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So what if people want to be Uncle Owen???!!!!???



  • KriosisKriosis Member Posts: 345

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    I quite because of the NGE.


    but i know the problem came from way back, and the changes negatively affected my game experience since, as well as that of other people.


    i posted a link earlier you must have missed it.


    here you go:


    1. SWG wont launch until its ready - SOE repeatedly told us this game wont launch until its ready to go. This early on was to include space, JTL wasnt ever supposed to be an expansion. Lets also not forget key components not included at launch like player cities, vehicles, and jedi. As a">A Complete History of SOE's Lies

    SWG: History of Dupes, Cheats and Exploits

    SWG Pre-CU Timeline of Destruction

    Jeff Freeman Revelation Archive


    Amazing how you have to be put into a situation of doubt to provide information as to what was and still is wrong with the game. Wouldn't that have been far more informative then making smartass remarks about the NGE being a WoW wanna be and the fact that SoE is still running it?

    i dont know what you mean mate.


    go back a few pages.


    i posted a link on the history of soe's lies. you missed it. not my fault. 


    and the nge was produced precisely to resemble wow. even if SOE denies it. 

    You was vague with your first post, don't be surprised if people assume. Again, this is the wrong forum to be discussing this.

  • ShanniaShannia Member Posts: 2,096

    Originally posted by sungodra

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     The game is there for you. Learn to do a search or some research and you will find what you are looking for.  People are all well aware that the game was changed and people are pissed off. Didn't stop some SWG fans from having it their way.

     What you suggest is illegal.  Without Lucas Arts and SoE expressly endorsing what you suggest to do some "research on" is a felony.   Ask the people who played on the L2 server that the feds shut down.  Ask the people of the illegal WoW server that again, got shut down.  Emulation servers are illegal with the owners of the original product giving them legal authority to do said work.

    Why do you insist on not wanting SWG players to be part of the SW:TOR community?  Your comments as a whole show that you have a bias against anyone who wants to suggest what worked great in SWG might be worth considering for SW:TOR.  Just because a suggestion comes from a SWG perspective doesn't mean it should automatically be discounted.

    Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:

    "Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."

  • Trident9259Trident9259 Member UncommonPosts: 860

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    I quite because of the NGE.


    but i know the problem came from way back, and the changes negatively affected my game experience since, as well as that of other people.


    i posted a link earlier you must have missed it.


    here you go:


    1. SWG wont launch until its ready - SOE repeatedly told us this game wont launch until its ready to go. This early on was to include space, JTL wasnt ever supposed to be an expansion. Lets also not forget key components not included at launch like player cities, vehicles, and jedi. As a">A Complete History of SOE's Lies

    SWG: History of Dupes, Cheats and Exploits

    SWG Pre-CU Timeline of Destruction

    Jeff Freeman Revelation Archive


    Amazing how you have to be put into a situation of doubt to provide information as to what was and still is wrong with the game. Wouldn't that have been far more informative then making smartass remarks about the NGE being a WoW wanna be and the fact that SoE is still running it?

    i dont know what you mean mate.


    go back a few pages.


    i posted a link on the history of soe's lies. you missed it. not my fault. 


    and the nge was produced precisely to resemble wow. even if SOE denies it. 

    You was vague with your first post, don't be surprised if people assume. Again, this is the wrong forum to be discussing this.

    you under the impression i was mad because people assumed?


    hey i made myself clear afterwards. perhaps i was vague afterall...

    chill out. 

  • KriosisKriosis Member Posts: 345

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    I quite because of the NGE.


    but i know the problem came from way back, and the changes negatively affected my game experience since, as well as that of other people.


    i posted a link earlier you must have missed it.


    here you go:


    1. SWG wont launch until its ready - SOE repeatedly told us this game wont launch until its ready to go. This early on was to include space, JTL wasnt ever supposed to be an expansion. Lets also not forget key components not included at launch like player cities, vehicles, and jedi. As a">A Complete History of SOE's Lies

    SWG: History of Dupes, Cheats and Exploits

    SWG Pre-CU Timeline of Destruction

    Jeff Freeman Revelation Archive


    Amazing how you have to be put into a situation of doubt to provide information as to what was and still is wrong with the game. Wouldn't that have been far more informative then making smartass remarks about the NGE being a WoW wanna be and the fact that SoE is still running it?

    i dont know what you mean mate.


    go back a few pages.


    i posted a link on the history of soe's lies. you missed it. not my fault. 


    and the nge was produced precisely to resemble wow. even if SOE denies it. 

    You was vague with your first post, don't be surprised if people assume. Again, this is the wrong forum to be discussing this.

    you under the impression i was mad because people assumed?


    hey i made myself clear afterwards. perhaps i was vague afterall...

    chill out. 

    I never said you was mad, I said surprised. Reading comprehension fail?

    You was forced to make yourself clear because you were vague to begin with.

    Less defensive please.

  • sungodrasungodra Member Posts: 1,376

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     The game is there for you. Learn to do a search or some research and you will find what you are looking for.  People are all well aware that the game was changed and people are pissed off. Didn't stop some SWG fans from having it their way.

     What you suggest is illegal.  Without Lucas Arts and SoE expressly endorsing what you suggest to do some "research on" is a felony.   Ask the people who played on the L2 server that the feds shut down.  Ask the people of the illegal WoW server that again, got shut down.  Emulation servers are illegal with the owners of the original product giving them legal authority to do said work.

    Why do you insist on not wanting SWG players to be part of the SW:TOR community?  Your comments as a whole show that you have a bias against anyone who wants to suggest what worked great in SWG might be worth considering for SW:TOR.  Just because a suggestion comes from a SWG perspective doesn't mean it should automatically be discounted.

     That is not what I want here. I do want to see swg players be able to find a place in TOR. If some of the elements of swg would work in a game like TOR without fundementally changing it from the ground up, than that is completely fine with me.


    I did prefer the JTL over what appears to be Biowares version of space. Then again, I never expected it or at least wasn't going to buy the game for space to begin with. So, it wasn't game breaking for me.


    I don't have any problem whatsoever with SWG mechanics being used and swg players, but I do have a problem with it if what is being proposed will destroy what the game is trying to do and become.


    "When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    if they wouldve just stuck to the original swg design, we would have a pretty balanced and bug-free pre-cu swg right now. just think about that for a moment.

    the game was doomed as soon as the devs got rid of jedi perma-death. it opened the floodgates for everyone to complain about everything they didnt like in the game.  pretty soon, the swg forums were nothing but complaints about abilities not working, class balance, and features ppl wanted implemented. 

    from a ceo's standpoint, they looked at all that and prob said screw it lets start over. 

    they shouldve just taken another year to fix bugs before releasing it.

    i still play swg about 2 hours a week.

    that game had/has the most potential of any mmo ive played.

    and for the record;  ppl that love swg didnt play it because they wanted to play the movies, they wanted to experience what it would be like to live in the star wars universe. if thats not your bag, fine.  but it was a brilliant cincept and despite its bugs,, was an amazing adventure for a lot of us.

  • wjrasmussenwjrasmussen Member Posts: 1,493

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156



    Now that i got that out of the way.


    Holy crap you precu people are getting sad. And this is coming from someone who played SWG for almost 5 years from closed beta to post NGE......BIOWARE NEVER WAS MAKING SWG2. Jesus you guys are friggen want PRE CU....go play the EMU, or get some devs together and make a pre cu game.


  • Trident9259Trident9259 Member UncommonPosts: 860

    Originally posted by wjrasmussen

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

    the point is that it owes it to Star Wars.


    communities, diversification, exploration, politics....

    are they not all part of star wars as well, aside from war?

  • sungodrasungodra Member Posts: 1,376

    Originally posted by miagisan



    Now that i got that out of the way.


    Holy crap you precu people are getting sad. And this is coming from someone who played SWG for almost 5 years from closed beta to post NGE......BIOWARE NEVER WAS MAKING SWG2. Jesus you guys are friggen want PRE CU...., or get some devs together and make a pre cu game.

     SOE honestly needs to make a pre cu server so we can see how many people will actually move over to it or resubb the game for it.  I really do wish they would, these arguements are really getting old and tiresome.


    "When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"

  • Trident9259Trident9259 Member UncommonPosts: 860

    Originally posted by miagisan



    Now that i got that out of the way.


    Holy crap you precu people are getting sad. And this is coming from someone who played SWG for almost 5 years from closed beta to post NGE......BIOWARE NEVER WAS MAKING SWG2. Jesus you guys are friggen want PRE CU....go play the EMU, or get some devs together and make a pre cu game.

    hello miagisan.


    i've been expecting you.

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by miagisan



    Now that i got that out of the way.


    Holy crap you precu people are getting sad. And this is coming from someone who played SWG for almost 5 years from closed beta to post NGE......BIOWARE NEVER WAS MAKING SWG2. Jesus you guys are friggen want PRE CU....go play the EMU, or get some devs together and make a pre cu game.

    hello miagisan.


    i've been expecting you.



  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898

    Can I be both? Why do I have to decide? Sometimes I want to be heroic, but other times just normal, too. ^^


  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975

    Originally posted by wjrasmussen

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

    Nor should anyone have any expectations of them producing a similar game.

    False expectations only lead to one thing: disappointment.

  • ZarynterkZarynterk Member UncommonPosts: 398

    Originally posted by miagisan



    Now that i got that out of the way.


    Holy crap you precu people are getting sad. And this is coming from someone who played SWG for almost 5 years from closed beta to post NGE......BIOWARE NEVER WAS MAKING SWG2. Jesus you guys are friggen want PRE CU....go play the EMU, or get some devs together and make a pre cu game.


    You are correct, Bioware is not making SWG2... they are making WoW2 SW clone and it scares the hell out of SW fans... that is why we hope they do not use WoW as the inspiration and use SWG.


  • KriosisKriosis Member Posts: 345

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by wjrasmussen

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

    the point is that it owes it to Star Wars.


    communities, diversification, exploration, politics....

    are they not all part of star wars as well, aside from war?

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

  • hayes303hayes303 Member UncommonPosts: 435

    These threads never get old, seriously. Its been close to 3 years since the debate about what is "Star Warsy" began and I love the fact that people still post and argue about if BioWare is doing the IP Justice. To me, SWG was a generic space Sim game more than a Star Wars game, but you have to respect the kind of blind, rabid devotion the original inspired in its fans.

    Unfortunatly, it comes down to the phrase that has come to summerise the whole debate.."this is not the game you are looking for".....

  • Trident9259Trident9259 Member UncommonPosts: 860

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by wjrasmussen

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

    the point is that it owes it to Star Wars.


    communities, diversification, exploration, politics....

    are they not all part of star wars as well, aside from war?

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

    yes and i forgot freedom and cooperation.

  • KriosisKriosis Member Posts: 345

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

    yes and i forgot freedom and cooperation.

    You're ridiculous.

  • Luthor_XLuthor_X Member Posts: 431

    My inner Star Wars geek is crying atm... I don't know who uncle Owen even is?!!




    *Carry on*

  • ZarynterkZarynterk Member UncommonPosts: 398

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

    yes and i forgot freedom and cooperation.

    You're ridiculous.


    Lol are you dense? It basically comes down to wanting freedom of choice, over being force fed the same content over, and over, and over again... 


  • hayes303hayes303 Member UncommonPosts: 435

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by wjrasmussen

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Shannia

    Originally posted by sungodra

    If you like SWG so much , go play the game, it is there for you. 


    TOTAL FAIL.    You just don't get it.  After the CU/NGEs of SWG, there is no SWG that we knew to go back to.  33 professions down to 9.  Let that sink in.  33 profession down to 9.  Jedi that you worked your ass off for 12 to 18 months to get... now, one of 9 starter professions.


    Shannia, what you wrote is a perfect description of how outraged SWG players felt. The gamers who didn't experience it, will never understand. Allow me to paint a picture for those who didn't experience it... You play WoW (most of you do anyways) You worked your a$$ off to get to level 80 and get 25 man ICC quality gear... Then Blizz comes out and says btw we are killing off half of the classes, making you re-roll and making everyone level 80. Oh and btw some of the gear you worked your a$$ off to get, will no longer work with your class...eventhough it did before.

    There ya go, for those who didn't experience it... it would be just like that... and yes you would be livid.

     Bioware doesn't owe you that pre-NGE feeling. 

    the point is that it owes it to Star Wars.


    communities, diversification, exploration, politics....

    are they not all part of star wars as well, aside from war?

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

    yes and i forgot freedom and cooperation.

     Sounds like you are thinking more about Star Trek. Star Wars was pretty much about war. Even the expanded universe was mostly about the Republic stumbling from conflict to conflict. The politics thing I agree with, ending in war of course. Star Wars Galaxies was a horrible representation of the Star Wars universe.

  • SuraknarSuraknar Member UncommonPosts: 852

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    For those people who never played SWG before the CU or NGE, you guys will never understand what made SWG one the BEST mmos ever. People complain about SWTOR not being Galaxies enough, and I understand those feelings. In SWG you had the opportunity to be and do whatever you wanted; explore, craft, pvp, space combat, role play, be a shop keeper, be a bio engineer and create new species whatever. There were 33 professions in total, 33! All with their own cool pros and cons...which some will debate as a good thing or bad thing, but you know what, who cares we had the opportunity to decide for ourselves. We could travel anywhere in the known galaxy we wanted to, and if you were a jedi you needed to stay alert the entire time for BHs which no other game has ever been able to capture that concept as well as SWG. I cannot tell you how many times my guild and I PVPd across an entire planet, blowing up IMP bases and then responding to our home planet because the imps were hitting ours. 100% the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want... freedom, in a game... who thought it possible.

    As far as story in SWTOR, that can only get you so far and I for one am sick of hearing about the GREAT stories to be had. If you ask me, and many other SWG vets from beta or release, we made our own stories which provided me with memories that will last forever... Think about it, when is the last time you remembered fondly the "go get me 15 bear pelts" or the "were rading this dungeon for the upteenth time"... No one does, because it feels like a job... Does this sound familiar "I have to log in tonight to get my level so i can raid, or I have to get this piece of gear so they will let me go on a raid"... Never once did I ever think of SWG as a job, it was fun almost every second I played the game. 

    I think back now, and no other game brings back the fond memories like SWG does. Sitting here as I write this, I can't help but hear the SW log in music and think how truly epic that experience was... My guild mates from the SWG days still tell old stories and laugh.

    In closing, the SWTOR fans will inevitably say "this isnt SWG" and I understand that. However allow me to say, and I would like to think most SWG vets would agree, we would be much much better off if SWTOR had more of SWG in it, and less of WoW.

    I Empathise here, however, SW:TOR is a game made for people who are more concerned what color of lighsabers they can have rather than enjoying being part of a world full of people and their unique creativity around them.

    It is the MMO version of KOTOR, it is not an MMORPG as we define it. Bioware is just going to capitalise on all that KOTOR fanbase.

    And as much as we may love the Star Wars Universe or MMORPGs, I am affraid this one is simply not for us.


    - Duke Suraknar -
    Order of the Silver Star, OSS

    ESKA, Playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online 1997 - Order of the Silver Serpent, Atlantic Shard
  • KriosisKriosis Member Posts: 345

    Originally posted by Zarynterk

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Originally posted by Troneas

    Originally posted by Kriosis

    Are you insisting TOR will have none of those?

    yes and i forgot freedom and cooperation.

    You're ridiculous.


    Lol are you dense? It basically comes down to wanting freedom of choice, over being force fed the same content over, and over, and over again... 

    Not dense at all. Apparently you are. How many times do you have to be told this is not SWG, it is based around being heroic, and this explains the reasons you can't be an Uncle Owen.

    He is insisting the game will have no freedom, apparently you are as well. There is no such thing as complete freedom, SWG didn't even offer this, no MMO has. Also to insist co-operation wont be in the game makes him look like a troll, which he probably is. Guess you guys missed the group videos.

  • MoretrinketsMoretrinkets Member Posts: 730

    can i be like yoda?

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