Laly

    Got Cata at 7th & by now I'm bored to death...

    What I did: got main to lvl 85, changed all gear (only 2 trinkets ilvl333 as it never drops, rest is much better) and sadly found that pvp gear fits better & more powerful then pve (how wrong); maxed 1 crafting skill, got 2nd to lvl 520, maxed cooking, almost fishing & 1st aid, bored of new skill to be mad.

    All new quests lvl 80-85 are done, 2 rep exalted, only 1 HC missing (stonecore & I hate it for real), all new zones visited & explored, new BG done & won (more then once).


    Now what else?

    No portals mean restriction to change continents to me (I can be noob, can be lazy or both but I m not an idiot and hate spent extra annoying 10 min on travels, as well as bothering & paying mage every 30 min, time I zoned with portals), I have enough time wasted on travels for "great" new skill. You can tell I don't need to solo farm TBC dungeons, that right but it was part of fun, as well as some quests there & reputation fast grind.

    No easy & short dungeons means no dungeons at all ( I can't spend hours on wait or try to get guild group, or even on step by step cleaning hard instance, as it just boring, beside I've rarely seen same group starting & finishing instance, all have better to do then spend 3 hours per day doing daily run). I started to guess I don't even need gear as I don't feel like raiding. If it takes more time then ICC (tell me why & how it was easy to do?), I would prefer to do better stuff.

    So looks like a dead point. Never WoW was so boring for me.

    Looking forward to find new game with fresh (not reanimated content), something exciting to do.

    GW was way better game then WoW for me , shame it became repetitive & boring, so my best hope is GW 2 coming soon.

    Rift looks very attractive as well.

    May be not my game style, but sure will try SW:TOR as it looks new & fun.

    Not sure if Vanilla players loves Cata that much and will enjoy it & bring enought subs, but spoiled lazy noobs are just bored & starting to quite (as per many feed backs).

    Cata is game without content (all done in 1 week for high level, 2 - 3 weeks if you are occasional player), very boring & without any balance between starting, leveling difficulty ( all quests from start to the end and all dungeons, except Cata, are easy or medium hard) and last level dungeons (long & hard as asking for some mastery, which people can't get from allover eased game), beside WoW has nothing to offer for bored lvl 85 refusing to waste time at dungeons.

    Not to troll or anything but what exactly did you expect from WoW?

    The endgame pve raid-centric design was in WoW from day 1, Molten Core days, 6 years ago. WoW now offers PVP in terms of rated BG and arenas but if pvp or pve ain't your thing, yeah I can see why WoW might be boring for you. :)

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • AKASlaphappyAKASlaphappy Member UncommonPosts: 800

    Originally posted by jpnz


    Not to troll or anything but what exactly did you expect from WoW?

    The endgame pve raid-centric design was in WoW from day 1, Molten Core days, 6 years ago. WoW now offers PVP in terms of rated BG and arenas but if pvp or pve ain't your thing, yeah I can see why WoW might be boring for you. :)


    Just curious were you actually playing WoW at launch? If you go back through the patches the PVE raid centric design was not in the game on day 1. In fact when the game launched with Ony and MC there was no raid loot in the game, there was placeholder loot and blizzard was making the first raiding gear. In fact I remember doing alot of things after I got my first character to 60 that did not involve loot, like defending cross roads from the angry mobs of alliance characters that wanted to kill my nice Tauren Druid. I can remember going into alliance territory and having fun risking being caught and slaughtered by the alliance that outnumbered the Horde 10 to 1. I can also remember all of that slowing dying with patch 1.4.0 in May of 2005 with the release of the honor system. And the first real glimpse into the future of WoW and its gear grind with patch 1.6.0 that added in BWL in July 2005.

    So please don’t speak for all of us at launch because I was not playing a BG centered PVE gear grind when the game came out. Now maybe you were just sitting around at 60 salivating for Blizzard to release the first BG after they announced it and the first raiding gear added in the game. I wasn’t and I am sure others at the time were actually enjoying the game. So please do not put words in our mouths and say we were all doing that on day 1. Thanks  :)

  • Makmax6666Makmax6666 Member Posts: 53

    I hate to complicate things further more as I am not an elite wow player, however as a semi-hardcore player i can say that cata brought me back alot of fun that I am still going through up until this very second, the fact that you have to make a choice with class specs made it better for me personally, i hate to be the "joker Card" i would rather have a defined role for myself, not to say that the game is perfect, but it is far more fun to play now than anytime before for me.


    My only 2 cents anyway

    A True Master who Knows his own limit...

  • Lathander81Lathander81 Member Posts: 611

    Originally posted by alanthecelt

    yup, was absolutely gutted on my 7 day return

    my rogue, who had previously around 6 succesful builds i enjoyed playing with literally had 3.... with a pvp/pve twist on each nothing groundbreaking

    He was also granted a self heal? wtf is that? ive played since day one and as rogues oyu go dps dps dps... you do not expect any healing (until later expansions) you back out of combat and stand i nthe corner and bandage up, if you get a random hot enjoy it. Nowadyas you jsut dps and move when needed you expect heals

    Theres not one once of challenge left i nthe game, if oyu cant clear a raid go farming, after repeating hte same instances day in day out (GRINDING) you will out gear the raid you failed at....

    WOW used to be great, WOW used to be challenging.

    The end game is more challenging now they just made the 1-80 easier so you could level with ease. The reinstated CC and are working to stop tank/spank battles. They even added heroics to lower levels. So try it out you will be surprised.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Originally posted by Lathander81

    The end game is more challenging now they just made the 1-80 easier so you could level with ease. The reinstated CC and are working to stop tank/spank battles. They even added heroics to lower levels. So try it out you will be surprised.

    Many people enjoy leveling and I don't think they will be glad of the changes no matter how hard the endgame is.

    People like different things about MMOs and when you change something to make some people happy some other will get mad, you just can't please everyone.

  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Originally posted by Lathander81

    Originally posted by alanthecelt

    yup, was absolutely gutted on my 7 day return

    my rogue, who had previously around 6 succesful builds i enjoyed playing with literally had 3.... with a pvp/pve twist on each nothing groundbreaking

    He was also granted a self heal? wtf is that? ive played since day one and as rogues oyu go dps dps dps... you do not expect any healing (until later expansions) you back out of combat and stand i nthe corner and bandage up, if you get a random hot enjoy it. Nowadyas you jsut dps and move when needed you expect heals

    Theres not one once of challenge left i nthe game, if oyu cant clear a raid go farming, after repeating hte same instances day in day out (GRINDING) you will out gear the raid you failed at....

    WOW used to be great, WOW used to be challenging.

    The end game is more challenging now they just made the 1-80 easier so you could level with ease. The reinstated CC and are working to stop tank/spank battles. They even added heroics to lower levels. So try it out you will be surprised.

    There aren't heroics at lower levels. SFK and Deadmines heroic are level 85 only.

    I don't think the "difficulty" is what the problem is for a lot of people. It's the realization that they have to do those dungeons over and over and over again. And then repeat that with the raids. Perhaps people are finally starting to get sick of that game model.

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    Originally posted by AKASlaphappy

    Originally posted by jpnz


    Not to troll or anything but what exactly did you expect from WoW?

    The endgame pve raid-centric design was in WoW from day 1, Molten Core days, 6 years ago. WoW now offers PVP in terms of rated BG and arenas but if pvp or pve ain't your thing, yeah I can see why WoW might be boring for you. :)


    Just curious were you actually playing WoW at launch? If you go back through the patches the PVE raid centric design was not in the game on day 1. In fact when the game launched with Ony and MC there was no raid loot in the game, there was placeholder loot and blizzard was making the first raiding gear. In fact I remember doing alot of things after I got my first character to 60 that did not involve loot, like defending cross roads from the angry mobs of alliance characters that wanted to kill my nice Tauren Druid. I can remember going into alliance territory and having fun risking being caught and slaughtered by the alliance that outnumbered the Horde 10 to 1. I can also remember all of that slowing dying with patch 1.4.0 in May of 2005 with the release of the honor system. And the first real glimpse into the future of WoW and its gear grind with patch 1.6.0 that added in BWL in July 2005.

    So please don’t speak for all of us at launch because I was not playing a BG centered PVE gear grind when the game came out. Now maybe you were just sitting around at 60 salivating for Blizzard to release the first BG after they announced it and the first raiding gear added in the game. I wasn’t and I am sure others at the time were actually enjoying the game. So please do not put words in our mouths and say we were all doing that on day 1. Thanks  :)

    Think I started 4 months after WoW released?

    However, I think your post is hilarious as it completely misses the point.

    What you did/didn't do is relevant how exactly? I answered that if you look at WoW design (as in how the creators wanted you to play, look at the rewards system) it was PVE, raid-centric at release and they included pvp as the game progressed.

    If you enjoy the Crossroads, South shore, City raiding, yeah go and enjoy them. Surely WoW doesn't prevent you from doing those world pvp activities or similar after Cata? Last I checked Cata still has contested areas.

    What's different now from back then?

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • AKASlaphappyAKASlaphappy Member UncommonPosts: 800

    Originally posted by jpnz


    Think I started 4 months after WoW released?

    However, I think your post is hilarious as it completely misses the point.

    What you did/didn't do is relevant how exactly? I answered that if you look at WoW design (as in how the creators wanted you to play, look at the rewards system) it was PVE, raid-centric at release and they included pvp as the game progressed.

    If you enjoy the Crossroads, South shore, City raiding, yeah go and enjoy them. Surely WoW doesn't prevent you from doing those world pvp activities or similar after Cata? Last I checked Cata still has contested areas.

    What's different now from back then?


    I am glad you think my post is hilarious because I have to say I find yours just a funny.

    How again was the game raid centric at release because of rewards when there was no raid rewards in game at launch? I will give you the PVE since most of your gear came from questing, but I really want to know how WoW on day one was raid centric. Go back to my last post and look at the very first patch at launch, it states that there is no raid loot in game at this time (Ony and MC where in place but did not have the raid loot). Now if you are saying that the developers intended on making it in the future raid centric after lanuch then I would agree with you. But raid centric on day 1 for the players based on Blizzard's in game rewards is over stretching the truth by a long shot.


    As for what has changed, to me world PVP is dead in WoW. Of couse that is just to me, some might still find joy in it, I do not.

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