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Immortal wants you! Cross platform guild. Inquire within

OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42


Immortal is currently recruiting all classes.

About Us

Immortal is the tree from which our branches will extend, from this world to all the others of our choosing. We are Immortal, our branches may wither and die but the tree shall live on and grow new branches.

Immortal is a guild of friends, for many of us these friends are as close to us as anyone we know in our so called real lives. Is not someone you know only through text or voice chat real? I say they are. All our Gamers are above the age of 18. Among us you will find every sort of gamer you could think of, hardcore, casual, hardcore-casual (yes, hardcore-casual is a type of gamer that plays as much as the hardcore but is more focused on the relationships with his/her guild-mates and finds the joy of the game from being with and helping them).

We are as diverse as the modern world, with members spanning the globe and with that diversity we must also understand that not everyone will agree with our own thoughts, and we may not agree with theirs, but we all must understand that "that" is what makes us each who we are. We all share something more important then race, religion or blood, we share Life itself. Immortal is a mixture of all types of people and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Our Gaming History

Founded in 2002, the main founding members were in many different games, from Ultima Online, Asheron's Call 1 to Everquest. It was only in Asheron's Call 2 that 'The Order' was formed and this name followed the guild until 2005 when 'The Order' became 'Immortal'.

We have been and/or are involved in:


  • Ultima Online

  • Asheron’s Call

  • Asheron's Call 2

  • Shadowbane

  • SWG

  • Horizons

  • Everquest 2

  • Vanguard

  • Lord of the Rings

  • Hellgate: London

  • Tabula Rasa

  • Warhammer Online

  • Various Console Games

  • World of Warcraft (Raiding Guild Still Active)

  • Age of Conan (Raiding and PvP Guild Still Active)

  • Aion (PVP and soon to be Raiding Still Active)

  • EvE Online (Still Active)

  • StarCraft 2 (Active)

The Future …

Immortal is first and foremost a gaming guild. And one of the responsibilities of a gaming guild is to provide a solid foundation so members are free to actually play the games. Critical to building this solid foundation is the decision making process surrounding entering new games (we term them chapters).

This year (2010), we have decided to enter into Final Fantasy XIV.

Immortal’s Goals

Our hopes for Immortal are that we as a guild can accommodate all of our play styles and stay a strong guild that will last for years to come. As we enter into FF XIV we will focus on Establishing a Strong active Linkshell(Guild) where we can provide our members with an active roster. We will be strong because of our numbers, but more importantly we will be strong because of our members. In all things we do, we remember that we are family.

We are looking for strong membership oriented people that are looking to be part of a large family. We want to experience all aspects of this game. More importantly, we want to grow our family with solid people looking for a long term home. We are currently recruiting those playing in open beta with plans to play when the game goes live. We are looking for active members that will be on at least 2 days/nights a week. During this phase of Open Recruiting if you plan on leveling hard whether it is in Adventuring or Crafting we are the guild for you.


To apply to Immortal, please go to make an account, and click the Application button on the navigation bar at the top of the web page. We are currently re-developing a skin and icon for the webpage, so please excuse the vBulletin look. After this is done, we will talk with you about setting up a vent account.

You may also reach Master Zed/Zed Immortalis , Dharkk Sheol/Darken Rahl or Zeenith Zurander / Damander Odysseyus in game if you have any questions.


Nerd at heart.


  • DharkkDharkk Member Posts: 3

    Bump! I am the Assistant Guild Master for our Final Fantasy XIV chapter and I am looking forward to launch and all the people that we will meet :D We look forward to adding to our large family. If you have any questions, please either reply to this thread, or send me a PM on the MMORPG or Immortal website. Current Immortal members need not apply to the chapter.


    Immortal will be playing on the Kashuan server!




    Assistant GM Final Fantasy XIV

    Junior Immortal Council

  • OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42

    Kashuan Rock's! Bump

    Nerd at heart.

  • OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42
    Thanks to all that have applied. We are still recruiting so bring your friends as well. If you have applied and did not receive your conformation code, please check your spam folders. Thank you.

    Nerd at heart.

  • gorticgortic Member UncommonPosts: 115

    The website link is not working for me image


  • OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42

    Well crap...... Thank you so very much. Please try again.

    Nerd at heart.

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