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First off let me say that i am not in the Beta nor is anyone i know, and the links i will provide as rationale for my speculation are public links.
Two little nuggets from the internet make me speculate that SW:TOR will have an in game cash shop.
First off there is this link that pays heavy emphasis on "points" specifically lines H through K so it seems testing of the "points" system is important to Bioware and EA.
the second was the recent announcement of a Java based transaction system in game:
i hope there is a cash shop! Im going to play this game so damn hard my computer is going to melt!!!
"...the entire back-end ecommerce suite for the game is 100 percent Java..."
Whoa! That doesn't sound like good news to those of us who prefer level playing field subscription games.
I actually like java myself. so i don't see a problem with a game being one hundred percent java.
Anyhow i'm not worried until i see what the cash shop includes. Mot of what Eq2 was just fluff items anyhow and i'm sure star wars fans will love their fluff items to make themselves even more jedi looking then before.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I am the only idiot here that is willing to wait and play the game at release? Then after having done so, I will make a decision... Wow, how odd is that?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I'm in the same boat.
I'll play it. If I like it I'll continue. If not I'll do something else.
all pretty spooky if you ask me.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
This is some major jumping to conclusions. Even if there is a cash shop, it may well be full of fluff items and not sell any items to make the game unbalanced, lots of MMOs have cash shops like that.
I have more to worry about than whether this game has a cash shop...especially when someone reads into...
Just play and THEN make a choice, for f**ks sake...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I Don't know about the second part, but the first part, every single MMO out has something very very similar in their ToS.
Do I expect MTs? Yup. Do I expect fluff and such? Yup.
Do I expect Lightsaber +2 and jedi Armor of the sith +1. Nope. They aren't THAT dumb.
HAHAHA omg.........äääääähmmmmmmm, ok no news, so make some up?
Or did you honsetly misunderstand, because english is not your native language (as it isnt mine
Are you referring to: "Moore also explained that the entire back-end ecommerce suite for the game is 100 percent Java." ??
If YES, than know, that this statement ESPECIALLY in this context has NOTHING, not even the slightest indicator in it, that might point towards an cash shop (not saying there wont be one
They are talking about oracle databases and bakend authentification stuff, as well as E-Commerce, like being able to log on to something and enter creditcard information, managing billing stuff and so on.
Best Regards
It probably will. This is the way of MMORPG future like it or not. Personally i'm just fine with cash shops but I know so, so many are not, but all I can say is if you don't like it you better get used to it.
Thats exactly the way I see it. However we can all discuss the game.
Well, isn't that a little like saying: 'Hmm, I won't judge a film by chatroom comments, fan discussiona or newspaper previews, I'll just go and trust the studio advertising'?
Nope. Its saying I won`t judge a film by chatroom comments , fan discussions or newspaper previews , I`ll just go and WATCH IT MYSELF ... then judge !
Actually that isnt a great correlation since those who are allowed to preview the game as it stands now arent allowed to discuss it but your core point is valid. We need to base our decisions on what information we have in hand and it is best not to only trust those who monetarily benefit from your consumption of their product.
Having said that my post is not an opinion about in game shops or the game itself, i am actually looking forward to the game.
The post was strictly about what i felt was enough proof to allow me to speculate that there will be an ingame cash shop. Personally i am against in game cash shops but i think Bioware is smart enough not to make it an imbalancing factor in the game and i will personally just ignore it. What i am more afraid of is a tight integration with the game client blurring the line between the shop and an ingame client purchase initiated by playtime actions.
It would actually be more like saying: "Hmm, I won't judge a film by fan discussions by people who haven't even seen the movie yet, I'll just go and decide for myself if I liked the movie"
Personally, I'd have the approach "I read the comments about the film by people who haven't seen it with amusement, but start making up my mind more concretely when objective previews by reporters who've actually seen the movie start to come in".
I agree. Most MMORPG's have some cash shop these days, we will have to see after launch how it's given shape for SW:TOR.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
1) This post was not meant to incite anger in the community just to point out correlation among factual information to make an educated guess about an ingame feature. I cannot provide a detail explanation of the extent in which i think the shop will extend (i assume you mean item types available in the shop) because i have seen no information out there to support any opinion on this. I dont understand why a simple pointing out of information leads people to believe in nefarious motives. If you want to speculate on motives do your research and look into my prior posts on TOR you will see i am optomistic and eager about the project.
2) For the most part i agree with the remainder of your post, i will be preordering this and cant wait to get my hands on it myself no matter what the cash shop is like. As i play it the extent of the cash shop's effect on gameplay will be only 1 of many factors in deciding how long i will subscribe.
I wouldn't mind being able to buy non-stat items or just pretty things like WoW does, but if you can purchase an advantage over another player than that's just going the Korean styled cash shop way which has proven to not work in the Euro/NA market.
And even if they are it isn't important with the RMT Lightsabre +2 and Jedi Armor +1 unless SWTOR is very PvP centric.
All those memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
If swtor has cash shop i will make it my lifes work to dos the fuck out of their servers so the game is unplayable.
Of course this game will have a cash shop...
lol have any of you actually been following Bioware at all since they became EA's little cash cow?
Very naive to even doubt it considering.
I agree - buit I wonder to what extent:
- Subscription with some fluff items?
- Free but with so many things dependent on the cash shop[ that you end up paying the equivalent of more than a monthly sub?
*Looks into Crystal Ball*
SW:TOR will have in it's ingame shop :
Tickets for the Superbowl
Real life Lightsaber
Purchasable Manual : How to recognise a sister and not make out accidentally
Access to indestructable ingame Yoda character
A Bowl of Cornflakes
Why? worse case is that you get to remake your character, cosmetic clothing, and a lil' Reven
I don't care about innovation I care about fun.