Instead of trying to hump another brand name i'd just make a new world pvp, deeply involved crafting and resource system, complex social and territory system that allows guilds to control areas of land and forge alliances with other guilds for defence or conquest of other guild/alliance territory, onus on playing and exploring instead of levelling and a skill based system.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Traveller 2300 would make a nice scify MMO. Would need a lot of work though on both the space side and the ground side of the game. Be nice to have my Storm Karbiner 19 again with Alien's pulse rifle sound. lol.
Originally posted by Jazqa Norse mythology. Vikings and shit, ya know?
Excellent idea. Plenty of warfare during that period to allow for PvP and PvE. That would be epic...implement long boats like other games have implemented naval features (vanguard etc)
Basically I would create an old school EQ (before POP) but with new improvements.
Classes that have travel spells like old school EQ Druids/Wizards. No instant travel stones/boards/warp gates etc. like in todays MMO's
No instances with the exception of PVP battle grounds (more on that later).
Mobs that don't just warp back after you lose their attention.
Dungeons like in old school EQ
Diversity of Classes balanced off of PVE
Risk VS Reward
Large item database where not everyone looks the same
No auction house. Let the players decide on how/where they want to sell their wares.
No Horses/Cars/Carpets. Only Spells to increase travel speed (SOW Etc.) or classes that have group spells
Pride taken in zone creation. Like in Halas in old school EQ where you had the Ice Giants and as a noob you would sit there amazed watching some hign level solo them. Then every now and then they would get trained to the noob zone killing everyone in their path. I can't even tell you how awe inspiring that was back then.
Corpus Runs - When you die you don't just appear with your gear back at your bind spot. You have to run back like in EQ and get your gear, ask for help getting it, find a class that can summon your corpse. Gives you a good reason NOT to die.
Some improvements that I would make to it would be:
Battlegrounds/Arena/PVP - These would be the only instances. What would happen is you would zone in and then have to pick a role for your toon. If talents and such are in the game then you could set these up for each build and save them. Pick the build you want and you get all new gear dedicated for PVP. This would take place in an Instanced staging area. Once you decide on a build you simply choose the PVP you want to do. Your spells would also change from being balanced for PVP vice PVE. As you progress via reward points or other method, you could buy/get upgraded PVP gear but it can only be utilized in the PVP instances. When you leave the instance your PVE gear is returned and your talents reset to what they were when you zoned in (This is how WOW should have done it).
Quests - More quests that what EQ had.
Random Drops - Random drops based on mob level but random and not pharmable on one specific mob.
Mini Bosses - Have them randomly spawn in dungeons etc. This will allow you to hunt a zone looking for specific drops but not know when/if you will get it when they spawn.
Give each class a reason to be in a group. There will always be the Holy Grail but you can make it where the other classes give you a reason to bring them. This will take some thought but it can be done.
Classes that do their job and just their job. Like in old school EQ where Warriors were just that and didn't solo well. Shamans on the other hand soloed very well. But like in EQ EVERY Group needs a Tank so Warriors never needed a group. However not every group needed a Shaman but the Shaman could solo if needed.
There is a lot more I would do. The goal of my game would be to build a STRONG community unlike what you see in MMO's today. Let the players run their own economy. Let them sell buffs etc on people not in their group. Make death vs reward mean something and the gear you got you EARNED and was not handed to you for nothing.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Oh...what about a Darkfall-esqe game set in Feudal Japan! You already have tons of history to draw on, stories and period equipment. All the classes are there Archers, sword/spearmen, mounted combat, ninja stealth types...except I would use a skill based system. You could have Ryo money but the game would revolve around Honor Points. Territory control and Shogun! If I remember right like 50% of the population were members of the Samurai caste at one point so that would be a great environment for PvP and clans. Best of one ownes the IP!
If someone offered me 50 million dollars to create a MMORPG, what would I make? I would make dinner reservations, I would make various trips around the country, I would hang out at all the conventions, I would hang out with the game development crowd, and eventually I would make excuses for why the game failed to launch while going back to my day job...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
i would give the 50 million to arenanet for Guild Wars 2 and take out the ingame store and get more developer to help u build the game and make it even better
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
easy, Battle Tech. and attempt to do it like Eve where you have one server so you could have massive mech fights. for planets or parts of planets.
And some type of twitch control skill system hybrid.
Best actual money maker in the thread, battle tech still has a huge following, people love bashing each other with hi-tech giant robots with guns. It would fit in the mmofps like planetside was but 10x better in the right hands. Yup definitly the winner in this thread.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I've said it before in other threads here that have the same subject matter but different wordings in the titles. A Blade Runner online universe would be my ideal MMO but unfortunately i don't trust a single development company to do it right, nor do i have the skills necessary to do it myself.
I would make a MMO resembling Chrono Trigger and maybe a bit of Chrono Cross. Don't know how to pull it of but it would be nothing less than awesome if thought out right.
A VR system where you can dream up your perfect MMORPG world and other players that have about the same idea can join into that virtual world. The system creates a realistic looking world or creates a stylistic one by taking your unsaid personal preferences. Or you can form a group with friends and it creates a game based on your combined preferences. The immersion level will be so extraordinary there will be laws in place to drasticly limit your use of it.
Oh, woops thats going to take closer to 50 billion or more...
IP influences: Horizons (the original unreleased vision), Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, Civilzation/Alpha Centauri, Fallout.
Multiple factions (5-8) based on Race/Species, including both fantasy and sci-fi species such as insectoids (Zerg). Some species would be inherently evil, and others inherently good, and the rest would be neutral or mercenary. Neutral and mercenary factions could choose to ally with certain factions for payment of currency, territory, resources and/or supplies. Each species would have unique feats and bonuses/weaknesses.
Open World PvP with territorial dispute for resources.
Rank based, rather class-based. An example would be ranking up to archer from infantry for a human species. You could then choose to play infantry or archer depending on the rest of your army. Each species would have unique units and ways to rank up. Insectoids could morph. Dragons age, etc so each rank would have unique abilities as well. Some could fly or burrow, possibly.
Stats would be similar to Fallout 3's S.P.E.C.I.A.L with perks based on species.
Default UI would be similar to Fallout 3 but every species could have its own unique UI. Mods could be allowed sparingly.
One server woudl be ideal, but there could be separate server types with different options such as randomly generated terrain restarts if/when one faction "wins" the map or other conditions are met.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
classic american muscle cars, parts, decals. Building, improving, tuning, repairing your car, alot of different races. A decent social aspect to the game.
Past: EQ,EQ2,SWG,MXO,Vanguard,PotBS,PS,CoX,GW,RG:TR,L2,Aion,AA,LotRo,DDO,EVE,WoW,CO,STO,P1999,FE,MCO,TDU,RIFT(beta),Perpetuum. Present: ... Future: TDU2,TOR,GW2. Wishlist: Motor City Online Remake.
Instead of trying to hump another brand name i'd just make a new world pvp, deeply involved crafting and resource system, complex social and territory system that allows guilds to control areas of land and forge alliances with other guilds for defence or conquest of other guild/alliance territory, onus on playing and exploring instead of levelling and a skill based system.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Dune agreed.So shocked no one picked this as a sci fi mmorpg.Bit of adjustment here and there needed but otherwise a perfect mmorpg setting.
Only problem is no one will want to play house harkonnen
I would make a game with the following:
EQ1's lore, classes, zones, and AA design.
DAOC's RvR, ranging from castle siege to realm points & abilities, to relics that affect game world, to DAOC style persistent battlegrounds.
WoW's fluidity in character movement & controls, and easy to utilize & understand UI interface. Also cross-server LFG system.
AC1's fps-style gameplay, realtime projectiles that you can dodge and avoid.
Traveller 2300 would make a nice scify MMO. Would need a lot of work though on both the space side and the ground side of the game. Be nice to have my Storm Karbiner 19 again with Alien's pulse rifle sound. lol.
Norse mythology. Vikings and shit, ya know?
1) A quick withdrawal from their bank account and hasty getaway.
2) I'd put the whole dev team through advanced physics programs in college and then commit them to inventing a fully functioning holodeck.
Basically I would create an old school EQ (before POP) but with new improvements.
Classes that have travel spells like old school EQ Druids/Wizards. No instant travel stones/boards/warp gates etc. like in todays MMO's
No instances with the exception of PVP battle grounds (more on that later).
Mobs that don't just warp back after you lose their attention.
Dungeons like in old school EQ
Diversity of Classes balanced off of PVE
Risk VS Reward
Large item database where not everyone looks the same
No auction house. Let the players decide on how/where they want to sell their wares.
No Horses/Cars/Carpets. Only Spells to increase travel speed (SOW Etc.) or classes that have group spells
Pride taken in zone creation. Like in Halas in old school EQ where you had the Ice Giants and as a noob you would sit there amazed watching some hign level solo them. Then every now and then they would get trained to the noob zone killing everyone in their path. I can't even tell you how awe inspiring that was back then.
Corpus Runs - When you die you don't just appear with your gear back at your bind spot. You have to run back like in EQ and get your gear, ask for help getting it, find a class that can summon your corpse. Gives you a good reason NOT to die.
Some improvements that I would make to it would be:
Battlegrounds/Arena/PVP - These would be the only instances. What would happen is you would zone in and then have to pick a role for your toon. If talents and such are in the game then you could set these up for each build and save them. Pick the build you want and you get all new gear dedicated for PVP. This would take place in an Instanced staging area. Once you decide on a build you simply choose the PVP you want to do. Your spells would also change from being balanced for PVP vice PVE. As you progress via reward points or other method, you could buy/get upgraded PVP gear but it can only be utilized in the PVP instances. When you leave the instance your PVE gear is returned and your talents reset to what they were when you zoned in (This is how WOW should have done it).
Quests - More quests that what EQ had.
Random Drops - Random drops based on mob level but random and not pharmable on one specific mob.
Mini Bosses - Have them randomly spawn in dungeons etc. This will allow you to hunt a zone looking for specific drops but not know when/if you will get it when they spawn.
Give each class a reason to be in a group. There will always be the Holy Grail but you can make it where the other classes give you a reason to bring them. This will take some thought but it can be done.
Classes that do their job and just their job. Like in old school EQ where Warriors were just that and didn't solo well. Shamans on the other hand soloed very well. But like in EQ EVERY Group needs a Tank so Warriors never needed a group. However not every group needed a Shaman but the Shaman could solo if needed.
There is a lot more I would do. The goal of my game would be to build a STRONG community unlike what you see in MMO's today. Let the players run their own economy. Let them sell buffs etc on people not in their group. Make death vs reward mean something and the gear you got you EARNED and was not handed to you for nothing.
forget Dune.
Do this.
And actually, my lineage goes (on my dad's side) back to the Norse. So, I have some (just a little) Norse in me.
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!

My game channel on Youtube!
I see that you're going for a Twilight or Harry Potter MMO.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Twilight MMO would be a good way to pick up the ladies
Think of all the females 
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!

My game channel on Youtube!
CCP kinda beat you to it.
Oh...what about a Darkfall-esqe game set in Feudal Japan! You already have tons of history to draw on, stories and period equipment. All the classes are there Archers, sword/spearmen, mounted combat, ninja stealth types...except I would use a skill based system. You could have Ryo money but the game would revolve around Honor Points. Territory control and Shogun! If I remember right like 50% of the population were members of the Samurai caste at one point so that would be a great environment for PvP and clans. Best of one ownes the IP!
If someone offered me 50 million dollars to create a MMORPG, what would I make? I would make dinner reservations, I would make various trips around the country, I would hang out at all the conventions, I would hang out with the game development crowd, and eventually I would make excuses for why the game failed to launch while going back to my day job...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
something WORTH 20 bucks a month. first 45 days free.
notheing like whats out today, it would be a game with a sence of adventure.
and i could probably do it with just half that amount
Same here.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Bravo! I'd buy that for a dollar!
i would give the 50 million to arenanet for Guild Wars 2 and take out the ingame store and get more developer to help u build the game and make it even better
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
Best actual money maker in the thread, battle tech still has a huge following, people love bashing each other with hi-tech giant robots with guns. It would fit in the mmofps like planetside was but 10x better in the right hands. Yup definitly the winner in this thread.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Blade Runner Online. Without a doubt
I've said it before in other threads here that have the same subject matter but different wordings in the titles. A Blade Runner online universe would be my ideal MMO but unfortunately i don't trust a single development company to do it right, nor do i have the skills necessary to do it myself.
I can but dream.
I would make a MMO resembling Chrono Trigger and maybe a bit of Chrono Cross. Don't know how to pull it of but it would be nothing less than awesome if thought out right.
A VR system where you can dream up your perfect MMORPG world and other players that have about the same idea can join into that virtual world. The system creates a realistic looking world or creates a stylistic one by taking your unsaid personal preferences. Or you can form a group with friends and it creates a game based on your combined preferences. The immersion level will be so extraordinary there will be laws in place to drasticly limit your use of it.
Oh, woops thats going to take closer to 50 billion or more...
IP influences: Horizons (the original unreleased vision), Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, Civilzation/Alpha Centauri, Fallout.
Multiple factions (5-8) based on Race/Species, including both fantasy and sci-fi species such as insectoids (Zerg). Some species would be inherently evil, and others inherently good, and the rest would be neutral or mercenary. Neutral and mercenary factions could choose to ally with certain factions for payment of currency, territory, resources and/or supplies. Each species would have unique feats and bonuses/weaknesses.
Open World PvP with territorial dispute for resources.
Rank based, rather class-based. An example would be ranking up to archer from infantry for a human species. You could then choose to play infantry or archer depending on the rest of your army. Each species would have unique units and ways to rank up. Insectoids could morph. Dragons age, etc so each rank would have unique abilities as well. Some could fly or burrow, possibly.
Stats would be similar to Fallout 3's S.P.E.C.I.A.L with perks based on species.
Default UI would be similar to Fallout 3 but every species could have its own unique UI. Mods could be allowed sparingly.
One server woudl be ideal, but there could be separate server types with different options such as randomly generated terrain restarts if/when one faction "wins" the map or other conditions are met.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Like my sig says, Motor City Online.
classic american muscle cars, parts, decals. Building, improving, tuning, repairing your car, alot of different races. A decent social aspect to the game.
Past: EQ,EQ2,SWG,MXO,Vanguard,PotBS,PS,CoX,GW,RG:TR,L2,Aion,AA,LotRo,DDO,EVE,WoW,CO,STO,P1999,FE,MCO,TDU,RIFT(beta),Perpetuum.
Present: ...
Future: TDU2,TOR,GW2.
Wishlist: Motor City Online Remake.