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DC Universe Online: The Lack of Crafting



  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    Originally posted by Dionysus187

    Comics get maybe a few panels, the movies get a quick montage, and its a one time thing that isn't repeated several times in the same story arc and for good reason. Its boring to do and boring to watch.

    Never liked crafting. Only time I dealt with it is when they randomly tied in stuff to adventuring that requires crafting. Games would shoe horn needs for crafting into adventuring so more people would even bother with it.

    I honestly hope this is a trend, where crafting is nuked all together or an extremely small amount of focus. It has a horrible fun/development time ratio in MMO's, development time better spent on stuff more people like.

    Sort of like how gathering gear based upgrades is shoe horned into a super hero themed mmo? 


    Some people like crafting, some like pvp, some like raiding, some like soloing.  Just because you don't enjoy one aspect of mmos doesn't mean it is a waste of time for developers does it?

  • TribeofOneTribeofOne Member UncommonPosts: 1,006

    Originally posted by Daffid011

    Originally posted by Dionysus187

    Comics get maybe a few panels, the movies get a quick montage, and its a one time thing that isn't repeated several times in the same story arc and for good reason. Its boring to do and boring to watch.

    Never liked crafting. Only time I dealt with it is when they randomly tied in stuff to adventuring that requires crafting. Games would shoe horn needs for crafting into adventuring so more people would even bother with it.

    I honestly hope this is a trend, where crafting is nuked all together or an extremely small amount of focus. It has a horrible fun/development time ratio in MMO's, development time better spent on stuff more people like.

    Sort of like how gathering gear based upgrades is shoe horned into a super hero themed mmo? 


    Some people like crafting, some like pvp, some like raiding, some like soloing.  Just because you don't enjoy one aspect of mmos doesn't mean it is a waste of time for developers does it?

    when one aspect (crafting) become manditory for the advancment of another (adventuring) thats where devs should draw the line.

    If you like crafting fine for you. However those who do not like crafting should never be made dependant on those who do,  You gotta keep them seperated..

  • saltydog3saltydog3 Member Posts: 53

    In-game economies in most RPG's are horribly broken.   To make a long story short, it is because everytime a player character

    visits a local dungeon he come back carrying  9 magical swords,  5 enchanted breastplates and a large sack of gold.   Trying

    to simulate real economy in a world where the PC can basically produce very expensive items out of thin air at will is just not

    going to work because it would lead to insane price flutuations. .    Out of all the games I played never knew a developer that

    that specialize in economics. 

  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898

    Personally I won't miss crafting, especially not in a Superhero game, but that's just me.


  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    Doesn't suprise me. SOE hates crafters after SWG (one of the prime reasons the game was revamped and made loot based).

    Also, the more items available from crafters, the less chance SOE has to cram the cash shop full of stuff.

    No Crafting = More Crap in the Cash Shop.

  • TribeofOneTribeofOne Member UncommonPosts: 1,006

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    Doesn't suprise me. SOE hates crafters after SWG (one of the prime reasons the game was revamped and made loot based).

    Also, the more items available from crafters, the less chance SOE has to cram the cash shop full of stuff.

    No Crafting = More Crap in the Cash Shop.

    i would rather have no hassle shopping from a marketplace than deal with crafting/crafters and the problems they inevitably bring.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    Not having crafting at all won't necessarily stop DCUO from having an above-average crafting system.  Not having crafting at all means it can't have a nuisance system that forces you to grind levels in something completely stupid.  That would be an upgrade over the crafting system that quite a few other games have.

    I like crafting if it's done well.  The problem is that it's virtually never done well, and only a few AAA games have even tried to do it well.  Click to start crafting, wait, wait, wait, and then it's done and you take the item without having done anything besides clicking to start crafting, is not an interesting game mechanic.  If I wanted to constantly have to wait a few seconds for my computer to do something, I'd have bought a hard drive.

  • RaikoLivesRaikoLives Member Posts: 89

    Saying that Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man and Mr Fantastic are all inventors (read: crafters) is all well and good, but the stuff they make is usually gone by next issue anyway. The items/inventions are part of the plot of one particular story arc and are either so specialised they'd never be useful again anyway or the person the item is to be used against becomes wise to it and develops a counter plan, making them useless.

    Besides... Spiderman built his webshooters (and I think he has some tiny camera gear, or something) but he doesn't go building stuff to sell to the X-Men so he can buy new boots. He very VERY rarely (if ever) makes things in the stories. Iron Man is always tinkering away on his armour, but that is just a technology/gear based hero gaining new powers as he levels up.

    I play regularly with some folks who LOVE crafting and I'm sad to see it removed from DCUO because it will make it that much harder for me to convince them to play. It limits the audience, which is bad. But as far as my own playing/expecations, I really don't care. CoH crafting was fine, but it's a very differantly themed Superhero World than DC. CoH is a world where Superheroes are the norm and are the official protectors of the city/planet. DCUO is about a world where, sure, there are a lot of heroes, but they're not as official and regulated or as widespread (until now, being the start of the game's story).

    Basically, I'm no more or less pumped for DCUO than I was before this, as I think it was already gonna be a slimmed down version of a traditional high fantasy MMO.


  • AthcearAthcear Member Posts: 420

    I see no need to have crafting for its own sake.  If it violates the integrity of the game's premise, then it detracts from the game.

    Important facts:
    1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
    2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
    3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
    4. Community is more important than you think.

  • VhalnVhaln Member Posts: 3,159

    Originally posted by TheGECCo

    As a long time player of CoH I'm sure I'm in the demographic that SOE would like to attract with DCUO.  This news tells me the game is under-developed.  If they had announced some new way ot doing crafting or some innovative alternative then I would be intrigued.  But this just smacks of shallowness.  Granted crafting drives grinding but it also lends depth.  We take the bad with the good.


    My thoughts exactly.  Sounds shallow and under-developed, another MMO that spent too much on shiny graphics, voice actors, and whatever else, rather than actual content.  That is, a decent variety of stuff to actually do in the game.  


    Seems obvious to me that MMOs cost way too much to make, and they almost all end up being forced to cut corners.  Even the most expensive among them.  I just wish gameplay weren't the first to get cut, so as to satisfy investors who just want to see pretty screenshots and demos.  


    We keep hearing people say they're all imitating WoW, but the one thing none of them imitate was the way Blizzard compromised on graphics, so as to insure solid gameplay.  Any decent developer has got to realize that to persue such a massive prject as an MMO, major compromises need to be made, and they'd better choose those compromises wisely.  Early in development, when they're still outlining what they want the game to be, not after they've run out of time and money.

    When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.

  • describabledescribable Member UncommonPosts: 407

    i don't like crafting, especially in this type of MMORPG... as we've seen in marvel universe onlin.. i mean the newly named and non microsoft paid for Champions Online (crafting is poorly done).

    As long as they update often, keep it action focused with lots of pets and the little things.. people can explore, fight, PvP, quest... without the need of worrying to look for and pick up every damn thing. (crafting can be fun... and can be tedious - WoW, Aion or just poorly done - WAR/AoC)

    see what i mean, name one game that manages to get the mix right. (WoW's original crafting was a pain, hell remember TBC crafting after 350.. wow... lol. Lets not forget AIon or Fallen Earth... seriously name one where you thought, this is perfect mix)... exactly.


    Could be good, could be bad..... i'll try it... and make up my mind, but the no crafting is a non issue of rme.

    "nothing actually matters, we're just slightly evolved monkeys clinging to a dying piece of rock hurtling through space waiting for our eventual death." - Frankie Boyle, Mock The Week

  • Cameron27Cameron27 Member Posts: 142

    Originally posted by Sirr0

    Hmm make macaroni necklaces for 2 hours or pound Solomon Grundy's face in with a bus? I am truely perplexed what to do!  

     LMAO! agreed

    "I will not play it nor any other MMO until they make it possible to obtain the best gear without forcing people to group up to do so." SwampRob

  • MoretrinketsMoretrinkets Member Posts: 730

    I don't care about the crafting. I hope the game provides with lots of content. The devs should focus on more important stuff than having heroes crafting health potions or epic spandex.

  • zahir123zahir123 Member Posts: 21

    No crafting doesn't mean more items in the game store either, it just means there isn't a player transforming loot, dirt, branches, steel into a "pot plant" with the crafter's name on it.

    For me Superhero crafting means:

    PVP and PVE in the end translates to the greatest hero gets the greatest gear and even with it has a weakness the smallest villan can take advantage of,  a mix of both along with collections and some other innovation along with loot.

  • dhayes68dhayes68 Member UncommonPosts: 1,388

    Originally posted by TribeofOne

    Originally posted by vanderghast

    couldn't care less about this news.  Crafting in MMO's is usually a pretty stupid simplistic affair anyways.  And i hate how the game design always has to cater to the crafting community somehow making you forced to buy crafted crap instead of questing or fighting for your stuff.


    Kinda glad they are leaving out crafting.

    ^^ QFT

    You're making a big mistake. You may not like crafting, fine. I'm not much into crafting myseld, but the people who like crafting add depth to the game world.  Without that gamer type the game becomes that much more shallow and less interesting.

    However I will grant that in this case given the IP, you could make an agrument against it fitting. I mean, who the hell in superhero comics is crafting? Aside from the odd gadgeteer like Batman, who didn't have to gather mats, etc.. you just don't see your avg superhero crafting.

  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    All this really does is to give GW2 a larger player base as they leave DCUO. :)

  • SkuzSkuz Member UncommonPosts: 1,018

    I could definitely see a kind of crafting working well in DCUO, would not be a "grinding" type of crafting, it would be crafting that was having much more in common with the game mechanics, quests & progression itself rather than as a "side-game" , so I'd put crafting in, but not as it exists in games already on the market, and I also would make the crafting tie into what powers the character had (or didn't have).

    The poster mentioning Batman & Iron-Man shows 2 good examples of class/power types that would totally fit with a form of crafting, these wouldn't play out with say a pure mutant whose powers were all granted by a physical trait, but for "regular" heroes that have a reliance on gadgetry it could work well.

    So I think the key to crafting in a title like DCUO would be, it would need a context.

  • SamhaelSamhael Member RarePosts: 1,539

    For a former lead designer of EQ2, Cao should know that crafting was one of the best aspects of that game.  I don't think DCUO will be complete without it.  I'm hoping they made this decision rather to postpone crafting possibly because what they had wasn't fit to be in the game (example: what STO launched with and still has).

    I'll be passing for at least 6 months on this title. And then we'll see what the players have to say about it.

  • yureinekoyureineko Member Posts: 39

    Who cares about crafting in a superhero game? If that's not your power, cuz you're a scientist or like Forge (I know that he is a Marvel character, I'm still using him as an example), then you should not be able to make crazy gadgets, period.

    I don't even believe in Jeebus.

  • JyiigaJyiiga Member UncommonPosts: 1,187

    Hell does this game have anything besides "action combat". That and cutting other features is all they seem to talk about.

  • PresbytierPresbytier Member UncommonPosts: 424

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    No crafting huh, well that will pretty much kills long term play for most of us.  Good luck for the few that stay.

    I can already hear the death knells of this game.  For those of you who don't enjoy crafting, have fun, expect the population to nosedive a few months after release once many become bored.


    This is a Superhero game why the hell would I need to rely on crafting to keep playing. I mean honestly now crafting has become one of the worst implemented ideas in MMOs altogether.

    "Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."-Guybrush Threepwood
    "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."-Hunter S. Thompson

  • GrayGhost79GrayGhost79 Member UncommonPosts: 4,775

    Originally posted by yureineko

    Who cares about crafting in a superhero game? If that's not your power, cuz you're a scientist or like Forge (I know that he is a Marvel character, I'm still using him as an example), then you should not be able to make crazy gadgets, period.

    Well..... what about if your a batman type hero? Ironman (You used marvel so I will as well oO)? Braniac? Gizmo? Cyborg? Lex Luther?  I mean especially in DC many hero and villain powers stem from technology and gadgets. Without a decent crafting type of system in place for people to at least make gadgets and what not they've essentially killed the potential of ton of hero and villain types. 

    This is just one example of how no crafting will impact the game. 


  • ropeniceropenice Member UncommonPosts: 588

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    No crafting huh, well that will pretty much kills long term play for most of us.  Good luck for the few that stay.

    I can already hear the death knells of this game.  For those of you who don't enjoy crafting, have fun, expect the population to nosedive a few months after release once many become bored.


    When did crafting become so interesting or more fun than the combat or adventuring? At it's best it's useful. I've never seen it being the best part of a game. How do you figure "most" of people that play mmo's will not play a good game with no crafting? Seems like you're projecting your own needs in a game to a larger portion of the gaming community than is reality.

  • GrayGhost79GrayGhost79 Member UncommonPosts: 4,775

    Originally posted by ropenice

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    No crafting huh, well that will pretty much kills long term play for most of us.  Good luck for the few that stay.

    I can already hear the death knells of this game.  For those of you who don't enjoy crafting, have fun, expect the population to nosedive a few months after release once many become bored.


    When did crafting become so interesting or more fun than the combat or adventuring? At it's best it's useful. I've never seen it being the best part of a game. How do you figure "most" of people that play mmo's will not play a good game with no crafting? Seems like you're projecting your own needs in a game to a larger portion of the gaming community than is reality.

    When did combat become all you needed in an MMO? If there simply isn't much of anything to do besides combat people will get bored and burned out fast. 

  • neorandomneorandom Member Posts: 1,681

    Originally posted by gatheris

    no crafting no sub or box purchase

    pretty darn simple

    there will be comments about the game may be fun anyway but i'll never know - again, simple

    funny, i didnt think dc universe heroes crafted their own spandex

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