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The Warhammer Online team has announced that the Verminous Horde RvR pack will be available for players to purchase on November 18, 2010. This coincides with the v1.4.0 patch which brings the Skaven playable PvP race online as well as a revamped RvR system.
The Skaven have arrived in the Age of Reckoning, and with them has opened up access to a RR65+ dungeon, Thanquol’s Incursion. Players participating in the dungeon will get great new gear and early access to Skaven troops.
Read more here.
Can't wait for the new rvr system
You have to be kidding me, they are charging for this?
They have realized this game just will not draw huge numbers of subscribers. They are switching gears and making more money out of the people who like the game.
Why? Because this is their version of expansion selling? Because they stated many times they plan to sell buyable packs in equal frequency to expansion packs and that this would be cheaper and offer benifts all around and not hurt those who dont buy it.
Simple really.
People who will buy the pack can become RR 100 and get new armour and weapons (With most likely will be better). So it will hurt those who do not buy it. I do not have a problem with it, but do not kid yourself.
The only thing i need to know is...¿ i will be able to create a skaven Normally like the others? i mean.. the customization and all, because i heard something about you need some stones to become a skaven or wathever... i just want something clever.
is the additional $10 for subscribers as well?
I wish them the best but honestly... I give up on this game.
Sounds good so far, but personally, I wish they would cut us old timers a break, we been with WAR from the inception (cb) and deserve to have a little bonus (like to be able to play a skaven as soon as available). I'm not a big RvR fan because I don't agree with the fact that gear makes the character. I want a role-playing game where role-playing earns xp, not just killing things. There are way too many actuall companies (gold/loot farmers) that exploit the gear makes the character concept for there to be REAL competition or relative meaning to any gear to be looked at as an accomplishment.
I like the concept concerning small packets/addons to enhance role-playing atmosphere and commaraderie, just leave the gear to people's characters to make for themselves or any toon on their account.
Earl Lothar Loc'Nar
Not really; I testing of rr80 character that I did on the pts vs an entire server of rr 100's showed I could still contribute to the warband ok, just not as much as the rr100's and that I could still kill a great many rr100 players.
it didnt make as much difference as I had thought it would. thats the difference between theory crafting and actual testing.
plus lets face it its not like they will release it on Thursday and by Friday you have entire warbands of rr100's
that wont happen for a long, long time.
I"m glag they're releasing this free patch. Testing it, it definitely feels much more "strategic" and less of a zerg fest. The Packs I'm not going to touch, unless I feel an uncontrollable urge to splurge, which I wont. At least the devs are trying to breathe a bit of life back into the game, and I tentatively commend them for it.