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Just wondering,
Since it still has not gone live yet, (people are installing and update, sure) but it will be interesting to see that when you can finally log into the live game, will there be a huge difference from OB that the naysayers will be "OMG, all our worries and concerns are gone! This game runs great, plays great and looks great, WITHOUT the need of a gamepad?".
That 14gb patch was full of quests and gameplay smooth goodness!!
It has been done before, Age of Conan did it with their launch.....
Heres hoping!!
Speaking almost completely from lack of info regarding the game itself... but...
no... cuz naysayers of any game will always seek the evidence that makes them "right", rather than just trying the friggin' game to see if they enjoy it....
Of course not. Just like if the game is bad, the FF fanboys will not admit it either.
Seriously, you don't expect facts to outweigh opinions in this day-and-age, do you?
There was indeed a patch a few days before launch that changed AoC's look and feel drastically, which is why regardless of what I may like or dislike, I don't give beta experience too much weight. However it will also be remembered that AoC's 'miracle' patch had a lot of negatives and it didn't actually help the game after launch.
But it's a game, facts are almost completely irrelevant when someone enjoys playing it or hates playing it.
"I hate this game because Fact1, fact2, and fact3" is as completely useless as "I love this game because fact1, fact2, and fact3" If fact1 and fact2 and fact3 are the same in both cases, than all 3 are totally useless in forming an argument because they are evidence for AND against the game, which cancels them out.
Like if in a trial, Evidance A proves someone guilty, it can ONLY prove someone guilty, unless they find something on it/about it that nuls the evidence, or something on it, about it, that proves innocence, it can't prove guilt AND innocence at the same time.
Thus it is with "fact1, fact2, and fact3 are why i like/hate the game." And since facts about the game can infinitely be used for like/hate, than ALL facts about a game are irrelevant. Thus proving facts not only don't outweigh opinions, but also that they are totally useless in an opinion argument such as if someone like/hates a game and if a game is good or bad.
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
Is that a fact?
Alas, no, I will not admit a subjective opinion about a game is not a universal truth. Perhaps some day I will see the errors of my ways.
Anywho, 14 gb patch? From what I gather, there's a roughly 500 megabyte patch, which not insiderable, but it's no 14 gigabytes.
Doubtful, only because people are not interested in changing their minds. This is one of the reasons that I think having an open Beta or any type of public Beta is a bad idea. Unfortunately people are naturally unreasonable and ignorant; they have a hard idea understanding the concept of testing and just assume that if there is problem in Beta that it will carry over into launch.
This type of unreasonable attitude has plagued MMOs from the beginning. I doubt it will change any time soon. On a much lighter note; I would have to say that FFXIV has the best music out of any FF game.
"Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."-Guybrush Threepwood
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."-Hunter S. Thompson
Weren't you one of those fanbois proclaiming the almighty 20 gig miracle patch at release?