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Weekly episodes really good addition to a ever improving game :)

summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

I just like to say that the weekly episodes are really quite fun, I'm looking forward to doing  this weeks episode, this game is improving all the time now and I urge people to check it out .

The game also has quite alot of hidden depth especially leveling up your Bridge crew , there is certainly more stratedgy and depth than people give it credit for.

Well I'm enjoying it anyways ! :)



  • AG-VukAG-Vuk Member UncommonPosts: 823

    Originally posted by summitus

    I just like to say that the weekly episodes are really quite fun, I'm looking forward to doing  this weeks episode, this game is improving all the time now and I urge people to check it out .

    The game also has quite alot of hidden depth especially leveling up your Bridge crew , there is certainly more stratedgy and depth than people give it credit for.

    Well I'm enjoying it anyways ! :)

     Improving all the time, up until the announcement it'll be F2P.  A leech has depth and strategy also , doesn't mean I'd like to play with it either. You're under the impression that the majority here haven't tried or played the game.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Well, it is good that they are updating the game but I think it should have been a B2P title from the start, it is more a CORPG than a MMORPG and CORPGS never done well with monthly fees. The game have a lot more in common with GW and DDO than with EQ and Wow.

    Adding the content is a must to keep the players they have now but if they want to actually gain more they will have to go for B2P or F2P.

  • CohasCohas Member UncommonPosts: 152

    i also agree. the game just keep's getting better and better. 

    Have No Fear Cohas is here!!!

  • StyijStyij Member Posts: 186

    I burned through episode 1 of the devions in about 20 minutes. Some people where saying in chat they where playing it through a few times, over and over. That must have been like playing solitare. Having a big map filled with grey boxes you can't interact with is not content, it's just a big grey box spam and nine holes with our sub money in the afternoon. When I first played STO I had a "not too bad" opion of it but as I played it I realized something...STOP glorifying mediocrity. You deserve better than mediocre. You work hard for your cash and should demand a fair product return for making other people rich.

    Seems lately mediocre and lazyness is like a dieses in every market sector, especially in America. Zarathustra is turning over in his grave. It seems that innovation as well as God is dead.

  • jaxsundanejaxsundane Member Posts: 2,776

    Originally posted by summitus

    I just like to say that the weekly episodes are really quite fun, I'm looking forward to doing  this weeks episode, this game is improving all the time now and I urge people to check it out .

    The game also has quite alot of hidden depth especially leveling up your Bridge crew , there is certainly more stratedgy and depth than people give it credit for.

    Well I'm enjoying it anyways ! :)

     As a beta tester and a release client I can agree it's good they are doing the weekly episodes, unfortunately I don't see that they really have an option because the game released with so little compelling content no one would be playing it right now if they didn't release weekly episodes.

    The depth of levelling up bridge crew doesn't seem like hidden depth to me it seems like one of the only factors keeping people in game while Cryptic tries to release content.  I also didn't like the fact that (while I played the game) other than the abilities you got the crew never felt any more important than a red shirt, there was/is no rhyme or reason as to why the officer who gives the report is the one giving the report and a few other disconnects that remind you that they just aren't all that important takes away from the game some.

    I agree with a later responder that this game really can't do anything as a p2p game, by design it simply isn't that good and I have a hard time seeing how even five years of built up content will change that (unless they somehow can make those quests waaaay more engaging than they are now) as it stands they are simply a means to level up.

    but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    The real question is when will it be actually worth the monthly sub fee?

    To me, and all the people that bailed, the answer is: not yet.

    Before it goes F2P, the answer may be, not ever.

  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    The real question is when will it be actually worth the monthly sub fee?

    To me, and all the people that bailed, the answer is: not yet.

    Before it goes F2P, the answer may be, not ever.

     If it follows the same timeline as CO's conversion to free to play, then STO doesn't have the time to make it sub worthy.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • sibs4455sibs4455 Member UncommonPosts: 369

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    The real question is when will it be actually worth the monthly sub fee?

    To me, and all the people that bailed, the answer is: not yet.

    Before it goes F2P, the answer may be, not ever.

     In my opinion STO will never be worth a monthly fee it wont be long before this title will be f2p, even then not many will play it, the game is lacking in to many areas.

  • causscauss Member UncommonPosts: 666

    I just don't understand. Why play this game while there are so many (at least) good games out there?

  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

    Just started playing the 3rd weekly episode its pretty good.  :)

  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

    Originally posted by causs

    I just don't understand. Why play this game while there are so many (at least) good games out there?

    Well there are alot of people playing it ... ( in fact you can find groups or peeps to play with any time of the day or night , there are also a lot of people in every sector of space you go into ) ...  so it must have something good about it , as I said its not perfect by a long shot and there are tons of things that need fixing , there is however something still quite addictive about certain aspects of the gameplay, also I do also play other Mmo's at the moment too , I have several high level characters on Lotro and have recently resubbed to WoW too .

    As I said said in my first post they are heading in the right direction and fixing lots of stuff , there are patches on a regular basis and they are listening to player feedback.

    And who knowss , this game might well be totally suited to the Ftp model after all, because of its casual nature. So I still dont think its as bad as people make it out to be, and if certain people are enjoying it well cool .  :)

  • Zap-RoboZap-Robo Member UncommonPosts: 233

    Originally posted by causs

    I just don't understand. Why play this game while there are so many (at least) good games out there?

    Because I enjoy it - I know it has some flaws and people are up in arms about the C-Store (although all I ever bought from there is cosmetic stuff I didn't really need) but I still have fun!

    I also play City of Heroes and Global Agenda - I'm a fan of MMO's I can just pick up and play for a short time these days!

    Admin @
    ZapRobo (PlanetSide 2) | Zap-Robo (The Secret World)
    @Master Zaprobo (City of Heroes) | Zaphod@Zap-Robo (Star Trek Online)

  • ScribbleLay1ScribbleLay1 Member Posts: 177

    Well, I guess I just don't get it.  The weekly episodes are not that good, actualy they are pretty lame and realy take no skill or effort to complete them.  However, I will give them credit for trying and as someone said in a previous thread, we you are as low as STO is, anything you do will be seen as an improvement.

  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619

    Originally posted by AG-Vuk

    Originally posted by summitus

    I just like to say that the weekly episodes are really quite fun, I'm looking forward to doing  this weeks episode, this game is improving all the time now and I urge people to check it out .

    The game also has quite alot of hidden depth especially leveling up your Bridge crew , there is certainly more stratedgy and depth than people give it credit for.

    Well I'm enjoying it anyways ! :)

     Improving all the time, up until the announcement it'll be F2P.  A leech has depth and strategy also , doesn't mean I'd like to play with it either. You're under the impression that the majority here haven't tried or played the game.

    Looks like a good possibility it will go F2P


  • ScribbleLay1ScribbleLay1 Member Posts: 177

    Speaking of weekly episodes, anyone want to bet what the next one will be?  I am going with the Founders and for your final reward you will get an Odo BO that will double as your Captains Chair.

  • D_TOXD_TOX Member UncommonPosts: 269

    Originally posted by ScribbleLay1

    Speaking of weekly episodes, anyone want to bet what the next one will be?  I am going with the Founders and for your final reward you will get an Odo BO that will double as your Captains Chair.


    How about an odo who shapeshifts into a more appealing game?

  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by D_TOX

    Originally posted by ScribbleLay1

    Speaking of weekly episodes, anyone want to bet what the next one will be?  I am going with the Founders and for your final reward you will get an Odo BO that will double as your Captains Chair.


    How about an odo who shapeshifts into a more appealing game?

     Come on now, even the Founders have limits.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794

    Episodes are a great addition to the game no matter if you are playing solo or in groups. STO has gotten much better since launch. It still has a ways to go before it ever has the depth to take it beyond the "casual" level. While it is pretty much a casual game, that does not mean it is not fun. For me, in some MMO's anyway, I am almost forced to log in every day to keep up. At least with STO I feel I can log in once or twice a week and get my Star Trek fix and then move on to other things.

    In regards to the direction STO is going, Cryptic seems to have taken steps in the right direction. As mentioned, the weekly episodes are just one. The Season updates are another. Season 3 is incoming shortly and there are a number of improvements and fixes as well as "user generated content". Season 4 promises to be even more packed with goodies.

    At least in my opinioin, STO is just getting better and better.

    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • ScribbleLay1ScribbleLay1 Member Posts: 177

    I agree that the game is getting better.  This is where the game should of been at launch, not that almost Alpha state that it was launched in.

  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by ScribbleLay1

    I agree that the game is getting better.  This is where the game should of been at launch, not that almost Alpha state that it was launched in.

     Actually to be where it should have been at launch, they need to thoroughly flesh out the Klingon PvE side of things quite a bit more; only then will it be as they promised it would be at launch.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • SaorlanSaorlan Member Posts: 289

    Originally posted by Loke666

    Well, it is good that they are updating the game but I think it should have been a B2P title from the start, it is more a CORPG than a MMORPG and CORPGS never done well with monthly fees. The game have a lot more in common with GW and DDO than with EQ and Wow.

    Adding the content is a must to keep the players they have now but if they want to actually gain more they will have to go for B2P or F2P.

    Want to speak in English? WTF is a CORPG and B2P (buy to play I am guessing)


  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by Saorlan

    Originally posted by Loke666

    Well, it is good that they are updating the game but I think it should have been a B2P title from the start, it is more a CORPG than a MMORPG and CORPGS never done well with monthly fees. The game have a lot more in common with GW and DDO than with EQ and Wow.

    Adding the content is a must to keep the players they have now but if they want to actually gain more they will have to go for B2P or F2P.

    Want to speak in English? WTF is a CORPG and B2P (buy to play I am guessing)

      CORPG is a CoOperative Role Playing Game, basically a single player game with multi-player options, such as the Left 4 dead series of games. B2P is Buy to Play, which is most single player games and online games like Guild Wars where you purchase the box and any paid expansions, but have no monthly fee. If you're going to frequent MMO forums, you should learn the lingo. A simple search should turn up many websites that have comprehensive lists of such acronyms and other terms.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • TorgrimTorgrim Member CommonPosts: 2,088

    They need to scrap STO and start all over and actual make a MMO.

    If it's not broken, you are not innovating.

  • Frostbite05Frostbite05 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,880

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    They need to scrap STO and start all over and actual make a MMO.

    No they just need to add more content and they flesh out the planets.

  • Justley3Justley3 Member Posts: 48

    Originally posted by Saorlan

    Originally posted by Loke666

    Well, it is good that they are updating the game but I think it should have been a B2P title from the start, it is more a CORPG than a MMORPG and CORPGS never done well with monthly fees. The game have a lot more in common with GW and DDO than with EQ and Wow.

    Adding the content is a must to keep the players they have now but if they want to actually gain more they will have to go for B2P or F2P.

    Want to speak in English? WTF is a CORPG and B2P (buy to play I am guessing)

    He is speaking english. Maybe its you being from the UK is what makes you lack common MMO acronyms?


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