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I was reading one of the other Rift PVP threads and it is highly entertaining to see things that people just make up to get people going.
For those that are interested, below is information from the Rift Wiki that explains Rifts PVP plans for launch. As we all know with MMO's coming out lately.....*subject to change*
Player versus player
Combat (PvP) in Rift: Planes of Telara, will be between the two factions in the game - the Defiant and the Guardians - who disagree violently regarding how best to deal with the apocalypse that is facing the world. The game will feature both PvP and PvE rulesets, have both open world PvP and "battleground" PvP, and will feature city raids.
Rift: Planes of Telara was planned for PvP from the beginning, and classes and abilities are balanced with PvP in mind. The game will feature both PvE- and PvP-ruleset servers. PvP will be possible on PvE servers, but it will be consensual.
PvP will take place in both battlegrounds (called Warfronts) and the open world. Warfronts will be tiered by level, and feature maps such as capture the flag, defend and attack control points, and a courier game. The game will also feature city raids, and faction leaders are attackable and can be killed, but will not provide loot.
PvP will reward players in several ways. By doing PvP you can gain favor which in return will unlock the ability to purchase new things. Players will also gain prestige by doing PvP which will allow them to rank up, ranking up allows the player to purchase new gear and get new abilities for their PvP Souls. You can level with PVP, but you will need to do some PVE.
Trion Worlds aims to "get the terror" out of PvP; PvP scaring "a lot of people" off is a pet peeve of David Reid.
Thanks for taking the time to find and post the facts in regards to PvP and how it will be put into Rift.
I just read the main website about pvp and there really wasn't much there. Just something about the two sides and that they will war with eachother as much as with the environment.
It's good that we have people like you willing to do the legwork. I used to be one of those people but have relaxed my game fact focus a bit. I hand the torch to you good sir. May you keep your quest to dive thru the interwebs in search of factual information for the next 20 years until the next hero of facts and specific info takes the torch.
One of my few dissatisfiers with this game,
2 faction PvP is obsolete.....
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
indeed,i see no need of factions a all, i fell more inclined to "pawn u noob, faceroll" the annoying kids (12-42 years old) on trade channel rather the pacific red guy that i just happended to cross by... =/
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
I know what you mean. Especially when there is an information starter for newbies stickied at the top of the game's forum with links, and the very first link leads to a thread on the official forums that tracks all known game information with links to verify where/when the dev stated it. A link that would have retrieved this:
There is PVP.
Faction based, there are two factions. The differing factions cannot team up or guild
PvP will be completely consensual on PvE servers. [16]
There are "battlegrounds/scenarios". [20]
You can level with PVP, but you will need to some PVE. [26]
For faction population balance "...they intend to make up the player deficit by introducing NPCs where necessary." [35] (Hartsman made a special comment about this tidbit, see his post here.)
Servers could "potentially spawn RIFT events that encourage TEMPORARY and LIMITED world PVP" [45]
Full PVP server may see "ton of fast paced action revolving around RIFTS & Invasions" [45]
In general, opening or closing a rift on a PvE server does not flag you for pvp [src]
had the effort been made to click three times (the newbie thread, the first link and then the PvP link). No, instead, lets start out with "left field speculations" and "I'm not sure, but it seems to me" theorizing.
Part of the reason I don't drop by here so much anymore. Too many people want to come from that angle and try to argue as if they presenting facts.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
So all MMO with 2 faction are obsolete , with other words there aint no new MMO coming out for you in ages.
Sorry 3 faction PVP doesn´t work in the west , move to asia if you want that .
Cause it simply doesn´t work in the west , cause people dont understand the concept of playing for fun in PVP .
From my understanding the game is pretty much copy/pasting PvP from WoW.
Warfronts are instance correct?
Factions are pretty much Team Red vs Team Blue, but outside the instances they just wave and say hi good game?
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
It really depends on the lore of the game. Old Lineage war between bloodpledges worked fine and there you could more or less create your own side, or be in a wuss pledge that never were in wars (but that didn't make you safe on a PvP server, just on a PvE). 3 sided PvP worked nicely in DaoC.
Totally free PvP do however need a specific lore to seems logical. During a war few people start killing both of the sides and any civilian they see as well. Anarchy that has no background is not a MMORPG, it is just random violence ala GTA.
2 sided PvP can work if both sides have about the same number of players. It often turn out that one side rule and many people reroll on it making the PvP hopeless and boring. I hope Rift have some kind of mechanics to stop this, as I neither enjoy to be on the side with 20-1 or the other way around.
Warfronts are, yes.
Red vs. Blue, yes
"hi, good game", depends on you.
Unless it changes on a PvP server if I see you and you are opposing side, I can target you.
On a PvE server, in the OPEN WORLD, if I go to your side's area there are a couple ways can pick a fight. No, you won't be able to pick on people that don't want to PvP. But if you want to, and they want to, options are there, and not just instances and not just PvP server.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I think it will be very similar to WoW pvp which was alot of fun in the beginning on pvp servers. The reality was that you either enjoyed liked the evil side and character types over there or you enjoyed allience and it's stylings and character choices and races. There will more than likely be a pretty evenly split amount of people rolling both sides....especially since some of the harder to get souls will be easier to get as one side or the other.
There are plenty of FPS games out there you may want to try that have this feature,, or go play UO or Darkfall, bye!
Rallithon Oakthornn
(Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
I think PvP factions are a good thing..
But 2 just isn't enough at least three preferrably five... where your actions ingame decide to which faction you belong...
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Faction PvP blows, that's disappointing to hear.
Its interesting to read other thoughts on the salient points of any game; particularly when it could be painfully true.
But never fear, the spinning defenders are near to work their slight-of hand.
Not to offend, but Khal, you just made it sound more like WoW.
Why aren't more people pumped about the possibilities in this game? WoW with better graphics? Great!!
WoW with more interesting everything is my thought. Fresh lands and new enemies to destroy in completely new ways..sign me up!! All who have not tried it yet can always try to get into the upcomming PvP beta trial period and see for yourself what I think I already know...that PvP in Rift will be alot of fun and challenging.
2 faction pvp - hmmm. This sadly seems to be bad for open world pvp, because one side dominates and the other side rerolls or gives up.
Then it's back to instances.
I really like the idea of multiple factions - five, perhaps - that allow for shifting alliances.
There will be rifts which are non-player factions. They will war with eachother if they meet in a location. Players will also be able to open rifts on other players areas to even out the odds a bit since the players of that area will have to kill the rift before it overtakes their locations. I think this dynamic and the fact that players will have good reasons beyond PvP to choose a side will balance out pvp fairly well. There is room for all sorts of people in this game, role players, PvPers, PvEers, cafters, questers, item collecters. All will have a bit of the pie. If you are looking for a game that MAINLY has PvP open world any time with full loot and all then go with Darkfall, Mortal Online, UO, Mount and Blade...or others like those. Every player out there has a particular style of play they like. If Rifts is not your cup of tea and you want free PvP or pvp with 12 different player factions there ARE other games out there that have this type of gameplay mechanic, but why bash this game for not having something it never planned on having and never claimed it would have?
No offense taken my man. It is what it is and if it sounds like WoW to you, so be it (I can not get Metallica's "Don't Tread on Me" out of my head. It's been 4 days now, sheesh!).
That said, it doesn't mean it isn't fun, or more fun than WoW's version. Subjective to each person, of course. Karble put it really well in their comments. Specifics can't be talked about without getting a ban bat in the face (and I'm already on the radar here) so I'll leave it at give the game a try.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
You never player Dark Age of Camelot if you think 3 faction pvp cannot work. The developers of new mmorpgs would be very pleased if more people thought 3 realm did not work (when they know in fact a 3rd realm is a wild card that breaks imbalance and boring stalemates between 2 factions engaged in siege or open pvp).
Dark Age of Camelot set the standard and lifted the bar above the simpler and cheaper for the company 2 faction model. It takes a lot more imagination and thought to do what DAoC did. Shame EA bought Mythic so they could sweep DAoC under a rug and fire her best talent.
Well said Comfa, Drake_hound doesnt know what he's talking about one bit.
Oakthorn u seemed offended from what Kenaoshi said which tbh is true.ALL would like to gang annoying retarded spammer kids .You dont happen to be one of them are ya?
Agreed. The problem isn't on the player's side, but on the developer's side. Yes.. balancing 3 realms is harder than 2... BUT that's not the real reason.
It comes down to content. When you develop a single faction game you develop content that everyone in the game will enjoy. When you develop 2 factions... well.. your content (for the most part) just got cut in half. When you add a 3rd faction you now either have to produce 3 times the original content or give each faction just 1/3 of it.
This was alluded to in the past my Mark Jacobs when he said he was surprised that people complained about a lack of content (at launch) as the original thought was that people would want to play all 3 factions. That proved not to be the case.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
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