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Does Anyone Know of Any Famous People Who Play MMO's?



  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,123

    It's probably in here somewhere but Felicia Day used to play wow and I believe she plays a bit of LOTRO now.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Justley3Justley3 Member Posts: 48

    lol @ caring if *Famous* people play. Talking about people who have more issues then normal gamers trying to play video games is a laugh.


  • ComnitusComnitus Member Posts: 2,462

    Curt Schilling likes WoW (and MMOs in general, of course), but he's an athelete so he's probably not famous to people who don't watch Baseball/like the Red Sawkz.


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  • TheHatterTheHatter Member Posts: 2,547

    This thread is over 2yrs old.


    Just sayin. 

  • josef232josef232 Newbie CommonPosts: 2
    edited February 2024
    No i Dont Know how about Helena Rojo Does She Play It 
    Post edited by josef232 on
  • GermzypieGermzypie Member UncommonPosts: 184
    Zorlac said:

    Back in the day, I had always heard that Robin Williams was addicted to DAoC. I wouldnt doubt that he plays WoW now.

    Oh, and that would be awesome to play MMOs with Marty Friedman! I have a friend that said he has talked to him on the phone a few times. Apparently my friend's Japanese wife's sister was dating him at the time or something like that. I think he lives in Japan now (or at least did). Anyways...Megadeth has been one of my favorite bands since the late 80s. Too bad Marty is no longer in the band...

    What WAR server is he going to be on?  ;)

    Yes, Robin Williams played DAoC.  He was a very avid gamer, DAoC was just 1 of the titles in his collection.
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