This really goes to the whole amusement park/sandbox issue.
Look Bioware, I know you folks are famous for your romantic storylines in your games, but this is an MMO. In an MMO the LAST thing I'm interested in is relationships with npc's when I'm supposed to be playing an online game with hundreds if not thousands of other players.
Of course I'll wait til launch and a free trial before I judge if I like the game or not but its still discouraging to hear that Bioware is making major decisions about the game based on storyline.
lol I don't know if it's worth even trying. It's fine if people have made the choice that the game is terrible for no aliens, or because of story, or space combat being on rails.
But why do the same few people keep posting about how they won't play the game, how bad it is, how everyone else shouldn't play, and when something new is heard about the game, they post again as if it's the first time saying they won't be playing the game at all.
Would I like to see aliens? Sure. You couldn't be one in KotOR, but I can't say I don't want others to have the choice to be one sure. Would I think any sane person would go crazy and not play it because they can't be a certain race? Nope.
I do see them eventually allowing you to change races, and them adding races.
lol I don't know if it's worth even trying. It's fine if people have made the choice that the game is terrible for no aliens, or because of story, or space combat being on rails.
But why do the same few people keep posting about how they won't play the game, how bad it is, how everyone else shouldn't play, and when something new is heard about the game, they post again as if it's the first time saying they won't be playing the game at all.
Would I like to see aliens? Sure. You couldn't be one in KotOR, but I can't say I don't want others to have the choice to be one sure. Would I think any sane person would go crazy and not play it because they can't be a certain race? Nope.
I do see them eventually allowing you to change races, and them adding races.
It is an option/discussion forum, every has the right to post their own opinion...just because it is not a positive one it does not make it any less valid.
Mainstream and appeal to the largest market possible, the decision not to have alien-like races doesn't surprise me much. For me personally it doesn't make much sense to leave out what makes Star Wars unique but if this it what works that is their decision.
"We are too f***ing lazy to put in the requisite effort to have emotionally engaging alien races"
I'm really disappointed by SWTOR race choices, they are a huge let-down & I think it is a HUGE missed opportuinity by BioWare, they are basically going for cookie-cutter with a paint-job based on a convoluted & out-dated set of logic dressed up as pretence & pseudo-intellectual argument.....
This game has become more and more unappealing with every bit of news I have heard.
I really wanted this game to work out, I love Star Wars.
Problem is that this isn't George Lucas Star Wars, this is Old Republic. If you played Kotor you probaply notice that only non-human organic companion was Zaalbar wookie and in game point he was bit annoying to equip and listen in long term. And I'm glad it's not George Lucas Star Wars since the new movies was crap and SWG was total crap.
(This is my open word to Mr Erickson from their forum. God I am so pissed.)
Thats the BIGGEST LOAD of Bullshit I have heard in years!
Human players can't play aliens because they can't identify enough? Well why did people play Bothans or Mon Calamari or Wookiee in SWG, why did people play Ratonga or Sarnath in Everquest 2, why do you many request to play Droid in SWTOR? I mean, heck even in kiddie game WOW people are playing walking COWS!
I mean WTH? This sort of explanation is just a big heap of hrosedung Sorry to be gross... but maybe THEIR imagination is so narrow. And ok, playing a blob or an intelligent ocean is difficult. But damnation, a Sci-Fi setting like STAR WARS has so many aliens which people would want to play, how in the 23 names of the devil can you get a huge, fantastic IP like STAR WARS and then produce such a frigging stream of crap! I am out of my mind in anger! Well, permaban me if you want, but I curse the day they ever allowed you to get your hands on Star Wars, because you turn is upside down! Ever thought that maybe not everyone wants to be the teenage mass market stereotype? You cut the freedom at EVERY possible corner, you set SPACE, the very empitme of freedom, on rails, and now this! Yes away with Wookiees and Lizards because in a Galaxy with millions of intelligent species it is so realistic that people would shudder over a Lizard face or anything not human. Well and thank you for declaring all your potential customers as small minded ignoramas in the sidenote.
I mean LOOK at what sort of characters people made when their imagination is free! Look at Champions Online or City of Heroes! People create ugly devils, robots, bizarre aliens, furries and whatnot! And they identify with it perfectly happy!!!
Dammit... THIS is it? We are getting HUMANS like in STAR TREK of 1960ies because you can write your ROMANCEs for everyone? I DON'T THE HELL BELIEVE IT.
I know, you all have it in your minds, you have your greandeur vision. But I tell you what Mr Smart: maybe some of your customers are not so small minded and so lack of fantasy and dreams as you think. Maybe some can identify more with lizardmen or ratmen or catmen than with game developers!
Yes you will close it and ban me and you know I don't care! I don't care anymore! My hope has died slice by slice with every new limitation, with every new revelation of what we could NOT do. Back then, when you started to talk about story only, I jokingly said, maybe it's because the rest is so abysmally mediocre. And lo and behold, IT IS. Beginnging from the WOW shoulderpads (WHERE IN STAR WARS DID ANYONE EVER EVER EVER WEAR SHOULDERPADS!), over the clone wars childish graphics, to the "iconic" very standard fare classes, the all too well known combat system - everything outside your wonderful story is mediocre and done hundreds of times before. And now THIS. Is ALL sacrificed on your alter of you oh so important STORY?
You are making a BIG mistake, Mr. I tell you. Yes I am just an angry nobody, some nameless forum poster whose saying he won't buy your game you prolly will laugh about. But when a MMO has a $150 MILLION bucks to spent, I can only say: THIS IS IT? You have 150 million dollars and you are not able to make interesting alien races because of some "idea fixe" about some preset story railroad? Well what about OUR dreams? What about OUR stories? Where is the freedom to be some freak, as you call it? Well I be rather a freak and a blue skinned, four arm REPTILE than another dull humans-only club game where every little bit of freedom and extravaganza is sacrficed for your vision of telling some preset story!
I wish you are SO GOING TO SINK with that, so that the error you have done here is recited by the next TEN Generations of game developers as what NOT to do in game development!
You did hear the man right? He said that could be done in some other game, but NOT theirs.. That isn't the game they wanted... GO make your own star wars game. I agree with him. I hate seeing a bunch of stupid freaks running around in a game.
This game has become more and more unappealing with every bit of news I have heard.
I really wanted this game to work out, I love Star Wars.
Problem is that this isn't George Lucas Star Wars, this is Old Republic. If you played Kotor you probaply notice that only non-human organic companion was Zaalbar wookie and in game point he was bit annoying to equip and listen in long term. And I'm glad it's not George Lucas Star Wars since the new movies was crap and SWG was total crap.
That is still no an excuse to laziness is still SW in the end.
I have ready many none Lucas SW EU novels and they were more Star Warsy than this.
lol I don't know if it's worth even trying. It's fine if people have made the choice that the game is terrible for no aliens, or because of story, or space combat being on rails.
But why do the same few people keep posting about how they won't play the game, how bad it is, how everyone else shouldn't play, and when something new is heard about the game, they post again as if it's the first time saying they won't be playing the game at all.
Would I like to see aliens? Sure. You couldn't be one in KotOR, but I can't say I don't want others to have the choice to be one sure. Would I think any sane person would go crazy and not play it because they can't be a certain race? Nope.
I do see them eventually allowing you to change races, and them adding races.
Yea, it does always seem to be the same loud mouths speaking out about the game. If you aren't gonna play it fine, than fuck off.
I wanted the game to go in the total opposite direction of swg, and I am fucking HAPPY as HELL that it has. I just left swg because it was so fucking boring, why would I want an swg 2?!?!?
lol I don't know if it's worth even trying. It's fine if people have made the choice that the game is terrible for no aliens, or because of story, or space combat being on rails.
But why do the same few people keep posting about how they won't play the game, how bad it is, how everyone else shouldn't play, and when something new is heard about the game, they post again as if it's the first time saying they won't be playing the game at all.
Would I like to see aliens? Sure. You couldn't be one in KotOR, but I can't say I don't want others to have the choice to be one sure. Would I think any sane person would go crazy and not play it because they can't be a certain race? Nope.
I do see them eventually allowing you to change races, and them adding races.
It is an option/discussion forum, every has the right to post their own opinion...just because it is not a positive one it does not make it any less valid.
Yea, it is kind of less valid, because it is the same few people Echoing the same thing over and over again. Any little detail they are up in arms about. "Waah SWG had it , so why don't TOR?!?!"
Because they are two different games? Maybe?
When the same people keep complaining over and over again it is no longer just an opinion. It becomes a smear campaign.
(This is my open word to Mr Erickson from their forum. God I am so pissed.)
Thats the BIGGEST LOAD of Bullshit I have heard in years!
Human players can't play aliens because they can't identify enough? Well why did people play Bothans or Mon Calamari or Wookiee in SWG, why did people play Ratonga or Sarnath in Everquest 2, why do you many request to play Droid in SWTOR? I mean, heck even in kiddie game WOW people are playing walking COWS!
I mean WTH? This sort of explanation is just a big heap of hrosedung Sorry to be gross... but maybe THEIR imagination is so narrow. And ok, playing a blob or an intelligent ocean is difficult. But damnation, a Sci-Fi setting like STAR WARS has so many aliens which people would want to play, how in the 23 names of the devil can you get a huge, fantastic IP like STAR WARS and then produce such a frigging stream of crap! I am out of my mind in anger! Well, permaban me if you want, but I curse the day they ever allowed you to get your hands on Star Wars, because you turn is upside down! Ever thought that maybe not everyone wants to be the teenage mass market stereotype? You cut the freedom at EVERY possible corner, you set SPACE, the very empitme of freedom, on rails, and now this! Yes away with Wookiees and Lizards because in a Galaxy with millions of intelligent species it is so realistic that people would shudder over a Lizard face or anything not human. Well and thank you for declaring all your potential customers as small minded ignoramas in the sidenote.
I mean LOOK at what sort of characters people made when their imagination is free! Look at Champions Online or City of Heroes! People create ugly devils, robots, bizarre aliens, furries and whatnot! And they identify with it perfectly happy!!!
Dammit... THIS is it? We are getting HUMANS like in STAR TREK of 1960ies because you can write your ROMANCEs for everyone? I DON'T THE HELL BELIEVE IT.
I know, you all have it in your minds, you have your greandeur vision. But I tell you what Mr Smart: maybe some of your customers are not so small minded and so lack of fantasy and dreams as you think. Maybe some can identify more with lizardmen or ratmen or catmen than with game developers!
Yes you will close it and ban me and you know I don't care! I don't care anymore! My hope has died slice by slice with every new limitation, with every new revelation of what we could NOT do. Back then, when you started to talk about story only, I jokingly said, maybe it's because the rest is so abysmally mediocre. And lo and behold, IT IS. Beginnging from the WOW shoulderpads (WHERE IN STAR WARS DID ANYONE EVER EVER EVER WEAR SHOULDERPADS!), over the clone wars childish graphics, to the "iconic" very standard fare classes, the all too well known combat system - everything outside your wonderful story is mediocre and done hundreds of times before. And now THIS. Is ALL sacrificed on your alter of you oh so important STORY?
You are making a BIG mistake, Mr. I tell you. Yes I am just an angry nobody, some nameless forum poster whose saying he won't buy your game you prolly will laugh about. But when a MMO has a $150 MILLION bucks to spent, I can only say: THIS IS IT? You have 150 million dollars and you are not able to make interesting alien races because of some "idea fixe" about some preset story railroad? Well what about OUR dreams? What about OUR stories? Where is the freedom to be some freak, as you call it? Well I be rather a freak and a blue skinned, four arm REPTILE than another dull humans-only club game where every little bit of freedom and extravaganza is sacrficed for your vision of telling some preset story!
I wish you are SO GOING TO SINK with that, so that the error you have done here is recited by the next TEN Generations of game developers as what NOT to do in game development!
You did hear the man right? He said that could be done in some other game, but NOT theirs.. That isn't the game they wanted... GO make your own star wars game. I agree with him. I hate seeing a bunch of stupid freaks running around in a game.
Sungodra, someone who shares his beta experiences from SWTOR in the forum does NOT have the moral credibility to attack me like this. If you reply to my in this manner once more, I will make sure Bioware gets their attention of your NDA breaks. Consider yourself warned.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
(This is my open word to Mr Erickson from their forum. God I am so pissed.)
Thats the BIGGEST LOAD of Bullshit I have heard in years!
Human players can't play aliens because they can't identify enough? Well why did people play Bothans or Mon Calamari or Wookiee in SWG, why did people play Ratonga or Sarnath in Everquest 2, why do you many request to play Droid in SWTOR? I mean, heck even in kiddie game WOW people are playing walking COWS!
I mean WTH? This sort of explanation is just a big heap of hrosedung Sorry to be gross... but maybe THEIR imagination is so narrow. And ok, playing a blob or an intelligent ocean is difficult. But damnation, a Sci-Fi setting like STAR WARS has so many aliens which people would want to play, how in the 23 names of the devil can you get a huge, fantastic IP like STAR WARS and then produce such a frigging stream of crap! I am out of my mind in anger! Well, permaban me if you want, but I curse the day they ever allowed you to get your hands on Star Wars, because you turn is upside down! Ever thought that maybe not everyone wants to be the teenage mass market stereotype? You cut the freedom at EVERY possible corner, you set SPACE, the very empitme of freedom, on rails, and now this! Yes away with Wookiees and Lizards because in a Galaxy with millions of intelligent species it is so realistic that people would shudder over a Lizard face or anything not human. Well and thank you for declaring all your potential customers as small minded ignoramas in the sidenote.
I mean LOOK at what sort of characters people made when their imagination is free! Look at Champions Online or City of Heroes! People create ugly devils, robots, bizarre aliens, furries and whatnot! And they identify with it perfectly happy!!!
Dammit... THIS is it? We are getting HUMANS like in STAR TREK of 1960ies because you can write your ROMANCEs for everyone? I DON'T THE HELL BELIEVE IT.
I know, you all have it in your minds, you have your greandeur vision. But I tell you what Mr Smart: maybe some of your customers are not so small minded and so lack of fantasy and dreams as you think. Maybe some can identify more with lizardmen or ratmen or catmen than with game developers!
Yes you will close it and ban me and you know I don't care! I don't care anymore! My hope has died slice by slice with every new limitation, with every new revelation of what we could NOT do. Back then, when you started to talk about story only, I jokingly said, maybe it's because the rest is so abysmally mediocre. And lo and behold, IT IS. Beginnging from the WOW shoulderpads (WHERE IN STAR WARS DID ANYONE EVER EVER EVER WEAR SHOULDERPADS!), over the clone wars childish graphics, to the "iconic" very standard fare classes, the all too well known combat system - everything outside your wonderful story is mediocre and done hundreds of times before. And now THIS. Is ALL sacrificed on your alter of you oh so important STORY?
You are making a BIG mistake, Mr. I tell you. Yes I am just an angry nobody, some nameless forum poster whose saying he won't buy your game you prolly will laugh about. But when a MMO has a $150 MILLION bucks to spent, I can only say: THIS IS IT? You have 150 million dollars and you are not able to make interesting alien races because of some "idea fixe" about some preset story railroad? Well what about OUR dreams? What about OUR stories? Where is the freedom to be some freak, as you call it? Well I be rather a freak and a blue skinned, four arm REPTILE than another dull humans-only club game where every little bit of freedom and extravaganza is sacrficed for your vision of telling some preset story!
I wish you are SO GOING TO SINK with that, so that the error you have done here is recited by the next TEN Generations of game developers as what NOT to do in game development!
You did hear the man right? He said that could be done in some other game, but NOT theirs.. That isn't the game they wanted... GO make your own star wars game. I agree with him. I hate seeing a bunch of stupid freaks running around in a game.
Sungodra, someone who shares his beta experiences from SWTOR in the forum does NOT have the moral credibility to attack me like this. If you reply to my in this manner once more, I will make sure Bioware gets their attention of your NDA breaks. Consider yourself warned.
Regardless of how you feel you're being "attacked" I do think you misread quite a bit of DEs original post. Lets face it elikal, this isn't the first time you've made a mountain out of a molehill.
People anthropomorphize everything anyway. Having models that don't look human will not change that. To conclude otherwise would mean that many of these folks would more relate to Jabba.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
We have few Mr. overly-negative''s in this forum, but the good thing is that we can all vote with our money. If you do not like, you don't have to buy it. The other good thing is that there are lots of different games coming out in the market, so many, if not most, probably find something to sign up for.
It was also clear that you would only be able to play humanoid races that are capable of speaking basic. But you will still see a colorful assortment of both known and unknown aliens in the game, but due to voice acting it does makes sense that you will not be able to play Wookies and alike. That said, we still have humanoid races that look pretty alien, but still speak basic, like Mon Calamari and Bothan.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
This game looks more and more like it's just going to be KOTOR3 with an online lobby.
Statements like that make it sound like you don't know what you are talking about. It has an open galaxy.
Can you confirm this with a link or something? Would appreciate a lot.
By that I mean you can explore worlds in the open where you see other people, etc, etc like pretty much all other MMOs. It's not remotely a lobby game.
damnt. i was hoping to play as the Fat Pig guys. NEver any Love for fat people when it comes to Character creation. Maybe they will be like SWG and I can make a char that actually resembles me remotely
This game looks more and more like it's just going to be KOTOR3 with an online lobby.
Statements like that make it sound like you don't know what you are talking about. It has an open galaxy.
Can you confirm this with a link or something? Would appreciate a lot.
It does have open galaxy. The devs have said this over and over again. I could try to find you some links, but if you look at the one poster who quoted me, i'm telling you it does. Take it as fact , because that is what it is.
This game looks more and more like it's just going to be KOTOR3 with an online lobby.
Statements like that make it sound like you don't know what you are talking about. It has an open galaxy.
"open world" is a loosely used term these days. From the heavy emphasis on story and questing, as well as things like a supposid romance option and companion stories... and considering Bioware's latest games, I'm hard pressed to believe that much of the 'story' is going to take place in non-instanced areas. So while yes, there may be an "open world" to roam around in, but the meat and bones of the game looks like it will be packed away into neat little instances disconnected from the gameworld. Hence the use of the term lobby.
Don't get me started on the whole space flight thing either... lol.
(This is my open word to Mr Erickson from their forum. God I am so pissed.)
Thats the BIGGEST LOAD of Bullshit I have heard in years!
Human players can't play aliens because they can't identify enough? Well why did people play Bothans or Mon Calamari or Wookiee in SWG, why did people play Ratonga or Sarnath in Everquest 2, why do you many request to play Droid in SWTOR? I mean, heck even in kiddie game WOW people are playing walking COWS!
I mean WTH? This sort of explanation is just a big heap of hrosedung Sorry to be gross... but maybe THEIR imagination is so narrow. And ok, playing a blob or an intelligent ocean is difficult. But damnation, a Sci-Fi setting like STAR WARS has so many aliens which people would want to play, how in the 23 names of the devil can you get a huge, fantastic IP like STAR WARS and then produce such a frigging stream of crap! I am out of my mind in anger! Well, permaban me if you want, but I curse the day they ever allowed you to get your hands on Star Wars, because you turn is upside down! Ever thought that maybe not everyone wants to be the teenage mass market stereotype? You cut the freedom at EVERY possible corner, you set SPACE, the very empitme of freedom, on rails, and now this! Yes away with Wookiees and Lizards because in a Galaxy with millions of intelligent species it is so realistic that people would shudder over a Lizard face or anything not human. Well and thank you for declaring all your potential customers as small minded ignoramas in the sidenote.
I mean LOOK at what sort of characters people made when their imagination is free! Look at Champions Online or City of Heroes! People create ugly devils, robots, bizarre aliens, furries and whatnot! And they identify with it perfectly happy!!!
Dammit... THIS is it? We are getting HUMANS like in STAR TREK of 1960ies because you can write your ROMANCEs for everyone? I DON'T THE HELL BELIEVE IT.
I know, you all have it in your minds, you have your greandeur vision. But I tell you what Mr Smart: maybe some of your customers are not so small minded and so lack of fantasy and dreams as you think. Maybe some can identify more with lizardmen or ratmen or catmen than with game developers!
Yes you will close it and ban me and you know I don't care! I don't care anymore! My hope has died slice by slice with every new limitation, with every new revelation of what we could NOT do. Back then, when you started to talk about story only, I jokingly said, maybe it's because the rest is so abysmally mediocre. And lo and behold, IT IS. Beginnging from the WOW shoulderpads (WHERE IN STAR WARS DID ANYONE EVER EVER EVER WEAR SHOULDERPADS!), over the clone wars childish graphics, to the "iconic" very standard fare classes, the all too well known combat system - everything outside your wonderful story is mediocre and done hundreds of times before. And now THIS. Is ALL sacrificed on your alter of you oh so important STORY?
You are making a BIG mistake, Mr. I tell you. Yes I am just an angry nobody, some nameless forum poster whose saying he won't buy your game you prolly will laugh about. But when a MMO has a $150 MILLION bucks to spent, I can only say: THIS IS IT? You have 150 million dollars and you are not able to make interesting alien races because of some "idea fixe" about some preset story railroad? Well what about OUR dreams? What about OUR stories? Where is the freedom to be some freak, as you call it? Well I be rather a freak and a blue skinned, four arm REPTILE than another dull humans-only club game where every little bit of freedom and extravaganza is sacrficed for your vision of telling some preset story!
I wish you are SO GOING TO SINK with that, so that the error you have done here is recited by the next TEN Generations of game developers as what NOT to do in game development!
You did hear the man right? He said that could be done in some other game, but NOT theirs.. That isn't the game they wanted... GO make your own star wars game. I agree with him. I hate seeing a bunch of stupid freaks running around in a game.
Sungodra, someone who shares his beta experiences from SWTOR in the forum does NOT have the moral credibility to attack me like this. If you reply to my in this manner once more, I will make sure Bioware gets their attention of your NDA breaks. Consider yourself warned.
Fine. But you have continually blown things out of proportion and seem like you have alot of bias against the game, for whatever the reason. Perhaps you were hoping for a more swg like experience, but obviously the devs did not want to go down that route. They wanted to bring a whole new experience.
I can understand people wanting to play as whatever species, but the devs are giving us quite a few species. More so then most other games. Just because you can't be a wookie or a mon calamari does not mean it isn't in the game.
In AION you can only be human like characters and that works out fine. Nobody is asking why they can't be a Mau or a Baluar or even a kraal. Even though they are in the atreia world.
It doesn't sound too unreasonable since they have devoted this game heavily to good story that there may be limits to what they can do. See in SWG they didn't have a story line like they do here, where every character will be immersed in their own story. It was the same old generic story for everyone, and most people didn't bother reading it because it was boring to read. You just wanted to hurry up and get the grind over with so you could move on to the bigger and better things.
This game is a lot different. This game wont feel like a grind. You will not feel like you have to just rush and rush to get to end game because the game itself is so boring.. You will enjoy your leveling process and each step of the way you will be begging for more and anticipating the next scene.
This really goes to the whole amusement park/sandbox issue.
Look Bioware, I know you folks are famous for your romantic storylines in your games, but this is an MMO. In an MMO the LAST thing I'm interested in is relationships with npc's when I'm supposed to be playing an online game with hundreds if not thousands of other players.
Of course I'll wait til launch and a free trial before I judge if I like the game or not but its still discouraging to hear that Bioware is making major decisions about the game based on storyline.
lol I don't know if it's worth even trying. It's fine if people have made the choice that the game is terrible for no aliens, or because of story, or space combat being on rails.
But why do the same few people keep posting about how they won't play the game, how bad it is, how everyone else shouldn't play, and when something new is heard about the game, they post again as if it's the first time saying they won't be playing the game at all.
Would I like to see aliens? Sure. You couldn't be one in KotOR, but I can't say I don't want others to have the choice to be one sure. Would I think any sane person would go crazy and not play it because they can't be a certain race? Nope.
I do see them eventually allowing you to change races, and them adding races.
It is an option/discussion forum, every has the right to post their own opinion...just because it is not a positive one it does not make it any less valid.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Well, I like to play lizard-like species. I miss Elder Scrolls so much
Mainstream and appeal to the largest market possible, the decision not to have alien-like races doesn't surprise me much. For me personally it doesn't make much sense to leave out what makes Star Wars unique but if this it what works that is their decision.
O_o o_O
Translation into layman's terms:
"We are too f***ing lazy to put in the requisite effort to have emotionally engaging alien races"
I'm really disappointed by SWTOR race choices, they are a huge let-down & I think it is a HUGE missed opportuinity by BioWare, they are basically going for cookie-cutter with a paint-job based on a convoluted & out-dated set of logic dressed up as pretence & pseudo-intellectual argument.....'s all bullshit.
Problem is that this isn't George Lucas Star Wars, this is Old Republic. If you played Kotor you probaply notice that only non-human organic companion was Zaalbar wookie and in game point he was bit annoying to equip and listen in long term. And I'm glad it's not George Lucas Star Wars since the new movies was crap and SWG was total crap.
You did hear the man right? He said that could be done in some other game, but NOT theirs.. That isn't the game they wanted... GO make your own star wars game. I agree with him. I hate seeing a bunch of stupid freaks running around in a game.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
That is still no an excuse to laziness is still SW in the end.
I have ready many none Lucas SW EU novels and they were more Star Warsy than this.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Yea, it does always seem to be the same loud mouths speaking out about the game. If you aren't gonna play it fine, than fuck off.
I wanted the game to go in the total opposite direction of swg, and I am fucking HAPPY as HELL that it has. I just left swg because it was so fucking boring, why would I want an swg 2?!?!?
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Yea, it is kind of less valid, because it is the same few people Echoing the same thing over and over again. Any little detail they are up in arms about. "Waah SWG had it , so why don't TOR?!?!"
Because they are two different games? Maybe?
When the same people keep complaining over and over again it is no longer just an opinion. It becomes a smear campaign.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Sungodra, someone who shares his beta experiences from SWTOR in the forum does NOT have the moral credibility to attack me like this. If you reply to my in this manner once more, I will make sure Bioware gets their attention of your NDA breaks. Consider yourself warned.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Regardless of how you feel you're being "attacked" I do think you misread quite a bit of DEs original post. Lets face it elikal, this isn't the first time you've made a mountain out of a molehill.
People anthropomorphize everything anyway. Having models that don't look human will not change that. To conclude otherwise would mean that many of these folks would more relate to Jabba.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
We have few Mr. overly-negative''s in this forum, but the good thing is that we can all vote with our money. If you do not like, you don't have to buy it. The other good thing is that there are lots of different games coming out in the market, so many, if not most, probably find something to sign up for.
It was also clear that you would only be able to play humanoid races that are capable of speaking basic. But you will still see a colorful assortment of both known and unknown aliens in the game, but due to voice acting it does makes sense that you will not be able to play Wookies and alike. That said, we still have humanoid races that look pretty alien, but still speak basic, like Mon Calamari and Bothan.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Wait... let me get this straight...
SWTOR is going to have romance options like in Dragon Age and Mass Effect?
If that's true, then I've lost all hope for the sake of this MMO actually being a step above Bioware's recent so called RPG tripe.
This game looks more and more like it's just going to be KOTOR3 with an online lobby.
No wonder they're dumbing down the race choices. So they can fit them all into their cookie cutter storylines.
Statements like that make it sound like you don't know what you are talking about. It has an open galaxy.
By that I mean you can explore worlds in the open where you see other people, etc, etc like pretty much all other MMOs. It's not remotely a lobby game.
damnt. i was hoping to play as the Fat Pig guys. NEver any Love for fat people when it comes to Character creation. Maybe they will be like SWG and I can make a char that actually resembles me remotely
It does have open galaxy. The devs have said this over and over again. I could try to find you some links, but if you look at the one poster who quoted me, i'm telling you it does. Take it as fact , because that is what it is.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
"open world" is a loosely used term these days. From the heavy emphasis on story and questing, as well as things like a supposid romance option and companion stories... and considering Bioware's latest games, I'm hard pressed to believe that much of the 'story' is going to take place in non-instanced areas. So while yes, there may be an "open world" to roam around in, but the meat and bones of the game looks like it will be packed away into neat little instances disconnected from the gameworld. Hence the use of the term lobby.
Don't get me started on the whole space flight thing either... lol.
Fine. But you have continually blown things out of proportion and seem like you have alot of bias against the game, for whatever the reason. Perhaps you were hoping for a more swg like experience, but obviously the devs did not want to go down that route. They wanted to bring a whole new experience.
I can understand people wanting to play as whatever species, but the devs are giving us quite a few species. More so then most other games. Just because you can't be a wookie or a mon calamari does not mean it isn't in the game.
In AION you can only be human like characters and that works out fine. Nobody is asking why they can't be a Mau or a Baluar or even a kraal. Even though they are in the atreia world.
It doesn't sound too unreasonable since they have devoted this game heavily to good story that there may be limits to what they can do. See in SWG they didn't have a story line like they do here, where every character will be immersed in their own story. It was the same old generic story for everyone, and most people didn't bother reading it because it was boring to read. You just wanted to hurry up and get the grind over with so you could move on to the bigger and better things.
This game is a lot different. This game wont feel like a grind. You will not feel like you have to just rush and rush to get to end game because the game itself is so boring.. You will enjoy your leveling process and each step of the way you will be begging for more and anticipating the next scene.
I wish people would understand that.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"