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Is this game a lot easier now?

Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

I am back and have been playing for little over a week and the game seems a lot easier now for some reason... 

And did you really have 8 people in your group this often, I seems to remember 6 in many places, but it was a few years ago I played last.

I really got confused when I met the dragon in "Unwaking waters", I remember it as hard but I just run over him with heroes and henchmens, you need to do the mission in 15 minutes for master and I did it in less than 8 1/2, and with a full group real players it would have gone faster.

I havn't run hardmode yet since I need to do things for HOM, is it easier too?


  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Heros have made it easy mode yes. There are still some challenging areas though.

  • SpellshaperSpellshaper Member UncommonPosts: 419

    Yes normal mode is much easier than it was before. If you want to play GW with friends I dont even bother to play on normal mode.

    Hard mode isnt much harder than "normal" mode before.

    Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    I thought so, it is too bad, the game used to be very challenging. It is still fun but it was even more so before.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    Being able to flag henchmen made it easier.  Getting heroes made it easier.  Getting PVE-only cheats (PVE-only skills, consumables, etc.) made it easier.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Originally posted by Quizzical

    Being able to flag henchmen made it easier.  Getting heroes made it easier.  Getting PVE-only cheats (PVE-only skills, consumables, etc.) made it easier.

    Yeah but all that is old stuff, Nightfall added most of it and consumables are even older than that.

    But it is far easier now than after Nightfall released. I think they have increased the number of players in many places. I am pretty sure 8 players were rare before.

  • JazqaJazqa Member Posts: 465

    Originally posted by Loke666

    Originally posted by Quizzical

    Being able to flag henchmen made it easier.  Getting heroes made it easier.  Getting PVE-only cheats (PVE-only skills, consumables, etc.) made it easier.

    Yeah but all that is old stuff, Nightfall added most of it and consumables are even older than that.

    But it is far easier now than after Nightfall released. I think they have increased the number of players in many places. I am pretty sure 8 players were rare before.

    Cantha (excluding the starting island) has always been for 8players and so has Elona (excluding the starting island).

    In Tyria Crystal Desert should be mostly for 6 players but southern Shiverpeaks and Fire Isles for 8players.


    So almost all 20+ content has always been for 8 players. (If I remember right.)

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Originally posted by Jazqa

    Cantha (excluding the starting island) has always been for 8players and so has Elona (excluding the starting island).

    In Tyria Crystal Desert should be mostly for 6 players but southern Shiverpeaks and Fire Isles for 8players.


    So almost all 20+ content has always been for 8 players. (If I remember right.)


    If that is true things have been made a lot easier, or I have become a lot better, but I kinda doubt the last, I been playing MMOs since Meridian.

    I thought everything up to Vabbi was for 6 persons, I guess my memory is slipping.

  • EvilGeekEvilGeek Member UncommonPosts: 1,258

    Originally posted by Loke666

    Originally posted by Jazqa
    Cantha (excluding the starting island) has always been for 8players and so has Elona (excluding the starting island).
    In Tyria Crystal Desert should be mostly for 6 players but southern Shiverpeaks and Fire Isles for 8players.
    So almost all 20+ content has always been for 8 players. (If I remember right.)
    If that is true things have been made a lot easier, or I have become a lot better, but I kinda doubt the last, I been playing MMOs since Meridian.
    I thought everything up to Vabbi was for 6 persons, I guess my memory is slipping.

    It is true the majority of the content is for 8 players, I returned recently myself and have to agree that the game does feel easier than it was, the new War in Kryta content is quite a challenge and there's very little chance of you finishing The Battle for Lion's Arch without the help of other players. Hard Mode is still quite hard I'm glad to report :)

    Things are going to get a lot easier once they bring in the patch that allows a full team of heroes.

  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Some of the dungeons can be challenging as well. So there are challenges out there. But most of the areas and missions are easier. As was said before, heros and pve skills have made most of the stuff a cakewalk.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    I can only compare with the stuff from when I was playing last time, and while I bought GWEN a nd played it a little I more or less quit 6 months before it released so War in Kryta and dungeons  are kind of after my time.

    As for Hard mode I did play it in the first campaign but havn't been back there yet.

    But from all stuff I seen so far is the game a lot easier not than 3-4 years ago. At least am I having fun again so things could be worse. :)

  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    Happy to hear you are enjoying the game. I play it in spurts. If you want some challenging content let me know here and I can recommend some areas to go to for it. Well anyone really who has played a lot could tell you where to go.

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