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Simple. Stupid. Fun.

DirkzenDirkzen Member Posts: 144

After waiting patiently,  through all the drama of those 'key chain' threads,  and leading up to the 'BAWWWWWW-fest'  of a forum of players whining that they couldn't log into the game as soon as it opened their doors,   its finally here.

When it comes to new games,  i'm usually a bit of a pessimist,  especially when it comes to the somewhat larger companies who tend to mass-produce these sorts of games like flavorless candy.

But, Vindictus does has a flavor,  and it will leave you licking your lips and going back for just one more taste..

The key to this game is simplicity. 

Sail to this dungeon over here.  Smash and hack and murder everything you see.  Grab the loot.  Head home.

A plain, down to its roots dungeon crawler.   No cumbersome UI with a million buttons.  No running a million goddamn miles to deliver a letter to farmer Joe on the other side of the continent.    No NPCs trying to bull#$%# you and trying to make you feel special.   You're a mercenary.  You don't care.  You're just in this for the cash.

The controls have been stripped down to their bare essentials.    Click these 2 to attack.  This button dodges.  Move around with these.   A few hot keys for a few items you take to the dungeon with you.   ....and thats about it.  

Hooking up with other mercenaries is a breeze.  Walk up to a billboard on the docks.  Click.  Click.  Done.    Now you can smash everything with strangers by your side.  Loot is split individually, and XP is shared.  Even with a full group,  you still get a massive pile of useless trinkets to craft and collect and sell back home.

Are the graphics the best?   Nope.

Is the story deep and interesting?  Meh.

Is it better than  _________?   Probably not.

This game simply awnsers the call... nay.. that 'primal need'  in our minds to smash the hell out of things and take the cash,  whilst murdering monsters in the most brutal,  satisfying ways i've seen in a long time.


  • DaitenguDaitengu Member Posts: 442

    I wish I could play it, but the installer don't work for me. I tried everything and even 4 tickets to the GMs for new ideas to try. I think they ren out of ideas since they haven't responded to my 4th ticket yet.


    At any rate. I was amused by the people who hated it. Mainly because they had pretense of what the game would be like in their head.  The people angry at the bugs in beta were pretty funny too. it's beta lol. Wait a till it's fixed. Patience grasshopper.

  • SwaneaSwanea Member UncommonPosts: 2,401

    Some people don't play games to have fun.  They play games for work, for something that isn't hard, but just takes a lot of time.

    Some people play games that are different just to be different.

    Some people just don't play games that they heard from some random person on the world wide web that says this or that game is bad.


    People really need to start forming their own opinion on things.  Some games are tons of fun because they are so simple.

  • Justley3Justley3 Member Posts: 48

    Game is fun and polished thats for sure. But it lacks depth. Its either sitting in town looking at AH for items/components to craft or being in the instance using the same combo systles over and over again using the gear you made/bought.


    Its fun for the first few hours/day but after that nothing else to it sadly.  This game has alot of unforseen potential. A good way to look at it is this game is really polished but less content to FFXIV where they have ALOT of content but no polish and sloppy gameplay/controls.


    Vindictus can be a good game, but right now the game wont keep people long unless they add more to do other then the same ol 2 repeatable things.


  • reploidxreploidx Member UncommonPosts: 320

    I expected nothing but a dungeon crawler from this game. I was dissapointed earlier seeing that we had pre-made characters and you just customize them, slap a name on them an go off. The graphics are a nice touch for a f2p as well. But wow was i taken back when i played it. The OP is right, its simple to the point where you can jump in, do a few hours of game time, and leave feeling like you did something.

    I start playing this when i got home from work on wednesday at 10, didn't go to bed till 2 because i didn't know what time it was while i kicked gnolls into walls, sliced tentacles in half and smashed spiders. I had way to much fun. I'm going to be playing this game off an on when i need a quick game to play.

  • neuronomadneuronomad Member Posts: 1,276
    True, it is simple and fun and what I have been looking for. Of course it is one of those games that stratal the line by being called a MMO. I did spend about fifty in the cash shop, though on items like plat tokens and heal pots. I refuse to pay money for a temp hairstyle change. That being said I have put in about eight hours on the game and still love it.

    Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile

    Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by Dirkzen

    After waiting patiently,  through all the drama of those 'key chain' threads,  and leading up to the 'BAWWWWWW-fest'  of a forum of players whining that they couldn't log into the game as soon as it opened their doors,   its finally here.

    When it comes to new games,  i'm usually a bit of a pessimist,  especially when it comes to the somewhat larger companies who tend to mass-produce these sorts of games like flavorless candy.

    But, Vindictus does has a flavor,  and it will leave you licking your lips and going back for just one more taste..

    The key to this game is simplicity. 

    Sail to this dungeon over here.  Smash and hack and murder everything you see.  Grab the loot.  Head home.

    A plain, down to its roots dungeon crawler.   No cumbersome UI with a million buttons.  No running a million goddamn miles to deliver a letter to farmer Joe on the other side of the continent.    No NPCs trying to bull#$%# you and trying to make you feel special.   You're a mercenary.  You don't care.  You're just in this for the cash.

    The controls have been stripped down to their bare essentials.    Click these 2 to attack.  This button dodges.  Move around with these.   A few hot keys for a few items you take to the dungeon with you.   ....and thats about it.  

    Hooking up with other mercenaries is a breeze.  Walk up to a billboard on the docks.  Click.  Click.  Done.    Now you can smash everything with strangers by your side.  Loot is split individually, and XP is shared.  Even with a full group,  you still get a massive pile of useless trinkets to craft and collect and sell back home.

    Are the graphics the best?   Nope.

    Is the story deep and interesting?  Meh.

    Is it better than  _________?   Probably not.

    This game simply awnsers the call... nay.. that 'primal need'  in our minds to smash the hell out of things and take the cash,  whilst murdering monsters in the most brutal,  satisfying ways i've seen in a long time.


    I was bored of it in under 3 days.

    Probably for all the reasons you give here.

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Simple. Stupid. Fun. That pretty much describes this generation.

  • neuronomadneuronomad Member Posts: 1,276

    I am a GenXer myself and I like simple fun games from time to time.  I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile

    Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Neither do i, but i do find it funny

  • WickedjellyWickedjelly Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,990

    I can't get into it.   I don't hate it or anything.  Actually for a f2p game it doesn't seem too shabby really but it doesn't interest me at all.

    It just feels like a watered down version of DDO to me.

    1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.

    2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.

  • NovusodNovusod Member UncommonPosts: 912

    Some of the fights are actually quite an adrenaline rush. Trampled fields at level 30 is just insane action. 

  • BeerGnomeBeerGnome Member UncommonPosts: 10

    heh... couldn't have said it better myself... Simple.  Stupid.  Fun.

    Good to sit down and bash critters for an hour or so to let my mind wind down after a day of work.  If I want something with depth or story, I will go play Eve or Pirates of the Burning Sea.  If I want some simple arcade action, I will play Vindictus.


    Fun stuff here...

  • eviltunaeviltuna Member Posts: 12

    You guys just need to get to the 20s and do the harder instances, the bosses actually require you to try. Kinda reminds me of zelda and what not where you gotta see the bosses' attack patterns, avoid them and then spank him.

  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    Originally posted by Novusod

    Some of the fights are actually quite an adrenaline rush. Trampled fields at level 30 is just insane action. 


    Honestly, that on hard/macha has to be the hardest thing the game throws at you in it's current incarnation. Frigging nuts.

    I was in a group for it and it came down to every feather (party or not) getting used up, and one guy was left fighting the boss werewolf for 45 minutes and winning. It was insane, and even more so that I actually stuck around to watch it.

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
    Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture

  • OtakunOtakun Member UncommonPosts: 874

    Originally posted by GTwander

    Originally posted by Novusod

    Some of the fights are actually quite an adrenaline rush. Trampled fields at level 30 is just insane action. 


    Honestly, that on hard/macha has to be the hardest thing the game throws at you in it's current incarnation. Frigging nuts.

    I was in a group for it and it came down to every feather (party or not) getting used up, and one guy was left fighting the boss werewolf for 45 minutes and winning. It was insane, and even more so that I actually stuck around to watch it.

    I can't wait till they release the Blood Lord and see people whine and cry about him being too hard after complaining about the game being too easy.

  • MehveMehve Member Posts: 487

    Originally posted by Otakun

    Originally posted by GTwander

    Originally posted by Novusod

    Some of the fights are actually quite an adrenaline rush. Trampled fields at level 30 is just insane action. 


    Honestly, that on hard/macha has to be the hardest thing the game throws at you in it's current incarnation. Frigging nuts.

    I was in a group for it and it came down to every feather (party or not) getting used up, and one guy was left fighting the boss werewolf for 45 minutes and winning. It was insane, and even more so that I actually stuck around to watch it.

    I can't wait till they release the Blood Lord and see people whine and cry about him being too hard after complaining about the game being too easy.

    Actually, I'd say Trampled Fields is worse than Blood Lord, especially on Macha and Hard. Hell of a lot of fun, though. Those Werewolves move like there's only one bathroom after a jalapeno-eating contest. Makes me sympathize with the regular mobs that find themselves against a party of three or four players :)

    A Modest Proposal for MMORPGs:
    That the means of progression would not be mutually exclusive from the means of enjoyment.

  • briskojrbriskojr Member Posts: 64

    Caught me by surprise as well. it's a nice change of pace, vs hot-bar mashing (not sure I'll ever be able go back). Starts out simple, but ramps up over time to some incredibly fun boss fights.

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772

    Originally posted by Justley3

    Game is fun and polished thats for sure. But it lacks depth. Its either sitting in town looking at AH for items/components to craft or being in the instance using the same combo systles over and over again using the gear you made/bought.


    Its fun for the first few hours/day but after that nothing else to it sadly.  This game has alot of unforseen potential. A good way to look at it is this game is really polished but  less content to FFXIV where they have ALOT of content but no polish and sloppy gameplay/controls.


    Vindictus can be a good game, but right now the game wont keep people long unless they add more to do other then the same ol 2 repeatable things.

    The only way for a game to have less content than FFXIV would be for it to have negative content.  Maybe if you had to write quests before doing them in the game or something.

  • binary_0011binary_0011 Member Posts: 528

    the reason why i like this game is because i don't have to kill 10 mobs, return to npc, repeat.

    in vindictus, you simply have to meet objective , like :

    kill boss with object( yes, you can use object on the floor to throw or hit the mobs, which games allow you to do that??)

    kill boss with spear.

    loot 10 iron ores.

    run the instance with 2 member.

    find battleaxe.


    and the bosses are not stupid, they use tatic, you need to use some command sense and team work to take the bosses down.  there is 1 instance where 3 bosses attack you at the same time.


    great run.  good for those who don't want to spend 8 hrs a day to grind .  who still playing grinding games nowaday? i got into RIFT beta. man, it was so boring, kill 10, return, repeat,....developers need to be more innovative..

  • cdubbzcdubbz Member UncommonPosts: 74

    Originally posted by Dirkzen

    After waiting patiently,  through all the drama of those 'key chain' threads,  and leading up to the 'BAWWWWWW-fest'  of a forum of players whining that they couldn't log into the game as soon as it opened their doors,   its finally here.

    When it comes to new games,  i'm usually a bit of a pessimist,  especially when it comes to the somewhat larger companies who tend to mass-produce these sorts of games like flavorless candy.

    But, Vindictus does has a flavor,  and it will leave you licking your lips and going back for just one more taste..

    The key to this game is simplicity. 

    Sail to this dungeon over here.  Smash and hack and murder everything you see.  Grab the loot.  Head home.

    A plain, down to its roots dungeon crawler.   No cumbersome UI with a million buttons.  No running a million goddamn miles to deliver a letter to farmer Joe on the other side of the continent.    No NPCs trying to bull#$%# you and trying to make you feel special.   You're a mercenary.  You don't care.  You're just in this for the cash.

    The controls have been stripped down to their bare essentials.    Click these 2 to attack.  This button dodges.  Move around with these.   A few hot keys for a few items you take to the dungeon with you.   ....and thats about it.  

    Hooking up with other mercenaries is a breeze.  Walk up to a billboard on the docks.  Click.  Click.  Done.    Now you can smash everything with strangers by your side.  Loot is split individually, and XP is shared.  Even with a full group,  you still get a massive pile of useless trinkets to craft and collect and sell back home.

    Are the graphics the best?   Nope.

    Is the story deep and interesting?  Meh.

    Is it better than  _________?   Probably not.

    This game simply awnsers the call... nay.. that 'primal need'  in our minds to smash the hell out of things and take the cash,  whilst murdering monsters in the most brutal,  satisfying ways i've seen in a long time.


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