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Incarna officially announced for Summer'11

MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

I guess this means I should hold my my end of the deal and start eating my hat :p

Give me liberty or give me lasers


  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    So that's what a nerdgazm feels like...


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Funny how that read as so blah.  In house they've been running it, but it is not really special enough to have been released at any point...


    ...sums up how many feel about it.

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    Originally posted by VirusDancer

    Funny how that read as so blah.  In house they've been running it, but it is not really special enough to have been released at any point...


    ...sums up how many feel about it.

    Stop down playing this man... You know you got a mental hard on reading that just like every other Eve fiend on this forum.

    It's ok you can admit it.


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    This expansion has been 5 years in the making and it has 70 god damb devs. That's a bigger project than many entire games. Cryptic could make two crappy MMOs with those resources.

    It had better be fucking awesome. Or at the very least, as good (and big) as two crappy Cryptic MMOs.

    If all we get for 200+ dev-years is a fancy new character creator and a space-pub with space-pub games, while there's still a bug/issue/feature backlog a mile long, there will be hell to pay.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    Originally posted by Malcanis

    This expansion has been 5 years in the making and it has 70 god damb devs. That's a bigger project than many entire games. Cryptic could make two crappy MMOs with those resources.

    It had better be fucking awesome. Or at the very least, as good (and big) as two crappy Cryptic MMOs.

    If all we get for 200+ dev-years is a fancy new character creator and a space-pub with space-pub games, while there's still a bug/issue/feature backlog a mile long, there will be hell to pay.

    Let history be a lesson.

    Whats happened whenever something gets overhyped in this genre?

    We know how CCP does things. It will be small at release and grow in stages.

    Lets just hope they don't forget about it shortly after release...


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    With the amount of resources it's used, I cant see why it should need to be "small" at release. That's my point. I'm all in favour of "release it when it's ready", but with the huge amount of other things that those resources could have been used for, it had better be ready.

    That said, finally! I am kind of excited about seeing what this is going to be. This is CCP's chance to make a step change from being Just Another MMO Company to something on the next level. That level of ambition is what makes us forgive their erm... unusual way of doing things. EVE does often disappoint, but the things that we're disappointed in are glorious.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Wow! I honestly didn't think Incarna would be coming out any time soon. It will be interesting to see what exactly the first additions will be and where they go from there.

    EVE... it's the MMO I can't stick with very long, but always keep me interested in its development and politics.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • MaGicBushMaGicBush Member UncommonPosts: 689

    Awesome, recently resubbed for a few month's. I tend to sub a few months and get burnt out and quit a few months lol, now it looks like I will stay subbed till summer next year.


    -Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.

  • dhayes68dhayes68 Member UncommonPosts: 1,388

    Originally posted by Malcanis

    This expansion has been 5 years in the making and it has 70 god damb devs. That's a bigger project than many entire games. Cryptic could make two crappy MMOs with those resources.

    It had better be fucking awesome. Or at the very least, as good (and big) as two crappy Cryptic MMOs.

    If all we get for 200+ dev-years is a fancy new character creator and a space-pub with space-pub games, while there's still a bug/issue/feature backlog a mile long, there will be hell to pay.


    mod edit:


    • Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the forums.

      For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.
  • er99er99 Member CommonPosts: 101

    Originally posted by MaGicBush

    Awesome, recently resubbed for a few month's. I tend to sub a few months and get burnt out and quit a few months lol, now it looks like I will stay subbed till summer next year.

     yeah same here. i always thought to myself that EVE could be the greatest MMO ever made to date if they added avatars that could interact with the physical world appart from space. it seems from reading what i have about incarna....that incarna is the first step in that direction. it is really exciting to think of the possibilities. i do worry though that alot of people are missing that point and expect incarna to be some "epic" expansion to the game to give them another year or so of stuff to do. i dont think incarna is going to be as big and overwhelming as alot of people seem to think but rather a small , significant first step to something big.

  • JDGalisJDGalis Member UncommonPosts: 143

    i do worry though that alot of people are missing that point and expect incarna to be some "epic" expansion to the game to give them another year or so of stuff to do. i dont think incarna is going to be as big and overwhelming as alot of people seem to think but rather a small , significant first step to something big.

    Tha what its gonna be lol....."OMG EVE ONLNE  I FINALLY HAVE LEGS NOW! KEWL!"




    ...sigh  i'm already thinking of what the forums is gonna be with the new people that like legs..


    Introducing the best signature ever!

    [signature] Best Signature [/signature]

  • WickershamWickersham Member UncommonPosts: 2,379

    A casino would be nice with some high stakes gambling.  image

    "The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"

  • NeerDoWellNeerDoWell Member Posts: 184

    I'm hoping for an apartment in a station where I can store all those frozen corpses image

    “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1000 MPG” - Bill Gates

  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Originally posted by NeerDoWell

    I'm hoping for an apartment in a station where I can store all those frozen corpses image

    You can store them elsewhere.  We all know why you want the apartment...the bedroom...the bed...for those corpses!

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Originally posted by VirusDancer

    Funny how that read as so blah.  In house they've been running it, but it is not really special enough to have been released at any point...


    ...sums up how many feel about it.

    Stop down playing this man... You know you got a mental hard on reading that just like every other Eve fiend on this forum.

    It's ok you can admit it.

    I've never been for ambulation in EVE.  It is one of the things I hated about Earth & Beyond, and it felt out of place in Auto Assault.

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    Well CCP have been pretty definite about us not having to get out of our ships to do anything we can already do. So if you really dont like it you can just ignore it.

    If nothing else, you should be pleased that there is now a launch date, since the sooner it goes live, the sooner some of those devs can be released to other teams.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • mklinicmklinic Member RarePosts: 2,016

    Originally posted by Malcanis

    This expansion has been 5 years in the making and it has 70 god damb devs. That's a bigger project than many entire games. Cryptic could make two crappy MMOs with those resources.


    Regarding the 70 devs, I wasn't aware they were throwing so much at this. But, does that 70 overlap the WoD development? Presumably, the same tech would be used for WoD as for Incarna/WiS/Ambulation/NameOfTheWeek....

    If that's the case, maybe they are making two crappy MMOs (j/k)


    "Do something right, no one remembers.
    Do something wrong, no one forgets"
    -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence

  • MaGicBushMaGicBush Member UncommonPosts: 689

    Originally posted by er99

    Originally posted by MaGicBush

    Awesome, recently resubbed for a few month's. I tend to sub a few months and get burnt out and quit a few months lol, now it looks like I will stay subbed till summer next year.

     yeah same here. i always thought to myself that EVE could be the greatest MMO ever made to date if they added avatars that could interact with the physical world appart from space. it seems from reading what i have about incarna....that incarna is the first step in that direction. it is really exciting to think of the possibilities. i do worry though that alot of people are missing that point and expect incarna to be some "epic" expansion to the game to give them another year or so of stuff to do. i dont think incarna is going to be as big and overwhelming as alot of people seem to think but rather a small , significant first step to something big.

    Yea, I do realize that it wont be some huge expansion. Most likely it will just add the station walking, and a few things to do in each station or some such. But still, I think it would be great to be able to go inside your corps HQ and attend meetings with everyone in the corp or the "heads" of said corp/alliance. Along with using this to negotiate treaties, etc.


    -Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.

  • bunnyhopperbunnyhopper Member CommonPosts: 2,751


    "Come and have a look at what you could have won."

  • NyQuil81NyQuil81 Member Posts: 101

    I stopped waiting for Incarna a long time ago.  It might be too late to pique my interest now.  For me, it will probably depend on how the next round of MMOs goes.

  • er99er99 Member CommonPosts: 101

    Originally posted by MaGicBush

    Originally posted by er99

    Originally posted by MaGicBush

    Awesome, recently resubbed for a few month's. I tend to sub a few months and get burnt out and quit a few months lol, now it looks like I will stay subbed till summer next year.

     yeah same here. i always thought to myself that EVE could be the greatest MMO ever made to date if they added avatars that could interact with the physical world appart from space. it seems from reading what i have about incarna....that incarna is the first step in that direction. it is really exciting to think of the possibilities. i do worry though that alot of people are missing that point and expect incarna to be some "epic" expansion to the game to give them another year or so of stuff to do. i dont think incarna is going to be as big and overwhelming as alot of people seem to think but rather a small , significant first step to something big.

    Yea, I do realize that it wont be some huge expansion. Most likely it will just add the station walking, and a few things to do in each station or some such. But still, I think it would be great to be able to go inside your corps HQ and attend meetings with everyone in the corp or the "heads" of said corp/alliance. Along with using this to negotiate treaties, etc.

    yeah i agree that would be damn cool although i'm still partial to a good space station cantina shootout/brawl between concord, some smugglers, a few crafty vets and a boatload  of day 3 noobs.

  • McGamerMcGamer Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

    Originally posted by VirusDancer

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Originally posted by VirusDancer

    Funny how that read as so blah.  In house they've been running it, but it is not really special enough to have been released at any point...


    ...sums up how many feel about it.

    Stop down playing this man... You know you got a mental hard on reading that just like every other Eve fiend on this forum.

    It's ok you can admit it.

    I've never been for ambulation in EVE.  It is one of the things I hated about Earth & Beyond, and it felt out of place in Auto Assault.

    Yah because everyone knows that you don't need legs to use gas and brake pedals to drive a car and surely the pod pilots in EVE just get teleported inside their ships... How dare they try to add realism  /sarcasm

  • HYPERI0NHYPERI0N Member Posts: 3,515

    I think incarna could be a new beggining for eve if it is supported with regular content updates.


    One day say 2-3 years after its initial release EvE would no longer be a game about "spaceships".

    Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981

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