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GW2 is being built on a card that is not even on the market anymore

ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515

At 5.57 minutes in, Eric is asked about the Hard ware requirements replies that "..even now, the video card we are developing  on is not even available for purchase anymore.."

If that doesn't say something about what  level of Hardware specs to expect....I don't know what does

This is not a game.


  • WreckoniingWreckoniing Member UncommonPosts: 279

    not sure how to interpret that.

  • ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515

    Originally posted by dbstylin34

    not sure how to interpret that.

    Considering how good the game looks, I'd say the best way to interpret it is to imagine that the hardware requirement will be considerably low.

    This is not a game.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,200

    Originally posted by Zeroxin

    At 5.57 minutes in, Eric is asked about the Hard ware requirements replies that "..even now, the video card we are developing  on is not even available for purchase anymore.."

    If that doesn't say something about what  level of Hardware specs to expect....I don't know what does

    My card isn't on the market anymore.  Its an 8800 GTS  and it still plays the newest games just fine, I can run photoshop with no problems and creating flash and editing videos,  so I don't think it matters much.  My entire PC is outdated, but it was brand spanking new 3 or 4 years ago.

  • sungodrasungodra Member Posts: 1,376

    yea, i can play all the good games and i have 9800gtx+...


    "When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"

  • aleosaleos Member UncommonPosts: 1,943

    Originally posted by Zeroxin

    Originally posted by dbstylin34

    not sure how to interpret that.

    Considering how good the game looks, I'd say the best way to interpret it is to imagine that the hardware requirement will be considerably low.

    Best answer.

  • WreckoniingWreckoniing Member UncommonPosts: 279

    thanks for clarifying

  • warmaster670warmaster670 Member Posts: 1,384

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Zeroxin

    At 5.57 minutes in, Eric is asked about the Hard ware requirements replies that "..even now, the video card we are developing  on is not even available for purchase anymore.."

    If that doesn't say something about what  level of Hardware specs to expect....I don't know what does

    My card isn't on the market anymore.  Its an 8800 GTS  and it still plays the newest games just fine, I can run photoshop with no problems and creating flash and editing videos,  so I don't think it matters much.  My entire PC is outdated, but it was brand spanking new 3 or 4 years ago.

    I also have an 8800GT, and i have to say that ya, it runs newer stuff just fine, im shocked at how well its alsted actually.

    Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
    Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.

  • KarmakaziKarmakazi Member Posts: 165

    I'm pretty sure he was just using it as a reference of how low they're trying to make the system requirements. Naturally they dont actually develope on machines that old but they probably do have a room full of older machines for testing game builds to see how they hold up. Like he said, the requirements for Guild wars 1 is crazy low.. I remember playing that game on my old Celeron 2.0ghz, Geforce 6200 with 750MB of ram just fine. While the new guildwars may not run on those computers, it will probably still run on any computer built within the last 5-6 years respectively.

  • ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Zeroxin

    At 5.57 minutes in, Eric is asked about the Hard ware requirements replies that "..even now, the video card we are developing  on is not even available for purchase anymore.."

    If that doesn't say something about what  level of Hardware specs to expect....I don't know what does

    My card isn't on the market anymore.  Its an 8800 GTS  and it still plays the newest games just fine, I can run photoshop with no problems and creating flash and editing videos,  so I don't think it matters much.  My entire PC is outdated, but it was brand spanking new 3 or 4 years ago.

    I believe you can still get the 8800 GT on Ebuyer, very cheaply as well. At least, that's the way it was the last time I checked which was about 3-4 months ago.

    This is not a game.

  • HerodesHerodes Member UncommonPosts: 1,494

    So many good decisions. Low reqs, working together without grouping, scaling player level to content...

    Ok, we have to see the content of the cash shop yet fluffwise, but we are still talking about B2P.

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    Arenanet graphics is much more then pixel counts...


    Its not polygon count but the art style, the dedication for small details and the Annimation quallity that makes this game look so smooth at low level hardware.  The same concept world of warcraft followed once/still , except that I really like arena nets artstyle much much more.......


    Keeps me wondering how this game will perform with hundreds of Players in the same PvP area...  Because thats where other high quallity games like AoC (And way back in time DAoC) totally failed and became a huge lagfest.

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • silkakcsilkakc Member UncommonPosts: 381

    This pleases me:)

    I'm going to buy a new machine at tax time next year and maybe this game will run on my old machine until the new belssing arrives=)

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