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My hands hurt

TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575

SOE wants to make mmo's with a more action oriented combat, and thus make it more engauging.  But my 41 year old hands hurt after playing this game.  Is there an auto attack?


I came to mmo's to escape fps and the click click click which can be so hard on my hands.



  • MykellMykell Member UncommonPosts: 780

    No auto attack but if you pick a slow weapon like 2 handed hammer its more about timing than rapid clicking.

  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575

    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that.

  • PyrostasisPyrostasis Member UncommonPosts: 2,293

    Game feels more like God of War online than a MMO. I havent button mashed my ps3 controller like this ever...I can only imagine what its like on PC.

  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575

    Imagine the joints in your fingers hurting.  That's what it's like on pc, LOL. 

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Terranah

    Imagine the joints in your fingers hurting.  That's what it's like on pc, LOL. 

    Pretty much so.  I use the 360 control,  last night I was PvPing for 3 hours straight,  and I pretty much had to go to bed with the controller in my hands, I couldn't straighten them out.  I've been a console gamer for most of my life and I haven't had controller burn like this in a long time.  If my fingers weren't so calloused I'd probably have a blister.

  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    Okay so i'm not the only one who thinks that they had to click a lot to attack.  I click at least 10 times to kill a foe. this is your normal run of the mill foe.  Bosses i can click over 200 times before they go down.

    There is a lot of button mashing in this game (button being the one on your mouse) so you have to have some quick reactions times.   It's great if you want fast action. But if you want to sit back and relax, not going to happen.

    Second thing i have a problem with and this is slightly off topic is the fact that barely anyone talks in the game, maybe they are too busy hitting buttons to talk but after about 20 mins the place starts to get lonely.  Maybe this will be fixed once the game goes live though.

    Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.

    Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by whilan

    Okay so i'm not the only one who thinks that they had to click a lot to attack.  I click at least 10 times to kill a foe. this is your normal run of the mill foe.  Bosses i can click over 200 times before they go down.

    There is a lot of button mashing in this game (button being the one on your mouse) so you have to have some quick reactions times.   It's great if you want fast action. But if you want to sit back and relax, not going to happen.

    Second thing i have a problem with and this is slightly off topic is the fact that barely anyone talks in the game, maybe they are too busy hitting buttons to talk but after about 20 mins the place starts to get lonely.  Maybe this will be fixed once the game goes live though.

    On the PS3 I doubt most people know how to chat right now.


    On the PC,  gah,  I hate hero side,  most of them are just a bunch of uncoordinated... ... people... ... especially on the PvP server.  Maybe its just that chat is messed up  (the colors are off and you hav to reset to default to get chat colors again,  those that don't might miss conversations)   or something like that,  but I try to coordinate an attack, that we could easily win,  and by coordinate I mean.. "Group up so I can heal you,  bozos" and they all just run in one by one against a group they are clearly outnumbered and ever time t..  eh ...  b. . .  . but I digress,  You'll see some chatting here and there but most of the players are probably just trying to learn the game.  Some might not know how to shout.  The /say chat is very short range,  in fact,  you could be on the top of a big building and they could be below you and you could miss what they're saying.


    As for button mashing,  yes you hit tons of buttons,  but of course,  they're in the form of combos.  Tap tap hold,  tap tap hold hold tap,  etc.    I always find a good loop to go in for PvP,  and then for PvE, I just find what the quickest route is with the least button press.  


    Once you get some stronger combos,  and you gear your character for whatever spec you are going for,  your button presses decrease.  

  • svbrucey23svbrucey23 Member Posts: 32

    I don't see how it's that bad, i've been playing it on PC nonstop since I got into beta test. It doesn't hurt at all, not sure what you are doing to kill your hands. I've been using smaller weapons which require a lot of clicking, but it is just as much about timing and combos as it is with a big two handed weapon.

  • svbrucey23svbrucey23 Member Posts: 32

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by whilan

    Okay so i'm not the only one who thinks that they had to click a lot to attack.  I click at least 10 times to kill a foe. this is your normal run of the mill foe.  Bosses i can click over 200 times before they go down.

    There is a lot of button mashing in this game (button being the one on your mouse) so you have to have some quick reactions times.   It's great if you want fast action. But if you want to sit back and relax, not going to happen.

    Second thing i have a problem with and this is slightly off topic is the fact that barely anyone talks in the game, maybe they are too busy hitting buttons to talk but after about 20 mins the place starts to get lonely.  Maybe this will be fixed once the game goes live though.

    On the PS3 I doubt most people know how to chat right now.


    On the PC,  gah,  I hate hero side,  most of them are just a bunch of uncoordinated... ... people... ... especially on the PvP server.  Maybe its just that chat is messed up  (the colors are off and you hav to reset to default to get chat colors again,  those that don't might miss conversations)   or something like that,  but I try to coordinate an attack, that we could easily win,  and by coordinate I mean.. "Group up so I can heal you,  bozos" and they all just run in one by one against a group they are clearly outnumbered and ever time t..  eh ...  b. . .  . but I digress,  You'll see some chatting here and there but most of the players are probably just trying to learn the game.  Some might not know how to shout.  The /say chat is very short range,  in fact,  you could be on the top of a big building and they could be below you and you could miss what they're saying.


    As for button mashing,  yes you hit tons of buttons,  but of course,  they're in the form of combos.  Tap tap hold,  tap tap hold hold tap,  etc.    I always find a good loop to go in for PvP,  and then for PvE, I just find what the quickest route is with the least button press.  


    Once you get some stronger combos,  and you gear your character for whatever spec you are going for,  your button presses decrease.  

    Yeah i'm sorry, but from what i've seen, the heroes are absolutely terrible at planning and teamwork, villains feel like your all one big network of hitmen whenever some hero decides to drop in on me doing some PvE.

  • CorthalaCorthala Member UncommonPosts: 283

    I want to get a controller, not even CO made my mouse work this hard.

    "you are like the world revenge on sarcasm, you know that?"

    One of those great lines from The Secret World

  • Justley3Justley3 Member Posts: 48

    Originally posted by svbrucey23

    I don't see how it's that bad, i've been playing it on PC nonstop since I got into beta test. It doesn't hurt at all, not sure what you are doing to kill your hands. I've been using smaller weapons which require a lot of clicking, but it is just as much about timing and combos as it is with a big two handed weapon.

    Your always going to have haters. I been playing for a few months with alot of people and funny no one ever complaining of hands hurting.


    Its just its an action mmorpg, and a lot of the piss ants on this site just need something to troll and whine about.


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by svbrucey23

    Originally posted by maskedweasel



    On the PC,  gah,  I hate hero side,  most of them are just a bunch of uncoordinated... ... people... ... especially on the PvP server.  Maybe its just that chat is messed up  (the colors are off and you hav to reset to default to get chat colors again,  those that don't might miss conversations)   or something like that,  but I try to coordinate an attack, that we could easily win,  and by coordinate I mean.. "Group up so I can heal you,  bozos" and they all just run in one by one against a group they are clearly outnumbered and ever time t..  eh ...  b. . .  . but I digress,  You'll see some chatting here and there but most of the players are probably just trying to learn the game.  Some might not know how to shout.  The /say chat is very short range,  in fact,  you could be on the top of a big building and they could be below you and you could miss what they're saying.


    Yeah i'm sorry, but from what i've seen, the heroes are absolutely terrible at planning and teamwork, villains feel like your all one big network of hitmen whenever some hero decides to drop in on me doing some PvE.


    Yeah, mostly the PvP guilds get together on the villain side.  I'm trying to get a close knit group of heroes coordinated, but its not happening.  They all have their own ideas of their own leagues,  and more than half of them don't know how to group,  or start a raid group.  


    I'd switch to the villain side but they're already way overpowered with the way their groups are set up.  I have to at least try and balance it out or the game won't be any fun. image

  • VaultFairyVaultFairy Member UncommonPosts: 566

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by svbrucey23

    Originally posted by maskedweasel



    On the PC,  gah,  I hate hero side,  most of them are just a bunch of uncoordinated... ... people... ... especially on the PvP server.  Maybe its just that chat is messed up  (the colors are off and you hav to reset to default to get chat colors again,  those that don't might miss conversations)   or something like that,  but I try to coordinate an attack, that we could easily win,  and by coordinate I mean.. "Group up so I can heal you,  bozos" and they all just run in one by one against a group they are clearly outnumbered and ever time t..  eh ...  b. . .  . but I digress,  You'll see some chatting here and there but most of the players are probably just trying to learn the game.  Some might not know how to shout.  The /say chat is very short range,  in fact,  you could be on the top of a big building and they could be below you and you could miss what they're saying.


    Yeah i'm sorry, but from what i've seen, the heroes are absolutely terrible at planning and teamwork, villains feel like your all one big network of hitmen whenever some hero decides to drop in on me doing some PvE.


    Yeah, mostly the PvP guilds get together on the villain side.  I'm trying to get a close knit group of heroes coordinated, but its not happening.  They all have their own ideas of their own leagues,  and more than half of them don't know how to group,  or start a raid group.  


    I'd switch to the villain side but they're already way overpowered with the way their groups are set up.  I have to at least try and balance it out or the game won't be any fun. image

    If i was i was playing i would of joined you. Good luck with that anyway. image

  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    I got a beta key from the giveaway here on the forums, and I have to say I really dig the game.

    As for clicky, clicky, clicky; go rifle as your weapon. I found you only need to hold down the right mousebutton for a constant barrage. In fact, I think you only need to hit it once and the clip will empty out. When I went bow on my second character and realised I had to click for every shot, I immediately went back to my rifle character.

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
    Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture

  • PapadamPapadam Member Posts: 2,102

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    If WoW = The Beatles
    and WAR = Led Zeppelin
    Then LotrO = Pink Floyd

  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Please... even CoD4 doesn't require as much clicking as some of the weapon choices in this game. Hell, even Vindictus doesn't. It's just a poor design choice when it comes to certain weapons, and I found rifles to be the best of the bunch so far.

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
    Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture

  • fatenabu1fatenabu1 Member Posts: 381

    get and old PS2 controller off of Ebay and then a PS2 Controller to USB adapter.. makes the game a lot easier..

  • ParadoxyParadoxy Member Posts: 786

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Ok i am lost. Why? clicking a lot of buttons over and over again makes combat somehow interesting? or you are trying to say something else?

    Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?

    Originally posted by Arcken

    To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
    Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible

  • gandalesgandales Member UncommonPosts: 472

    Originally posted by Paradoxy

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Ok i am lost. Why? clicking a lot of buttons over and over again makes combat somehow interesting? or you are trying to say something else?

    I have to agree on this. However, I find the interesting issue a matter of taste and background. I have never loved much games that use combos, since I have never own a console myself my experience is pretty limited, but I took a few hours to learn some combos in DoA and MK, while interesting in the end it is mainly a timing issue.

    I think the most important part are the actual combinations of powers and skills and the decisions about when to use them. Holds, roots, interrupts, healing, defense and dodge enhancers are some of the variability that not only DCUO but most of the recent games have. So, for me it is all about the interesting possibilities in decisions rather than timing combos, but I can definitely understand why many people love them.

  • zephermarkuszephermarkus Member Posts: 201

    I for one love this game and it takes alot of skill o be good like last night I was doing some world pvp and I as a lvl 6 was able to kill a lvl 20 using stun skills and beakouts and block very skillfully. It was was awesome and the most fun in a mmo I have had in along time.

  • nobodycoolnobodycool Member UncommonPosts: 82

    Originally posted by Justley3

    Originally posted by svbrucey23

    I don't see how it's that bad, i've been playing it on PC nonstop since I got into beta test. It doesn't hurt at all, not sure what you are doing to kill your hands. I've been using smaller weapons which require a lot of clicking, but it is just as much about timing and combos as it is with a big two handed weapon.

    Your always going to have haters. I been playing for a few months with alot of people and funny no one ever complaining of hands hurting.


    Its just its an action mmorpg, and a lot of the piss ants on this site just need something to troll and whine about.

    Jesus man, he is not hating on the game, he is simply saying that his hands hurt when he plays and he wanted to know if there was a way to set an auto attack. You don't know the circumstances of his hand pain, if he has a pre arthritic condition, carpal tunnel or other potential joint/bone ailment that is lending itself to some of the discomfort. If so, it is a legitimate concern of games that require this sort of twitch game play to offer an alternative for people who are physcally limited by such gameplay.

    I mean seriously, if anyone sounds like the troll it's you. Have some compassion.


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Paradoxy

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Ok i am lost. Why? clicking a lot of buttons over and over again makes combat somehow interesting? or you are trying to say something else?

    Its not the clicking over and over again,  its the reasons you are clicking.  The mechanics for the action combat work much different then the mechanics for regulat MMO combat.    So,  its not the clicking that makes it interesting,  its what you achieve from it.  


    Of course,  the combat is pretty exciting,  I think it would be considerably less so if everything was macro'd on a few buttons and you couldn't change tactics on the fly.

  • ParadoxyParadoxy Member Posts: 786

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Paradoxy

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Ok i am lost. Why? clicking a lot of buttons over and over again makes combat somehow interesting? or you are trying to say something else?

    Its not the clicking over and over again,  its the reasons you are clicking.  The mechanics for the action combat work much different then the mechanics for regulat MMO combat.    So,  its not the clicking that makes it interesting,  its what you achieve from it.  


    Of course,  the combat is pretty exciting,  I think it would be considerably less so if everything was macro'd on a few buttons and you couldn't change tactics on the fly.

    Clicking is still clicking my friend no matter what purpose you click it for. OP is complaining about excessive clicking not the reason behind the clicking. Reminds me of 'more spacebars' from STO. I remember buying a new keyboard after two weeks.

    Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?

    Originally posted by Arcken

    To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
    Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Paradoxy

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Paradoxy

    Originally posted by Papadam

    Its funny that people here have been playing about MMOs boring combat for a long time... Now you start to realize why MMO have "boring" combat.

    Ok i am lost. Why? clicking a lot of buttons over and over again makes combat somehow interesting? or you are trying to say something else?

    Its not the clicking over and over again,  its the reasons you are clicking.  The mechanics for the action combat work much different then the mechanics for regulat MMO combat.    So,  its not the clicking that makes it interesting,  its what you achieve from it.  


    Of course,  the combat is pretty exciting,  I think it would be considerably less so if everything was macro'd on a few buttons and you couldn't change tactics on the fly.

    Clicking is still clicking my friend no matter what purpose you click it for. OP is complaining about excessive clicking not the reason behind the clicking. Reminds me of 'more spacebars' from STO. I remember buying a new keyboard after two weeks.

    Can't argue with that,  though I do tend to use a controller for the majority of my game.


    I was just commenting on the part where you asked if clicking makes the game interesting,  but the combat system is interesting to me,  and it requires the clicking.   Anyways I see what you're saying and its true,  clicking is indeed clicking,  and you will click way more in this game then the standard MMO fare we've seen most recently.

  • aleosaleos Member UncommonPosts: 1,943

    not enough clicking if you ask me. where is my "Square x 20" button mash combo?

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