Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
Sometimes people need to understand that what they want for in a game is not always whats best for the game.
Originally posted by mmoguy43 Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
MMO fanboyism comes with the delusion that everyone is an extremist from a game they despised/hated. You are suffering from some of those SWTOR fanboyism symptoms. I haven't seen the OP mention anywhere that he played SWG or that he was hoping SWTOR was like SWG. You fanbois jump into conclusions and accusations a little too quickly, as soon as someone challenges the devs of your favorite game then you accuse people of something you "assume" they are.
they are raping star wars with this game, just like the nge did to swg.
but they are doing it before it even released.
bioware gloats about their pillars but they forgot star wars has pillars of its own:
community, diversity, politics, exploration...
and what have they done about it?
they've stripped the species, they've railed space, they're telling you how your journey will be...
Oh i get it. Another moisture farmer that's pissed. Buddy, this the old republic not SWG2.
U forgot to mention the fact that he also wanted to play an MMORPG, not a weak childs version of a pc rpg.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
MMO fanboyism comes with the delusion that everyone is an extremist from a game they despised/hated. You are suffering from some of those SWTOR fanboyism symptoms. I haven't seen the OP mention anywhere that he played SWG or that he was hoping SWTOR was like SWG. You fanbois jump into conclusions and accusations a little too quickly, as soon as someone challenges the devs of your favorite game then you accuse people of something you "assume" they are.
You missed the OP earlier threads. How many do you want dug up? The OP wanted SWG2 and did not get his way. Ever since, the OP has been blasting away at SWToR.
BTW, I suggest you follow your own advice and read a forum before jumping to accusations.
You missed the OP earlier threads. How many do you want dug up? The OP wanted SWG2 and did not get his way. Ever since, the OP has been blasting away at SWToR.
Actually truth be told, a lot of us were kinda waiting/expecting SWG2!
I haven't really kept up with the development of SWTOR because I'm afraid I'll reach the OP's conclusion, but I have read a few things here and there. Although I have not yet decided if this game is for me, (Im gonna actually wait for release to make my decision) I have read some things that I find a bit weird and strange.
-The idea that pretty much everyone will be Jedi/Sith
-The idea that everyone will be "humanoid"
-The idea that it's an MMO based on a single player RPG model
-The idea that the world is static
-The idea that space is an after-though and its on rails sort of like an arcade
Like I said, only reason im not freaking out, is cause Im not really bothering with following the game development up closely and Im pretty much waiting till release to see what the game is like. Because, theres the chance that even though the game is like I mention, it might still be fun, who knows... But Im holding out till I see final products.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share.
SWToR actually looks like something Cryptic could cobble together in their sleep tbh, and I am not just talking about visually, but then they can get away with it with their fanbase I guess. If Cryptic had put in a on rails space shooter mini game into CO the SW fans would have ripped it up and laughed at it, but Bioware do it and it's golden...
The dream that was once Bioware has been fading ever since they became another EA cash cow I am afraid
Actually truth be told, a lot of us were kinda waiting/expecting SWG2!
I haven't really kept up with the development of SWTOR because I'm afraid I'll reach the OP's conclusion, but I have read a few things here and there. Although I have not yet decided if this game is for me, (Im gonna actually wait for release to make my decision) I have read some things that I find a bit weird and strange.
-The idea that pretty much everyone will be Jedi/Sith
-The idea that everyone will be "humanoid"
-The idea that it's an MMO based on a single player RPG model
-The idea that the world is static
-The idea that space is an after-though and its on rails sort of like an arcade
Like I said, only reason im not freaking out, is cause Im not really bothering with following the game development up closely and Im pretty much waiting till release to see what the game is like. Because, theres the chance that even though the game is like I mention, it might still be fun, who knows... But Im holding out till I see final products.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
You believe BioWare is going to limit themselves to a certain age group? I believe the Clone Wars Adventures is targetting the Clone Wars audience. Also, the Clone Wars is probably liked by just as many adults as there are kids to watch it.
I wonder if you can quit a game that isn't even there yet. Quite pathetic, you may say. And yes, you can have my stuff... wait. There isn't yet any there.
Be that as it is, I need this as a sort of spiritual hygene. I feel I need to wash myself of the dirt, ash from flaming and other less than healthy substances my mind has caught while dealing with TOR.
You know, I am a Star Wars fan as long as SW exists. And yes, while we all have our different approaches and we all love different things about Star Wars, I always felt, what made our fandom great was, everyone could be who or what he wanted. We didn't have any prejudices against anyone's personal approach to Star Wars. For me, SW, as in contrast to Star Trek, always mean a vast galaxy, tens of thousands of worlds and intelligent species, an endless plethora of really different settings. Not like Trek, where essentially all aliens are humans with odd ears or foreheads and all cultures are just a copy of some earth historical cultre. No, SW was dirty, diverse and dark.
SWTOR is none of it. It's bright coloured like WOW in space, it's narrow and streamlined at every possible way. Now for two years I tried to fight for a better SWTOR. And while sure not every single wish can be manifested, I am just DONE with the arrogance of the developers and the arrogance of the fans. There comes a time and point when you realize, this game is not for you and never will. It is a sort of a heartbreaking realization for me, since SW is my greatest fandom for 25 years, and I dived into the depths of everything SW for a long time. I feel sort of like the old Jolee Bindo, when he was asked why he left the Jedi Order, and Jolee answered: "It left me." And so it is with TOR. SWTOR developed into some beast, I don't feel at home anymore.
The list of things TOR does NOT have did grow considerably faster than the list of things we know we CAN do. It's like cutting a dream away, slice by slice, until there is nothing left by the shell of a SW game. I am too tired to go into all the details. The cuts and limitations have been discussed enough, and after 4-5 years of MMOs with broken promises, of ignoring their fans and endlessly making us wait for the "all made nice miracle patch", I am just tired and worn out. I trusted game companies time and again, always buying the games with the hope they will make it better later. They never did. They took the money and essentially ran off with it. In every single case of the last MMORPGs published the last few years, and I can't take that sort of disappointment anymore. Not in Star Wars.
So I am taking my leave from this game. I won't but it. You, Bioware, have cut down the great dream of Star Wars and narrowed it to the one strength you undeniably have: storytelling. And for me, that is just not good enough. You never should have decided to make a MMO in the first place, because in my very personal opinion, you have no clue what makes a MMO. What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share. Star Wars doesn't mean heck to you, and I am sorry to say, you never ever should have gotten that IP into your hands. Seeing how you broke this great fantasy is indeed heartbreaking for a SW fan like me. In the end, it leaves me with bitterness and the sour taste of another mediocre MMO, and SW really would have deserved a greater vision than the narrow human-only-storytelling Procrustes Bed you are making of it. Your vision is narrow, and reading such arrogant wording like Mr. Erickson ("we know better that people can't relate to freak characters") just shows me you have zero humility towards the IP and you have that same arrogance which was the downfall of all your predessecors in MMOs.
Fine. Have it your way. But your way of making Star Wars isn't mine.
I am sure sungodra is having champaigne now.
TOR was not designed with SW fans in mind. And to be honest, the game looks so WoW-like and kiddy that it's easy to pass it. I don't understand why it took you so long to accept it and move on. There are other interesting games to be released in the near future that look much better than TOR.
Actually truth be told, a lot of us were kinda waiting/expecting SWG2!
I haven't really kept up with the development of SWTOR because I'm afraid I'll reach the OP's conclusion, but I have read a few things here and there. Although I have not yet decided if this game is for me, (Im gonna actually wait for release to make my decision) I have read some things that I find a bit weird and strange.
-The idea that pretty much everyone will be Jedi/Sith
-The idea that everyone will be "humanoid"
-The idea that it's an MMO based on a single player RPG model
-The idea that the world is static
-The idea that space is an after-though and its on rails sort of like an arcade
Like I said, only reason im not freaking out, is cause Im not really bothering with following the game development up closely and Im pretty much waiting till release to see what the game is like. Because, theres the chance that even though the game is like I mention, it might still be fun, who knows... But Im holding out till I see final products.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
Or, you know, its aimed at KOTOR fans, seeing how its based on kotor and looks just like kotor.
But no your probably right, it must just be aimed at children cause its not aimed at people who want to watch a machine harvest vapor, or stand around a town doing nothing.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling" Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
I think some of you need to look at TOR from a different perspective.
SWG was a game that you could "live in", and is the last of its breed imo. Since WoW there hasn't been another type of those games released, since WoW's release all games have that "it's a game, instant gratification" feel. So many of us who don't consider Eve enjoyable have been waiting and waiting for that next UO, SWG, ok ok sandbox if you will.
Since waiting for that game many of us have enjoyed single player games, for example Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and we or at least I enjoyed the hell out of those games. I paid $50 for roughly 50 hours of entertainment.
So my advice is to take those single player expectations into TOR, not the mmorpg perspective. Pay your $50 for the game and get your 30 days access and enjoy your story as your would in SRPG. I'm sure you will get way more than 50 hours of enjoyment, way more than you usually get for your money. And here is the kicker, if you want a different story (whole new game), switch factions take a different class and enjoy that ride for only a $15 sub fee!
If within that time you find an mmorpg that is passable and you'd like to stick around for a few months, well thats a choice your gonna have to make but I think you will have definetly gotten more for your money than any game released in over half a decade.
So just take this perspective and I think you will save yourselves alot of disappointment.
This is exaclty how people need to look at it. If it doesn't look like your idea of what you want in an MMO, and by that I mean it is not 100 percent Sandbox. Than play the game for what it is good at, and does have. It has an awesome story , we have gathered that much about this game from personal experiences, and reviews , and the dev team.
Play it for what you know it has, enjoy it, then hey, you know you may just wind up liking the MMO aspect of the game, wow like themepark style or not.
so if your like me, and you thought those single player games were really boring.. then... not exactly an incentive now is it.
If you think a good story within a huge MMO open world experience is gonna be boring, then I suppose it may not be for you. But eh, what do I know.
The problem here is good story. Think about it, its fine and dandy to have a save the world/ galaxy story in a single player game cause there is no one else to steal the spot light. When your in an MMO like setting and you say "Hey, yo man, I just saved Hoth from being esploded!" You got like 40 others like, "Yeah ... and? I did that stupid quest like weeks ago, n00b lololol." Kinda takes the flare out of having an awesome story.
I would LOL if that situation ever came up in the game....
I wonder if you can quit a game that isn't even there yet. Quite pathetic, you may say. And yes, you can have my stuff... wait. There isn't yet any there.
Be that as it is, I need this as a sort of spiritual hygene. I feel I need to wash myself of the dirt, ash from flaming and other less than healthy substances my mind has caught while dealing with TOR.
You know, I am a Star Wars fan as long as SW exists. And yes, while we all have our different approaches and we all love different things about Star Wars, I always felt, what made our fandom great was, everyone could be who or what he wanted. We didn't have any prejudices against anyone's personal approach to Star Wars. For me, SW, as in contrast to Star Trek, always mean a vast galaxy, tens of thousands of worlds and intelligent species, an endless plethora of really different settings. Not like Trek, where essentially all aliens are humans with odd ears or foreheads and all cultures are just a copy of some earth historical cultre. No, SW was dirty, diverse and dark.
SWTOR is none of it. It's bright coloured like WOW in space, it's narrow and streamlined at every possible way. Now for two years I tried to fight for a better SWTOR. And while sure not every single wish can be manifested, I am just DONE with the arrogance of the developers and the arrogance of the fans. There comes a time and point when you realize, this game is not for you and never will. It is a sort of a heartbreaking realization for me, since SW is my greatest fandom for 25 years, and I dived into the depths of everything SW for a long time. I feel sort of like the old Jolee Bindo, when he was asked why he left the Jedi Order, and Jolee answered: "It left me." And so it is with TOR. SWTOR developed into some beast, I don't feel at home anymore.
The list of things TOR does NOT have did grow considerably faster than the list of things we know we CAN do. It's like cutting a dream away, slice by slice, until there is nothing left by the shell of a SW game. I am too tired to go into all the details. The cuts and limitations have been discussed enough, and after 4-5 years of MMOs with broken promises, of ignoring their fans and endlessly making us wait for the "all made nice miracle patch", I am just tired and worn out. I trusted game companies time and again, always buying the games with the hope they will make it better later. They never did. They took the money and essentially ran off with it. In every single case of the last MMORPGs published the last few years, and I can't take that sort of disappointment anymore. Not in Star Wars.
So I am taking my leave from this game. I won't but it. You, Bioware, have cut down the great dream of Star Wars and narrowed it to the one strength you undeniably have: storytelling. And for me, that is just not good enough. You never should have decided to make a MMO in the first place, because in my very personal opinion, you have no clue what makes a MMO. What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share. Star Wars doesn't mean heck to you, and I am sorry to say, you never ever should have gotten that IP into your hands. Seeing how you broke this great fantasy is indeed heartbreaking for a SW fan like me. In the end, it leaves me with bitterness and the sour taste of another mediocre MMO, and SW really would have deserved a greater vision than the narrow human-only-storytelling Procrustes Bed you are making of it. Your vision is narrow, and reading such arrogant wording like Mr. Erickson ("we know better that people can't relate to freak characters") just shows me you have zero humility towards the IP and you have that same arrogance which was the downfall of all your predessecors in MMOs.
Fine. Have it your way. But your way of making Star Wars isn't mine.
I am sure sungodra is having champaigne now.
I quit drinking the Bioware/TOR kool-aid after I hear them qoute WOW several times in a interview and what really cut my interest is when they showed had the space content interview+trailer, along with Erickson saying exploration and discovery isn't important, but they keep shouting that STORY theme over and over and over again, I have played MMO's for years and never really thought a pick your path story book would enhance my gameplay let alone engage me for years paying a subscription. Basically Bioware dropped the ball instead of innovating and taking the genre a step higher and giving everyone the masses and the real gamers a kick ass Star Wars experience you instead get this:
What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share.
SWToR actually looks like something Cryptic could cobble together in their sleep tbh, and I am not just talking about visually, but then they can get away with it with their fanbase I guess. If Cryptic had put in a on rails space shooter mini game into CO the SW fans would have ripped it up and laughed at it, but Bioware do it and it's golden...
The dream that was once Bioware has been fading ever since they became another EA cash cow I am afraid
SWTOR is not being advertised as a space game. If it was, I could understand ripping it apart.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
U earn a zveilander.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Actually truth be told, a lot of us were kinda waiting/expecting SWG2!
I haven't really kept up with the development of SWTOR because I'm afraid I'll reach the OP's conclusion, but I have read a few things here and there. Although I have not yet decided if this game is for me, (Im gonna actually wait for release to make my decision) I have read some things that I find a bit weird and strange.
-The idea that pretty much everyone will be Jedi/Sith
-The idea that everyone will be "humanoid"
-The idea that it's an MMO based on a single player RPG model
-The idea that the world is static
-The idea that space is an after-though and its on rails sort of like an arcade
Like I said, only reason im not freaking out, is cause Im not really bothering with following the game development up closely and Im pretty much waiting till release to see what the game is like. Because, theres the chance that even though the game is like I mention, it might still be fun, who knows... But Im holding out till I see final products.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
I'm 29 years old and I plan to play and enjoy this game...
I wonder if you can quit a game that isn't even there yet. Quite pathetic, you may say. And yes, you can have my stuff... wait. There isn't yet any there.
Be that as it is, I need this as a sort of spiritual hygene. I feel I need to wash myself of the dirt, ash from flaming and other less than healthy substances my mind has caught while dealing with TOR.
You know, I am a Star Wars fan as long as SW exists. And yes, while we all have our different approaches and we all love different things about Star Wars, I always felt, what made our fandom great was, everyone could be who or what he wanted. We didn't have any prejudices against anyone's personal approach to Star Wars. For me, SW, as in contrast to Star Trek, always mean a vast galaxy, tens of thousands of worlds and intelligent species, an endless plethora of really different settings. Not like Trek, where essentially all aliens are humans with odd ears or foreheads and all cultures are just a copy of some earth historical cultre. No, SW was dirty, diverse and dark.
SWTOR is none of it. It's bright coloured like WOW in space, it's narrow and streamlined at every possible way. Now for two years I tried to fight for a better SWTOR. And while sure not every single wish can be manifested, I am just DONE with the arrogance of the developers and the arrogance of the fans. There comes a time and point when you realize, this game is not for you and never will. It is a sort of a heartbreaking realization for me, since SW is my greatest fandom for 25 years, and I dived into the depths of everything SW for a long time. I feel sort of like the old Jolee Bindo, when he was asked why he left the Jedi Order, and Jolee answered: "It left me." And so it is with TOR. SWTOR developed into some beast, I don't feel at home anymore.
The list of things TOR does NOT have did grow considerably faster than the list of things we know we CAN do. It's like cutting a dream away, slice by slice, until there is nothing left by the shell of a SW game. I am too tired to go into all the details. The cuts and limitations have been discussed enough, and after 4-5 years of MMOs with broken promises, of ignoring their fans and endlessly making us wait for the "all made nice miracle patch", I am just tired and worn out. I trusted game companies time and again, always buying the games with the hope they will make it better later. They never did. They took the money and essentially ran off with it. In every single case of the last MMORPGs published the last few years, and I can't take that sort of disappointment anymore. Not in Star Wars.
So I am taking my leave from this game. I won't but it. You, Bioware, have cut down the great dream of Star Wars and narrowed it to the one strength you undeniably have: storytelling. And for me, that is just not good enough. You never should have decided to make a MMO in the first place, because in my very personal opinion, you have no clue what makes a MMO. What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share. Star Wars doesn't mean heck to you, and I am sorry to say, you never ever should have gotten that IP into your hands. Seeing how you broke this great fantasy is indeed heartbreaking for a SW fan like me. In the end, it leaves me with bitterness and the sour taste of another mediocre MMO, and SW really would have deserved a greater vision than the narrow human-only-storytelling Procrustes Bed you are making of it. Your vision is narrow, and reading such arrogant wording like Mr. Erickson ("we know better that people can't relate to freak characters") just shows me you have zero humility towards the IP and you have that same arrogance which was the downfall of all your predessecors in MMOs.
Fine. Have it your way. But your way of making Star Wars isn't mine.
I am sure sungodra is having champaigne now.
There is no way you are quiting. You are too emotional about this game and will continue to be emotionally involved with it. Perhaps if you deleted your account and stopped posting in this forum, you might be able to divorce yourself from this game, but I doubt you have that kind of discipline.
Bah... it certainly isn't the game. Its Star Wars. I guess I would buy an empty box with Star Wars upon it. But I still hate it, and I still will try to be strong. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the game is all trash. The story surely will be good. But I loathe what they made with the game, at least so far I as I can see.
Maybe in the end I will indeed fall to the dark side. But I will hate myself for it, and hate Bioware in turn. Such is the way of the dark side.
But IF I ever try it, is is for the SW not the herersy Bioware did. Its like with Midichlorians. Some things are just WRONG. But stupid fans like me end watching it nonetheless, despite loathing it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share.
SWToR actually looks like something Cryptic could cobble together in their sleep tbh, and I am not just talking about visually, but then they can get away with it with their fanbase I guess. If Cryptic had put in a on rails space shooter mini game into CO the SW fans would have ripped it up and laughed at it, but Bioware do it and it's golden...
The dream that was once Bioware has been fading ever since they became another EA cash cow I am afraid
SWTOR is not being advertised as a space game. If it was, I could understand ripping it apart.
This is exactly what I mean...
If Cryptic had used the same system you SWToR guys wouldnt be saying that at all, but Bioware put it in and you rationalise it.
Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
MMO fanboyism comes with the delusion that everyone is an extremist from a game they despised/hated. You are suffering from some of those SWTOR fanboyism symptoms. I haven't seen the OP mention anywhere that he played SWG or that he was hoping SWTOR was like SWG. You fanbois jump into conclusions and accusations a little too quickly, as soon as someone challenges the devs of your favorite game then you accuse people of something you "assume" they are.
Haha! thats funny. I got labeled a "fanboy". I didn't say that I was even really excited about SWTOR and yet somehow, because I think the OP is crazy I get the label? I also said "SWG-mentality" as in the prefrences not literally someone that played SWG.
What is it that you are called by making false acusations in defense of the OP?
Anyways, I enjoyed the laughs from the thread but no need to bump this anymore....
I don't know why a lot of us even try anymore... The sandbox whiners will never stop...
I bet they will continue whining even after the game is released and most people are actually playing/enjoying it. And you know who out of those tons of people will actually care that they aren't enjoying the game? No one.
I wonder if you can quit a game that isn't even there yet. Quite pathetic, you may say. And yes, you can have my stuff... wait. There isn't yet any there.
Be that as it is, I need this as a sort of spiritual hygene. I feel I need to wash myself of the dirt, ash from flaming and other less than healthy substances my mind has caught while dealing with TOR.
You know, I am a Star Wars fan as long as SW exists. And yes, while we all have our different approaches and we all love different things about Star Wars, I always felt, what made our fandom great was, everyone could be who or what he wanted. We didn't have any prejudices against anyone's personal approach to Star Wars. For me, SW, as in contrast to Star Trek, always mean a vast galaxy, tens of thousands of worlds and intelligent species, an endless plethora of really different settings. Not like Trek, where essentially all aliens are humans with odd ears or foreheads and all cultures are just a copy of some earth historical cultre. No, SW was dirty, diverse and dark.
SWTOR is none of it. It's bright coloured like WOW in space, it's narrow and streamlined at every possible way. Now for two years I tried to fight for a better SWTOR. And while sure not every single wish can be manifested, I am just DONE with the arrogance of the developers and the arrogance of the fans. There comes a time and point when you realize, this game is not for you and never will. It is a sort of a heartbreaking realization for me, since SW is my greatest fandom for 25 years, and I dived into the depths of everything SW for a long time. I feel sort of like the old Jolee Bindo, when he was asked why he left the Jedi Order, and Jolee answered: "It left me." And so it is with TOR. SWTOR developed into some beast, I don't feel at home anymore.
The list of things TOR does NOT have did grow considerably faster than the list of things we know we CAN do. It's like cutting a dream away, slice by slice, until there is nothing left by the shell of a SW game. I am too tired to go into all the details. The cuts and limitations have been discussed enough, and after 4-5 years of MMOs with broken promises, of ignoring their fans and endlessly making us wait for the "all made nice miracle patch", I am just tired and worn out. I trusted game companies time and again, always buying the games with the hope they will make it better later. They never did. They took the money and essentially ran off with it. In every single case of the last MMORPGs published the last few years, and I can't take that sort of disappointment anymore. Not in Star Wars.
So I am taking my leave from this game. I won't but it. You, Bioware, have cut down the great dream of Star Wars and narrowed it to the one strength you undeniably have: storytelling. And for me, that is just not good enough. You never should have decided to make a MMO in the first place, because in my very personal opinion, you have no clue what makes a MMO. What you are doing is the same Cryptic did with Champions and STO. You know the IP hype alone with pay via the box sales, give or take a few lifetimers and some months keeping people with promises, and then you have your share. Star Wars doesn't mean heck to you, and I am sorry to say, you never ever should have gotten that IP into your hands. Seeing how you broke this great fantasy is indeed heartbreaking for a SW fan like me. In the end, it leaves me with bitterness and the sour taste of another mediocre MMO, and SW really would have deserved a greater vision than the narrow human-only-storytelling Procrustes Bed you are making of it. Your vision is narrow, and reading such arrogant wording like Mr. Erickson ("we know better that people can't relate to freak characters") just shows me you have zero humility towards the IP and you have that same arrogance which was the downfall of all your predessecors in MMOs.
Fine. Have it your way. But your way of making Star Wars isn't mine.
I am sure sungodra is having champaigne now.
There is no way you are quiting. You are too emotional about this game and will continue to be emotionally involved with it. Perhaps if you deleted your account and stopped posting in this forum, you might be able to divorce yourself from this game, but I doubt you have that kind of discipline.
Bah... it certainly isn't the game. Its Star Wars. I guess I would buy an empty box with Star Wars upon it. But I still hate it, and I still will try to be strong. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the game is all trash. The story surely will be good. But I loathe what they made with the game, at least so far I as I can see.
Maybe in the end I will indeed fall to the dark side. But I will hate myself for it, and hate Bioware in turn. Such is the way of the dark side.
But IF I ever try it, is is for the SW not the herersy Bioware did. Its like with Midichlorians. Some things are just WRONG. But stupid fans like me end watching it nonetheless, despite loathing it.
You have to stop letting yourself get this worked up over the game. All it is , is a game. You may or may not like it, but clearly you have intentions on buying it, because you are a star wars fan , like myself...
I can't say that if this didn't have the name Star Wars in it, could I see myself buying this game? I don't know, the attraction with me and this game is Star Wars, than again they do seem to have a good story, so that is a plus. I'm hoping it will be a great MMO, with great pvp. and a game that I really enjoy. I am expecting this much.
Will not be the end of the world if it doesn't satisfy my gaming needs though.
Nobody will be missing these SWG-mentality extremists and their anti-dev decision banners they wave every time it doesn't fill their own selfish needs. Sooner or later they need to realize the difference in what they want and what will be in SWTOR(Bioware's game). Accept it, or move on.
Sometimes people need to understand that what they want for in a game is not always whats best for the game.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Well allot of people it seems considering this thread has 110 post’s. :P
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
U forgot to mention the fact that he also wanted to play an MMORPG, not a weak childs version of a pc rpg.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
And I'm sure all 100+ are begging Elikal to play the game.
Again, Who cares?
You missed the OP earlier threads. How many do you want dug up? The OP wanted SWG2 and did not get his way. Ever since, the OP has been blasting away at SWToR.
BTW, I suggest you follow your own advice and read a forum before jumping to accusations.
QFE, this is really getting old.
I think what we've got to accept is that this coming game is going to be a lot simpler and a lot more basic than previous MMOs because LA wants to hit a younger demographic than usually plays MMOs. #
Just as SWG as aimed at the twenty-year olds who loved Eps' IV-VI, SWTOR seems aimed at the tweens who like the Clone Wars cartoons.
SWToR actually looks like something Cryptic could cobble together in their sleep tbh, and I am not just talking about visually, but then they can get away with it with their fanbase I guess. If Cryptic had put in a on rails space shooter mini game into CO the SW fans would have ripped it up and laughed at it, but Bioware do it and it's golden...
The dream that was once Bioware has been fading ever since they became another EA cash cow I am afraid
what he wanted to play was a sandbox, and who plays in sandboxes? children.
Lol, you think putting child in your post somehow hurts the game, when in reality all it does is show how weak your argument is.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
You believe BioWare is going to limit themselves to a certain age group? I believe the Clone Wars Adventures is targetting the Clone Wars audience. Also, the Clone Wars is probably liked by just as many adults as there are kids to watch it.
TOR was not designed with SW fans in mind. And to be honest, the game looks so WoW-like and kiddy that it's easy to pass it. I don't understand why it took you so long to accept it and move on. There are other interesting games to be released in the near future that look much better than TOR.
Or, you know, its aimed at KOTOR fans, seeing how its based on kotor and looks just like kotor.
But no your probably right, it must just be aimed at children cause its not aimed at people who want to watch a machine harvest vapor, or stand around a town doing nothing.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
I would LOL if that situation ever came up in the game....
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
I quit drinking the Bioware/TOR kool-aid after I hear them qoute WOW several times in a interview and what really cut my interest is when they showed had the space content interview+trailer, along with Erickson saying exploration and discovery isn't important, but they keep shouting that STORY theme over and over and over again, I have played MMO's for years and never really thought a pick your path story book would enhance my gameplay let alone engage me for years paying a subscription. Basically Bioware dropped the ball instead of innovating and taking the genre a step higher and giving everyone the masses and the real gamers a kick ass Star Wars experience you instead get this:
SWTOR is not being advertised as a space game. If it was, I could understand ripping it apart.
U earn a zveilander.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I'm 29 years old and I plan to play and enjoy this game...
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Bah... it certainly isn't the game. Its Star Wars. I guess I would buy an empty box with Star Wars upon it. But I still hate it, and I still will try to be strong. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the game is all trash. The story surely will be good. But I loathe what they made with the game, at least so far I as I can see.
Maybe in the end I will indeed fall to the dark side. But I will hate myself for it, and hate Bioware in turn. Such is the way of the dark side.
But IF I ever try it, is is for the SW not the herersy Bioware did. Its like with Midichlorians. Some things are just WRONG. But stupid fans like me end watching it nonetheless, despite loathing it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
This is exactly what I mean...
If Cryptic had used the same system you SWToR guys wouldnt be saying that at all, but Bioware put it in and you rationalise it.
Haha! thats funny. I got labeled a "fanboy". I didn't say that I was even really excited about SWTOR and yet somehow, because I think the OP is crazy I get the label? I also said "SWG-mentality" as in the prefrences not literally someone that played SWG.
What is it that you are called by making false acusations in defense of the OP?
Anyways, I enjoyed the laughs from the thread but no need to bump this anymore....
I don't know why a lot of us even try anymore... The sandbox whiners will never stop...
I bet they will continue whining even after the game is released and most people are actually playing/enjoying it. And you know who out of those tons of people will actually care that they aren't enjoying the game? No one.
You have to stop letting yourself get this worked up over the game. All it is , is a game. You may or may not like it, but clearly you have intentions on buying it, because you are a star wars fan , like myself...
I can't say that if this didn't have the name Star Wars in it, could I see myself buying this game? I don't know, the attraction with me and this game is Star Wars, than again they do seem to have a good story, so that is a plus. I'm hoping it will be a great MMO, with great pvp. and a game that I really enjoy. I am expecting this much.
Will not be the end of the world if it doesn't satisfy my gaming needs though.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"