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Hello peeps I just started warhammer again after 2 years of break time. The game developed in the mean time about rvr and bugs. And they will release 3 new expansion packs on december which will bring alot of stuff like skaven race. For the people who wanna come back to the game, i am ready to do my best for you like getting you in a nice guild , helping you about game, helping you about money and any stuff. All you gotto do is come to game and whiper any of my chars bellow
- Ranyr
-sirwankalot (nah just kidding ;D )
SERVER; Karak-Norn/destruction
I would highly recommend this game right now because it is promising and god damn fun!
Contact me via e-mail or pm please so i can help you on subscription and you can be my recruiter so we both can earn presnts in game
Im ready to recruit you via email so you can both pm me your email or write it bellow.
Hop to see ya guys in game!
They can never fix the fact that they completely disregarded the true warhammer story.
East Carolina University, Computer Science BS, 2011
Current game: DAOC
Games played and quit: L2, PlanetSide, RF Online, GuildWars, SWG, COH/COV, Vanguard, LOTRO, WoW, WW2 Online, FFXI, Auto-Assault, EVE Online, ShadowBane, RYL, Rappelz, Last Chaos, Myst Online, POTBS, EQ2, Warhammer Online, AoC, Aion, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Allods, Darkfall.
Waiting on: Earthrise
Names: Citio, Goldie, Sportacus
Yes my friend , that was the reason i left the game 2 years ago but with those 3 packs coming they promised the 3 things theyll be adding/fixing is lore , rvr and skaven. Im sure they will fix it. See what they say about lore fixes on warhammer alliance
They also said they would do it right the first time. I can't imagine a big enough change in their pvp system to make it fun.
Get back to me when they have resolved all the friggin CC and BW's.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
ill try it in a while ;o
Actually its a change in the player base thats making it work this time around. The people coming back to Warhammer now are actually playing the game (RvR) the way it was intended, and its working. The reason it didnt work the first time around is too many people trying to force 'thier' idea of how PvP SHOULD be on a system that was designed for level 1 and up RvR. Not instanced battlegrounds but open world RvR. The good news now is RvR is starting to thrive, and hopefully it will stay that way as long as the PvP/battleground people stay away.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
Have you played within this year friend? They almost removed all CCs and other kinda CCs can be broken by %50-%75 on any damage and BWs are no longer that powerful , Their survivability has been lowered so they cannot bomb anymore and their damage cant affect all the classes the way it did bfore cus almost all classes got balanced/fixed like mara and BG no longer suck
T4 is still a mess, game is not worth it. They should have stuck to the Warhammer lore and had at least 3 if not more factions.
I should add though that T1-T3 are still quite fun, so if anyone wants some temporary fun, have at it!
Yes thats what im saying. They promised that they will change the lore and T4 will be bettr cus skaven is coming , they will be balancing the classs and tons of new stuff at december
They have promised plenty in the past and not actually come up with the goods. If they fix T4 (which incidently is where the CC and BW issues are at their worse (along with wtfpwn WP's), as oppossed to simply promising to fix it, then people may come back. But after all thats gone before I doubt that.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
OP: did you ever played warhammer?Try to make account and
Find out..
public chat is major spam gold selling crap..
FFS after 2 years of warhammer maybe 3? they didn't even fixed the emotes of your char..
not going to start about the other buggs ingame because i will keep on writing
Warhammer will only be succesfull when it goes F2P but that will never
Mustic should have sticked with there DOAC theme and not wow alike warhammer
Warhammer is only good for one thing.. log in rank 11 tier 1 fun and log out..
Fine, then come back and tell us about all these improvments after they've actually happened.
No its not comig back. But its good to be positive. Game still runs like crap and crashes are more frequent. Not to mention flight masters being broken and unattackable keeps in T4 are back once again. Sorry but, game has way too many bugs and technical difficulties to make any sort of comeback.
In US, Badlands is the last standing server with highest population. All other 4 servers took a nose dive in terms of players. How many servers they are going to merge?
90% of haters are begging for love. 10% just want a little attention -- Paulo Coelho
Well Yes am thinking of coming back too but not just now
Warhammer is the best pvp game i ever played
still am an Order kinda of guy
and i got Great helping guild
Shadow lords socity :P
so see in the filed
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
have they follow the story? i guess they are still doing it differently haha
Gold sellers are sign of something, means the population is high and please I dont think you made it to T4 to see how fun the ame becomes. Idd they didnt fix graph bugs because they have been messing with class balances , they have been fixing more important stuff about gameplay. mythicwas a failure but no longer.It is not wow alike either , even developers are sry that they have been influenced by DaoC alot . Btw i made this thread to help ppl that want to start to the game , not to chat with trolls
Karak-Norn and azgal are still alive with old players and i guess crash is about your computer , i have never had a crash. Also doing alt-tab may cause it or just update your graph card
i went back to play the trial version which happens to be great. it's free and do not expire, and Tier 1 is fun. All this buzz about RvR pack, etc, I suggest people considering going back to WAR is to wait until the x-pack is released. Also if you play the endless trial, dont think that because you see many players in Tier 1 it is the same in the other tiers.
I like the trial because classes dont have many CC abilities since you can only max to level 10. This MMO is like WoW, it becomes a CC fest at higher levels, so ridiculous that sometimes makes your PvP time unplayable.
No crash is not just my computer. When half of your warband crashes while flying to other regions or in middle of fights then you know is not just you. Players screaming 'WTF did all crash?' on vent is proof enough.
90% of haters are begging for love. 10% just want a little attention -- Paulo Coelho
.....IMO just play the game that changed the world of pvp and started it all.......DAoC still kicking and getting more ppl back....Enough said.
AkA SinisterSavage Minstrel former leader of (Sinister's Knights)
P.s I'm back now but I'm hib lol
That must be because of zone down. It is not about crash , when there is alot of ppl on the same zone that places goes down but you can stilll log in to other characters on the other zones like in badland goes down but you got someone on shadowlands you can still play with it but with 1.3.6 they fixed that too nomore zone crashes
Quoted for Truth! Just go play the original, Dark Age of Camelot. The graphics are a little dated, but it's still one of the best games ever created. Warhammer had so much promise and should have been a stellar game, if they had actually implemented even HALF of what they promised. This game was all hype and failed to deliver.
I played the first couple months and got to max level and after countless failed runs against T4 keeps that were broken so you could never capture them to be able to assault the city, I just gave up. I don't ever plan to play warhammer again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I agree with this. Was about to say OP said something about them saying War was too influenced by DaoC? I think that is completely wrong, it was not influenced enough by DaoC!! They had a blueprint for an outstanding game in their hands and instead of making the game more like DaoC they went and made it more like WoW.
Instead of making T4 RvR based on skill, they made it based on grinding renown for better armor/stats so you can play easy mode.
Instead of making it 3 or more sides, they made it with 2.
I personally think the window for Warhammer has passed, there are too many new games on the horizon. I like War, had a lot fun in it from T1-T3 and I would even recommend it to anyone to play those levels of it if they are bored and looking for some light fun PvP. But the game has no immersion, completely borked lore, 2-sides for the fail and most of all an endgame based on grinding and loot instead of skill. Hard to fix all their problems and recover at this point.
That's what Andy said in the official warhammer forums , im not making anything up and the game has nothing to do with wow this is a pvp oriented game seriously you think wow's pvp is worth wasting time?