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Why this game is good; why this game sucks.


#1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly.

#2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing".

#3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic.



#1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else?


#2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions.


#3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No.


#4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game.


#5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination.


#6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping.


#7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game?


#8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live.


Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars.



  • Asmiroth20Asmiroth20 Member Posts: 346

        Your 'cons' are pretty petty and subjective.  I've played many MMOs and none that I have played have given me much enjoyment.  Don't see how it's any more linear than even sandboxes.  Yes, even sandboxes are linear if looked at hard enough.  Therefore, "linear gameplay" is everywhere, I know that doesn't make it right.  However, I will say that singleplayer games like Mass Effect are "linear" and I have had more fun playing those games than any other MMO.

        I'll buy it because it's Star Wars, Bioware and because I've been interested in the majority of what I've been seeing and hearing since 2008.

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610

    Daniel Erickson should be included in Pros.

  • highvoltahighvolta Member UncommonPosts: 130

    the cons sounds like pros to me. 

    Story line in a mmo has normaly been rubbish or a few cutscenes if that.

    I think of the game as 8 games in one because each class has its own story. I think thats great. 

  • dzikundzikun Member Posts: 150

    Stating the same old points yet again... Why? Everyone with a working brain in his skull  knows it'll be more of a single player game with online capability then an MMO. Bioware is targeting its own audience. Their audiance is single player game people. Their specialty is single player RPGs.

    They clearly aren't targgeting the Star wars online community. From the mass of whine threads i know (since i never played SWG) that ToR has nothing to do with SWG- the thing that build the SW online community.

    There is no reason to whine anymore. If you played Mass effect 2 then you know what to expect. Add some guild wars single player experience to it and you have ToR.

    I will buy this game. Like many other single player RPGs. I'll beat it. And then i'll judge if its worth subsribing too.

    I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.

    I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.

    I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.

    I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.

    RIP George Carlin.

  • UnlightUnlight Member Posts: 2,540

    Originally posted by depain 

    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich.

    Damn this made me laugh.  Really wasn't expecting *that*.

    I also agree about the space combat.  I was never really on-board for the game in the first place, but I still find the "space combat" they are planning on including, pretty insulting.  Almost as insulting as the snide replies given by certain asshat devs to fan questions and in interviews.  I used to be a big fan of Bioware from the Baldur's Gate days, right up to Dragon Age.  Now, given some of the decisions that are being made and the rude responses to questions regarding them, I'm pretty much turned off of Bioware.

    I don't mind them making a game that's not for me.  That's most of the games in existence.  It's the arrogant attitude that I can't stomach.  F*** 'em and the game they rode in on.

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610

    Originally posted by Unlight

    Originally posted by depain 

    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich.

    Damn this made me laugh.  Really wasn't expecting *that*.

    I also agree about the space combat.  I was never really on-board for the game in the first place, but I still find the "space combat" they are planning on including, pretty insulting.  Almost as insulting as the snide replies given by certain asshat devs to fan questions and in interviews.  I used to be a big fan of Bioware from the Baldur's Gate days, right up to Dragon Age.  Now, given some of the decisions that are being made and the rude responses to questions regarding them, I'm pretty much turned off of Bioware.

    I don't mind them making a game that's not for me.  That's most of the games in existence.  It's the arrogant attitude that I can't stomach.  F*** 'em and the game they rode in on.

     I thought the reply Erickson gave about space combat funny and hardly arrogant. If anything showing a bit of personality. In that video I heard alot of laughter after that statement.

    I hope people who can't take a joke are not playing this game.

  • FibsdkFibsdk Member Posts: 1,112

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly. The animations suck donkey balls. I seriously hope they have a build that fixes a lot of them particularly the running animations

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing". People will appreciate it in the beginning then grow tired of it real quick. Imagine playing the game for two years of pure voice acting. I don't think so

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic. Anybody mentioning SWG when talking about TOR should imidiately be dismissed as having nothing worthwhile to add.



    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else? You could make that same crusade against every triple A MMO coming out now and In the future. Sorry this is not a sandbox game or has sandbox features


    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions. Sorry this is not a sandbox. You can crusade against all other non Sandbox MMO's coming out now and in the future


    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No. This is a story driven game. have you played any of the other KOTOR games? Having companions tagging along enhanced the story.


    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game. It's very unrealistic to expect a free roam space sim on top of planet based exploration if this game should have any forseeable release date.


    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination. Not sure what you expect here. What would be the point of having dual lightsabers as an option if it didn't yield an advantage over having one.


    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping. Sorry this is not a sandbox game ..ahh forget it


    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game? See "con" point 4


    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live. Sorry this is not a FFA PvP Sandbox game.


    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars. See "con" point 1.

  • devilboy911devilboy911 Member UncommonPosts: 20

    Have you actually played the game?

  • shinobi234shinobi234 Member Posts: 437

    Originally posted by Fibsdk

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly.

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing".

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic.



    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else? You could make that same crusade against every tripple A MMO coming out now and In the future. Sorry this is not a sandbox game or has sandbox features


    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions. Sorry this is not a sandbox. You can crusade against all other non Sandbox MMO's coming out now and in the future


    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No. This is a story driven game. have you played any of the other KOTOR games? Having companions tagging along enhanced the story.


    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game. It's very unrealistic to expect a free roam space sim on top of planet based exploration if this game should have any forseeable release date.


    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination. Not sure what you expect here. What would be the point of having dual lightsabers as an option if it didn't yield an advantage over having one.


    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping. Sorry this is not a sandbox game ..ahh forget it


    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game? See point 4


    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live. Sorry this is not a FFA PvP Sandbox game.


    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars. See point 1.

    dont play the game and dont buy it :D solves all your dumb questions does it :D.


  • FibsdkFibsdk Member Posts: 1,112

    Originally posted by shinobi234

    dont play the game and dont buy it :D solves all your dumb questions does it :D.

    Isn't it a bit redundant to tell somebody not to play AND buy the game?

  • SouldrainerSouldrainer Member Posts: 1,857

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly.

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing".

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic.



    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else?


    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions.


    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No.


    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game.


    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination.


    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping.


    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game?


    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live.


    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars.

     I agree on the pros, and was just thinking that #2 is really going to blow some minds.  Most people in MMOs skip the quest text, because you are there to play a game, not read a novel.


    As for the Cons, I agree on 1,-3 especially 3.  On 4 and 7 I strongly disagree, especially 7.  In fact, that comment sold me on this game.  It made me think "These guys understand Star Wars."  I imagine that if you hate this quote, you will hate the game, and moreover, your view of Star Wars is totally different from mine. 

    Points 5 and 6 are rehashed versions of what you said earlier in the post.  I find myself ambivalent about #8.

    Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.

  • NeblessNebless Member RarePosts: 1,881

    Originally posted by highvolta

    I think of the game as 8 games in one because each class has its own story. I think thats great. 

     If you're into Alt's or want to play every class yes, but for those that don't .......

    Think of all the fantasy players that don't play magic users or SWG types that refuse to play the Empire because the Rebel's are the good guys.  Personally I don't do magic and I don't do healers and in SWG I had no interest in the Spy class. 

    Those 8 stories just got cut way down.

    I think the game may be interesting and might give it a try, but your item isn't ever going to be a pro for me.

    SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter

  • DarthconnorDarthconnor Member UncommonPosts: 62

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly.

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing".

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic.



    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else?

     Every game out right now has a linear system. Its not perfect but its what works which makes them use it.

    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions.

     Its story driven for each and every class. Cant really have a decent story line with the option to jump around. There seems to be talk that you'll be able to take breaks and just kill stuff or go harvest or even join in with a friends story but yea cant really have a progressive story that you can jump ahead to this later part then reverse and go back to an earlier part. Would kind of ruin the story dont ya think.

    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No.

     So you gotta drag along a companion dont mean you gotta use him for the other 90 percent of the game. This stuff i dont see as that big of a deal. I got to use a certain companion or atleast have one out to access a certain part of the story. We havent been told why, guessing its cause it was needed so the story makes sense. Dont see it as that big of a deal really. To each their own though.

    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game.

     You got me there cause i dont like the fly through shooting much either. Though from what the rest of the game looks like and the story and time put into it, im guessing this was a late addition tossed in to give ppl somethig extra to do. Wait til the game comes out and they can start working on more content or patches and maybe enough complaints and they will probably change the system.

    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination.

     Agreed that having these restrictions suck but its something they put in there. Dont know why two dabers have to be better then one. Dunno why if i want to do Dps on an SI with Lightsabers i gotta have a doublebladed. Sucks and hope they reconsider this down the road before launch.

    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping.

     Alot of games have this rescriction that certain classes cant be certain races/species. Wow you cant have a gnome pally or a Tauren Rogue. Certain things are gonna be disappointing but they have an idea of what they want their Star wars story to be and rules they want it to follow. Noone gonna like it all but its what they want and they are designing it.

    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game?

     I see him being on SWTOR as a plus and think that you might be taking him the wrong way. He doesnt want it to feel like your just up there and doing something that feels unimportant. Everything should feel like theres a purpose and that you should feel like your doing something normal everyday guy wouldnt have a chance of doing. Its about feeling more larger then life then heroic in every activity you do.

    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live.

     Dunno about this always liked open world pvp. But then some do like these and think it depends on the restrictions in place in each battleground.

    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars.

     Its not gonna be perfect for all but should be a decent Bioware storyline game with the extra bonus that you can have friends along for the ride. Anythig beyond that your gonna have to wait for a release to really judge IMO

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly.  

    I actually find the graphics to be alright, but the character models to be not so much to my liking.

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing".

    Kind of agree

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic.


    I think it is progressive, not just because of the crafting system,  but the entire crew system seems new and exciting.


    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else?

    This is not true, Take a consular for example, they can be crowd control, healers, or damage dealers. Smugglers can be ranged damage, stealth damage or healers.   Pretty much the difference between a healer, a ranger, and a rogue.  They can also be hybrids of each.  All classes have this ability to hybridize. 


    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions.

    You are not locked into story progression.  They've said you can skip the story entirely, level through groups, and although they expect players to go through the story,  there will be much more then just the story that people will get experience and rewards for, including the space combat, the exploration, the PvP, the Group Quests, and even grinding if you wanted to grind mobs all day.


    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No.

    Companions are completely optional.  You will only be able to have a single companion with you meaning no matter what you will always miss out on some part of the story that could have been done differently.  Those that do use companions aren't penalized.  Companions add to your character, but they've been created in such a way that they won't tip the scales so extremely that they are absolutely necessary.


    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game.

    I'm not even going to bother with this one, many people won't be happy with the space combat,  but I think it will still be pretty fun.


    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination.

    If you want optimal DPS in any game you will be stuck with certain gear, weapons, and abilities.  You don't HAVE to have two lightsabers unless you want to spec your character for two lightsabers, and then if you decided to only have one, you're purposely gimping your character.  This is a really shallow "con". 


    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping.

    This is the way star wars should be.  Too often do you see lore bending to the point of being broken.  If you want to be a rattataki that is a special case in this point of time in the galaxy.  For one, we don't know to what extent we'll see cross class races.  For two, if there is a race restriction,  theres a reason for it, and that will all make sense in the story and corroborate with the lore.  I think it will make some races very special,  and I think being that race will make you experience the game in a special way unlike every other game out there and their race selections.


    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game?

    Exploration is a big part of the "ground" game,  space exploration is boring and pointless.  You saw exploration in the movies, going across many different landmasses, you never saw space exploration, and had you seen it,  you'd be bored out of your mind.  DE is definitely a pro in most senses of the word.  I can see why some people don't like him,  he often makes really good points against those that want the game to be their way.  His interviews are always my favorite.


    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live.

    Who knows at what level you'll be having 8v8 battles.  If companions are involved it could be up to 16 vs 16.  Regardless, in an early stage 8v8 doesn't sound bad at all.  I think this will be about as close as we'll see of arena combat, so I'm actually pretty happy with it.   I expect larger warzones to have larger player caps on them.  What you don't want in a STRUCTURED PvP event is 50 vs 50,  because you could potentially be queued for a very long time, and that is not what I'd want to be doing with my time.  If I see a 20 vs 20 I'll be very interested to play it, but I'd also be somewhat surprised.   If you want huge battles play the open world PvP,  if you want even battles play the Warzones.


    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars.


    So... it appears a lot of the "cons" seem to be misunderstandings of the features.

  • BarakIIIBarakIII Member Posts: 800

    I thought most of your cons were pros as well. Sorry, but if you're trying to right a review, then this is a fail. Too much of it is based on personal opionion, and some of it based on incorrect information as well. I'm referring to that last bit about warzones. Just because the one warzone they showed is 8v8 doesn't mean they all are. We don't know how big any others might be. I guess I could also say most of your pros were cons to me, but since you only gave three pros and I think two are cons...well, you get the idea.


    1 Graphics to me are actually a con, it's not so much the graphics as the art style I suppose, but I didn't like the cartoon style from the start and still don't.

    2 If the acting is good I can only imagine VO as a positive. Mass Effect was fully voiced as well and I will say that it made it just that much more immersive.

    3 Crafting is the only thing that sounds a bit innovative about the game. All in all it sounds pretty good.


    1 I don't think we really have enough information to call this linear. Also, you use linear as if it's a bad thing, and sometimes it could be a good thing. In this case I prefer to use the word choice. If we have enough choices available so that our characters can be at least somewhat unique and still competitive...that's what I look for. There's nothing to say this isn't the case for TOR yet.

    2 You say this bit as if it's a bad thing, where as I definitely consider it a good thing. Because you don't like this particular style of mmo, you consider it a con, but generally reviewers try to stay away from such obvious personal bias within reviews. A reviewer would try the game for what it is and then grade it based on that, not on what they want it to be.

    3 This argument is entirely supposition. Companions are not forced. So what if you miss a few quests specific to a particular companion, it's not a big deal. I mean you're limited to a certain number of companions anyway and every companion in the game will have a few quests tied to them I'm sure which means no matter what you're gonna miss a few. Big deal.

    4 I can live with space combat as it is, but I think they would have been better off just leaving it out. In any case, I'm sure it'll be just a small portion of the game anyway.

    5 I have to agree with you on this one. I think characters should be as customizeble as possible and pigeon-holing them into carrying a certain type of lightsaber is unacceptable.

    6 Kind of a silly argument here. Any rpg has rules based on a setting and or story, it's not a big deal. Also, we have no idea what may come in future expansions, perhaps they add that particular race into the game at some point along with a story to go with them.

    7 I thought that a bit rude too, but I've seen worse. It's not something that upsets me.

    8 You're jumping to conclusions again on this one. We have information on only one warzone, and just because one warzone is 8v8 doesn't mean they all are. We have no idea how big they may or may not be.

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    I had no idea the game was out already.

  • BarakIIIBarakIII Member Posts: 800

    Originally posted by Foomerang

    I had no idea the game was out already.

    It's not, but the op wrote this in a sort of review like style...I guess a sort of pre-review based on information we have on the game.

  • depaindepain Member Posts: 263

    Originally posted by dzikun

    Stating the same old points yet again... Why? Everyone with a working brain in his skull  knows it'll be more of a single player game with online capability then an MMO. Bioware is targeting its own audience. Their audiance is single player game people. Their specialty is single player RPGs.

    They clearly aren't targgeting the Star wars online community. From the mass of whine threads i know (since i never played SWG) that ToR has nothing to do with SWG- the thing that build the SW online community.

    There is no reason to whine anymore. If you played Mass effect 2 then you know what to expect. Add some guild wars single player experience to it and you have ToR.

    I will buy this game. Like many other single player RPGs. I'll beat it. And then i'll judge if its worth subsribing too.

     Would you pay $15.00 per month to play KotOR 1 or 2? No. You're nuts if you think they are designing this solely for the single player crowd.

  • depaindepain Member Posts: 263

    Originally posted by Fibsdk

    Originally posted by depain


    #1. Graphics - While I'm more into the more "detailed" graphics, SWTOR does indeed have a decent look and is system friendly. The animations suck donkey balls. I seriously hope they have a build that fixes a lot of them particularly the running animations

    #2. Voiced NPCs - While the size of the game might suck (GBs), at least it's more "absorbing". People will appreciate it in the beginning then grow tired of it real quick. Imagine playing the game for two years of pure voice acting. I don't think so

    #3. Crafting - Is it as in-depth as something like SWG? No. However, it is innovative. The crew system and management features appear to be fantastic. Anybody mentioning SWG when talking about TOR should imidiately be dismissed as having nothing worthwhile to add.



    #1. Linear Class System - I don't care about the few little skill trees that one can fart around with. The bottom line is this: You begin as a Ranger and end as a Ranger. There is absolutely no depth. Been there, done that. What about some type of customizable hybrid system? How about something other than everything else? You could make that same crusade against every tripple A MMO coming out now and In the future. Sorry this is not a sandbox game or has sandbox features


    #2. Linear Story - Yeah, you can choose from a few different option. However, you are still locked into a 100% story progression. Other than a little fine tuning, you are told what to do, what to say, where to go, and when to do it. It's like reading a damn book and going through the motions. Sorry this is not a sandbox. You can crusade against all other non Sandbox MMO's coming out now and in the future


    #3. Forced Companions - The devs stated that you will need certain companions to access certain quests. So IT IS forced. I've never seen a game where any companion or pet worked perfectly. Pets get caught up on walls, trees, hills, bushes, and are generally slow as hell. You have to monitor their health, armor, equipment, etc. It's just another thing to get in the way. Neat option? Sure. But neat FORCED option? No. This is a story driven game. have you played any of the other KOTOR games? Having companions tagging along enhanced the story.


    #4. Space Combat - I remember when they released info that they are indeed creating Space Content. Wow! I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the details! It was like expecting the most perfect chocolate cake for your birthday. However, instead of your parents walking in with a candle lit cake, they walk in holding a giant c0ckmeat sandwich. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Didn't I play this on the N64? This is no different than Clone Wars Adventures Space Content - It's embarrassing to the game. It's very unrealistic to expect a free roam space sim on top of planet based exploration if this game should have any forseeable release date.


    #5. Type-Casted Characters - I'd like to roll a damage dealing Sith Marauder. But wait... In order to obtain optimal DPS, I HAVE to use two lightsabers? I can't just use one? ;/ Why? They want folks to know exactly who's who upon examination. Not sure what you expect here. What would be the point of having dual lightsabers as an option if it didn't yield an advantage over having one.


    #6. Locking Story - Story can be nice. However, in this case, it will lock us in. I'd like to roll a Rikkittikkitavi-whatever Warrior. However, that wouldn't make sense with the story. You see, they can't just let you be whatever race / class combo you want because of how the story is written. Doing so would call for drastic editing / revamping. Sorry this is not a sandbox game ..ahh forget it


    #7. Daniel Erickson - "When did Han & Chewie ever say, 'Hey! let's go into space and just dick around.'" This idiotic remark just goes to show that they hold little value on exploration. They want whatever you are doing to be "heroic". Erm. When everything is heroic, nothing is heroic. Does this same remark apply to the ground game? See "con" point 4


    #8. Battlegrounds - I hope you're ready for the epic 8v8 battle on the same 5 zones over and over and over again. Why people like this trash is beyond me (other than PvErs). My only break of fresh air is due to the promise of World PvP. However, we know nothing of the rule set. 8v8? How is that Massive Multiplayer? I can get bigger battles in Call of Duty or Quake Live. Sorry this is not a FFA PvP Sandbox game.


    Ultimately, if George Lucas and Malcom in the Middle had a kid, it would SWTOR. This game is built under the "hold my hand" mentality. I'll buy it / play it simply because it's Star Wars. See "con" point 1.

     lol, your responses are terrible. I stopped reading after the first few. You are just wanting to argue.



    I remember when I posted a few negative remarks about FF14...before it came out. Lots of folk like you were quick to defend it.

  • AnubisanAnubisan Member UncommonPosts: 1,798

    Sounds like another sad sad sandbox lover. Every single one of the OP's points is a pro in my opinion. I couldn't be happier with the design decisions Bioware has made. At last an MMO that isn't ruled by the unemployed loser parent-basement dwellers!!!

    Seriously, if you don't like the direction Bioware is going with this game, don't play it. It will never be a sandbox and I can tell by your post that that fact alone is a deal-breaker for you.

  • FibsdkFibsdk Member Posts: 1,112

    Originally posted by Anubisan

    Sounds like another sad sad sandbox lover. Every single one of the OP's points is a pro in my opinion. I couldn't be happier with the design decisions Bioware has made. At last an MMO that isn't ruled by the unemployed loser parent-basement dwellers!!!

    Seriously, if you don't like the direction Bioware is going with this game, don't play it. It will never be a sandbox and I can tell by your post that that fact alone is a deal-breaker for you.

    Exactly. Same conclusion I made.


    The funny part is. Nobody in their right mind would make a sandbox unless they were deliberately aiming at a niche market. That's not really where the money is. Might as well start whining over every new game getting released.

  • FibsdkFibsdk Member Posts: 1,112

    Originally posted by depain

     lol, your responses are terrible. I stopped reading after the first few. You are just wanting to argue.



    I remember when I posted a few negative remarks about FF14...before it came out. Lots of folk like you were quick to defend it.

    I'm not really defending the game so much as making a point about you looking for sandbox features in all the wrong places.

  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Pros and cons ,

    Well most of your cons are really your subjective problems .

    And name me one MMORPG dont forget the RPG part .

    That has a none linear story , set classes limitations , set mechanics .


    Woot there aren´t any , so answer if the cons are so much of a burden that some cons are infact pros .

    Just your debating view is limited , companion is infact a PRO , its evolution of pets companion from games like grande espada  , Companion ads another GRIND or CARE factor (you can pick the word)

    That you previously didn´t had , makes hitting the boredom wall a bit longer .


    Space Combat , well currently you have STO and EVE and even SWG NGE , so if space combat is what you look for .

    There you go 3 MMO  that provides that , and one has the starwars brand name .

    (oh wait before all your cons set in about freedom bla bla , lets see 3 space combat each has there own limitations)

    EA canceled long time ago one , so means space combat mmo aren´t  that popular .


    Well as for the rest its your personal opnion and cons , but honestly i dont even want to debate that .

    Cause in the end you will buy it sadly , and join the rest in public chat and screaming it stinks .

    Why you would pay good money to do that ? i honestly dont know .

  • UnlightUnlight Member Posts: 2,540

    Originally posted by immodium

     I thought the reply Erickson gave about space combat funny and hardly arrogant. If anything showing a bit of personality. In that video I heard alot of laughter after that statement.

    I heard a chorus of trained seals responding to a tamer.  Would you expect less from gamer fans of any stripe?  Clearly, he didn't take the question seriously and simply dismissed as beneath him with sarcasm.  In a forum like that, he should be fielding all questions civilly, even those he doesn't like.

    He was an arrogant ass.

  • SwaneaSwanea Member UncommonPosts: 2,401

    I disagree with many of your cons being cons.

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