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I am looking for a good crafting system, a decent community, good customization, variety of gameplay, can be sci fi but it must have fictiona elements kind of like star wars, interesting quests and I mean more interesting then wow's. I did enjoy games like everquest 2 and lord of the rings online but they are going free now, and I hate item malls as do I hate communities with free games. Oh and possibly encouraged grouping I do not enjoy online games they encourage soloing more then anything else it is very annoying. Thanks everyone.
I forgot to mention, I am mostly into pve so pvp balance does not bother me as much as pve balance.
Anarchy online.
eve online i can send you a 21-day trial if you want. pm me
Fallen Earth is another one to look at.
Massive crafting system, single server game, post-nuke setting, good community and GM's, classless GURPS-ish leveling.
They've got a free trial as well.
Lets Push Things Forward
I knew I would live to design games at age 7, issue 5 of Nintendo Power.
Support games with subs when you believe in their potential, even in spite of their flaws.
fallen earth
if you can get past the silly main story about human clones...
I7@4ghz, 5970@ 1 ghz/5ghz, water cooled||Former setups Byggblogg||Byggblogg 2|| Msi Wind u100
Does the game still have funky animations and controls?
getting more fluid. last weeks patch cleaned up melee animations a lot, but they've said it's an ongoing effort across the whole game.
and ya, it does have a zany story, but thats half the fun, and at least it lets them make the mechanics have some relevance in the lore of things.
besides, who wouldn't want intro missions involving a bizarre AI that makes faulty clones
Lets Push Things Forward
I knew I would live to design games at age 7, issue 5 of Nintendo Power.
Support games with subs when you believe in their potential, even in spite of their flaws.
sounds like final fantasy 14 might tickle your nublies, its about to come out, can play 9/30/10 with regular or 9/22 if you order a CE before they sell out of them
You should try Vindictus when it starts open beta. I was in the closed beta and there were some things that really stood out. It was the first MMO I played that encouraged grouping at level 1 and because the way the combat system works solo play and group play are equally viable. Also it is a F2P game but it does NOT have an item mall. The game makes money by selling dungeon tokens but you are given a bi-weekly allotment of free tokens to play the game.
Both are getting fixed soon but right now yes, they do.
I would also recommend Fallen Earth, very good game overall.
Well eve does have a complex crafting system and is sci-fi with Fictional eliments. Its also 6 years old and very succsesfull for a nich mmo. Its playerbase has always steadilly increased over time. There is a big grouping community thats activly encouraged and there are severall PvE activaties.
You can get a 20 odd day trial for it here just go to EvE's forums they are freely available. then you can find out if this game is for you.
If not i wish you luck in finding a mmo you will enjoy!
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I like Fallen Earth just fine. Pleasantly twangy cowboy-y feel to it earlier on, progressing to a grittier more Fallout mode as you continue through. Fun, interesting, and guided enough to keep non-sandbox-loving folks happy.
I'd almost say you should cool your heels for a while, though. There are a lot of betas coming up that might do very well; you could try your hand at the 'open' beta in FFXIV, sign up for Rift and Guild Wars 2's betas, and hop into a few trials like EVE or Global Agenda just to get some new experiences going.
I really like EVE, too. Unforgiving in a lot of ways that most modern MMOs don't dare to be. Solid PvE, although admittedly endgame is basically about player corporations controlling and conquering territory, inventing new technologies to keep on top, and building massive capital ships that do horrifying shit to each other. Very good for grouping in, and the PvP balance is actually kind of fantastic.
Try not to be too turned off by free games; I have lots of fun with DDO when someone who isn't ordinarily an MMO fella swings by for a week and we want something to dungeon-crawl in, and that's all PvE. I've always found the community generally agreeable, and I just entirely ignore the item shop; I'm not interested in monks, drow are for teenagers and Warforged are just out-and-out retarded. You can level to top ranks with just free stuff. I've done it!
He said he wants a PVE focusd game..
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
AO and Saga of Ryzom (has some fantasy too) are the only two I can think of. There really arn't that many sci-fi pve MMORPGs out there.
Ooh. Ryzom is a great choice. Why didn't I think of that?
Go with Ryzom. They need your custom, for one thing, and for the second it's a pretty singular vision in terms of graphic design and gameplay. Great, flexible crafting system! Not quite SWG's economy, but close to that level.
To me your post and requirments are screaming Star Wars Galaxies (no it's not dead before anyone else starts)
Crafting - Best system in existance and no one has replicated it or done anything as complex and interesting. Instead of simply gather this and that then slap it together each resource has varying stats for the type (Overall quality, Heat resist, potential energy etc) and everything you make requires certain stats not all of them. You can gather mass amounts in a few days using harvesters, like housing they require maintenence to run but they also require power (gained through solar or wind power generaters), then once you have the resources you need you put them together in crafting and can experiment to improve the outcome of the item (ship engine - Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Mass, Power consumption, speed etc), depending on the stats of resources used and what you choose to use your experimentation points on depends on the final product stats.
Community - Still plenty of servers out there that are alive and kicking with various players who like different playstyles, mostly friendly (some of the opposite faction [Rebel/Imperial] may "role play" and sound like idiots but after whatever event/pvp etc you can have a good natter with them and a decent laugh.
Customization - Best customization i've seen in any game, hundreds of choices and almost everything is customizable.
Variety - PvE, PvP, Crafting, Exploring, Finding known locations such as Jedi Ruins of Dantooine and more (recorded through badge collections)
Sci-Fi + Fictional = Star Wars as you've mentioned.
Quests - Many would scream themepark but those are the people who prefer to wander about and do things themselves, fair enough everyone is different. about 80% of quests are interesting as they form a storyline and provide you with a history as well as being fun to do.
Group Vs Solo - Many quests (even those that don't say group in description) require a group of even small numbers to complete, Game can be done Solo or played all the way through with a couple of friends (max group size is 8)
PvE Vs PvP - Your not forced to PvP one little bit, in order to PvP no matter which side you choose (or neutral) you have to flag yourself as combatent first (only NPC's of opposing faction can attack you, NOT players) and then Special Forces where players who are Special Forces on the opposing faction are able to attack you at will. I have 3 characters that have never PvP'd, i've walked right through a large PvP battle and just watched on as i head towards where i was going, it's fun watching Imperials whine at you to go SF so they can gank you and you just laugh at them cause nothign they can do lol.
I've played for 5 years now and although many things have changed the foundation is still the same game. They have a trial system too (14 days) so look it up before takign my word on things. Full game with all expansions and some in game items is available from station store (through main website) for a mere £11.99 this includes a very sought after vehicle, a wheel bike. Upgrade from trial is you like it and you'll also get an item that gives you 20% extra XP gain for 30 minutes with 50 uses on it. (Fiance just upgraded from trial and i never thought she was a gamer till i saw her try my fave MMO)
That's quite funny (and sad at the same time). The only games which somehow fit the OP's requirements (SWG, AO, Ryzom) are even older than those he already played (EQ2, Lotro). Sorry, EVE (pvp focus) and FallenEarth (weak at grouping) don't match his requirements.
@OP: MMO genre has changed. Currently I see no game that fits all your requirements including those in development. As you left for a few years, why don't you resubscribe to EQ2 ? Yes, there is a f2p server now but there are still p2p servers. Those have an item mall too but only for fluff items which are not needed. And there shpould be a lot of new content since you left.
Or you have to drop some of your requirements. If you skip "encourages grouping" and probably crafting (at least there is not much info yet) SWTOR might be something for you in the future. Decent communities are very difficult to find, especially in the newer mmo's.
Good luck.
Fallen Earth....
World of warcraft best pve out there... and its also the best game with an upcoming expansion which will change the world. Big budget game isnt EOL and proper massive retail expansions.
YEH I said it.
Wow lots of replies here, I was thinking of trying anarchy online with the graphics update since its free to play the original, and if I really like it get the expansions, I never said it had to be sci fi I said it could be sci fi, im mostly into fantasy all. I tried star wars galaxies and to be honest no thank you id much rather wait for kotoro. Fallen earth does not look interesting, and I cannot stand eve, it has some nice features but I do not think it is worth the monthly fee it should be a multiplayer game not a mmorpg.
And I cannot stand wow, I may retry my hand at eq2 since there are still p2p serverrs.