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Both games have great graphics, fps and that was about it.
Will this game end like Tabula Rasa?
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
No, neither have much in common except for being in third person. And Real Time Worlds isn't NCSoft.
The Dev team actually seems to see problems and talk to the community. So I don't think so.
RTW release patch 1.3.0 today which addressed a huge range of issues. Patch 1.3.1 will correct the rest.
There is nothing wrong with the game, and to those who say upgrades break the game, its not true, once u level and get them yourselef your even and then skill takes over.
PS - 90% of those who you claim are hacking really arent.
Well there still seems to be problems with music player and sounds in general. Other than that, game runs smoothly. It's simple and fun, and I for one, really don't get where all the negative is coming from. I was expecting far worse after I read some reviews and oddly enough, only thing that was bit of a let-down was the character creation. Really! It's great and just about the best there is, but it's not perfect and choices actually are bit limited...but I do mean bit, lil' bit. Almost certainly you'll be able to make the character you like, but you can't make yourself, as some have claimed. At least I couldn't, it's the hair, and...oh forget it! It's interesting, and I've already faced-off with Batman and few smurfs so I guess options are rather wide.
It will not be going away anytime soon, but most likely won't be the main game (almost said main MMO) for most people. San Paro is fun to visit, but I wouldn't move in there to stay. Traffic is awful and you can't sleep because your car-alarm keeps going on all night.
Not tonight dear...I have a haddock!
For me it lags a lot and sometimes the game crash when I die, move or whatever.
It also change sex when I go into shops to buy new cloth. From male to female.
The time to load the game also take years.
And the missions are a bit boring.
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Optimizing does still need some work, but every game does short after release. Even singleplayer games. I also found that after changing my outfit sometimes, my old outfit remained on me, until I visited the outfitter again. Although I never had an unwanted sex-change, in game or in -- Yeah!
Load times are rather long, but I can take it, as there's only load times when you move from district to other. And missions, heck yea they are boring, but it's the players that make it interesting. I think the missions are pretty much like in any other game, without mobs to whack, but "intelligent" opponents that are there to get you. But needs heck of a lot work in that department, no arguments there. I was really looking forward to some kinda hostage situation, and that civilians would have played bigger part in missions, other than crims just mugging them. Humanshields would be great, but maybe bit overpowering, although not many of the enforcers would really give a ratsbehind for that kinda shield.
I'll be supporting this game some more after they fix the music player, in this kinda game it is somewhat of a big deal.
Not tonight dear...I have a haddock!
Nc Soft dicked Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa on purpose. They dindt work on improving either game they just let them go to waste. A lot of people loved Tabula Rasa. I being one of them. All they need to do was work out the bug, glitches and add more content and TR would have still been around. Nc soft is under shitty management thats all. and until they get rid of whoerever's running the company now. Any game under their belt really dosent have a bright future.
I'm with anjealous on this one.
APB is a pet project of RTW, while AA and TR had the strings pulled by the publisher that financed it. They expected it to launch and run with a skeleton crew in order to make max profits off of it, which just pissed players off in the end, and bit them in the ass. Their business degrees amount to nothing more than overpriced toilet paper, they lost way more money then it should have been by doing this.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
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