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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Warzone Thoughts



  • tvalentinetvalentine Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,216

    it's sad that a pvp zone in a MMO is limited to 8v8, that is hardly massive, i can get the same if not better pvp out of single-player games with multiplayer options. Amazing how these high budget games seem to be skimping so much in the massiveness in what should be a massive multiplayer online world.


    Playing: EVE Online
    Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
    Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
    KUF2's Official Website - -

  • asj18asj18 Member UncommonPosts: 86

    bioware need to focus on the game play before they focus on pvp. it has been said already there will probably be open world pvp but they can always implement that later. I think biowares doing a wonderful job and they need keeep at it. having instanced pvp is a great start so that there is some pvp at least.


    the game needs to be polished and make sure there is enough content for the different style of players. I know people that hate pvp then i know ppl that love it. so i am glad they are starting it off this way instead of straight open world.


    I think bioware has done a ton of research on mmo's and i think they doing great.

    Games I will be playing are: TES V, SWTOR, ME 3, TSW

  • asj18asj18 Member UncommonPosts: 86

    Originally posted by tvalentine

    it's sad that a pvp zone in a MMO is limited to 8v8, that is hardly massive, i can get the same if not better pvp out of single-player games with multiplayer options. Amazing how these high budget games seem to be skimping so much in the massiveness in what should be a massive multiplayer online world.


    but you got to think though there trying to give u a great story driven universe on top of being massive.

    Games I will be playing are: TES V, SWTOR, ME 3, TSW

  • tvalentinetvalentine Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,216

    Originally posted by asj18

    Originally posted by tvalentine

    it's sad that a pvp zone in a MMO is limited to 8v8, that is hardly massive, i can get the same if not better pvp out of single-player games with multiplayer options. Amazing how these high budget games seem to be skimping so much in the massiveness in what should be a massive multiplayer online world.


    but you got to think though there trying to give u a great story driven universe on top of being massive.

    you missed my point, 8v8 is hardly massive, this thread isnt about the story but the warzones and a small look into the pvp TOR might have.


    Playing: EVE Online
    Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
    Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
    KUF2's Official Website - -

  • KorithianKorithian Member Posts: 243

      This looks cool, though I do hope two things. One we don't see the instances tiered like WAR. It would lead to a limited number of people available for instances in each tier  and would end up spending ages queing to get into them and then finding your pick up group is no match for their pre-made and half your team quit in disgust canceling the instance. It also ment that fun instances would no longer be avilable when you out leveled them which was a shame.

       The other problem I see with the PvP being mianly instanced (from what we have seen so far) is that people can't just jump in and fight. It requires a queing or a waiting round trying to recruit necessary classes. This makes it so much harder for people without the time to get into PvP.

        But provided they can get round it this looks like bringing a good element to PvP.

  • droinidroini Member Posts: 73

    Originally posted by ishist

    For all those wanting open world FFA PvP....browse the game list, there are tons of those out there. Trying to turn every game in development into a FFA PvP game is just silly.

    This is a storyline based themepark MMO with all the standard features. If that's not what your looking for, stop reading SWTOR news, your barking up the wrong skilltree.


    There will be PvP servers. There will be Open world PvP (u got to go through a instance to enter.They are doing the instance gate to Open world PvP so PvE explores don't go into a War zone without knowing it.) These thing have already been asked and answered. DeathHater , TOROcast and swToR-station ask some of the best question.When they go and talk to the Dev's stuff we want to know. Unlike the Major sites and G4 who ask stupid stuff.

  • droinidroini Member Posts: 73

    Originally posted by Cannyone

    Originally posted by ishist

    For all those wanting open world FFA PvP....browse the game list, there are tons of those out there. Trying to turn every game in development into a FFA PvP game is just silly.

    This is a storyline based themepark MMO with all the standard features. If that's not what your looking for, stop reading SWTOR news, your barking up the wrong skilltree.


    Not sure I could have said it better myself!  :) 


     I hate ppl who tell others to quit or not to even buy a game. Do u know what would happen if everyone that Hated one part of ToR would leave us a Ghost server with no expansions ,lack of support (they could afford to pay them) and Lack of updates. So pls stop being stupid. We need the MMO community for ToR to be a 10+ year MMO with alot of Add-ons.

  • SamhaelSamhael Member RarePosts: 1,539

    The combat in the PvP trailer looks so wooden. I thought Bioware was supposed to be making it look more action/reaction like light sabers parrying and riposting.  Here it just sort of looks like they're taking turns hitting each other.

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Originally posted by Hekket

    Originally posted by nightfallrob

    Originally posted by UsulDaNeriak

    well, i will skip this part of SWTOR for sure. i like open pvp in persistent zones. you call 16 vs 16 an epic-fight? epic-fights are starting somewhere at 500 vs 500 from my point of view. 

    i remember that they said once, that there will be open-pvp in persistent zones as well. did they cancel this feature, or am i wrong?


    What game is out there that has 500 vs. 500? 

    EVE Online had a battle just last week with 1600 v 1600.

    So 500 v 500 is very much possible.


    Lol@ eve online comment...

    Ive been at epic fleet fights.  Theyre not epic fleet fights.  Theyre group up, set all your weapons to shoot whatever the fleet commander says and wait.


    90% of the time you will be frozen because its lagging the shard way too much.  ACtually huge battle before when I was with southern cross alliance ended up with all of us lagging and just setting our attacks and hoping the server registers. from then on itsjsut a massive lagfilled cluster!@#$.  No you cant move around at all!  massive battles like that are almost impossible to handle. 


    Im happy with 50 vs 50 and if its just a zerg fest (eve fleet battles is a zerg fest)  then count me out most of the time unless i just feel like zerging.

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • Brone87Brone87 Member Posts: 244

    I am by no means a SWTOR fan and in fact I am rooting for Rifts and GW2 as my next two MMO's, however some people are being totally unrealistic. People complaining 8v8 is small... well 8v8 isn't that much smaller than the typical 10v10 battleground and if they are gonna have these stupid companions in the matches thats gonna make it seem like 16v16 which is quite a lot. Also mentioned this is just one Warzone... so the others could vary.

    Another thing I keep reading which is pretty stupid is the fact that people see Warzone and automatically think there won't be any world PVP... WoW has BG's + World PVP (even though BG's kinda kill World PVP) same with Warhammer, so there is definietly the possibilty for both.

    Again I am not a fan of Bioware games, don't own a single one of their games and I am not a fan of anything EA publishes besides their Battlefield series so I really don't see myself playing this game unless I wanna relive my WoW experiences in a new skin (Star Wars) which might actually happen because WoW at release was a hellava lot of fun but totally sucks now.

    Just my thoughts!

  • Vagrant_ZeroVagrant_Zero Member Posts: 1,190

    Originally posted by nightfallrob

    Originally posted by UsulDaNeriak

    well, i will skip this part of SWTOR for sure. i like open pvp in persistent zones. you call 16 vs 16 an epic-fight? epic-fights are starting somewhere at 500 vs 500 from my point of view. 
    i remember that they said once, that there will be open-pvp in persistent zones as well. did they cancel this feature, or am i wrong?

    What game is out there that has 500 vs. 500? The most I've ever seen is 30 vs. 30, and that happened twice. I'm hoping they will still have open world pvp, but you're expectations are unrealistic if you expect to see more than 60-100 people total in any fight.

    The real kicker is people like him expect these gigantic battles to run on their piece of shit Celerons and GeForce 3 TIs.

    Unrealistic expectations indeed.

  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794

    I am not generally a PvP'er by any strecth of the imagination. PvP has put me off simply because there has never seemed to be a point to doing it other then just killing other players. Not usually any objectives to achieve makes PvP a pointless session of player murdering player without a reason. At least now in SWTOR, there will be a REASON to be there and a REASON to try to eliminate the enemy. From what I have seen, this may be the one thing that I will really get into for a change.

    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • Brone87Brone87 Member Posts: 244

    Originally posted by Gruug

    I am not generally a PvP'er by any strecth of the imagination. PvP has put me off simply because there has never seemed to be a point to doing it other then just killing other players. Not usually any objectives to achieve makes PvP a pointless session of player murdering player without a reason. At least now in SWTOR, there will be a REASON to be there and a REASON to try to eliminate the enemy. From what I have seen, this may be the one thing that I will really get into for a change.

    Ok... lets try from the other perspective.

    "I am not generally a PvE'er by any strecth of the imagination. PvE has put me off simply because there has never seemed to be a point to doing it other then just killing Mobs all day. Not usually any objectives to achieve makes PvE a pointless session of NPC murdering without a reason."

    Now as far as this quote goes...

    "At least now in SWTOR, there will be a REASON to be there and a REASON to try to eliminate the enemy. From what I have seen, this may be the one thing that I will really get into for a change."

    Huh?? This sounds just like any other Battle Ground / Scenario in all the other MMO's we have on the market so you should prolly take off the blinders buddy.

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.


     Good more room for the players who dont wanna jsut run around killing low level players for fun.....

  • hammarushammarus Member UncommonPosts: 196

    Hello people!?!  Its "STAR WARS" not "STAR HAPPY TIME" there had better be open world pvp.

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.

  • hammarushammarus Member UncommonPosts: 196

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.


     Its doing great because  its free, up until that time I believe its future was uncertain.

  • dzikundzikun Member Posts: 150

    Blizzard has done quests in PvP  before so its nothing new or interesting. Seems like the standard PvP instanced system to me.

    I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading.

    I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.

    I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school; and my inner child is outward-bound.

    I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer; voice-activated and bio-degradable.

    RIP George Carlin.

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by Gruug

    I am not generally a PvP'er by any strecth of the imagination. PvP has put me off simply because there has never seemed to be a point to doing it other then just killing other players. Not usually any objectives to achieve makes PvP a pointless session of player murdering player without a reason. At least now in SWTOR, there will be a REASON to be there and a REASON to try to eliminate the enemy. From what I have seen, this may be the one thing that I will really get into for a change.


     i agree totally... even persistent pvp games jsut mean people, who rush to the end game run around killing low level players who are  just trying to enjoy the game they  rushed over... i hope they keep strict restritions on pvp ...

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by hammarus

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.


     Its doing great because  its free, up until that time I believe its future was uncertain.


     oh no it was doing just fine before it went free... trust me...  there was never any talk of losing subs. it was always about the next expansion or what not...

  • hammarushammarus Member UncommonPosts: 196

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by hammarus

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.


     Its doing great because  its free, up until that time I believe its future was uncertain.


     oh no it was doing just fine before it went free... trust me...  there was never any talk of losing subs. it was always about the next expansion or what not...

     Regardless of whether its doing well or not, and whether it has much to do with it being free or not. I doubt many would ascribe that to its pvp content.

  • CujoSWAoACujoSWAoA Member UncommonPosts: 1,781


    If you take the Star Wars movie soundtrack off of that Warzone trailer.... All you have is really hideous character models and absolutely awful animations.

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by hammarus

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.


     Its doing great because  its free, up until that time I believe its future was uncertain.


     p.s. the only reason it went free was because of the success turbine had from D&D when it went free to play cause lack of players.... if anything they had issues in LOTRO of over populated severs till just past updates...

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by hammarus

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by hammarus

    Originally posted by obeloviper95

    Originally posted by Paragus1

    Originally posted by joejccva

    Warzones? 8v8s? Really Bioware? Really?! This is the vision that you guys have in regards to PVP in SWTOR? It's one of the major reason why I couldn't stand Warhammer or didn't like the WoW Battlegrounds.

    So basically you are going to have little multiplayer death matches with your 8v8's instead of having open world PVP. Hell even faction based PVP is fine as long as it's open world.

    I think I'm going to skip this game and just play GW2 and Rift. Seriously. What garbage.

    Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.   Bioware is doubling down financially on the same failed game direction that has torpedoed the previous "AAA" MMOs in recent years.   You might think after watching countless failures and mass exoduses from games like Age of Conan and Warhammer who went this same route that someone at Bioware would have had enough foresight to recognize that people are sick to death of this model for PvP. 

    We can't forget I guess that the folks at Mythic are "helping" Bioware with this game.   Given the recent track record of Mythic I wouldn't want them anywhere near my 150+ million dollar project, let alone adding in the worst parts of their failed game into mine.  It's as if Bioware hasn't watched anything that has happened in the MMO genre in the last few years and think that somehow doing the same thing over and over will yeild a different result.   It's MMO Insanity at its finest.   The more info they release the more I think we are watching Titanic of MMOs steer into an iceberg in super slow motion.


     What about lord of the rings online? the pvp is limited to one area and yet that games doing great... i think its just that people who love running around killin low level players in mmos are the the ones flippin out about restrictions on pvp.


     Its doing great because  its free, up until that time I believe its future was uncertain.


     oh no it was doing just fine before it went free... trust me...  there was never any talk of losing subs. it was always about the next expansion or what not...

     Regardless of whether its doing well or not, and whether it has much to do with it being free or not. I doubt many would ascribe that to its pvp content.


     tehre actually are alot of people on there who subscribe or pay somthing just to pvp because i belive its the only way u can pvp....

  • obeloviper95obeloviper95 Member Posts: 84

    Originally posted by CujoSWAoA


    If you take the Star Wars movie soundtrack off of that Warzone trailer.... All you have is really hideous character models and absolutely awful animations.


     the character models come from the star wars universe for the most part... i thought it look like a good time and cant wait.

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