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And do you recommend them:
Mass Effect 2.....Bought....My favorite game of yr. Worth the cost IMO
FF 13....Bought(came with my 360 bundle). Found it boring....would not instead
DA:Awakening....Bought. Now part of DA GOTY bundle. Definite buy.
Darkstar One....Bought. Space battle sim....havent played thru. No advice.
Read Dead Redemption....Bought. Excellent reviews...just dont get into it, but tons of folks do. Worth a try. Has multiplayer.
Alan Wake....Bought. I keep getting creeped out and log out. Supposed to be great story. Worth checking out. Rent/buy
Iron Man 2.....Bought. Thinking the first one was better, although havent got past first couple lvls. Rental IMO.
MagnaCarta 2....My kid bought. Decent play thru. Suggest renting instead of buying.
Harry Potter Lego....other kids game. She seemed to enjoy it, although it got middle reviews. Would think a rental game.
Dante's Inferno....Bought. Decent platform game, but would suggest rental
Alpha Protocol....bought. Another shallow obsidion game IMO. Would suggest renting.
Mafia 2.....actually a pretty good game despite review. Rent/buy, but is worthwhile IMO
Spiderman Diminsions....just started. Seems like more of a rental title. Seems like a decent game though.
Singularity.....Sci fi shooter. I am liking it....probably half way thru. Has multi player, so probably worth buying. Worth a rental for sure.
Anyways what I can think of off top of my head. Thought us folks playing things other than MMOs might share opinions of games this yr. OK tired....time to call it a night.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
M afia 2 worth the buygreat controls, awesome story, one of the best mafia games on the market hands down I have played them all..
I bought it, also they been adding many DLC's already, only bad point no multi player or co op.
Hawx2 One of the best fighter games on the market as well, I just bought it, muti player is so so, but story and co op are great...
Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders,Dante's Inferno, Final fantasy XIII, Alan Wake, Bad Company 2, Starcraft 2, Limbo, Castlevania HD, Halo: Reach, Red Dead Redemption, Deathsmiles, Super Street Fighter IV, Heavy Rain, God of War III, Risen (360 NA version), Divinity 2, Civ 5... I can't remember the rest off the top of my head sorry, I'm also not counting the older games I bought on sale this year. I would recommend every single one lol!!!!
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I don't think I've actually bought a game in a long time... something like 2 years maybe. The only thing that looks like it might earn my money is Minecraft in the near future but that's about it. All the other games you listed are for consoles and I didn't bother with the latest generation of them. I did play a few of the games you guys have been tossing about but nothing really tickled my fancy.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Only game I've bought this year is Civ 5 and I love it. I usually get a few games for Christmas though, so we'll see what's out by then.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
The List is long but here goes:
For the XBOX 360:
Red Dead Redemption: Best console game I have played this year for sure. I love westerns and this one is outstanding. Great single player game and, to me, really fun multiplayer. There is a zombie DLC coming too. Can you say DeadlandsJ
Alan Wake: This was on the rails for sure but it is a very, very good game. Scary, good story line, open for more to come. Visuals were good too.
Bayonetta: I got it used. I am glad I did. It is an OK game but was too weird to me. I would not recommend it but I know others liked it.
Dante’s Inferno: I enjoyed this game. Great concept, good story line, but it was a little too short and you could have spent more time in each level of Hell. Worthy of a purchase, especially if you get it used.
Lego Harry Potter: Really good game and my kids love these titles. The only one that was not worth it was the 2nd Indiana Jones one.
Darksiders: Love this game. Lots of fun and a great concept with awesome characters. This game is long too!!!
Alpha Protocol: I liked it better than some. Played through it more than once too as the story changed based on your actions. The end seemed the same regardless. Get is used or rent it and you will enjoy it well enough.
PC Games:
Assassin’s Creed 2: Great game and better than the first. Still playing it because there is so much to do.
Civ 5: What can you say. It is a classic and very enjoyable.
Mafia 2: One of the best narrative type open world(ish) games I have played. The voice acting was top notch, it looked great, the controls and mechanics were awesome (Though I had trouble driving and got chased a lot after numerous hit and run incidents). Highly recommend it.
Elemental: War of Magic: Potentially outstanding game but needs a few more patches. Getting better with each one. The graphic style is unique but I like it and the gameplay and concepts are awesome. Needs lots of balancing and tweaking though. It 4X game like Civ. Did a big write up on my blog at if you are interested.
ME2 (Plus DLC): I love Bioware! Nuff said.
Dragon Age: Origins & Awakening Plus DLC: Again, I love Bioware. Some of the DLC was NOT worth it but the game itself and the expansion were great. Looking forward to DA2.
Left 4 Dead 2: I think I got it this year. Good Game and fun to play. The characters from L4d are more memorable though.
Not a good year for MMOs in my book.
I bought Champions Online and the last LOTRO expansion and that is about it for new MMO purchases. Got some game time for Wizard 101 for my kid and played some as well. I don’t like most of the so called FTP games but do like Vindictus. Not so much an MMO but a fun Lobby style Co-op game.
Was going to get the new FF MMO but after playing open beta decided against it. DCUO is coming soon and there are some single player games on my radar.
There were some more but those are the big highlights.
Is Mass Effect 2 worth getting if you never played Mass Effect 1? Some reviews I read say you will be missing out if you do that.
There Is Always Hope!
What have I bought this year? not too much, I'm still unemployed....
However, my wife and I bought copies of Torchlight, Fate, and several Nintendo DS games: Marvel superhero Squad (yeah, i know, but its fun!), Playmobil Knights, (don't start, it was a gift), the first Professor Layton Game also
For the Wii, we bought, Final Fantasy Crystal Shard (?) (i think that's what it is) one of the ubiquitous bowling games for the Wii (hush, those are fun and one of those Wii story games involving the Titanic...
Purchased Mass Effect 2.
Purchased Dragon Age/DA: Awakening and some other content
Purchased Torchlight.
For me torchlight is the kind of game that one plays for small bits as I find the game play a bit repetitive. Still fun.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Tekken 6 (PS3)
--Was really looking forward to this game as I loved Tekken 5. Overall, I was disappointed as the final boss was SNK levels of cheap, the main focus of the game was in the awful Tekken Force mode (whatever they call it in T6), and the endings all pretty much sucked worse than those in Tekken Tag Tournament.
Saints Row 2 (PS3)
--Amazing sandbox style GTA clone that I think is actually more fun than GTA4. To me, the game feels more like a spirtual successor to the PS2 GTA titles than even Rockstar's newest GTA game does.
Red Dead Redemption (PS3)
--GTA IV in the old west. Riding around on a horse was fun. Literally impossible to break the law or cause any mayhem. Menu style didn't match the setting. Got bored with it.
NCAA Football 2011 (PS3)
--Madden with a faster pace. Huge college football fan.
Dragon Age (PC)
--Benchmark game for my PC. Great game, but I still can't make myself complete that stupid fade sequence.
Mass Effect 2 (PC)
--Another benchmark game. Jaw-dropping graphics and great story.
Mass Effect 1 (PC)
--Disappointing graphics compared to the second game. Worse in every other respect minus the storyline.
Crysis (PC)
--Not all that impressive graphically. Just a benchmark tool. Gameplay-wise, there are a far better FPS titles out there with far less demanding system requirements.
Age of Conan (PC)
--Great graphics. Fairly unique themepark MMORPG with some really fun and original class design. Currently what I'm playing now.
Final Fantasy XIV (PC)
--Performs decently on my rig in open areas, but the framerate is terrible in cities or areas with a lot of players. Game is potentially pretty good, but I believe several bad design decisions are going to destroy its chance for success in NA.
No. I would strongly advise you NOT to play ME2 if you haven't played ME1. Buy both and play them. I had so much fun with these two games. I think ME1 is only 3 pounds on amazon so it is ridiculously cheap.
I've bought the following:
Mass Effect 2 - all I can say is amazing game
Starcraft 2 - same as above
Team Fortress 2 - I finally decided to buy it
Good game
Age of Conan - it was only 1 pound! Although I deleted it after 10-14 days.
Assassin's Creed 2 - Cool stuff! Loved the first one, loved this one.
Civilization V - haven't had time to play it much
Sims 3 + all the xpacs
Borderlands - it was ok I guess
Halo: Reach
Fifa 2011
WoW Cataclysm
Unreal 3 Black
Dragon Age Origins Awakening
Left 4 Dead 1 + 2
Mafia 2
Some other stuff but I don't really remeber all of them. I usually get a lot of games which I don't play just because when I go to HMV there are like 50 games which are ridiculously cheap so end up shopping as if I were in the supermarket :P
I agree, play ME1 first before playing ME2. Much better experience that way. Great games both.
Really sad i have been buying older games,like might n Magic from GOG and Unreal series and Half life seiries off of Steam.This doesn't say much for the newer games.
Tera i think will be a free download,not sure,it is possible i might buy it,GW2 will be f2p but i just can't see myself buying the game on a whim,i will need to try it first as i was not impressed with GW1.
I don't think anything else that catches my eye will be out this year,as i will not support the COD series since they don't care about cheating,i don't care about supporting them..
Last game on the hit list is SWTOR but i doubt it has a release for this year,so looks like all my spending was on older games,the newer devs need to step it up a bit.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
Age of Conan
Everquest 2
Wrath of the Lich King
Mount & Blade Warband
Company of Heroes
Killing Floor
Rainbow Six Vegas & Vegas 2
Global Agenda
Grand Theft Auto IV
Overlord I & II
don't know if I mentioned everything. Doubt I paid more than 10€ for any of those games (except lich king and GA maybe)