I got an email saying vets could log in to see the new patch. It did not work with my old account but I was very interested anyway so thought I would just resub. I only played the game for a few days 3 years back before going back to PlanetSide.
I logged in full of new hope:
- New engine? How? Where?
- You still can not jump, you can walk through other people, the graphics are sub par, the game is still overly complex. Update? Where?
- No friendly fire, where is the realism in that?
- updated graphics, er where? Was it really that shite before?
I was told by another player that these were design choices. Well they were pretty shitty ones.
Waste of 15$
I am really giving up on MMOs.
Give me good old PlanetSide but updated please.
Yes but what was before the patch was god awful and it is true that people could not find other players so they needed to do something about that.
What I am saying is that the engine has not been updated at all, it is still like something from the 1990s.
The game did need updating as it was very very poor before but it needed a hell of a lot more doing to it than this patch has done.
And it is certainly NOT arcady, it is still like some 1990s simulation game.
If you think the graphics are 1990 then you did not play games in 1990 online. I did and this is not 1990 graphics. They are of course not a small game box graphics but then you are not playing a small game box in WWII Online. Being able to see, shoot and hit at 6000 yards range (in half scale really 12000 yards) is not something you can find in the zergfest high graphics games. Nobody;s computer could handled the tracking of the 100 players that you interact with in this game and that is only the ones you can see. Compared to a game like World of Warcraft they are exceedingly better and no sitting hit .. bang growl .. hit crappy fighting mode. In this game it is spend the time to set up you position like would be the case in real and you can be Micheal Wittman sitting on the hill in you Tiger killing dozens of British tanks moving up the road. The thing to remember in WWII Online is that you may need to retreat if you are attacked then ranged by another player . You should reposition for another angle. Otherwise you might find that you become tracked and sitting duck .
Players like the above like zergfest Planetcide type games and much of the player concentrators like AWS and mobile spawning were put in for those type of players. Only thing is unlike Planetcide you usually dont get some armor damage to tell you are under attack. You have to have true situational awareness and see your opponent first from a superior positions and know if you can engage that opponent even if he is an inferior opponent if he is in a superior vehicle then you will die. Same is true for infantry; fire a rifle at an guy with a submachinegun in close quarters city fighting and miss then prepare to be killed as would be the case in real. No damage to armor scrollbar in this game!
My biggest complaint with this game well other than they lost sight of the overal concept has been the player concentrators to make it s zergfest game like you guys like. Instead of putting in support functions for players that just want to help and variability in how you can achieve the same objective with player progressed advancements they have made the game a rolling gameset. Here you have 1939 outdated tanks fighting in the same game that the Tiger I tanks are fighting. Here you have 1939 outdated airplanes fighting 1943 top of the line planes. The game used to have the players select what is being built and all players used the most current weaponset. It is how it was in real. The older vehicles were either upgraded or retired from combat when replaced with the newer ones. The General's wanted the best on the field so do players. But instead veteren whining players complained that they could not find a good vehicle fight so they made them limitied to veteren players and put in the crap for the new player who gets frustrated and quits the game.
No, this game would have been better off if they kept to the original gameplan of total world war and developed the Med and Russian maps. If they let France fall if conquered and removed the French units from play once Paris was captured or maybe several Free French units for reality and fun for French speaking players. If the had put in coastal naval functions for supply enhancement and attack. If they had put in more than just the first few months of WWII French Gamelin campaign. In 10 years of developement London and Paris are still not in the game to fight over. The map is huge and they only use 1/30th of it.
Now it is just a repeatative over and over the same type of fight that lasts about a month if players log in and about 3 months if they do not. Then it is DejaVu all over again!
PlanetSide was not a zerg fest if you were in a decent outfit.
You can not even jump in this game and can walk through other players, come on! That is just shit.
Anyway I am annoyed that I spent money resubbing to see very little actual change taking place.
Well you will know also then that Planetcide programmers took a page from the Rats in creating frontline links and the removal of behind the lines captures. When I first joined Panetcide I loved to land on a rear enemy planet and capture a few places causing defending players to return and recapture those locations. You could sit and wait for them to come then have a little ambush that would be fun , interesting and sharp gameplay. This was tactic was learned from deep Opel rushes in earl WWII Online. The problem was that in WWII Online and Planetcide this had an effect in the game and proved detrimental to overall gameplay mechanics. It was the Rats that created the no linky no capture technique almost 8 months before the gaggle of Planetcide programmers followed the lead.
If you think Planetcide was not a Zergfest then you never spawned into a location under direct attack where there were tons of players coming down the stairs or sitting at your spawning point shooting you. If it was really crowded defenders could not fire for fear of the unthoughtout freindly fire routine that would ban you for shooting a freindly who ran in front of you to fight the attackers but all you were doing was defending while the opponents just kept fireing at you too. Unfortunately in WWII Online they have created player concentratotors that do the exact same crap that Planetcide in zerg-festivalness.
True you could not just hop into Planetcide you had to wait for a lame spacebus to take you to you small room planet for the zerg fest. However, once you were there it was spawn in and zerg or be zerged over and over.
WwII online is really a Wargammer's game. It has held one because of that reason. It interests patient wargammers because it mimics a true war scenario. That is the major reason many zerg lovers dont hang on in it. They dont understand the finesse it takes to win at a wargame.
That maybe so but I was hoping that the new patch would make the game more accessable to the general player. When a new player logs in and finds he can walk through other people and can not jump then it is not a good first impression.
I understand that WWIIOnline is a very different beast to PlanetSide. In my opinion WWIIOnline just needed to become less of a simulator and more of a computer game.
Basically, wait for the new patch and test it out before passing judgement. The patch will be a make or break for most players as well.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The reviewer has a mishapen head
Which means his opinion is skewed
You idiot !!!
He had played the new patch and was basically saying that it made no difference at all and the graphics were still just as bad.
If jumping and character collision were so game breaking then how come every other major FPS and MMO has them in? Not being able to jump is just plain silly as is no Friendly Fire.
I thought this game was meant to be realistic? No FF just makes that a joke. Planetside had FF in it.
Anyway the guy was saying that the patch failed hard.
Now, go ahead and show how cool you are and send me another PM insulting me.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The reviewer has a mishapen head
Which means his opinion is skewed
So when you were in the army you were suddenly unable to jump were you ? LOL Fail some more.
You do not need to look at screen shots just try the OPEN (ie no NDA) Beta this weekend.
No FF, no jump ability, bad graphics, no collision goes to make this a disappointing update.
worst thing is extremely low res terrain. Hills made of 4 polygons?. No thanks.
Also any bigger fight = 20 fps? Again no thanks
The main reason jumping is not in this game is because when WWII Online first came out the games on the net like Star Wars and such had jumping and jump boot upgrades. Those games were full of bunny jumping zergers. They turned fighting with a realistic feeling into the bunny hop contest! The Rats purposely left that feature out of their online game. As you are aware net games have a certain delay in updates depending on where the player is. How many times have you quit a small room 15 player free fight because everyone was laggy? When you go to shoot at them they dont die because they are not there. Well in a room that has 100 players in plotting area you cant do that. You cannot have players fictitiously bunny hoping to take advantage of the net lag. WWII Online has players in Finland, Austrailia, Brazil and Kansas all at the same time trying to shoot each others planes, tanks and heads. Adding bunny hoping would make the experience even more unenjoyable.
Collisions with vehicles happen away from the spawn area. You can block a bridge and an exit to a base with any vehicle. Planes are allowed to not collide for frendlies only so that the game flows. Freindly fire is overrated because though your vaunted Planetcide had it they penalized you for it and finally shooter died. There is no really good reason for freindly fire in a game of sides. Yes you would like to have freindly bombs dropped on you kill the enemy right next to you but then when the shoe is on the other foot it makes up for it.
Tried the 1.31 beta. Some nice stuff but not that much considering the time. I know they have a small staff but it really shows a lack of progress. Some nice changes, but most of the old quirks/problems are still there.
Still very AAA/ATG unfriendly with all the berms blocking 90% of the good cover. But makes the flyboys and tankers happy I'm sure. Perfect height so you can't shoot over, but tanks can no problem. Still can't use bushes due to the way it blocks your vision. Can't look through small leaves/twigs like you can in RL, they become massive the closer you in the game until one leaf can block your whole FOV. Great when your ATG slowly moves back while firing only to have your eye suddenly covered and you have to redeploy.
Can't setup on anything that's not perfectly flat, if one of your gun legs push back into anything while firing you start bouncing.
Still no AAA protection like sandbags, EA can just go spastic spraying shots until 'crew 2 hit in pinky' renders your gun useless. Or if it's a bomber, the "I'm hit suicide bomb" lands 200 feet away and one piece of shrapnel... 'crew 2 hit in pinky' making your gun useless again.
Tree detail with distance is still screwy. You see the simplified tree due to the range, and it's invisable outline (what you see is not where it is) blocks your shots even though you should be able to get past. Same tree closer to the enemy in renderend in high detail and he shoots past at you no problem.
Depots, AO, MSP etc haven't changed which is a pity.
Ragdoll works but as I guessed in an older thread, it looks really weird as it only happens once the server registers the kill. So you shoot, he walks another 2-5 feet and then ragdolls. The delay kills the effect.
Lots of that is just minor stuff, but the stuff that used to tick me the most for some reason heh. In all, some nice new buildings, gun HE seemed better (finally don't need direct hits on inf), better textures, better sounds (the 232 cannon clatter does rock
), better FPS, bit less warpy. Nothing radical though, nothing to make me feel like it's worth $15.
I'd add that ATG/AAA crews STILL act like cardboard cutouts. No animations at all, and of course, no fancy new ragdoll.
So wasting ammo because you don't know if the crew is dead or not continues, not even talking about how lame it looks.
And still no AT weapons like panzerfaust, piat and bazooka. Sappers is IMO kind of cheap way of fixing this.
So I agree, some nice news stuff, mostly cosmetic, which doesn't make the gameplay that much better.
I gave the beta patch weekend a shot and really didn't see much of a difference.
Ragdoll is neat but during actual game play it didn't make much of an impression on me. Maybe I took it for granted because every other game has had it for years.
I had numerous simultaneous kills, like I've gotten for years, so that hasn't changed. For that matter: Infantry play still feels the same. It would be nice to be able to jump over all the new fallen tree trunks instead of going around them.
Everything is too dark if it's overcast and rainy. I actually had to bump up my gamma at 2:30 in the afternoon because it was simply too dark and contrasty to make out details.
One thing I enjoyed about the beta is the kill notification. I could shoot AT and AAA gun crews and know exactly if I had killed them or not. Too bad it won't be in the live game.
Another thing I enjoyed was proximity capping. No more flag table and the building caps faster the more people you have in it.
I was a long time player and logged in this past week to check it out.
Game was very dark, terrain still reminds me of a jungle,players warping all over & Tonto pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Learning game is still to steep as it took me awhile to get my bearings back after a 10 month hiatus.
Beta server was pretty near empty on a Friday night US primetime.
I wish CRS luck, but once they killed the larger squads the game has never been the same in my opinion.
No more SG,31st Wrecking Crew,3rd Panzergruppe,501st Dertiger,101st Airborne,LaGarde Imperial,105th Panzer Brigade etc..
You cant even find any information or research potential squads any more.
Gone are the days of keeping track of your members online,planning OPORDS,resupplying rear towns in preparation for an attack.
Dam the old days of WWII Online are missed....sniff,cry,sniff
Since I unsub. in 2008 I was actually eager to give 1.31 a try...but what a disappointment!
Although I was not expecting a major revamp. of GFX I am not impressed at all beside some foliage and building improvements. I enjoyed the new flag cap. system along with couple of soundtrack improvements but that's about it.
HE also appears to work better, no need to aim between the eyes.
After nearly three years I was also waiting for new "toys" to play with...but nothing! beside two new variants of existing planes (like it was a must to have...), no SPAA, no AT inf. weapons (eg.PIAT,Bazooka,etc..), no Bren-carrier. No need to mention the berezina at the navy side. Nothing.
I would certainly not spend 15$/M. for this. Possibly 7 or 8$ max.
My question to you is would you want to jump in real life under heavy live fire with bullets zooming past you inches from your head, body, and legs?
WWIIOL is a simulation.
This Game is not for the faint of heart.
The negative feedback on this forum should be balanced by recognizing the gaming niche this title fills. It really is the "virtual battlefield"-- a combined arms simulation that is unparallelled in possibility for stategic, tactical, and bull-headed bravado in destroying the enemy.
I typically run a lone-wolf sniper and accrue mission times that exceed 50min. WWIIOL is the only game where I feel I have the time, the space, the plausibility of escape, and the mission oriented capacity for recon that makes a sandbox battle worth participating in.
The above is not intended to summarize the game. No, the nature of WWIIOL is extremely varied. It is fast and it is slow. You can spawn into combat and you can take 10min or more walking to your objective. The variety of equipment and how the players choose to employ these greatly affects this dynamic. Combat can be immediate upon spawning and sometimes it can feel like an mmo raid where you're waiting for people to show up and get ready. It depends on the organization of players.
People love to belly-ache about the graphics and their grievences are valid to the extent that their expectations have not been met. I'd like to say, however, that the style of employing the graphics is different than other games, where in one you have an incredibly fascinating textured wall to look at and in WWIIOL you have a vast expanse of land which is observable. The environment of WWIIOL is critical to its sandbox style and so long as it doesn't look like someone has thrown a box of chaff at my monitor, I'm ok with it.
Running WWIIOL takes a powerful machine. You want it to look nice. Smooth buildings, proper lighting for when that machine gun lights up the local forest at night, etc. I have a bloomfield i7 and an ati 3870 (crossfire does not work), it runs fine.
WWIIOL isn't always fun, sometimes it's actually very boring. You can spend time in the middle of nowhere thinking you're doing something and find out that the battle has turned and the players have moved on. Or you can find that the enemy is disorganized and their offensive on your fortified positions has bogged down. You can play ping pong where, upon hearing, "The enemy is north!" you run north and a few minutes later you hear, "The enemy is west!" and you move west, motivating you to praise and curse your patience. It requires patience and situational awareness to be successful in adapting to the battlefield.
Europe is pretty flat, but there is high and low ground. The terrain is generated like a kaleidoscope with heavy cover along the borders and more cover bantered about that provides enough cover for infantry who use it. It can be challenging to do this.
The graphics are ok if you don't care about graphics.
You can't jump, but you can go prone and rest LMGs on environmental objects like windows and low stone walls.
Some people say, "I die too easy," others say, "I can't kill that bastard." I typically kill what I'm aiming at.
I have a LCD screen and the environment is not too dark. I don't have to adjust any gamma settings. I have a second monitor, a flat screen with a tube in the back. That could possibly make it dark.
You can walk through other infantry, but not tanks. If you don't want to walk through infantry don't go near them. If they get in the way just walk through them.
Combat can take hours or minutes depending on how and when you play.
New bulidings have been added, though some of the larger cities still have corridors where the buildings are inaccessible and you're forced to walk in the street.
I've said nothing about mechanized combat. The pilots, too, live in another realm of the game. A combined arms orchestra is very possible-- and essential.
I use the sniper unit primarily and WWIIOL is where it's at for any serious sniper.
There is still a lean bug, I sometimes can't properly lean left or right.
The negative light people in this forum have used to broach WWIIOL is respectful in tiny regard. WWIIOL is like a fine wine, though I don't drink much wine. It's like sharp cheddar melted over turkey and roast beef. It's like a hobby to some people who have the time to involve themselves in it. You'll either love it, hate it, or have a nervous groping complex of quiet disdain while you play it.
I play WWIIOL off an on between periods lasting months. While your advancement and rank are evident, they do not make or break where you can go in the game. CRS keeps track of combat stats.
WWIIOL is an ugly duckling and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Why do people always compare real life to a game ??? In real life would you even want to be under heavy live fire at all? I mean if you want to compare a game to real life - once you die in game your done, there is no more playing it,you gotta buy a new copy,THERE IS NO RESPAWN IN REAL LIFE !! Its a game not real life. Jumping doesnt seem so bad compared to that huh ?
Since this game is based on being a combat simulator, you bet people are going to be relating to real life situations.
Though normally I would agree with you on this.
This game is not a combat simulator. WW2ONLINE was.... This is BG:E, a pure arcade casual frag fest.
A quick trailer I put together for the new patch
attention, the previous poster is following communist based idealogy's like controlled opinions and filtered comments. This is why people come here you cannot control the realness of this place with your commie powertripping.
The previous poster removes and blocks any negative comments about the game on youtube... but he is a lone fanboy here in the sea of reality.
Ah it's ghostrider... a reject from the game...