Pernica ( - a game focused on community, truly focused on community. You need other players to advance. Not to mention, you're forced to pick a job to make money and determine your lifestyle. John literally lets you do anything. The game still, to this day, with its small player base, has the occasional Developer-run event. John's dedicated to the game. Perhaps with a few more players, he'd be convinced to expand it. Other perks? If you prove you're dedicated to the game and will stay with it, even if only active once a week, John will be sure to have a custom-made house for you. Anything you want. During my first tour of the world, I saw things such as hobbit holes, treehouses and even mansions.
Can you give an update on this game or is this information current? Thanks in advance.
“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”
Also i have another game thats very good. Empire Craft is a browser-based SLG game which is easy to login by its characteristic. My PC isn’t of a high-end configuration, but on such a platform I can easily login and play while another 15 windows were opening, so it is very suitable to the office workers who want to relax themselves from all day long typing and listing. The main content of this game are enclosure, arms expansion, cities occupation and territory seizing. It’s strong in strategy and could be called a mind war online.
I would just like to say that for an old wow addict as myself I would like to recomend "Allods Online".
It lost some players a little while back due to "little developement" but they have made a comeback and now people are starting to come back again.
They game itself is sort of a Wow copy and graphically and in gameplay it looks a lot like Wow but it got some fresh pvp ideas and at times it reminds me a bit of warhammer online in pvp. The Graphics are beautiful and it's quite addictive in my opinion. You get a lot of diffrent choices when creating a char and there's 8 diffrent classes to choose.
I have been looking for a new f2p mmorpg since i quit wow 2 years ago and i have been through all kinds of games, but this is the first i really like and i reccomend it strongly to all Wow players and other mmorpg fans out there.
Thank you so much for this post.... Was exactly what I was looking for! I'm gunna download Craft of Gods now. By the way have you any idea how long the servers have been open for? Just for a matter of interest!
Shores of Hazeron is an ambitious and revolutionary game of science fiction adventure, intrigue, and war.
We took a new approach. No off-the-shelf 3D engine was used. We devoted years to developing entirely new methods and techniques. The result is the biggest most realistic and usable science fiction galaxy that has ever been attempted.
Are you tired of the air tight movie sets of contemporary 3D games?There are no places that are off-limits in Hazeron. Pick a direction and start to walk or swim or fly a riding beast or ride a dirt bike. At best you'll circle the globe and return to your starting point; more likely something will kill you and eat you along the way.
Have you ever wanted to play a game with no boundaries? There are no boundaries in Hazeron. Pick a nearby star in the sky and go there. Explore its planets and moons. Build cities and defenses. Expand your empire and prepare to meet the enemy.
Do you want to discover strange new worlds, beam down and see what's there? There are millions of worlds and trillions of plants and quadrillions of creatures in Hazeron that no person has ever seen, not even us. That's not a worn out movie set down below; it's a dense jungle on the coast of a continent; something lives there.
Have you dreamed about the starship you would drive? The Enterprise? Nostromo? The Millennium Falcon? A Death Star? Perhaps the Battlestar Galactica? Maybe a Borg cube is more your style? In Hazeron you design your own deck plans and lay out the systems of your spacecraft, balancing performance against capability, mass against force. Then you manufacture them and climb aboard.
Can you get together online with some friends to crew a starship for space battles? Prepare to engage the enemy first-hand. Shields up, 80% to front! Sensors on! Lock-on weapon bays and FIRE!
Would you play a massively multi player strategic space war game? This is a real game, the kind that can be won and lost. You develop an empire and interact with other players. Your empire can expand and win or be crushed out of existence. There are no safe areas, not even for us.Come on! Take us on in our own universe!
Shores of Hazeron is growing. The foundation of phase one is complete. We are entering the final stages of phase one. More and more of our efforts will now be directed toward graphical beauty, stability, and performance. Like a plant that germinated more than ten years ago, Shores of Hazeron is about to bloom.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
I would just like to say that for an old wow addict as myself I would like to recomend "Allods Online".
It lost some players a little while back due to "little developement" but they have made a comeback and now people are starting to come back again.
They game itself is sort of a Wow copy and graphically and in gameplay it looks a lot like Wow but it got some fresh pvp ideas and at times it reminds me a bit of warhammer online in pvp. The Graphics are beautiful and it's quite addictive in my opinion. You get a lot of diffrent choices when creating a char and there's 8 diffrent classes to choose.
I have been looking for a new f2p mmorpg since i quit wow 2 years ago and i have been through all kinds of games, but this is the first i really like and i reccomend it strongly to all Wow players and other mmorpg fans out there.
Yes, I would recommend Allods Online too. It's one of those F2P games that will surprise you with its quality when you play it and wonder how it's not a P2P that forces you to pay a monthly fee. Add that game to your list with green title =D
Mount&Blade Warband cRPG mod gives you persistant char which you can level in your way. And Strategus(Tied to cRPG) gives you online campigns like a strategy game where you can hold lands. I strongly suggest it.
well for starters dragonica is an underated game. I have played that game and i got to say its pretty good spcially the 2d 3d style MMO. Im pretty sure youll gonna love that game.
Might I suggest Perpetuum ? It's an awesome sandbox game, and I might have heard about it 2x since in launch last year, but didn't read anything about until the recent Eve troubles. Playing Eve, and tens of other mmo's, I am very happy with this intricate sandbox game that only costs 9.00 a month and offers so much more than any other sandbox game.
But it's in red. I'm still a bit new to the game, but I think it's out of testing? is everything you ask for on that list and more. I demand it be added immediately, and that you take advantage of the free 30 day trial. We need more recruits for the war effort against the filthy Tikoapai Monarchy.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
"There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play." Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
But, I would disagree that it provides "a whole new experience." I was thinking about going back to EVE (away for 3 years, probably a good thing) but I ended up trialing this. It is like EVE only planetside with robots instead of ships. And when I say like EVE, I mean "almost identical to EVE in form, concept and execution" only with robots roving around using WASD instead of all pointy clicky. If you didn't like EVE's combat, though, you won't like it in Perp.
Also the limitations on trial accts include the inability to buy player-crafted items on the market BUT you /are/ able to see the prices. The standard items that are always available cost about twice as much if you buy the game-generated items (e.g., lowbie missiles). I'm almost tempted to throw them $10 just so I can buy my noob missiles for 55 credits instead of 110.
Now regarding StarQuestOnline... that's a whole different animal, indeed. I want to get into it, in exactly the same way I "Want" to get into Dwarf Fortress.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
Istaria is HIGHLY underrated. Although its an older game with somewhat dated graphics, it has one of the most detailed crafting systems I've ever played with. Its limited F2P -- so if you decide to play for free, you can only play as a human and you can't own your own plot of land.
Pernica ( - a game focused on community, truly focused on community. You need other players to advance. Not to mention, you're forced to pick a job to make money and determine your lifestyle. John literally lets you do anything. The game still, to this day, with its small player base, has the occasional Developer-run event. John's dedicated to the game. Perhaps with a few more players, he'd be convinced to expand it. Other perks? If you prove you're dedicated to the game and will stay with it, even if only active once a week, John will be sure to have a custom-made house for you. Anything you want. During my first tour of the world, I saw things such as hobbit holes, treehouses and even mansions.
Can you give an update on this game or is this information current? Thanks in advance.
--John Ruskin
Vanguard - Most underrated game on the market that is recieving barely any funding, yet is by far the best product that SOE has currently.
Battleground Europe
That link scares me...
Anselm Williams of defiant Order a Darkfall clan
Because the whole 'carebears vs gankers' argument isn't new?
I mean seriously, tell me something in that game that hasn't been done.
Turn off your security software, its probably attempting to scan the piracy software.
To the caterpillar it is the end of the world, to the master, it is a butterfly.
I would just like to say that for an old wow addict as myself I would like to recomend "Allods Online".
It lost some players a little while back due to "little developement" but they have made a comeback and now people are starting to come back again.
They game itself is sort of a Wow copy and graphically and in gameplay it looks a lot like Wow but it got some fresh pvp ideas and at times it reminds me a bit of warhammer online in pvp. The Graphics are beautiful and it's quite addictive in my opinion. You get a lot of diffrent choices when creating a char and there's 8 diffrent classes to choose.
I have been looking for a new f2p mmorpg since i quit wow 2 years ago and i have been through all kinds of games, but this is the first i really like and i reccomend it strongly to all Wow players and other mmorpg fans out there.
Didn't have time to read all the pages here but I don't see Sword of the New World (Granado Espada) listed.
It has been out quite awhile. Has pretty good graphics and the gameplay is different than most.
Peace!! ^-^
Shores of Hazeron is an ambitious and revolutionary game of science fiction adventure, intrigue, and war.
We took a new approach. No off-the-shelf 3D engine was used. We devoted years to developing entirely new methods and techniques. The result is the biggest most realistic and usable science fiction galaxy that has ever been attempted.
Are you tired of the air tight movie sets of contemporary 3D games?There are no places that are off-limits in Hazeron. Pick a direction and start to walk or swim or fly a riding beast or ride a dirt bike. At best you'll circle the globe and return to your starting point; more likely something will kill you and eat you along the way.
Have you ever wanted to play a game with no boundaries? There are no boundaries in Hazeron. Pick a nearby star in the sky and go there. Explore its planets and moons. Build cities and defenses. Expand your empire and prepare to meet the enemy.
Do you want to discover strange new worlds, beam down and see what's there? There are millions of worlds and trillions of plants and quadrillions of creatures in Hazeron that no person has ever seen, not even us. That's not a worn out movie set down below; it's a dense jungle on the coast of a continent; something lives there.
Have you dreamed about the starship you would drive? The Enterprise? Nostromo? The Millennium Falcon? A Death Star? Perhaps the Battlestar Galactica? Maybe a Borg cube is more your style? In Hazeron you design your own deck plans and lay out the systems of your spacecraft, balancing performance against capability, mass against force. Then you manufacture them and climb aboard.
Can you get together online with some friends to crew a starship for space battles? Prepare to engage the enemy first-hand. Shields up, 80% to front! Sensors on! Lock-on weapon bays and FIRE!
Would you play a massively multi player strategic space war game? This is a real game, the kind that can be won and lost. You develop an empire and interact with other players. Your empire can expand and win or be crushed out of existence. There are no safe areas, not even for us.Come on! Take us on in our own universe!
Shores of Hazeron is growing. The foundation of phase one is complete. We are entering the final stages of phase one. More and more of our efforts will now be directed toward graphical beauty, stability, and performance. Like a plant that germinated more than ten years ago, Shores of Hazeron is about to bloom.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
Yes, I would recommend Allods Online too. It's one of those F2P games that will surprise you with its quality when you play it and wonder how it's not a P2P that forces you to pay a monthly fee. Add that game to your list with green title =D
For the record, Hostile Space was sadly shut down this last September. You may want to remove it as the domains are inactive.
Mount&Blade Warband cRPG mod gives you persistant char which you can level in your way. And Strategus(Tied to cRPG) gives you online campigns like a strategy game where you can hold lands. I strongly suggest it.
Why is Darkfall not on the list? No levels. No limits. No protection. No targets. There is no other game on the net like that.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
well for starters dragonica is an underated game. I have played that game and i got to say its pretty good spcially the 2d 3d style MMO. Im pretty sure youll gonna love that game.
I have no idea... maybe the person who made this is biased? Darkfall is one of the best MMOs out right now.
Uncharted Waters Online & Ryzom are both pretty unique games that might be considered for this list.
seems that Hostile Space is either gone or renamed. the link no longer works
I was just about to post:
Might I suggest Perpetuum ? It's an awesome sandbox game, and I might have heard about it 2x since in launch last year, but didn't read anything about until the recent Eve troubles. Playing Eve, and tens of other mmo's, I am very happy with this intricate sandbox game that only costs 9.00 a month and offers so much more than any other sandbox game.
But it's in red. I'm still a bit new to the game, but I think it's out of testing? is everything you ask for on that list and more. I demand it be added immediately, and that you take advantage of the free 30 day trial. We need more recruits for the war effort against the filthy Tikoapai Monarchy.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
Gatheryn and its company are gone.
add Argo Online, fun lil f2p game.
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Another thumbs-up for Perpetuum.
But, I would disagree that it provides "a whole new experience." I was thinking about going back to EVE (away for 3 years, probably a good thing) but I ended up trialing this. It is like EVE only planetside with robots instead of ships. And when I say like EVE, I mean "almost identical to EVE in form, concept and execution" only with robots roving around using WASD instead of all pointy clicky. If you didn't like EVE's combat, though, you won't like it in Perp.
Also the limitations on trial accts include the inability to buy player-crafted items on the market BUT you /are/ able to see the prices. The standard items that are always available cost about twice as much if you buy the game-generated items (e.g., lowbie missiles). I'm almost tempted to throw them $10 just so I can buy my noob missiles for 55 credits instead of 110.
Now regarding StarQuestOnline... that's a whole different animal, indeed. I want to get into it, in exactly the same way I "Want" to get into Dwarf Fortress.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
Istaria is HIGHLY underrated. Although its an older game with somewhat dated graphics, it has one of the most detailed crafting systems I've ever played with. Its limited F2P -- so if you decide to play for free, you can only play as a human and you can't own your own plot of land.