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General: Starcraft II: Chris Sigaty Interview

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696

Recently,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to interview Chris Sigaty, Lead Producer of Starcraft II. Chris was extremely gracious in allowing Joe to interrupt his lunch to get a few quick questions answered. Check out the interview and let us know what you think in the comments! I know it was mentioned that there would improvements to the achievements, is there anything you can add to that?

Chris Sigaty: Improvements are more like additional achievements. We're planning to include achievements like Blizzcon, for the players that are here. Things like adding maps that we've put together. Adding content, that players can get by participating in various events.

Read more Starcraft II: Chris Sigaty Interview.

Jon Wood
Managing Editor


  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    1. Not much to discover in SC2 in regards to  explorable areas but there is plenty to unlock in the single player campaign.

    2. They need to keep on bannng the cheaters. There is still a ton out there who feel they need to cheat to win.


    it is still a fun game after 10 years of waiting. :P

  • KraossKraoss Member Posts: 71

    I thought the real gem in WCIII were the mods, and editor.

    I believe the same holds true for SCII. 

    Anyone who hasn't tried the custom maps in SCII is really missing out on some great free content.

  • shantidevashantideva Member UncommonPosts: 186

    Awesome mmorpg!

    "Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!"

  • DrachasorDrachasor Member Posts: 2,678

    I don't understand why this is on this site.

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Originally posted by Drachasor

    I don't understand why this is on this site.

     I don't understand why people keep asking why it is here when the site supports a general gaming forum.

  • TheUnknownMTheUnknownM Member UncommonPosts: 29

    what you mean of an awsome mmorpg shantideva? it ain't an mmorpg is it?

  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Originally posted by Drachasor

    I don't understand why this is on this site.

     I don't understand why people keep asking why it is here when the site supports a general gaming forum.

         Really...??    When was the last time you saw a write up on new games like Civ 5 that recently came out.. How about the much anticipated comming of Gran Tourismo 5.. Will MMORPG do a write up on that too?   Lets call it what it is.. This is nothing short of marketing a game for Blizzard..  We scratch your back, you scratch ours type of thing..  There are dozens of "general" games released every year that this site ignores and moves on.. (as they should) because this is suppose to be a site focused on MMORPG's.. not general gaming..

  • BenedictXVBenedictXV Member Posts: 104

    Lol @ marketing a game for blizz! I'm sure they don't need or for advertising lol


  • KraossKraoss Member Posts: 71

    Originally posted by Rydeson

    Originally posted by SaintViktor

    Originally posted by Drachasor

    I don't understand why this is on this site.

     I don't understand why people keep asking why it is here when the site supports a general gaming forum.

         Really...??    When was the last time you saw a write up on new games like Civ 5 that recently came out.. How about the much anticipated comming of Gran Tourismo 5.. Will MMORPG do a write up on that too?   Lets call it what it is.. This is nothing short of marketing a game for Blizzard..  We scratch your back, you scratch ours type of thing..  There are dozens of "general" games released every year that this site ignores and moves on.. (as they should) because this is suppose to be a site focused on MMORPG's.. not general gaming..

    I believe it is more innocent then that.

    The biggest headline RTS at the moment is Starcraft II, not a very big leap of logic to have it headline on an website and have it pop up when MMORPG.COM features that website.

  • SamhaelSamhael Member RarePosts: 1,539

    Even though I'm a fan of SC2, I believe this article is out of place on this site.  I don't come here for reviews or discussions on non-MMOs. I think the Dragon Age stuff is (barely) in a grey area where there might be some sort of commonality.  But SC2?  No, definitely not.

  • AmbassadorDvinnAmbassadorDvinn Member UncommonPosts: 339

    RTSGuru is a sister site to MMORPG.  Of course they will advertise RTSGuru.

    Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.

  • InsulinboyInsulinboy Member Posts: 8

    are you guys saying that massive amounts of people DON'T play SC2?  I know perhaps it's a bit a stretch, but an epic crapton of people play this game, and they do it online.   And from what I have heard the game does have some role playing aspects to it.  Get your heads out of your asses and expand the narrow definition of MMORPG for just a second...

  • DrachasorDrachasor Member Posts: 2,678

    Starcraft is not an MMORPG unless you broaden the term so much any multi-player game becomes one.  MMORTS's are possible, but SC2 is not one.  While this is a gaming site, it is about a very particular aspect of gaming (MMOs), and that's why I come here.  I do not come here to have to shuffle through a bunch of information on other sorts of games to find the MMO information.  I come here for the focus.

    This isn't about how many people play other games or any other game in particular.  This is about what the purpose of this site is, which is MMOs.

    Now, I suppose this is part of advertising RTSguru, but if so I think they picked a poor article.  There's very, very little information in this interview.  Not the interviewer's fault, as it is clear Blizzard is simply not saying much.  It results in an interview that isn't very exciting though.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637

    Its not a MMO but its good to see more gameplay styles on here, lets see some more.

  • DrachasorDrachasor Member Posts: 2,678

    Given how I already find the quality of some of their MMO reviews and the like a bit questionable (such as how STO has been handled in various articles), I think it makes more sense for them to work harder on the actual point of this site, Scot.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435

    I really loved this game and enjoyed it a lot. I was so into it that when I fell asleep while I was still playing I woke up screaming with zerg crawling all over me.It was so awful.

    Garrus Signature
  • MaelkorMaelkor Member UncommonPosts: 459

    Get used to the fact that there will be writeups of the most popular games that come out no matter the genre. Most people who enjoy playing games play things in addition to MMO's and its kind of nice to see something everynow and then that we might not have otherwise noticed.

    And if Civ 5 ends up selling millions of copies I am sure you will see an artical write up on this site about it.

  • DrachasorDrachasor Member Posts: 2,678

    They aren't going to be doing that Maelkor, what I was having was a bit of a hypothetical discussion.  It is clear SC2 only appeared because of RTSGuru and they certainly aren't going to be displaying everything that sister sites put up.

  • MyPreciousssMyPreciousss Member Posts: 427

    Why do we have official Starcraft and Diablo interviews and articles on this site? Seriously, give all non-mmo games a fair treatment (there are a lot of cool games not made by Blizzard you know?) or focus only on mmos.

    I'm digusted at this kind of behavior.

  • drake_hounddrake_hound Member Posts: 773

    Yes you are right it shouldn´t be here SC2 is not a MMORPG but !!!!!


    You are wrong too , we have a gaming forum too , and this is news discussion , its the same as nerd stuff .

    Same as reading comprehension , so they  sometimes get a premier on stuff , let them post it .

    Currently its a bit quiet , something to read is beter then nothing :)


    thats my 2 cents and you can rant away at me :)

  • MyPreciousssMyPreciousss Member Posts: 427

    Originally posted by drake_hound

    Yes you are right it shouldn´t be here SC2 is not a MMORPG but !!!!!


    You are wrong too , we have a gaming forum too , and this is news discussion , its the same as nerd stuff .

    Same as reading comprehension , so they  sometimes get a premier on stuff , let them post it .

    Currently its a bit quiet , something to read is beter then nothing :)


    thats my 2 cents and you can rant away at me :)


    Reading comprehension? Help yourself !

    Just check the News Discussion threads now and you'll see for 30 mmos on the first page you have one non MMO : Starcraft II.

    I don't care about Blizzard or whatever fanbois deem is good, I just wonder why this website is officially posting on Starcraft and Diablo and ignore the other non-mmo good games. It's called free advertisement and hype, or worse.

  • TimacekTimacek Member UncommonPosts: 183

    stop advertising blizzards single player games its becoming pathetic. realy

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