The space combat is a TUNNEL shooter (he got that right but he explains a rail shooter), you CAN move and we don't know if you can change speed, but chances are, you'd be able to change your speed by slowing down or using speed bursts like most tunnel shooters.
As to have some accurate data:
It's a tube™ shooter, as said by Daniel Erickson at PAX during the QA, not a tunnel shooter
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
You can wiggle side to side in a tunnel...err TUBE shooter. Also some times you have speed bursts/brakes and buttons that make you do loops or barrel rolls, none of which SWTOR "space combat" will have.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
why would anyone in their right mind want to make a rai... i mean a tunnel shooter:
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
why would anyone in their right mind want to make a rai... i mean a tunnel shooter:
Starfox was fun I don't see teh big deal if they decide that. Gamers now a days expect so much's almost annoying.
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
why would anyone in their right mind want to make a rai... i mean a tunnel shooter:
It give a LOT of cinematic control to the Devs. That means you can have a lot of epic, crazy, and awesome things happen onscreen that the player will say. A fully free system has its advantages, but it is easy to NOT see something because you are barrel rolling or otherwise not facing the right direction. Space has 3 dimensions which means it is a lot easier to be faced in a bad direction compared 2D action on the ground, and space can't be filled up with things meant to draw your attention and keep you there (especially when there is fighting going on). This also avoids people taking minutes to fly somewhere during which nothing is going on.
Not that there aren't disadvantages too, but from a story-telling perspective, tube shooters do bring a lot to the table.
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
why would anyone in their right mind want to make a rai... i mean a tunnel shooter:
Starfox was fun I don't see teh big deal if they decide that. Gamers now a days expect so much's almost annoying.
Yeah I know, how dare they expect devs, that added a space portion to a MMO, make the space combat multiplayer.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
Well I read they are spending 150 million dollars + on TOR and it's by Bioware. Do you guys seriously think they would use that kind of cash and manpower to make a game that isn't fun? Think about what 150 million dollars means... that is a ginourmous amount of investment into a pc game. WoW makes 100+ million a month from subscribers, there is no doubt that is the goal for TOR.
I would wait till the actual release to judge the final product, but i'm betting it will be addicting as hell. Smooth and easy to get into and hard as hell to put down, that's the winning strategy for an MMO these days.
Personally I'd be happy with a movie like experience from TOR with excellent acting and story since I really like the SW movies. If you are just a gamer and not really a sw fan then I don't think you'd get as much out of it.
"I'm not cheap I'm incredibly subconsciously financially optimized" "The worst part of censorship is ------------------"
Was that suppose to be funny? Seriously? I feel for people that have the time to make such retarded things. Sitting at their PC thinking of how funny it would be to create a bunch of still shots with info from a up and coming mmo......foolish indeed.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I am very curoius to know whats wrong about the complaints as well as to know whats wrong to hyped about a game..
now TOR here has a very divided range of people who really likes it and who absolutely think its shit.
I do belive that for those who arent looking forward to it (obviously this is assumptions made on my part), who says its a SPRG or CORPG doesnt see the MMO in this. What is so Massively about TOR that could't have been in a Co-RPG game. I mean Those features which they have announced, could't that as well have been in a CO-op RPG with a very long and great story ?
I as well on the other hand will certainly try it out, I havent been following the game up close but I know my share anyway, but I won't deny that I have missed anything of what they now might have been talking about which then would't have fitted into a Co-RPG or singleplayer RPG.
what I am looking forward to as pretty much the only thing is probaly tro try out the expanded dialouge with having people in your group to have an influence on the conversation with the NPC. I was dissapointed about the space part (as I am a huge fan of space and space exploration) but I guess I will have to do without, though its a huge dissapointment - and im not really a fan of tunnel shooters.
But anyway, my point being, what makes TOR to be massively where as you have to interact with more people that would't have fit into a large CO-RPG instead ?
Was that suppose to be funny? Seriously? I feel for people that have the time to make such retarded things. Sitting at their PC thinking of how funny it would be to create a bunch of still shots with info from a up and coming mmo......foolish indeed.
A lot of other people seemed to think it was funny.
Its not so much that the fun comic strip has facts wrong... its more a case of those features (or lack of) not being an issue to the people who actually appreciate Bioware's vision for the game. Pretty much every complaint in the strip (and on these forums) has to do with the game not being sandboxy enough for someone...
I say good. SWG sucked big time in my opinion and I can think of nothing worse than Bioware abandoning their strong points as a developer in favor of catoring to the sandbox whiners.
Bingo! All the complaints in the comic aren't issues for me, so that's why I see it as pretty stupid and whining from people who have nothing better to do than gripe about game mechanics on a game they've never played and is 6 months from launch.
*applauds* Not to mention that there is a psuedo sandbox set in Star Wars already, if it is so great (for some people) then why even bother in forums for the other Star Wars game? If Star Wars in a sandbox is what people want its real cheap and has been running for years. This one is for those of us who are well over and done with the whole SOE debacle known as SWG and all the crying and pissing and moaning about TOR not being Star Wars Galaxy-y enough isn't going to make SWG look better than TOR.
With the quality, or lack thereof, of most of the complaints I am starting to think it is SOE schills running around trying to make the case that TOR is going to suck by trolling everywhere they can. They did this with the NGE, rushing to the boards saying how great it was so, I wouldn't put it past them.
Someone can be indifferent to sandbox games, love theme park game and look at the information bioware has release and find it dissapointing. Just because those things are not a problem for any of you, doesn't mean those not in agreement with your opinion must be some sort of disgruntled sandbox swg fan.
I like themepark games and the more I hear about TOR the less impressed I become with it, but my expectations started pretty high.
I like all kinds of different games and liked SWG very much when it actually worked. SWG played like crap for months and months but people rarely ever remember that part. The entertaining part of SWG was the immersion of the game in general. It sucked you in and made you part of the universe.
If TOR does what I think it will do with all the attention to detail payed to story and characters I'm 90% sure at this time people who are pre-judging it at this time are in for a pleasant surprise.
But, it's still real early for it to go either way so lets just all wait and see how it all shakes out. I for one will be preordering as I think any game with the investment this one has had is going to be a smash success no matter what the IP is. If it was made by some random developer maybe they'd screw it up but this is Bioware we are talking about. These dudes know how to party, I'd be utterly amazed if the game doesn't have massive appeal to almost everyone in one way or another.
"I'm not cheap I'm incredibly subconsciously financially optimized" "The worst part of censorship is ------------------"
Someone can be indifferent to sandbox games, love theme park game and look at the information bioware has release and find it dissapointing. Just because those things are not a problem for any of you, doesn't mean those not in agreement with your opinion must be some sort of disgruntled sandbox swg fan.
I like themepark games and the more I hear about TOR the less impressed I become with it, but my expectations started pretty high.
How dare you bring logic in to this argument? If they don't like TOR clearly they must be SWG vet. Who hates that TOR isn't SWG2. Not that they actually like themepark MMO and don't think it's going to be a very good MMO.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
I like all kinds of different games and liked SWG very much when it actually worked. SWG played like crap for months and months but people rarely ever remember that part. The entertaining part of SWG was the immersion of the game in general. It sucked you in and made you part of the universe.
If TOR does what I think it will do with all the attention to detail payed to story and characters I'm 90% sure at this time people who are pre-judging it at this time are in for a pleasant surprise.
But, it's still real early for it to go either way so lets just all wait and see how it all shakes out. I for one will be preordering as I think any game with the investment this one has had is going to be a smash success no matter what the IP is. If it was made by some random developer maybe they'd screw it up but this is Bioware we are talking about. These dudes know how to party, I'd be utterly amazed if the game doesn't have massive appeal to almost everyone in one way or another.
I wish I could agree with you but I think you're wrong after all we are talking about the fans who don't like stories written for them, hell when they buy books they demand that the author leaves the pages blank so they can write their own story.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Someone can be indifferent to sandbox games, love theme park game and look at the information bioware has release and find it dissapointing. Just because those things are not a problem for any of you, doesn't mean those not in agreement with your opinion must be some sort of disgruntled sandbox swg fan.
I like themepark games and the more I hear about TOR the less impressed I become with it, but my expectations started pretty high.
How dare you bring logic in to this argument? If they don't like TOR clearly they must be SWG vet. Who hates that TOR isn't SWG2. Not that they actually like themepark MMO and don't think it's going to be a very good MMO.
If you are spending your time harping over and over about this game and why you don't like it, yeah you are some kind of vet, or you've got some sort of problem where you can't just let things be... or... of course, you're pushing some kind of agenda.
If people really didn't like the game for its features they wouldn't be 1) Constantly trying to face it up with other games (pretty much meaning they want to talk bad about TOR so people will take interest in their game of choice) many of which have similar features 2) They wouldn't say things that weren't true, or purposely leave out information - only painting the game in negative light - and 3) We wouldn't be hearing from them in every thread, going over these same topics, every time, with the same results -- they close their ears, scream the same nonsense, rinse and repeat on the next thread.
We'll be seeing this same thing until the game releases. Every set of next gen MMOs has at least one of them that some people love to hate, and since TOR is the big man on campus, it seems he's the target. Its to be expected I guess.
Someone can be indifferent to sandbox games, love theme park game and look at the information bioware has release and find it dissapointing. Just because those things are not a problem for any of you, doesn't mean those not in agreement with your opinion must be some sort of disgruntled sandbox swg fan.
I like themepark games and the more I hear about TOR the less impressed I become with it, but my expectations started pretty high.
How dare you bring logic in to this argument? If they don't like TOR clearly they must be SWG vet. Who hates that TOR isn't SWG2. Not that they actually like themepark MMO and don't think it's going to be a very good MMO.
My original comments were not meant to generalize everyone with criticisms of the game as SWG vets. Still, I think it is impossible to deny that the vast majority of those who continually post negative BS on this forum ARE SWG vets and would much prefer the game to be a sandbox. Just look at their complaints. All of these issues they bring up time and time again are directly related to the game not being sandbox enough...
I mean... lets take the actual comments from the comic strip that started this thread for example:
Regarding classes: "Unlike SWG, its class based and it seems classes are linked to certain races."
Regarding crafting: "Is there crafting like SWG?"
Regarding planets: "There's many planets from SWG and many others too. So far there is more than 14 of them! ... Well the devs said they are going to be huge but I just read that someone of the official forum used data from Gamescom and calculated that it would be less than 7 minutes to get from one end to another."
Regarding space combat: "Will it be like SWG, or X-Wing Alliance??"
Considering the sheer number of times SWG is mentioned by name in comparison to this game in the comic strip, one would have to be insane to think that this is not coming from an SWG vet. I mean, do you guys even read the threads you comment on?
As to have some accurate data:
It's a tube™ shooter, as said by Daniel Erickson at PAX during the QA, not a tunnel shooter
We already know the speed is automated ref: Sean Dahlberg 08/20/2010 French interview
P.S: glad you enjoyed the pic guys. The author did a great job. And I have to admit it seems a bit biased but quite accurate.
whats the difference between a rail and a tunnel shooter?
Starwars is gay, therefore, you must all be fags.
Rails shooters have absolutely no freedom
Tunnel shooters have slight freedom like side paths that can branch out. Like in starfox you could take an alt route and fight a different boss than the one you were supposed to.
You can wiggle side to side in a tunnel...err TUBE shooter. Also some times you have speed bursts/brakes and buttons that make you do loops or barrel rolls, none of which SWTOR "space combat" will have.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
The most funny i ever read.
Can u find something for rift also?
why would anyone in their right mind want to make a rai... i mean a tunnel shooter:
Starfox was fun I don't see teh big deal if they decide that. Gamers now a days expect so much's almost annoying.
@Elocke I'm glad you enjoyed that rant lol. I believe I've said this before but I love your sig lol. Makes me giggle everytime I see it.
It give a LOT of cinematic control to the Devs. That means you can have a lot of epic, crazy, and awesome things happen onscreen that the player will say. A fully free system has its advantages, but it is easy to NOT see something because you are barrel rolling or otherwise not facing the right direction. Space has 3 dimensions which means it is a lot easier to be faced in a bad direction compared 2D action on the ground, and space can't be filled up with things meant to draw your attention and keep you there (especially when there is fighting going on). This also avoids people taking minutes to fly somewhere during which nothing is going on.
Not that there aren't disadvantages too, but from a story-telling perspective, tube shooters do bring a lot to the table.
Yeah I know, how dare they expect devs, that added a space portion to a MMO, make the space combat multiplayer.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
Well I read they are spending 150 million dollars + on TOR and it's by Bioware. Do you guys seriously think they would use that kind of cash and manpower to make a game that isn't fun? Think about what 150 million dollars means... that is a ginourmous amount of investment into a pc game. WoW makes 100+ million a month from subscribers, there is no doubt that is the goal for TOR.
I would wait till the actual release to judge the final product, but i'm betting it will be addicting as hell. Smooth and easy to get into and hard as hell to put down, that's the winning strategy for an MMO these days.
Personally I'd be happy with a movie like experience from TOR with excellent acting and story since I really like the SW movies. If you are just a gamer and not really a sw fan then I don't think you'd get as much out of it.
"I'm not cheap I'm incredibly subconsciously financially optimized"

"The worst part of censorship is ------------------"
Was that suppose to be funny? Seriously? I feel for people that have the time to make such retarded things. Sitting at their PC thinking of how funny it would be to create a bunch of still shots with info from a up and coming mmo......foolish indeed.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I am very curoius to know whats wrong about the complaints as well as to know whats wrong to hyped about a game..
now TOR here has a very divided range of people who really likes it and who absolutely think its shit.
I do belive that for those who arent looking forward to it (obviously this is assumptions made on my part), who says its a SPRG or CORPG doesnt see the MMO in this. What is so Massively about TOR that could't have been in a Co-RPG game. I mean Those features which they have announced, could't that as well have been in a CO-op RPG with a very long and great story ?
I as well on the other hand will certainly try it out, I havent been following the game up close but I know my share anyway, but I won't deny that I have missed anything of what they now might have been talking about which then would't have fitted into a Co-RPG or singleplayer RPG.
what I am looking forward to as pretty much the only thing is probaly tro try out the expanded dialouge with having people in your group to have an influence on the conversation with the NPC. I was dissapointed about the space part (as I am a huge fan of space and space exploration) but I guess I will have to do without, though its a huge dissapointment - and im not really a fan of tunnel shooters.
But anyway, my point being, what makes TOR to be massively where as you have to interact with more people that would't have fit into a large CO-RPG instead ?
I'd very much prefer it if all the cranky SWG vets complained through creative means such as this. Thank you OP.
A lot of other people seemed to think it was funny.
Someone can be indifferent to sandbox games, love theme park game and look at the information bioware has release and find it dissapointing. Just because those things are not a problem for any of you, doesn't mean those not in agreement with your opinion must be some sort of disgruntled sandbox swg fan.
I like themepark games and the more I hear about TOR the less impressed I become with it, but my expectations started pretty high.
I like all kinds of different games and liked SWG very much when it actually worked. SWG played like crap for months and months but people rarely ever remember that part. The entertaining part of SWG was the immersion of the game in general. It sucked you in and made you part of the universe.
If TOR does what I think it will do with all the attention to detail payed to story and characters I'm 90% sure at this time people who are pre-judging it at this time are in for a pleasant surprise.
But, it's still real early for it to go either way so lets just all wait and see how it all shakes out. I for one will be preordering as I think any game with the investment this one has had is going to be a smash success no matter what the IP is. If it was made by some random developer maybe they'd screw it up but this is Bioware we are talking about. These dudes know how to party, I'd be utterly amazed if the game doesn't have massive appeal to almost everyone in one way or another.
"I'm not cheap I'm incredibly subconsciously financially optimized"

"The worst part of censorship is ------------------"
How dare you bring logic in to this argument? If they don't like TOR clearly they must be SWG vet. Who hates that TOR isn't SWG2. Not that they actually like themepark MMO and don't think it's going to be a very good MMO.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
+20 internets. That's just pure win.
Also anticipating the game and thought this was funny too but honestly also kind of sad......
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I wish I could agree with you but I think you're wrong after all we are talking about the fans who don't like stories written for them, hell when they buy books they demand that the author leaves the pages blank so they can write their own story.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
If you are spending your time harping over and over about this game and why you don't like it, yeah you are some kind of vet, or you've got some sort of problem where you can't just let things be... or... of course, you're pushing some kind of agenda.
If people really didn't like the game for its features they wouldn't be 1) Constantly trying to face it up with other games (pretty much meaning they want to talk bad about TOR so people will take interest in their game of choice) many of which have similar features 2) They wouldn't say things that weren't true, or purposely leave out information - only painting the game in negative light - and 3) We wouldn't be hearing from them in every thread, going over these same topics, every time, with the same results -- they close their ears, scream the same nonsense, rinse and repeat on the next thread.
We'll be seeing this same thing until the game releases. Every set of next gen MMOs has at least one of them that some people love to hate, and since TOR is the big man on campus, it seems he's the target. Its to be expected I guess.
My original comments were not meant to generalize everyone with criticisms of the game as SWG vets. Still, I think it is impossible to deny that the vast majority of those who continually post negative BS on this forum ARE SWG vets and would much prefer the game to be a sandbox. Just look at their complaints. All of these issues they bring up time and time again are directly related to the game not being sandbox enough...
I mean... lets take the actual comments from the comic strip that started this thread for example:
Regarding classes: "Unlike SWG, its class based and it seems classes are linked to certain races."
Regarding crafting: "Is there crafting like SWG?"
Regarding planets: "There's many planets from SWG and many others too. So far there is more than 14 of them! ... Well the devs said they are going to be huge but I just read that someone of the official forum used data from Gamescom and calculated that it would be less than 7 minutes to get from one end to another."
Regarding space combat: "Will it be like SWG, or X-Wing Alliance??"
Considering the sheer number of times SWG is mentioned by name in comparison to this game in the comic strip, one would have to be insane to think that this is not coming from an SWG vet. I mean, do you guys even read the threads you comment on?
EDIT: To be less inflammatory.
that was hilarious