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Blade & Soul G-star Trailers, In-game footage and info

RynneRynne Member UncommonPosts: 497

Everything taken directly from , the only up-to-date Blade & Soul English fansite, if you are as excited as us for this game join our community today. This is only a portion of things to come and mainly a preview as G-star enters its main session from 18th to 21th November. Expect more info and many more videos as it's innevitable that this game will have a playable client at the said trade show.


"Blade & Soul G-Star 2010 Premier Coverage

We've received a lot of treats from the development team during Blade & Soul's G-Star 2010 premier unveiling. The premier began with a short greeting from the development team followed by a live demo and an explanation of the game's user interface. Let's start things off here with Blade & Soul's official G-Star 2010 trailer! The trailer reveals the 5th playable class, the Assassin! Take a look!

Blade & Soul G-Star 2010 Trailer HD

Jae-Hyun Bae, the executive director said "Ever since the announcement of Blade & Soul, we've held on to our fans with only two clips of Blade & Soul. Despite this, many people remained excited for our upcoming game and for that I am very grateful, and very apologetic at the same time. To make it up to you, the fans, we've got gameplay clips and an actual play through of the game."

Blade & Soul Demo

The demo of Blade & Soul's solo play showed exactly how all the actions in the trailer were pulled off. Many wondered if the actions shown in the trailers were fake, or if the developers were just over-exaggerating the games beauty, showing us false gameplay. This wasn't the case apparently. From what we gathered from the demo, everyone could see that Blade & Soul is just that spectacular. The gameplay was actually as smooth as it seemed in the trailers.

The demo was played by the lead designer; Seung-Gi Hwang, Lead label designer Bum-Ryul Lee, and art director Hyung-Tae Kim. The explanation of the demonstration was done by system designer Sung-Jin Hwang. They all played a level 30 character in a level appropriate zone.

Blade & Soul G-Star 2010 Premiere Playable Demo

Blade & Soul's perk is the new targeting system. The targeting changes depending on where the character is facing, meaning that the movement of a character is already part of the strategy. All actions are also dependent on player decisions. These two aspects put together make for some very exciting gameplay.

Sung-Jin Kang said "The decision to block or counter an attack constantly happens. During these decision we've taken out the meaningless decision making so you could focus on what's important in a battle. We achieved this through action keys. Aerial skills can be done by one or two keys depending on your decision making. You can also achieve fancy combat through minimal controls and this can all be done with the mouse and keyboard."

The combat system can be seen and played without too much assistance from the UI and that is the main concept behind the combat system overall. Simplistic controls with a spectacular result. In addition to all this, useless skills become unusable so you don't have to worry about making useless decisions. The UI and battle systems are incredibly user friendly.

Once the demo of solo play was completed, a demo of group play began. This party also took place at level 30 in a level appropriate dungeon. The group consisted of a Gon Destroyer, a Lyn Force Master and a Jin Blade Master. Take a look.

Blade & Soul G-Star 2010 Premiere Group Play Demo


Blade Master

This class specializes in sword combat to deliver a variety of attacks. Using their sword they utilize skills like the "Batto Jutsu" technique to attack or defend against their enemies. Blade Masters are quite good at parrying their enemies blows, leaving them vulnerable to effective counter attacks. They don't always rely on close combat to bring their enemies down, they can use a flying sword technique that will harm their enemies from afar.

Take a look at some of the Blade Master's skills:

Blade & Soul - Blade Master Skills - English Sub HD


Destroyer's power comes from their immense physical strength. They wield large axes to deliver fatal blows to their enemy targets. They also enjoy taking advantage of their winning situations, grabbing enemy corpses and tossing them at other foes. Hell, they will grab anything in their sight to toss at their enemies. Destroyers have great defense making it easier to deal with melee attackers and multiple enemies at once. Destroyer bodies were trained to withstand even the harshest attack, they often become the strong root of their allies.

Take a look at some of the Destroyer's skills:

Blade & Soul - Destroyer Skills - English Sub HD

Force Master

Force Master's use Chi to deliver devastating blows to their enemies. Using the Ki-Gong-Pe, a Chi bracelet they wear around their wrist, they can shoot off many different forms of abilites, ranging from ranged fire explosions to chi leeching techniques that deliver unavoidable attacks and grabs. Force Masters are the masters of control, they can apply movement impairing effects to multiple enemies, allowing them to take on more than one foe at a time.

Take a look at some of the Force Master's skills:

Blade & Soul - Force Master Skills - English Sub HD

Kung-Fu Master

This class utilizes their own fists and feet to defeat their enemies. Most of the Kung-Fu Master's attacks are delivered in combos for fast and very effective melee ranged blows. With such quick reflexes Kung-Fu Master's can attack and defend with ease, able to react to even the most dire situation as quickly as possible. They have absolutely no problem taking the advantage over their enemies during battle with such speed.

Kung-Fu Master's have a defensive stance for more survivability. While using defensive stance they can still attack fairly quickly, they can also take advantage of their enemy's weaknesses to quickly sustain them or to deliver deadly combo attacks.

Take a look at some of the Kung-Fu Master's skills:

Blade & Soul - Kung-Fu Master Skills - English Sub HD


Auto Targeting

A couple weeks ago Team Bloodlust announced that Blade & Soul will be using an auto targeting system, you can view the announcement here. They stated that they implemented this feature to give the player more freedom, freedom to do other things when playing Blade & Soul. They sure pulled it off! The auto targeting feature will automatically target the enemy that is directly in front of your character. This video will show you exactly how auto targeting works in Blade & Soul. Take a look!

Blade & Soul Auto Targeting System - English Sub HD

Death System

Team Bloodlust revealed another video along side the auto targeting demonstration above, it covers Blade & Soul's death system! I'm sure this feature was lurking around everyone's mind for quite some time now. What would an MMO be without a death system? Anyway, let's get this explained! Your character will be placed under the "Worn Out" state upon it's health reaching zero. When in this "Worn Out" state you'll be able to crawl away from your defeat in shame. Once you have crawled to a safe location away from trouble you have two options to chose from. You can either use the "Chi Meditation" ability which slowly leads your character into recovery or simply teleport yourself to the nearest village. If your character reaches zero life again within a certain amount of time you will not be placed in the "Worn Out" state, this prevents you from using the "Chi Meditation" ability again. Instead, upon your second death, you will be teleported to the nearest village.

Blade & Soul Death System - English Sub HD

Action Button Interface

For the final video we have Team Bloodlust explanation on how Blade & Soul's action button interface will work. Blade & Soul will be using a very minimalistic UI, keeping things clean and less cluttered. The action buttons will change depending on what abilities can be used at that point and time. For example, say you've just knocked your enemy into the air with a neat ability, while the target is in the air your action buttons will change, showing you new abilities that can be used on mid air targets. Let me stop blabbering here and allow you to watch this video on your own. It does a better job explaining it than I do!

Blade & Soul Action Button Interface - English Sub HD

G*Star 2010 - Blade & Soul OST teaser



  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,424

    This game is definitely something I am interested in. Thank you for the info.


    The racoon tailed chick was cool. The graphics were too red and black though I put that down as the demo quality being low because of FPS may be.

    Garrus Signature
  • revy66revy66 Member Posts: 464

    Woah, that was some cool demonstration I have to admit. The targeting system seems to be a very good approach also, if I get it correctly it's somewhere between a free targeting and your traditional MMO combat, in other words: awesomeimage

    So yeah, sign me up for thisimage

  • DaitenguDaitengu Member Posts: 442

    Man, and that's only preview stuff. I'm ansy with anticipation of what the real deal in a few days will cover.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078

    Good stuff thanx Rynne.Shippo's mad tho that they didnt make a male version of the Lyn raceimage

  • faxnadufaxnadu Member UncommonPosts: 940

    i have to say when i first played soul edge on playstation one, i was hoping with my brother that someday someone made this game adventure style, well this is more than we hoped for, im really looking forward to this game. ^^



  • yaminsuxyaminsux Member UncommonPosts: 973

    Lol too much use of jumping, i bet those koreans like spacebar so much. OTOH, those "jumping=immersion" crowd would be happy to pick this one up. Look at that hangtime~!

    On topic, BnS was something i taken interest before and thanks OP for posting the new trailer + demo. Seeing how it is or will be, i lost my interest. Time to move on to something else. Thanks again OP.

  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    Looks nice, though I must say I dislike trailers that quickly jump from one scene to another. Gives the impression everything is pre rendered and you can't make out what the heck is happening.

    Edit: after having a closer look at the gameplay vids, I think the combat looks nice, though clusterfucky in multiplayer...

    The whole theme also closely reminds me of Aion (you even seem to have some gliding action).

    Looks like a good game for people who like nonstop fighting, but grinding might still be a problem.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • mrw0lfmrw0lf Member Posts: 2,269

    The martial arts char played in the later 3rd of the gameplay vid has some excellent animation going on, loved the moves. Overall probably not my type of thing but credit where it's due, I wouldn't mind giving that character a few hours test run.

    “The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.”

  • judex99judex99 Member UncommonPosts: 392

    That target system could be a bit weird with multiple mobs, the exhaust system i find it very cool, im loving Continenth of the Ninth rigth now and im sure ill love Blade & Soul also, these combat systems are a step forward in the genre imo, which combat system ill love more between C9 and B&S its hard to say, we will see.

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