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Your Best Free Trial in which game?

AlchimesAlchimes Member UncommonPosts: 27


Can you please share which free trial was your best. I mean the most fun you had in a free trial.

For me, the best trial I had in Dungeons and Dragons Online. Very intense with full of action from very beginning. Its free game with optional subscription and cash shop but free part of the game is like free trial.

The worst free trial would be Eve Online where I have to spent lots of time learning and reading how to play and what to do. True that its a good game but you cannot do much in 14 days of free trial and get involved in game.

Which was your best free trial? Any uncommon mmo game which I can try and have fun too?


  • KanesterKanester Member UncommonPosts: 375

    Warhammer Online is a pretty good trial, You can only lvl up to lvl 10 but thats where all the fun is.

    Age of conan trial made me resub, So it can't be to shabby. :) 

  • JazqaJazqa Member Posts: 465

    City of Heroes, it was awesome after I found party. Finding party was little hard though. I had listed me in LFG window but people always whispered me if I'd like to join or no and trials couldn't whisper back. But when I found group it was awesome.

  • khirmellkhirmell Member Posts: 40

    DDO? I thought it was free to play? Why does it have a trial period? Or are you talking about another version?

    So many questions so little time.


  • HYPERI0NHYPERI0N Member Posts: 3,515

    For me the free trial of Everquest 2 was best as it showed me some of  what the game was like.

    The worst was EvE netherless i stuck with it and i havent looked back since.

    Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981

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